Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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In most places you first get a marriage license, then you have a ceremony before some kind of officiant (judge, minister, priest, etc., then you file with the county clerk and get a marriage certificate.

They went to Vegas where you can literally get married in a drive-through. The marriage license, officiant, and filing of paperwork happens in minutes. I was never part of one, but I witnessed a friend's wedding there and it took less time than ordering cocktails after the wedding.
That's my theory as well. I think something happened when they got there. Even AC moving then moving back seems strange. With Lori in town I think the pressure on Chad was immense!

This idea is intriguing. Do you have any thoughts on what may have happened or was it just Lori constantly badgering him to s**t or get off the pot?

Something that has been niggling at me lately is the timing of TD's death. We know LVD was buying wedding rings and such before TD died so something was going to happen. With the new revelations that the kids were buried in the back yard a tiny part of my brain says maybe TD had some suspicion that there was something fishy going on and that added enough pressure that she had to "go" right away. I would love to see what is in TD's journal on the week before she died.
Yes, and MOO I think Nate had LE review MG’s interviews and redacted some parts upon their request. I have no problem with that. As much as I would like to know everything there is to know, I want justice for everyone harmed in this case even more. I don’t fault Nate at all for editing what he reports based on LE requests. I appreciate it, and have no doubt that once information can no longer jeopardize a case he’ll disclose everything he knows. I understand Freedom of the press is a right, but journalists are human and I question any human who thinks getting info out under their byline trumps the need to temporarily sit on it so child killers can be caught and punished. I recognize this may be an unpopular opinion, but it’s my opinion none-the-less.

ITA. And as a reporter in a small town, or any town for that matter, having a good relationship with LE is important. He needs to show that they can trust him and in turn they will trust him.

I once worked on a project that got a LOT of media attention over a period of several years. I won't say what it was but it initially was of great scientific interest then morphed into a big environmental and cultural controversy. Ultimately the controversy had to be resolved by an act of Congress that effectively suspended dozens of other federal laws as they applied to us, so yeah, it was that big.

Anyway, one thing I learned is that very few media outlets get things right consistently even when they try. So I take most media reports with a grain of salt. After reading hundreds if not thousands of stories about us over several years from newpapers, magazines, networks, and so forth around the world, there is only one newspaper article that did not contain at least one error and it was in the Wall Street Journal. And we were featured in places like National Geographic, ABC News (Sam Donaldson), and pretty much every major newspaper in the US and Europe. Most of the times the errors were relatively minor but many demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding of the science by the reporter. While that might be understandable, it translated into a story that seriously misled the public

I also learned that no matter how good your relationship, they have a job to do and if you stumble they will jump all over you and you have to respect that.

So I'm sure Nate has a close relationship with RPD based on mutual respect. But if a RPD cop were filmed beating someone (not that I see that happening) I think he'd be all over them as he should be. He seems to work hard to be fair and accurate and have no reason to doubt him specifically. But my past experience teaches me to never accept anything in the media as 100% accurate.
Thanks for posting this. The whole thing gives me the willies. These two kids were murdered and she wants us to know they are having fun in heaven. <Respectfully snipped for brevity>

Oh, I so agree. What especially made me gag was her saying Tylee is rolling her eyes over all the drama in the media.
Absolutely nothing new here. She uses her tribute to make try to herself look good. She tells everyone we are not allowed to judge the Cox Crew and demands everyone to be kind to her. She tries to emotionally manipulate the reader by telling them Tylee and JJ would disapprove. She tries to spiritually guilt the reader by telling them only God can judge and to be Christlike. She couldn't even finish a sentence about what JJ loved to do without using it to point out what a great mom she is "…anything to keep all the busy kiddos entertained." One could go through this line by line and point out why it is not a tribute to anyone but herself but why bother except for the fact that it shows consistent behavior from before the finding of the remains to after. JMO
I get the feeling MP enjoys being in the limelight, honestly she is enjoying the notoriety. I'll not comment on her post as I feel it was written for attention and is extremely insincere MOO.
That too. I did some research. When I was growing up I remember a lot of people went to church on Wednesday evenings so I though possibly there was something religious in nature but have found nothing. And these were generally evangelicals not LDS. The only days I found that have any significance in LDS are Sunday of course and Monday (Family Home Monday.) But I'm not LDS so please correct or inform me if I am wrong.

October 9th is a Wednesday, as you originally pointed out. So we know (I think) Tammy has a regular women's group on Wednesday evenings because the paintball incident happened when she returned from this. A meal prep/meal sharing group, right? I don't recall a MSM source but we had several WSers say this is a common, and regularly scheduled meeting.
Something that has been niggling at me lately is the timing of TD's death. We know LVD was buying wedding rings and such before TD died so something was going to happen. With the new revelations that the kids were buried in the back yard a tiny part of my brain says maybe TD had some suspicion that there was something fishy going on and that added enough pressure that she had to "go" right away. I would love to see what is in TD's journal on the week before she died.

The way I see it, as long as Chad's side piece was 1000 miles away, he had it good. When she showed up in his town, he was screwed...and not in the way he hoped. She probably was putting pressure on him - "I did my part now do yours" - maybe he expressed second thoughts because she had kids. And that led them down the horrible path they followed. Maybe he showed up at her place one day and she had killed Tylee. Wow, MORE pressure. Then JJ the following week.

I don't think Chad is innocent at all. But I think Lori is bat $#1t crazy and more likely to kill a child in cold blood than Chad.

And because of that, I think he may roll on her fairly soon and do his 5-10 years for disposing of the bodies. If he does not throw her under the bus then I think it is a confession that he killed Tammy. Right now I think there is a very real possibility that Lori arranged Tammy's demise when Chad was dragging his feet.
Well said. What I was thinking but couldn't put into words.
If she keeps at it, she could reach Jodi Arias level.

Absolutely nothing new here. She uses her tribute to make try to herself look good. She tells everyone we are not allowed to judge the Cox Crew and demands everyone to be kind to her. She tries to emotionally manipulate the reader by telling them Tylee and JJ would disapprove. She tries to spiritually guilt the reader by telling them only God can judge and to be Christlike. She couldn't even finish a sentence about what JJ loved to do without using it to point out what a great mom she is "…anything to keep all the busy kiddos entertained." One could go through this line by line and point out why it is not a tribute to anyone but herself but why bother except for the fact that it shows consistent behavior from before the finding of the remains to after. JMO
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Inside the Dark Beliefs of Chad Daybell and His Doomsday Followers:
Below is a screen grab from the video. The three ladies on the right look familiar and the room appears to be Lori's kitchen. Maybe this was taken when Chad stayed in Lori's house in 2018.


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The way I see it, as long as Chad's side piece was 1000 miles away, he had it good. When she showed up in his town, he was screwed...and not in the way he hoped. She probably was putting pressure on him - "I did my part now do yours" - maybe he expressed second thoughts because she had kids. And that led them down the horrible path they followed. Maybe he showed up at her place one day and she had killed Tylee. Wow, MORE pressure. Then JJ the following week.

I don't think Chad is innocent at all. But I think Lori is bat $#1t crazy and more likely to kill a child in cold blood than Chad.

And because of that, I think he may roll on her fairly soon and do his 5-10 years for disposing of the bodies. If he does not throw her under the bus then I think it is a confession that he killed Tammy. Right now I think there is a very real possibility that Lori arranged Tammy's demise when Chad was dragging his feet.
I agree with you. I think initially Chad didn’t quite grasp how Lori was going to completely adopt his BS. Once they had killed CV, he may have realized he was way over his head and had created a monster.
When he told her to come to Rexburg (instead of Chad moving to AZ) he may have hoped she would stay down there. But she hightailed it to Idaho with her Zombie children. Lori will never talk, but I won’t be shocked if he eventually pleads guilty and/or blabs the whole story to LE. No matter who actually killed Tammy, he will get a long sentence for her death since he was in the house and at a minimum let it happen.
Below is a screen grab from the video. The three ladies on the right look familiar and the room appears to be Lori's kitchen. Maybe this was taken when Chad stayed in Lori's house in 2018.

"Chad recognized that he had this convincing quality, that he could get followers" or something like that - he figured out he could manipulate people. <cuss cuss cuss>

Two kids are dead and probably at least two more adults because of Chad's manipulation and narcissism. I hope someone is dusting off old sparky. No, I know they use lethal injection in Idaho. Maybe they can somehow try him in Utah and televise the firing squad. Darn! Even Utah only has the firing squad as a backup. A painless, peaceful death is too easy for these two.
The way I see it, as long as Chad's side piece was 1000 miles away, he had it good. When she showed up in his town, he was screwed...and not in the way he hoped. She probably was putting pressure on him - "I did my part now do yours" - maybe he expressed second thoughts because she had kids. And that led them down the horrible path they followed. Maybe he showed up at her place one day and she had killed Tylee. Wow, MORE pressure. Then JJ the following week.
BBM. I don't believe that for a minute. He was the one labeling her children zombies and it was clear what it meant. MG even said that Lori was taken aback at first when Chad told her that Charles had become someone else (this was their first zombie).
IMO they planned and executed this together, with Alex's help.
I don't think Chad is innocent at all. But I think Lori is bat $#1t crazy and more likely to kill a child in cold blood than Chad.
I see Chad as cold and calculated as they get. He had been deceiving people for a long time. With Alex around, totally believing in the cause, he didn't even have to do the killing himself. IMO the kids would still be alive if they were not condemned by Chad.
And because of that, I think he may roll on her fairly soon and do his 5-10 years for disposing of the bodies. If he does not throw her under the bus then I think it is a confession that he killed Tammy. Right now I think there is a very real possibility that Lori arranged Tammy's demise when Chad was dragging his feet.
Since it was his ideology and his prompts that led to the children's deaths, I don't see him getting out of his responsibility as the mastermind. Lori has more wiggle room when it comes to making a deal (if she's ever offered one). She could claim that she was blindly believing him and following his orders.
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I agree with you. I think initially Chad didn’t quite grasp how Lori was going to completely adopt his BS. Once they had killed CV, he may have realized he was way over his head and had created a monster.
When he told her to come to Rexburg (instead of Chad moving to AZ) he may have hoped she would stay down there. But she hightailed it to Idaho with her Zombie children. Lori will never talk, but I won’t be shocked if he eventually pleads guilty and/or blabs the whole story to LE. No matter who actually killed Tammy, he will get a long sentence for her death since he was in the house and at a minimum let it happen.
In none of the deaths I see Chad as a passive observer. IMO he was the instigator. He manipulated others with his religious bs to do (or help him do) what he wanted.
When he told her to come to Rexburg (instead of Chad moving to AZ) he may have hoped she would stay down there. But she hightailed it to Idaho with her Zombie children. Lori will never talk, but I won’t be shocked if he eventually pleads guilty and/or blabs the whole story to LE. No matter who actually killed Tammy, he will get a long sentence for her death since he was in the house and at a minimum let it happen.
According to MG, Lori wanted Chad to move to Arizona to be with her. Presumably this would happen after Tammy's death. Chad would have to take care of it on his own. In this scenario I don't see Lori's kids disappearing. A lot of people would notice it pretty quickly. Of course Chad wouldn't want to leave his children behind. If Chad had hopes that Lori would stay in Arizona, why kill anyone? Maybe her kids would still be alive if Tammy had died earlier. They were in the way when the duo was plotting Tammy's and Brandon's deaths.

Charles was declared a zombie in January and was killed in July. JJ was labeled such on September 18 and was last seen on the 23rd. That was very short. We don't know when Tylee became a zombie, but Lori was telling people earlier in the year that Tylee was a level 3 dark spirit. We don't know yet when exactly Chad decided that Lori's kids had to go and if it was before or after Lori's move to Idaho. If it was decided on the spot, then I see Lori being totally under Chad's spell, accepting whatever he threw at her next. It is also possible that they made some of the decisions together, but MG often says "Chad told Lori to/that..." in her interviews, so I believe he was the dominant one.
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That too. I did some research. When I was growing up I remember a lot of people went to church on Wednesday evenings so I though possibly there was something religious in nature but have found nothing. And these were generally evangelicals not LDS. The only days I found that have any significance in LDS are Sunday of course and Monday (Family Home Monday.) But I'm not LDS so please correct or inform me if I am wrong.

If TD had a calling (as in, was asked to be a leader) with the youth (ages 12-18), then during the week she would have Mutual (also called Young Women or Young Men) on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, usually from 6:30-8pm. That could have taken her out of the house. Sometimes there are Activity Days (for girls) or Cub Scouts (for boys) for the younger kids on the same days. (Source: I used to be LDS.)

Editing to add: I almost forgot about Relief Society, the women's organization. When I was in, they didn't usually meet every week, but every once in awhile someone would try to do something new and start meetings during the week, for "Enrichment Night", stuff like quilting or book club or crafts.
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