Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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Mixed results, and I think depends on what/where you're using them for. We had a severe pigeon problem, nesting in our eaves. I put up a couple of fake owls. It worked for a while but they eventually just started defecating on them and ignoring them.
I'm told you have to keep moving the fake owls to maintain effectiveness.
But then where were they before that first bonfire? The storage unit? Still alive? The condo? So much we still don't know about this case. I think it is going to be horrific.
Apologies, I stepped away from this case for 3 or 4 days and you people have managed to put up 3 new threads of 50+ pages each since I was here last! Probably covered but I wanted to focus on this idea about when the...things...happened in the back yard. Does anyone have experience with buying satellite imagery? I found several sites where I can buy satellite images of the Daybell's back yard for about every week over the last year but I am dumbfounded by the process. I have to pick a satellite? And pixel size? And viewing nadir? And then map my lat/lon to a JSON? I am not a technically challenged person but after watching the tutorials on 2 of the sites that sell these I have no idea how to get the images.

I found a price list on one site that says about $25 per image and another site that is $500 per image.

I would be grateful for any advice on looking at, specifying, or buying satellite images. All images I get will be shared here.
Yes, but wouldn't a neighbor seeing him dig in the middle of the backyard remember it later?
Not necessarily, it is a three acre lot and people are paying more attention to their issues. In retrospect it would be fantastic if someone remembered him digging, but it doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t. Too bad Gladys Kravitz wasn’t his next door neighbor. Or I just had this thought as I was typing, perhaps someone did see something and that person has been working with LE and gave them one of the tips they used for the most recent search warrant. EIN said their LE sources said it was many small tips that led them to the graves.
My late father was a petroleum geologist working for a small drilling firm in the Midwest when the company's owner became convinced that a dowser could help them locate drilling sites. Needless to say, my father was less than happy, but had to go along with the boss and cooperate. After five years the company's new lease production dropped drastically and my dad finally left and set up his own operation and did very well using geological science. These developments led me to become fascinated with the pseudoscience of dowsing and I developed a particular interest in water dowsers. Human intuition, superstition and psychological factors lead many people to believe in non-scientific practices or non-medical claims. In fact, there have been no careful double-blind studies that have corroborated the validity of dowsing (something that would be quite easy and repeatedly verified if dowsing truly worked). The Randi Educational Foundation will give you a million dollars if you can successfully perform dowsing under controlled conditions. If there was a phenomenon that worked here it would be provable under controlled conditions. Sadly, many people are willing to accept anecdotal claims rather than insisting on proof for extraordinary claims. If you are on the fence I suggest you read the Wikipedia summary of attempts to validate dowsing and/or check out the many scientific explanations available online HERE or HERE or HERE.
Surely not related, in Under the Banner of Heaven it is said that the founder of LDS was first in trouble with the law for fraud for claiming he was a dowser and was unable to prove he could do so, way back in his New York days.
Yes, and MOO I think Nate had LE review MG’s interviews and redacted some parts upon their request. I have no problem with that. As much as I would like to know everything there is to know, I want justice for everyone harmed in this case even more. I don’t fault Nate at all for editing what he reports based on LE requests. I appreciate it, and have no doubt that once information can no longer jeopardize a case he’ll disclose everything he knows. I understand Freedom of the press is a right, but journalists are human and I question any human who thinks getting info out under their byline trumps the need to temporarily sit on it so child killers can be caught and punished. I recognize this may be an unpopular opinion, but it’s my opinion none-the-less.
Does anyone have proof that Nate had LE review the interview tapes?
Had they been kept until the bonfire, they would likely both have been burned, but this wasn't the case. IMO the children weren't alive for long after they were last seen. I also doubt the bodies were kept in the storage unit for over a month.
I've been trying to piece together a daily timeline with the goal of narrowing down when each killing and burial took place. At this point I believe Tylee was killed between September 9 and 16, most likely 9/11. That date is an educated guess based on the fact that prior to Tammy's death, a lot of things happened on Wednesdays. Also, by 9/18 Lori was interviewing a nanny and I think that signals Tylee no longer being around.

Here are some things that happened on Wednesdays:
9/18 - JJ became a zombie implying Lori and Chad were together, Lori interviews nanny
9/25 - possible death date for JJ, the day after school withdrawal
10/2 - Lori and Chad visit storage unit, BB shot at
10/9 - paintball attack on Tammy
10/16 - Storage unit visit but thought to be Alex
10/23 - Tammy's Idaho funeral

I can't think of any reason that Wednesday would have any significance to this crew but I'd love to hear if there might be a reason. My main theory about Wednesdays is that it might have been a day that Chad had a regular meeting or event that would give him an excuse to meet with Lori. I think he had to be around for the actual killings. It could all be coincidence as well.
Not sure when the new fire pit was constructed but perhaps that was his excuse for the digging and spending time behind the barn. The burial site is not visible from the Daybell house but the house just to the S.E. has a perfect view. Most but not all country folks tend to mind their own business.
Most but not all country folks tend to mind their own business, but they also know what is going on around them whether they say so or not. MOO.
IMO, yes, they were buried when Chad priohetically/convent lyrics sent Tammy to Utah to visit her parents in early October. I think a big rural bonfire wouldn't have been given a lot of thought by neighbors before Tammy's death. But a big fire just after her death would have seemed weird. I know I would have wondered what they were burning, if they were getting rid of Tammy's things, etc, which would have seemed fishy right after a sudden death. I think that would have made the neighbors more likely to pin down the time line if it had beenjust after her death.
A bonfire before 10/20 would have required a permit.
Thanks for posting this. The whole thing gives me the willies. These two kids were murdered and she wants us to know they are having fun in heaven. And last part is the word salad she is famous for — paragraphs of nonsense that hint at some great wrong done to her family but no explanation of what the wrong is or who did it.
Me too. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I really believe she knows a lot about what happened. And I love that you said “word salad”. That is exactly it! In her interviews, and her statements. Every time I hear her speak I feel like I’m being conned by a snake oil salesman. Jmo
That's my theory as well. I think something happened when they got there. Even AC moving then moving back seems strange. With Lori in town I think the pressure on Chad was immense!
But it was under CD's insistence that she move there when she did IIRC
He insisted she move there so she packed up and moved, even though TD did not die as previously predicted.
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That's my theory as well. I think something happened when they got there. Even AC moving then moving back seems strange. With Lori in town I think the pressure on Chad was immense!
This idea is intriguing. Do you have any thoughts on what may have happened or was it just Lori constantly badgering him to s**t or get off the pot? Maybe Chad set up the whole dark light zombie past lives scenario because he wanted to sleep with Lori, but didn’t really think it through. Once the Cox’s killed CV (the first step that was based CDs info) the situation was out of his control.
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