Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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To represent them both, he had to get their informed waiver of the (obvious) conflict, which would include an acknowledgement that he would NOT be able to “forget” or stop using information if one of them later had to get other counsel. I don’t know how the Idaho Bar interprets their ethics rules, but if it were me I wouldn’t have been able to get through writing the waiver before I determined that it was inappropriate to represent both of them.

So, if he said he killed the kids (with or without LV) could MM argue that he was told he told that he killed the kids? Sorry if that is a stupid question. I guess I just don't exactly know where that "line in the sand" is
I think she did in the past, I just don’t know she did in Rexburg. Anyone know for sure? Moo
I believe there's a picture of her with her ducks from 2016 on her fb.
I am sitting here replaying what I would say to MG if I had just two minutes of her time. I feel as though she is playing victim in order to justify her willing participation in what has now turned into four murders. I am not saying she murdered anyone but I feel in my heart she could have prevented the deaths of TR and JV. If you are connected with God in any way, you understand that God would never want you to harm someone in his name or for him. There is also something called gut instinct. She knew this was wrong but I think she allowed herself to be excited and entertained by the drama of it. A real friend would say, ‘honey, your child is precious and this is all untrue, false information you are buying into’. I would never EVER be comfortable with having my friend say something that bizarre about about their own children. Who would?? It makes no sense!! Just like you would not be comfortable seeing your friend beat their child, you would do anything to stop it. I think MG mentioned she was teaching, teachers are mandatory reporters!! What Lori said about her child is obvious signs of mental instability which often leads to child abuse. I love and trust my best friend more than anything but if she started revealing the things LV revealed to MG, I would call her parents or church advisors or DHS and investigate what is really going on in her mind. Melanie, to me is a fraud! Stop acting like a victim, you foolish woman. You know what you could have done and everyone else knows too. The fact that she is getting national exposure on Dateline is shameful. She is hoping this appearance will ease her guilt and make others feel sorry for her but I hope she is wrong and everyone wonders why she didn’t do the right thing. After the call with Chad I would have called the police immediately!! Why didn’t she?! All of this is of course MOO, but I just had to get it off my chest. I hope she is haunted by the fact she could have saved those kids. She may be a good witness for the prosecution but other than that she should not get a drop of sympathy from ANYONE!!

She is still very much a gullible woman with little in the way of genuine interest - someone has just stared ministering to her more directly. She has just swapped one guru for another and still enjoys the mystery of secret doctrines. MNSHO
Dude, puhleeze. You’re obviously an intelligent person but do you actually think AC just showed up at Chad's house unannounced with Tylee’s body in tow without any planning? I find that inconceivable. AC had several short visits to Chad's house (planning) and Chad doesn’t just jump up and say “hey man, we’ll take care of it” on a whim. I believe the final outcome will show these 3 conspired and coordinated their efforts to the demise of these poor kids. Anything short of that reasoning would have to include variables these monsters have shown themselves incapable of.

Yeah, I'm with you on this. Chad had to have--at the bare minimum--had knowledge of what was going to go down, ahead of time. He either was calling the shots or was aware of the plan before each of the deaths. It's inconceivable that he'd have taken an early morning call from AC/LV and just said "Oh, wow, bummer. OK just come bury her at my house".

And even if that inconceivable "oh bummer, come on over" series of events happened the first time, what jury would believe that it happened a second time, two weeks later with him again having no knowledge and doing nothing about it? "<hands on hips> Dang it, Alex, I told you about bringing bodies over unannounced! We are really going to have to have a discussion about boundaries, dude! OK here, let me find the shovel... but you need to know I'm really disappointed in you!".
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Obviously he helped bury the bodies. I think Tylee's death was not planned. Something happened on the YNP trip or after. I think Alex showed up with the body at Chad's house and they tried to cover it up. I think JJ's was planned but Chad may not have known about it and had no choice but to help then as well.

I think something like this, as well. Scenario: Chad is told Tylee was found dead in her bed. Lori thinks she was dark and doesn't want a funeral. Does he know of a place just to bury her without the blessings and prayers of the church and other formalities?

I don't think JJ's was necessarily planned either. Something affected Lori when she got with MG and DW and started talking and thinking about whatever they were talking about on the podcasts (would love to be able to listen to those podcasts now!)

Lori thinking she had great spiritual powers, the power of life and death, like a god, maybe in contrast to MG and DW. Competition as to had the greater spiritual powers.

I think Chad got sucked in once, then had to do it again. JMO, Chad and Alex both loved Lori and were doing it to protect her. Or maybe they believed Lori's end time visions were coming to pass because she was truly gifted. She certainly seemed to believe that Chad was a prophet. Fed his ego and pride where Tammy did not.

Wasn't he getting a little suspicious by the time Tammy died? But - he had foretold this himself and he loved Lori. Maybe this was god making a way for him to continue his Life Plan. Delusional thinking. All for Lori. JMO
Yeah, I'm with you on this. Chad had to have--at the bare minimum--had knowledge of what was going to go down, ahead of time. He either was calling the shots or was aware of the plan before each of the deaths. It's inconceivable that he'd have taken an early morning call from AC/LV and just said "Oh, wow, bummer. OK just come bury her at my house".

And even if that inconceivable "oh bummer, come on over" series of events happened the first time, what jury would believe that it happened a second time, two weeks later with him again having no knowledge and doing nothing about it? "<hands on hips> Dang it, Alex, I told you about bringing bodies over unannounced! We are really going to have to have a discussion about boundaries, dude! OK here, let me find the shovel... but you need to know I'm really disappointed in you!".

Self-reply to say this latter conversation reminds me of a conversation I had with my (indoor-outdoor) cat when I was about 12. :rolleyes:
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were they two buildings away from each other with such different numbers?

Yes, I've looked up the exact locations. The apartment Alex was in had been listed on Zillow but has been de-listed now. However, you can still find those photos if you look hard enough. Lori's place is still on Zillow and you can see some pics of the exterior and interior if you are interested. Plus, the Ring doorbell footage shows her building as well. The complex is relatively small and is called Rock Creek Town Homes.

Obviously, the GPS was precise enough to identify Alex's location when in his own apartment and when in Lori's. I'm just curious about the gap in time between his being in his unit and when he is in Lori's. That means one of the following: 1) there were no pings from which his location could be confirmed for the gap; 2) LE did not give us info for that gap even though they have it. If the phone did not ping that makes me question whether we can be confident about the duration for his visits on the Daybell property. If there is a continuous GPS ant trail, no problem. However, I am still questioning why the affidavit would list a 2 hour gap between when he is in his place and when he is said to be in Lori's.
I’m going to give Melanie the benefit of the doubt. If my 47 year old best friend was having an affair with a married man and talking about her kids being zombies, I’d chalk it up to hormones and a midlife crisis. In no way would I think that she would harm her own children! So therefore, it would never cross my mind to call CPS. I think Melanie is truly a victim, is dealing with the loss of two close friends and the horrific discovery that they are murderers - plus the unimaginable guilt that she was right there when a murder happened. (“If only I’d cuddled JJ and calmed him down that night...”) But Melanie has helped investigators (and us) to find answers, unlike certain nieces. Can you imagine how you’d feel if this were your best friend? Holy cow! It would mess with most of our heads, and we likely wouldn’t respond “perfectly” as we wrapped our minds around it all - in front of the media and millions of people, no less. Same with the Daybell kids. They’re freaked out and not responding “perfectly,” and I think that’s perfectly understandable. Heidi Broussard had no clue her best friend would murder her to steal her baby, for example. Who thinks of stuff like this? Most of us are extremely trusting of our close friends (and parents). So I’m giving Melanie a pass. But not Melani. MOO
I don't want to encourage sleuthing of nonpoi's nor I am accusing anyone else as involved in the murders but MG's was involved with at least one person who has also published very detailed visions of apocalyptic events. It helped me understand that Chad and Lori's claims would not be as outrageous to MG if she was hearing similar information from multiple sources.
Here's the listing from the Moon Travel Guide for Montana and Wyoming published in April 2015 showing seasonal hours Monday through Saturday. I think we can conclude it was closed on Sunday last September.

Perfect !!!
That is what I was trying to look for this morning but was in a hurry trying to get out the door to a family BBQ
Thanks so much for sharing this :)
Obviously he helped bury the bodies. I think Tylee's death was not planned. Something happened on the YNP trip or after. I think Alex showed up with the body at Chad's house and they tried to cover it up. I think JJ's was planned but Chad may not have known about it and had no choice but to help then as well.

You call it Tylees death, I call it Tylee's murder.

So you think that her death was not murder? And then just all of a sudden Alex shows up in the morning and says hi can I burn a body and can you dig a hole and help cover it up and call your wife and he was fine with that. I'm not following your thinking
The raccoon part is irrelevant but the lie to cover a gunshot is relevant if there is a bullet hole in the remains, which we don’t know yet.
Yes, I get it. My only point is that if the neighbor really heard a shot he might be mistaken about the month. I personally think the whole raccoon story was just a cover to keep Tammy from questioning the fresh digging. Whether Chad actually fired a shot is unknown. I don't think Tylee was shot though. It would have been hard to get her there concious without her phone. If she was unconcious there would be less attention getting ways to finish her off that shooting.
BBM for focus
I think something like this, as well. Scenario: Chad is told Tylee was found dead in her bed. Lori thinks she was dark and doesn't want a funeral. Does he know of a place just to bury her without the blessings and prayers of the church and other formalities?

I don't think JJ's was necessarily planned either. Something affected Lori when she got with MG and DW and started talking and thinking about whatever they were talking about on the podcasts (would love to be able to listen to those podcasts now!)

Lori thinking she had great spiritual powers, the power of life and death, like a god, maybe in contrast to MG and DW. Competition as to had the greater spiritual powers.

I think Chad got sucked in once, then had to do it again. JMO, Chad and Alex both loved Lori and were doing it to protect her. Or maybe they believed Lori's end time visions were coming to pass because she was truly gifted. She certainly seemed to believe that Chad was a prophet. Fed his ego and pride where Tammy did not.

Wasn't he getting a little suspicious by the time Tammy died? But - he had foretold this himself and he loved Lori. Maybe this was god making a way for him to continue his Life Plan. Delusional thinking. All for Lori. JMO

You're really going to let Chad off that easy? Lori definitely had some fringe beliefs and IMO was unhinged when they met, but everything we've read about so far suggests that it was Chad who told HER about what was going to happen and when. That she trusted his revelations because hers just weren't as good or reliable. We have this from the MG interview with EIN.

Chad had power over her and knew it, regardless of what he believed himself. She would not have acted independently without seeking his blessing, or some pendulum revelation confirming what she was supposed to do. Therefore to me it's unlikely he didn't give the final green light on both murders. All JMO of course.
You call it Tylees death, I call it Tylee's murder.

So you think that her death was not murder? And then just all of a sudden Alex shows up in the morning and says hi can I burn a body and can you dig a hole and help cover it up and call your wife and he was fine with that. I'm not following your thinking

I think it was murder. But I'm not convinced it was planned days in advance. I think something happened like Tylee threatened to tell what really happened to Charles or something either on the trip or after they got back and Lori and Alex decided they had to take action.
You call it Tylees death, I call it Tylee's murder.

So you think that her death was not murder? And then just all of a sudden Alex shows up in the morning and says hi can I burn a body and can you dig a hole and help cover it up and call your wife and he was fine with that. I'm not following your thinking
This is such a weird and difficult thing, I don't think there has ever been a case like this anywhere and I hope there never will be again. We have two malignant narcissist serial killers that fall in love, or whatever it is that they fall into, one of them has a brother that doesn't appear to have a conscience, and they're religious nuts maybe, and they kill their spouses and some of their kids. Weird, and incredibly horrible. I am firmly in the camp that the murders were planned out, we have more evidence than we know what to do with about that. But it is so much to handle, and this trial is going to be completely insane. No question it's murders. MOO
I think it was murder. But I'm not convinced it was planned days in advance. I think something happened like Tylee threatened to tell what really happened to Charles or something either on the trip or after they got back and Lori and Alex decided they had to take action.
She needed Tylee dead, for money to keep coming in, for Tylee to keep her mouth shut, for not having to deal with her in Hawaii, the plans were in the works at least since the beginning of the summer if not before. No way was Lori ever going to deal with Tylee as an adult. Tylee could put Lori in prison for a very long time and Lori knew it. MOO
Based on this new clip Morrison asks MG “what happens to zombies”, she says “seems like they are dying”. MG is still sidestepping. The probable cause affidavit indicates she told LE that zombies inhabit the spirit and “stuck there until the host body is physically killed“. She further states the only remedy is “death of the physical body” and she learned all this early 2019. MG, what the hell were you thinking once CV was murdered and you knew the kids were declared zombies? You do NOTHING to alert anyone with this knowledge and sat on returning LE’s call for almost a bloody week! Sorry folks but her (in)action is inexcusable.
BBM- I agree !!!
She is as guilty as the rest of the Zombie clan, JMO
None of this makes sense until you think of Chad and Lori as evil monster serial killers, and then all of their actions fall into place. It's really hard to go there, but it makes sense. Believe me, coming to a place of making peace with the fact that you were close friends with a serial killer in high school is horrible, but once you do, you can see the patterns were there and the actions in his twisted mind made sense. MOO
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