Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #43

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The puzzle for me in ACs autopsy, is the inhalation of vomit. Is it normal during the process of dying to inhale vomit?

A bad enough coughing fit can cause you to throw up. It has happened to me when I was very ill. If he's struggling to breathe, coughing uncontrollably and has thrown up in his mouth a little, one would think that inhaling a little bit of the vomit is not inconceivable. I didn't, but I was also not in the middle of dying at the time.
Absolutely. And it was said that the shooter in the Jeep was in the back as the jeep sped off. So I think it was MP doing the driving. Hopefully the phones will find a conversation to that affect. Someone please open the eyes of IP! Of course, I feel he has been a part of this all along. I think he drank the kool aid.
I AGREE with both
MP behind the wheel
IP knew what was going on which is why he was concerned, I believe, for his Ex-wife and his own children.
Yet he is still with MBP and he is also one that is in CYA mode.
God wants us to pray for life not death. That’s just perverted to think otherwise.
And yes people can justify about anything. But that’s people. Not God.
Can we move on from this please? Some of us don’t believe in god. It’s only relevant as to what Chad or Lori might have believed, our opinions are irrelevant.
BBM for focus

General weakness, dizziness, headaches and vertigo are all generally considered typical symptoms of “not feeling well.”

Just because we weren’t given a laundry list of uber-specific symptoms he was experiencing, doesn’t mean “we don’t have any evidence of those other symptoms.” We know he was feeling ill enough to take to his bed. Do you he didn’t feel weak? Or dizzy? Do you think he had no headache? Do you think he just stomach cramps or something?

But it does literally mean that. Doesn't it?

Both MP and his wife said AC had not been feeling well all day, even so much that he decided not to meet Melani he felt so poorly. Difficulty breathing was mentioned. He refused to go see a Dr.

Yep, difficulty breathing is a symptom of a number of things, including--notably--pulmonary embolism.

It literally says cyanide poisoning can cause pulmonary embolism. Which is what they say he died from.

Respectfully, the quoted article and text says pulmonary edema. They are not the same thing.

So how do we know if this was caused by an existing condition, or poison, without toxicology tests, which weren’t done?
We don’t. I am not believing the “natural causes” story until further testing has been done.

But toxicology tests were done, and noted in the medical examiner's report. My point is that we don't have anything that points to cyanide. We also don't have anything that entirely rules it out (as far as I know). Those two things are not incompatible right now.

People with cardiovascular disease can still be poisoned. With the list of bodies piling up, I do not feel this was just a weird coincidence.

I respect your opinion. I agree it's possible he was still poisoned. I just don't agree that anything we know now points to or especially fits cyanide better than the official cause of death.
Maybe she didn't want to go, so she didn't. She could run a publishing business without being interested in the content of the books published. He made the choices about his content, she didn't need to co-present with him.

I want to be on record saying that everything about his books, his affair, his involvement with the murdered children should be dropped squarely and completely in his lap, without any equivocation. And that's regardless of what Tammy chose, knew or did.
regardless of what Tammy chose? this is hard to accept. I know it is quite common for a spouse to downplay or move away from a spouse's narcissism.... but I really , truly think that Tammy never thought he was truly capable of such evil.... she knew him for practically....forever. She basically just put up with him in my mind.
When her coworker at the school indicated how Tammy was the day before she died.... my heart just fell into my stomach.... that woman suffered so much. And we are all bearing witness to that. That man must suffer.... legally or whatever...that horrible man must suffer. We can still pray to Tammy...she deserves whatever we may be able to provide.
After watching this latest Dateline, I have to say how disappointed I was. There seemed to be more commercials than content. I thought the last two were much better. There were only a couple tidbits of new info.... hearing that LV thought Oprah was the darkest person was really a nothing in the scheme of this.

...but the most disappointing thing to me was that MG showed no emotion when talking about these two children whose remains were just discovered... not even shedding a tear... just too many smiles for me, even if just a nervous reaction. I would much rather see her testifying in court to convict these horrid people rather than seeing her do these interviews to try to sway public opinion of her actions which IMO have fallen flat and maybe used to impeach her testimony in some way if she does testify.

I totally agree. She was almost laughing out loud FGS.
A small but very Kool Aid cult.

Guessing it was probably generic Kool-Aid and not brand name?

Didn't we discuss upthread that the men had to be virginal, too? All I could think of was "Good luck with that! Where.....?"

Oh lordy, really? On the upside, they would have all of eternity to develop a skill set. On the downside, what kind of conversation is possible with 144,000 inexperienced souls? Their eternity dinner conversation will surely be lacking if no one has lived long enough to be interesting (which is what? 27, according to the Paul Newman quote? Although he didn't specify virginal status, and he certainly isn't the last word on such matters...).

Personally, I'm hoping my afterlife will have good whiskey, cigarettes without repercussions, butter on everything edible that never adds a pound, a Tencel mu-mu to wear, Ray Charles on the piano, Mahalia Jackson singing, John Hiatt still cranking out great songs, and a quiet corner where I can sit down with Aldus Huxley, William Faulkner, and Eleanor Roosevelt for really great conversation.

I mean, if you're gonna recruit for a cult where you're stuck together for eternity, why not make it sound like fun?

Were these 144,000 just supposed to listen to Chad yammer for the rest of eternity?

Plus, wouldn't Chad get demoted once he delivered his passengers and they all arrived where their god was micromanaging everything? Or does he get to be a hall monitor then?

I feel like they might not have thought this vision all the way through.
This goes from bad to worse to completely beyond most people's worst imaginings.

Dismembered "pre-mortem"? Hell no, that would be before death. I absolutely doubt that, at least I pray it's a typo. I actually don't think it was a dismembered accounting of TR's remains, IMO it may have been due to the evil, vile burning.:mad::mad:
Regarding Alex' autopsy. It sounds like they only run a common drug panel. They didn't specifically looked for any exotic poisons. With a case this bizarre, I think they should have looked some more than what they did.
she has twisted his words.

When I first read how LE cut through the black plastic bag only to find white plastic bag over his head, my first thought was "I hope the bag isn't over JUST his head", The way it was worded sounded to me as though his head had white plastic over it then he was placed in black plastic and tightly duct taped. Maybe NG twisted his words, or she just took it as I did.
@vislaw or anyone who might know
I am curious about the search warrant and the arrest warrant. The search warrant would have contained information found in Chad's arrest warrant, such as Alex's phone data and the raccoon story, but obviously NOT the information about the recovery of the bodies and Chad's subsequent attempt at fleeing. So what I am wondering is would there be even more/different information in the search warrant, for example maybe more texts from other people that were left out of the arrest warrant just because at that point they were no longer germane? Maybe more data from Lori's phone? I hope I am making sense with this, it is just something that has been bugging me for a few days. TIA
Right now the cases are very distinct and not connected. However, at some point the state may choose to charge them as co-conspirators and may (and probably will) choose to request a joint trial. There are significant advantages for the prosecution with a joint trial and the court prefers joint defendants because of the savings of time and expense. Defense attorneys hate joint trials as a rule, but the law permits and even encourages joint proceedings if the same facts apply to all defendants.
In the case of the Pike County murders, it is being tried as a conspiracy of 4 people to kill 8 people. That makes sense to me in this case (unless they get a confession), that way they won't have to prove who exactly performed what action on which victim.
I am not saying I believe this, but I am kind of interested in teasing it out. There is so dang much going on with this case, I wonder what I missed. Just hear me out haha!

Could Lori have believed the kids were still alive? That like, Chad had Tylee taken away to a safe place. And then JJ. Somewhere they could not interfere and maybe they could get them back after the tribulations?

I mean, if you could be convinced to kill your kids, could you be convinced your new spiritual guide husband spirited them away?

I don’t think Lori has been near the burial spots, as far as cell phone tracking go.

I see Lori’s role as 1) She knew nothing and just went along with Chad said believing the kids were fine (doubtful!) 2) She knew they had to go, but wasn’t directly involved in the physical act. 3) She knew they had to go and participated with someone else. 4) She acted on her own and Alex and Chad cleaned up the mess.

I just wish I could know who falls on the Melanie line where zombies and queen Lori are great, but lying to police is where it gets...wrong. And who falls closer to the Alex line where zombies are 100% real and therefore literally murdering one is a-ok.

Did Melani and Ian know anything? What? When? What about Tammy? Or the Daybell kids? So much crazy thinking.
BBM for focus

But it does literally mean that. Doesn't it?

Yep, difficulty breathing is a symptom of a number of things, including--notably--pulmonary embolism.

Respectfully, the quoted article and text says pulmonary edema. They are not the same thing.

But toxicology tests were done, and noted in the medical examiner's report. My point is that we don't have anything that points to cyanide. We also don't have anything that entirely rules it out (as far as I know). Those two things are not incompatible right now.

I respect your opinion. I agree it's possible he was still poisoned. I just don't agree that anything we know now points to or especially fits cyanide better than the official cause of death.
Only for the most basic, simple substances. When people here refer to toxicology not being done (if I may speak for some of the group) , we mean no poisons or toxins that would have been administered to him in a suspicious way, i.e. antifreeze, cyanide, Malachite, oleander etc. Nothing was tested for.
Did Tammy eventually confront Chad about things (Lori or other women, this alternative belief system)? If he did have her killed or killed her is this maybe why?

IMO something along these lines happened. One of her friends/coworkers said she didn't seem like herself at work the day before she died. I don't remember the exact wording, but something to the effect that she seemed "shook" (as the youngsters call it).
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