Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #43

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Does Chad still have a court date for 7/1/20? Do you think he will be charged with murder then or do you think it may take awhile to gather that evidence?


Per the status conference held between the parties on June 19, 2020, this court hereby orders that the preliminary hearing scheduled to begin on July 1, 2020, at 9:00 AM, be vacated and continued to August 3, 2020 at 10:30 AM through August 4, 2020 at 9:30 AM. This Order is contingent upon stipulation being filed by June 22, 2020, at 5:00 PM between the parties for continuance. This stipulation must be filed for this Order to go into effect.

The stipulation has not been filed yet. Tick tock! to Vacate and Continue Preliminary Hearing.pdf
Do we know that she had a sedentary lifestyle (which I assume is what you mean when you say "sitting around.") Because being a librarian is not a sedentary lifestyle, librarians don't "sit around" and being a librarian isn't a risk for PE. (Nevermind that people who train for 5K's are don't have sedentary lifestyles, because...they're active.)

But, even if being a librarian and playing FarmVille until her husband had a vision otherwise were risk factors for PE, I'm still not understanding how that would play into her death being caused by someone else.

EDIT: A reminder that Tammy was training for a 5K, so she was active, not sedentary.
I wasn't aware TD was "training for a 5k", though I am familiar with the "Couch to 5k" Program.
My speculation was that TD was being set up for "death by husband but passed off as natural causes" years prior. Also, that in this process said husband was researching methods, including poisons, to do just that. And, that this gave him a method ready at hand to eliminate Tylee and JJ. They didn't have to come up with a method from scratch. IMOO
<respectfully snipped by me> I think he made it up as he went along and found a lot of reference material that helped support his fictional tale.

JMO, but very little (of what little I know) that Chad taught was original to him at all. It is all pretty much "scriptural".

The word "zombie", of course, is not scriptural per se, but the word alludes to "the walking dead", and scripture does speak of the "spiritually dead".

I would be curious as to who introduced the term "zombie" into these teachings. It is not "scriptural", very dehumanizing and I believe, meant to be sensational and scary.

"The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic."
Zombie - Wikipedia
Chad wasn't working as a grave digger anymore at the time all of this unfolded.

That does not matter, if he knows the ways of a cemetery by watching or becoming friends with those that operate it, knows hours, where it is located, he can still do the crime....even in another state. It’s not that hard. Cemeteries are very quiet, no security, some out in the county. Kids get in all the time, people looking for ghosts get in cemeteries and no one knows. Chad could have too.

Ex cops or anyone in a past profession can use the previous training and information to commit a crime...and they did not work at the job at the time.

Remember it WAS my fear he would do this to the children. Chad did NOT do this, bury the children under anyone.

I am just glad LE is investigating Chads prior contact with any cemeteries. Leave no stone un-turned in this crime, anything involving Chad and Lori and or with all involved with them.
JMO, but very little (of what little I know) that Chad taught was original to him at all. It is all pretty much "scriptural".

The word "zombie", of course, is not scriptural per se, but the word alludes to "the walking dead", and scripture does speak of the "spiritually dead".

I would be curious as to who introduced the term "zombie" into these teachings. It is not "scriptural", very dehumanizing and I believe, meant to be sensational and scary.

"The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic."
Zombie - Wikipedia

MOO he drew his "spiritual beliefs" from B horror movies.
Like you, I can't fathom buying into the zombie thing, and I don't think Chad believed it, but I think he convinced Lori and maybe her niece, Melani that it was true. Those two females seem incredibly gullible and inundated. Chad just seems like a narcissist and a manipulator. He wanted Lori all to himself, and I think he got a sense of power when he was able to choose who lived and who died.

I think Chad is much more dangerous than almost anyone suspects.

I don't think CD is the persona of Charlie Manson when it comes to controlling females, and LV doesn't appear to me as being naive and easily led--e.g., she basically became an appendage to CD. IMO, She clearly self-directed a lot of nefarious activities without CD's direct input or influence--and it appears she was actively interested and participated in removing his wife so she could marry him. The bulk of the people who were killed are LV's family members--and there is some speculation as to what really happened to LV's sister who died years ago at a young age. IMO, Both LV and CD's mindset is a classic case of psychopathy...where you have two individuals reinforcing each other's deteriorating view of reality, while forging more and more fictional narratives to support their increasingly out of control lifestyle.
Some have opined on what might have been the "final straw" that led to Tylee's death. I propose that it was something as simple as "knocking a picture of Jesus off the fridge". LVD was in search mode with JJ the day/night before his death when she listed all of the transgressions this little guy made. Why would we not expect this same behavior from her with TR? IIRC once LVD "demonized" any of her ex's they became "evil incarnate" to everyone in LVD's circle. I believe Lori's own ego wouldn't allow her to go back on her word. JMO

Maybe Tylee was asked to babysit JJ. Didn't Lori tell someone that Tylee wanted to be paid to babysit JJ ... and that was a problem?

They were suppose to be looking for Lori but Charles had to call and tell them she was sitting in the lobby of the police department.

Is that really what I'm hearing?
I hear phone calls like the first one and realize why people have problems with police. How unhelpful and uninformative can you be!!!!

They were suppose to be looking for Lori but Charles had to call and tell them she was sitting in the lobby of the police department.

Is that really what I'm hearing?
Yep! But remember what the officer told Lori in the police station... their sergeant had to approve and it hadn’t been approved yet. He basically hinted at her I don’t know how many times that she could just leave! I was disgusted by that!
It's not my thing to reply to my own posts, but can you imagine either selecting a jury or being a jury member for this case? Every person is gonna have layers of biases and assumptions that have nothing to do with the individuals. Can you imagine the jury room?
I'm thinking trying to get the death penalty would be a very bad idea. All the jury members' positions are going to be intractable. No consensus at all. Even a non-hung jury might be difficult?

The only case I can recall where defense pulled in LDS was the Jodi Arias case. It was awful. But that had too much as to sex/LDS vs. where this one is going MOO.

But I do agree, the prosecution is going to have to walk that line.
Regarding PE... The thing is, TD was a librarian and evidently cherished her time on Frontierville, so she could have been sitting a lot. Now that I think about it—though this would be unimaginably devious—a poison could have been chosen precisely to look like PE and generate a cause of death that says loosely: "PE consistent with too much sitting". And it could have been selected months/years prior. And then just become an MO, since it was already researched and thought through. Thus, it came to be used before TD died, on Tylee and JJ.
No no no!!!!! Tammy was not someone that was sitting around! She was a whirlwind of energy and always was going somewhere or doing something. Kids, pets, dancing, adventures. She was not a sedentary person in any way shape or form. Chad's story of the video game, yeah, maybe there had been times she was tired in the evening and sat down to rest, Chad couldn't even handle that. Chad was so emotionally abusive. MOO
That does not matter, if he knows the ways of a cemetery by watching or becoming friends with those that operate it, knows hours, where it is located, he can still do the crime....even in another state. It’s not that hard. Cemeteries are very quiet, no security, some out in the county. Kids get in all the time, people looking for ghosts get in cemeteries and no one knows. Chad could have too.

Ex cops or anyone in a past profession can use the previous training and information to commit a crime...and they did not work at the job at the time.

Remember it WAS my fear he would do this to the children. Chad did NOT do this, bury the children under anyone.

I am just glad LE is investigating Chads prior contact with any cemeteries. Leave no stone un-turned in this crime, anything involving Chad and Lori and or with all involved with them.

Burials he was involved in for females over 14, more so if he knew them or if they had ever crossed him or been uncooperative with him. Particularly if he thought they were attractive and certainly anyone who looks like someone who rejected him. People who look like or are related to any woman or girl he was involved with should go to the top of the list. Next list should be any women who were involved the men around him. Third list should go to any woman who died unexpectedly and who were not autopsied and where he may have intervened on a buddies behalf.

I don't think this was his first rodeo in depraved behaviour with a corpse or burial.

I'd be interested in a better description or pictures of JJ's burial, to see the difference in how he treated JJ to Tylee. To rule in or out children under a certain age being a likely target of this aberrant behaviour, or males.

He hates females - of that I am certain.

I tried finding a good listing of who was buried during his stint at Spanish Forks to pick out ones that might be the most likely targets of aberrant behavior but it is one of those cemeteries with really annoying database exposed to the public that is not that useful. Going to try again to see if I can get a good list of people between 2009 and 2013, and see if I can find people who fit.
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