Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #43

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My experience with mythomaniacs (which I think Chad clearly is) is that when they are spouting their stuff, they believe it. You could strap them to a lie detector and it would show no deception. When they're not spouting their stuff they may have doubts, but if the stuff gets results they resist recanting it and when another opportunity comes by they can't resist the spout+believe mode. So it's a little more complicated than they believe or they are manipulating. It's a mix of both. Which makes them so dangerous. When they're talking they are sincere and when they're conniving they're cold and rational. Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos - Wikipedia) was exactly this kind of person, IMHO, as were any number of fraudsters I've run across in my career.
Chad = Mythomaniac.
Thank you for this post. This is the best explanation for the never ending debate of “Does Chad really believe this stuff?”
Some have opined on what might have been the "final straw" that led to Tylee's death. I propose that it was something as simple as "knocking a picture of Jesus off the fridge". LVD was in search mode with JJ the day/night before his death when she listed all of the transgressions this little guy made. Why would we not expect this same behavior from her with TR? IIRC once LVD "demonized" any of her ex's they became "evil incarnate" to everyone in LVD's circle. I believe Lori's own ego wouldn't allow her to go back on her word. JMO
Uh huh....we could go with the common statistics. But what about the odds of the 3 people that I mentioned and the circumstances that surrounded them?

I'm sure those odds could be computed, but I don't think it would give you the smoking gun you're looking for. Three data points also is not statistically significant. If there were more data points I might say it proves that preppers are sedentary and need to get outside and get more exercise :)
GRAPHIC BELOW... roll and scroll if needed

I just cannot fathom dismemberment prior to the fire. I can only fathom dismemberment after fire that all was dis articulated / dismembered.

But, I would think that an ME and FBI will be able to discern based on burn/char patterns (not the one that was used with TD FTLOG!!!!!!)

Either way, just f&*(ing sick sick sick

And I do hope that this case puts into the FBI and other LE a new way of testing for poisons and for detection... unless they used one of the old ones we know about that cannot be detected as the body metabolizes too quick e.g. succinylcholine and others
Monday 6/22/2020 sitting in jail waiting more charges fo be filed..


Court Record
ID: Fremont County Courthouse
Case NumberCR22200755
Case StatusOpen


Court Record
ID: Madison County Courthouse
Case NumberCR33200302
Case StatusOpen
Tammy also was training for a marathon. So I really don't think she qualifies as "sedentary lifestyle" if she trained for a marathon. She also quit playing Farmville years ago, after Chad claimed dead grandma wanted Tammy to quit playing it.
My fear was Chad, knowing the operations of cemetery burials, he would have snuck in at night dug deeper buried the children in the open grave, Covered them up. The next day the casket of the deceased person would be on top of the children. No one would have known any better.

Yes, it’s possible I asked my friend who is a Sexton. She said anything is possible as some cemeteries are out in the middle of no where, no traffic, little visitors. She is a Sexton for several small towns.

So I am glad to hear that LE is looking into more crimes and cemeteries Chad worked at or had access too.

Thanks for this info
Chad wasn't working as a grave digger anymore at the time all of this unfolded.
As far as Chad's beliefs, that demons/"dark" people need to be gotten rid of, when did Chad learn about these beliefs? IMO, it seems like if he believed in it, there would have been deaths before CV (like before he even met Lori). It just seems odd, as far as we know, that these killings started with CV via AxC. Again, JMO.

If Chad indeed shot a raccoon, why, oh why? Why shoot an innocent animal? It's not like there were crops of veggies & fruit that a raccoon could have damaged. If true, then RIP raccoon.

Well, Chad might have been mostly talk. I mean, he might have convinced others to be getting rid of zombies, but wasn't exactly eager to do it personally. As for raccoon, I don't think they found a dead raccoon buried in a pet cemetery, so maybe no raccoons were actually shot.
As far as Chad's beliefs, that zombies/"dark" people need to be gotten rid of, when did Chad learn about these beliefs? IMO, it seems like if he believed in it, there would have been deaths before CV (like before he even met Lori). It just seems odd, as far as we know, that these killings started with CV via AxC. Again, JMO.

If Chad indeed shot a raccoon, why, oh why? Why shoot an innocent animal? It's not like there were crops of veggies & fruit that a raccoon could have damaged. If true, then RIP raccoon.

I had the same reaction to the Raccoon shooting as well. First of all I have never seen a adult raccoon in the middle of the day, and I live in Colorado where we have many (although I do understand it’s not unheard of). Why murder an innocent animal? Makes no sense!
CD wanted to be with a hot blonde and feel like a king. He didn’t want anyone blowing his cover like a strong minded teen. He wanted to live in paradise and start a new life. LV wanted the same thing. These people give religion a bad name because they used it to get what they really wanted which had nothing to do with God or church. CD is a narcissist who wanted to be god himself. I think he made it up as he went along and found a lot of reference material that helped support his fictional tale.
I have a feeling the kids’ causes of death are going to resemble Alex’s and (likely) Tammy’s, which will make them re-examine Alex’s and may be why Tammy’s is taking so long to be released. I won’t be surprised if the kids’ and hers are released the same day and the hammer really comes down on Chad.
Does Chad still have a court date for 7/1/20? Do you think he will be charged with murder then or do you think it may take awhile to gather that evidence?
I have a feeling the kids’ causes of death are going to resemble Alex’s and (likely) Tammy’s, which will make them re-examine Alex’s and may be why Tammy’s is taking so long to be released. I won’t be surprised if the kids’ and hers are released the same day and the hammer really comes down on Chad.
I have a funny feeling that Tammy’s autopsy is completed they are just not ready to official file it. They need that info to peacefully continue their thorough investigation without the media trying to solve the case. Those who need to know IMO already have drafted results
Yes, people seemed to have become zombies if Chad and Lori wanted to get rid of them. Random zombies were killed by prayer, so why didn't prayer work on specific people they wanted to get rid of? The zombie story is obviously full of holes. Seems like Lori expected Charles to die in a car crash, and Chad expected Tammy to die in a car crash. Did they really think their wishful thinking will make their spouses to die? Well, clearly Charles or Tammy didn't die in a car crash. So then Alex shot Charles (self-defense, of course) and we still don't know Tammy's cause of death.
I have a funny feeling that Tammy’s autopsy is completed they are just not ready to official file it. They need that info to peacefully continue their thorough investigation without the media trying to solve the case. Those who need to know IMO already have drafted results
Autopsy itself doesn't take that long. Toxicology could take a long time, especially if they don't know what specifically to look for. And especially considering body was embalmed (pumped full of toxic chemicals), which is going to make toxicology especially difficult.
Does Chad still have a court date for 7/1/20? Do you think he will be charged with murder then or do you think it may take awhile to gather that evidence?
No, his lawyer filed a not guilty plea for him and Chad declined the hearing.

Yes, I believe ‘some sort’ of murder charge(s) will be coming for him, but LE, FBI are taking their time doing their due diligence to collect information... still an active investigation. Seems as though as soon as they uncover one thing, others open up to more... it’s like a Pandora’s box.
and this is the conundrum. Are we absolutely sure that Lori and Chad were in Hawaii when Alex died?
Keith Morrison even picked up with “how smitten” MG was with Lori. He interviewed her the day the bodies were found.... wonder if the others were also interviewed after the bodies were found.

I noticed that he struggled with how to describe the relationship between Lori and MG..."smitten". I thought for a moment he was going to say "enamoured". JMO
This is a real life reading of what would have happened if Melanie had reported Lori to the police for believing in zombies. Charles pretty much told the police about the wacky stuff Lori was saying and doing, and the end result was that Lori's alive and Charles is dead.

This is likely very true as it seems the Gilbert?Chandler police had a difficult time putting information and filed police reports together... as evidenced by paperwork being rolled up and put into an officer pocket without reading (IIRC explaining handwriting was hard to read). And, also when the officer phoned Charles after meeting Lori, MG and Tylee - during that call Charles tried to explain the reports that had just been filed. So, I'm not sure if it's the zombie talk that would have made the officers laugh OR if maybe they would have been laughing at the thought of actually taking the time to put the previously police-recorded/documented/filed information together.


ETA: Didn't MG state in her interview with NE something about police saying she needn't worry about mentioning zombies? But, I suppose by that time the officers had read their police reports.
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I think a PE is exactly what TD died of. She was coughing and foaming at the mouth. AC was foaming at the mouth. Pretty indicative of having a PE event.


A single second-hand account said there was evidence of foam. Have you seen any records that confirm this? The account of the "coughing fit" came from Chad, which I think you'll agree makes it highly suspect. So maybe there was a PE, or maybe there wasn't. The autopsy report should be interesting!
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