Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #43

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I saw a recent episode of "The Hunt with John Walsh" over the weekend called "Preaching Lies" which had similarities in the way Chad was able to convince others in his beliefs.

The crimes were not murder in the show but they were serious underage sex crimes done by the preacher himself. He was able to convince the parents of the victims to allow their daughters to be in a special group that catered to him. And by the time he fled to Brazil to avoid arrest, most of the people in the group knew what was going on.

On the show, they had the audio of the day when their preacher announced the names of the young girls who were selected by him to be in this special group. It was frightening how the congregation and parents themselves were clapping and happy that their child was chosen.

John Walsh said it best in a summary toward the end of the show and I cannot remember his exact words. But it was something along the lines of.....
these religious leader monsters like this are able to convince others that not only is it not wrong but it is somehow right according to the scriptures. Using their own twisted views of the scriptures to convince others and gain their acceptance of their sick views.

One of the brave victims who was much older now and being interviewed at the end of the show I think said her Mom was still there in the remnants of the group. It shows how twisted things can get that even after formal LE charges and successful prosecution of their preacher leader, others in the group still stay there to this day.

"The Hunt with John Walsh" Preaching Lies (TV Episode 2014) - IMDb

That case is such a great example IMO. IIRC The parents of those poor girls helped the guru escape, too?
I totally agree that Tylee was murdered in the wee hrs in Lori's home. It doesnt make sense to me to kill her while coming home from Yellowstone. I dont think there was enough time to dismember her at Lori's but since I dont know how long it takes to do that I wouldn't take it off the the table. It would make it easier to transport and burn her.
I don't think Tylee was dismembered, too messy.
While I would not say it is a 'common' cause of death- it certainly happens often enough that I personally know of two adults and a child (significant risk factors including a clotting disorder) who have died from it.
You know all those commercials you see on TV for Xarelto and Eliquis? They are specifically to prevent PE and millions of people have enough risk factors to take them.
Like I said in a previous post- I follow this case closely AND I am naturally suspicious. But AC was a truck driver and that is in and of itself a high risk for PE.
what do you think about Tammy's death?
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I don't think Tylee was dismembered, too messy.
I think she was dismembered most likely at Chad's. I agree messy but I doubt they would throw her entire body on the fire at once. She was found in pieces in various degree of char and flesh per affidavit. That means pieces were not burned at the same time imo
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Something has been gnawing at the back of my mind for quite a few months now. The pieces are starting to fall into place. Some I can prove and some are mere suspicion but here we go. I will lay them out for you and let the pieces fall where they may. This all stems from something that my son said last fall but I thought nothing of it at the time.
This we know.....Alex Cox died of a supossed pulmonary embolism.
alex cox cause of death - بحث Google

Tammy Daybell..... no autopsy was performed.....but family witnesses mentioned that she had a pink tinged, foamy spitum on her lips.
Pulmonary Embolism

But, here is the kicker....there was another death in the Salem area during this time. It was a man that spent a lot of time roaming the neighborhood. We used to joke about how much he drove up and down the roads. Come to find out he had attended a few of those prepper campouts.

Perhaps he saw something one day in September while he drove past the Daybell house. Maybe it was on the 9th or maybe it was later in the month that he may have noticed something in particular. At any rate....He died on the 29th of September....of a pulmonary embolism.

I ask....and this is all my opinion....what are the chances that 3 people that have been know to be in the same area and associated with the same people all die of the same(2 confirmed and 1 suspected) cause?

I'm not aware of who you are talking about that died in Sept (and please don't post a name here) but I hope you have sent this info into the police or the FBI as a tip. I've thought for a while that there might be other victims. Please tell someone who will investigate ASAP. Thanks.

Rexburg police contact details: Police Contact Information | Rexburg Idaho

FBI form from when they were looking for Yellow Stone pictures of the kids: FBI — Seeking Information on Missing Children - Rexburg, Idaho

Additional contact numbers in this article: FBI Releases Pictures from Last Day Tylee Ryan Was Seen with Family at Yellowstone
Later edit to stay well within TOS guidelines...

I had sort of been thinking that more than one of the Zombie Cohort had killed before—maybe even repeatedly, maybe in another context—so when folks come up with stuff they hadn't thought of before that jogs their memories, it's always interesting.
On a separate—though maybe not—topic, are we quite sure the Zombie Cohort and friends weren't into hallucinogenics as part of their belief system? I was thinking 'shrooms. They'd make you briefly delusional or could be taken in a fatal dose? But they'd also be easy to store long-term, the same way you'd store other prepper dry goods. The other possibility would be hemlock, i.e. wild parsnip. Same advantages, and it worked on Socrates. Both of these substances are foraged for $$$, and would be very easy to obtain nearby on National Forest land.
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Catching up so this may have already been discussed..

This is Google Earth Street View at the intersection of N. Canyon St and Madison Ave. approx 1/4 block down from Buckaroo Bill’s BBQ. I’m not sure if these are cameras on the poles or not?

There are often motion detectors at street lights to help traffic flow, prevent cars from stacking up at red lights, etc.. And, on that street, which carries heavy traffic into YNP, locals would have wanted flow optimized.

You might have run into this problem at a traffic light where you wait and wait for a left arrow. The only way to trip it is to roll your car back and forth 'til the motion sensor sees you.

However, your idea that there might be cameras on those posts could be true, too. I'll bet that main drag has all kinds of cams from different sources. They might even have one used for parking infractions and virtual parking tickets.
Like you, I can't fathom buying into the zombie thing, and I don't think Chad believed it, but I think he convinced Lori and maybe her niece, Melani that it was true. Those two females seem incredibly gullible and inundated. Chad just seems like a narcissist and a manipulator. He wanted Lori all to himself, and I think he got a sense of power when he was able to choose who lived and who died.

I think Chad is much more dangerous than almost anyone suspects.

My experience with mythomaniacs (which I think Chad clearly is) is that when they are spouting their stuff, they believe it. You could strap them to a lie detector and it would show no deception. When they're not spouting their stuff they may have doubts, but if the stuff gets results they resist recanting it and when another opportunity comes by they can't resist the spout+believe mode. So it's a little more complicated than they believe or they are manipulating. It's a mix of both. Which makes them so dangerous. When they're talking they are sincere and when they're conniving they're cold and rational. Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos - Wikipedia) was exactly this kind of person, IMHO, as were any number of fraudsters I've run across in my career.
It was my guess when the remains were found, and studying the orange tarp, that a pet had been buried in that tarp.

The probable cause document was so much worse than I would have ever guessed. Thankfully Alex carried his phone with him everywhere he went, so police had a digital trail.
Thanks for the responses as I was really wondering about this.

I agree for someone like Alex it would make more sense since he was a truck driver.
Regarding PE... The thing is, TD was a librarian and evidently cherished her time on Frontierville, so she could have been sitting a lot. Now that I think about it—though this would be unimaginably devious—a poison could have been chosen precisely to look like PE and generate a cause of death that says loosely: "PE consistent with too much sitting". And it could have been selected months/years prior. And then just become an MO, since it was already researched and thought through. Thus, it came to be used before TD died, on Tylee and JJ.

I had sort of been thinking that more than one of the Zombie Cohort had killed before—maybe even repeatedly, maybe in another context—but this would be quite the wrinkle. Do you have a link to a death notice?

On a separate—though maybe not—topic, are we quite sure the Zombie Cohort and friends weren't into hallucinogenics as part of their belief system? I was thinking 'shrooms. They'd make you briefly delusional or could be taken in a fatal dose? But they'd also be easy to store long-term, the same way you'd store other prepper dry goods. The other possibility would be hemlock, i.e. wild parsnip. Same advantages, and it worked on Socrates. Both of these substances are foraged for $$$, and would be very easy to obtain nearby on National Forest land.

IMO all of their delusions came naturally without being enhanced by substances.
Because the plot was hatched ... I will never believe AxC died of natural causes, just like Tammy didn't peacefully die in her sleep. Poison has to be the answer.

Who was around him in the day prior to his death? Is it at all plausible that he would have ingested something on his own? Sort of like a guilt response and knowing LE was getting close? I wouldn't think so, but trying to look at all angles. I'm hoping the ME saved samples for later testing, do they do that?
I like your thinking. IF Tammys death was not natural causes, AND AC was involved in tammys death, then he would know how to cause the same outcome.
I don't think Tylee was dismembered, too messy.

I really hope not. I think it would be relatively easy (for someone motivated to do it) to get ahold of Ketamine or Rohypnol and much much easier still to get ahold of sedative drugs (intended for JJ or anyone else with anxiety?) then use enough to cause a loss of consciousness. After that, it would be easy for two grown men or a small woman to overcome someone in a way that causes death.
I think she was dismembered most likely at Chad's. I agree messy but I doubt they would throw her entire body on the fire at once. She was found in pieces in various degree of char and flesh per affidavit. That means pieces were not burned at the same time imo
IDK, she wasn't that big, heavy maybe, but not long.

I've done some reading on the effect that fire has on bodies. It doesn't take as long as you would think to reduce to bone. Once the soft tissue is gone, the body essentially falls apart. This site has lots of info on what happens to bodies when they die. This particular link is related to burning.What happens to human bodies when they are burned.
Regarding PE... The thing is, TD was a librarian and evidently cherished her time on Frontierville, so she could have been sitting a lot. Now that I think about it—though this would be unimaginably devious—a poison could have been chosen precisely to look like PE and generate a cause of death that says loosely: "PE consistent with too much sitting". And it could have been selected months/years prior. And then just become an MO, since it was already researched and thought through. Thus, it came to be used before TD died, on Tylee and JJ.

I'm not sure I'm reading this right. Are you referring to a cause of death that looks like a pulmonary embolism...but isn't?
I'm not aware of who you are talking about that died in Sept (and please don't post a name here) but I hope you have sent this info into the police or the FBI as a tip. I've thought for a while that there might be other victims. Please tell someone who will investigate ASAP. Thanks.

Rexburg police contact details: Police Contact Information | Rexburg Idaho

FBI form from when they were looking for Yellow Stone pictures of the kids: FBI — Seeking Information on Missing Children - Rexburg, Idaho

Additional contact numbers in this article: FBI Releases Pictures from Last Day Tylee Ryan Was Seen with Family at Yellowstone
Thanks for posting this.
I too think Chad may have a past history of more crimes. Jmo
I think it great that they are looking into cemetery(s) Chad worked for. They have new equipment that can locate disturbances buried they are using per article. They are currently looking into the Kiplyn Davis case to see if they can locate her body at the cemetary Chad worked for and the possibility of his involvement. This case may or may not be a stretch but who thought we would be discussing zombies and the end of the world:eek:
The Justice Files: In search of bodies of the deceased
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Thanks for posting this.
I too think Chad may have a past history of more crimes. Jmo
I think it great that they are looking into past cemetery(s) Chad worked for. They have new equipment that can locate disturbances buried they are using per article. They are currently looking into the Kiplyn Davis case to see if they can locate her body at the cemetary Chad worked for and the possibility of his involvement. This case may or may not be a stretch but who thought we would be discussing zombies and the end of the world:eek:
The Justice Files: In search of bodies of the deceased

Gonna be even worse if they find a body that isn't her. Jmo
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