Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #44

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Thanks for recalling and to repost what is linked above by verified "RexburgSleuth Verified Friend of Daybell Family" on January 22, 2020 on WS at your link...

"Chad left the Daybell home Oct 24, the day after Tammy's memorial service in Rexburg. This surprised me as I've said. I thought he was grieving because of statements that Tammy was there around every corner. Where he went? I wasn't aware of at that point. I assumed he moved into town (Rexburg) from Salem area.

Sunday the 27th was Stake Conference. No regular ward meetings. Two hours of instruction and worship in or broadcast from the stake center. I had not yet heard where Chad was at this point.

By Nov 3 I had heard he was in Hawaii helping a friend who was there writing a book. Also surprising, but as I first understood his prompt exit as grieving, I understood this as a way to get his mind off of the grief. I also took that to mean the friend was writing and Chad was there to help. I assumed because he would eventually publish the book or just because he had experience writing and publishing. Was he in Hawaii? Possibly. He wasn't in Salem, so he could have been anywhere. Either way, I'm convinced this was not the truth. Other VIs have stated the marriage was within two weeks of Tammy's death. Was he married in Hawaii?

By Nov 17 I heard that he had been married and was living in Rexburg in a townhouse with his new wife. This was so very shocking and surprising. I began to question whether Tammy died of natural causes or was killed. If killed, could it have been Chad? I still don't know that one. I don't believe it was. Who could kill Tammy? But now I don't know.
Thanksgiving weekend I knew the family was gone from home.

Dec 2 I knew where and why: family vacation. I was puzzled by the lack of his new wife present in the vacation photos (I still didn't know her name at this point, nor did I know of any prior children. If someone told me she had children I would have accepted that because of Chad's age).
EDIT: She was not in any of the photos posted. It took that to mean she wasn't present on the trip.
December 20 I found out with the rest of the world the beginnings of all the rest of this story.

Yes, I also later learned that he wanted out of the book business, wanted to sell the company in fact, and the house, but the family convinced him otherwise."
Thank you! So after JJ was murdered. I was hoping for a long shot in being able to count pills before he died. But of course now it seems those pills were used for something else. I know this is old info, I’m a little slow in putting things together lol... and haven’t been able to spend a lot of time to explore lately. Jmo

I thought Lori's mom, in the interview, said that Lori stockpiled JJ's meds. Lori could have had another bottle in her purse. AC could have had some at his place. We did talk about this last week, maybe? It was discussed in the context as to whether JJ's meds were considered a controlled substance, which most said it was not in their state.

here's the relevant page in the document - he took the children to her on 2nd Oct

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
thanks greatly. So, where did Melani go with the two kids?? She was obviously in the area, when he got shot. I guess I have to assume that Brandon had his own place in October, and Melani was still living in the family home that she vacated with Alex at the end of the month, before going to Rexburg.
I thought Lori's mom, in the interview, said that Lori stockpiled JJ's meds. Lori could have had another bottle in her purse. AC could have had some at his place. We did talk about this last week, maybe? It was discussed in the context as to whether JJ's meds were considered a controlled substance, which most said it was not in their state.
I remember the discussion but I can’t find it. It seems it was indeed stockpiled but I don’t recall that from the interview. I’ve been bombarding myself with info though so I may have missed it. jmo
thanks greatly. So, where did Melani go with the two kids?? She was obviously in the area, when he got shot. I guess I have to assume that Brandon had his own place in October, and Melani was still living in the family home that she vacated with Alex at the end of the month, before going to Rexburg.
Yes, he'd only just moved into it.

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
When I read about that alleged incident, I thought Lori hoped her friends would believe that the zombie inside of JJ thrust him up there, much like the demon inside the girl in The Exorcist caused her head to spin.
Frankly that's what I thought too. It sounded like she was evoking the image of little Regan (Linda Blair), spider-walking up a wall to the top oc the cabinets or something.
I remember the discussion but I can’t find it. It seems it was indeed stockpiled but I don’t recall that from the interview. I’ve been bombarding myself with info though so I may have missed it. jmo

There is a longer version of the interview and also an edited version if I am recalling correctly. I've also have been bombarded with information, so know what you mean! IMO
I posted the link earlier, went back and listened and Nate said the kids (he used plural) WERE living with him when Tammy died so I am retracting. I thought I heard hi in another interview say the kids moved after she died. I am going to keep looking and will post if/when I find that interview.

Thanks for your response.
I'll retract as well. Nate's not wrong by saying "kids" were living with him. Son in South Africa's legal address was the home in which TD died. So, technically he's correct.
No ill feelings here. This is as confusing as any story could be. Yes, after CD moved out, another son and his wife moved in. Their child, CD's grandchild, was born and these were living in the home when the Jan 3 search warrant was carried out. Just to catch up to current events, son on the mission returned because of COVID, eldest son and son-wife-grandchild of CD planned to move out June 10 (which we saw right after the search), and daughter-husband-grandchild moved in.

Edit: Whoops, I miss-typed. Daughter, husband, and grandchild moved in June 10th.
Last edited:
I'll retract as well. Nate's not wrong by saying "kids" were living with him. Son in South Africa's legal address was the home in which TD died. So, technically he's correct.
No ill feelings here. This is as confusing as any story could be. Yes, after CD moved out, another son and his wife moved in. Their child, CD's grandchild, was born and these were living in the home when the Jan 3 search warrant was carried out. Just to catch up to current events, son on the mission returned because of COVID, eldest son and son-wife-grandchild of CD planned to move out June 10 (which we saw right after the search), and daughter-wife-grandchild moved in.
Thank you so much for all of the great info you provide! I know it’s been really helpful for me.
I'll retract as well. Nate's not wrong by saying "kids" were living with him. Son in South Africa's legal address was the home in which TD died. So, technically he's correct.
No ill feelings here. This is as confusing as any story could be. Yes, after CD moved out, another son and his wife moved in. Their child, CD's grandchild, was born and these were living in the home when the Jan 3 search warrant was carried out. Just to catch up to current events, son on the mission returned because of COVID, eldest son and son-wife-grandchild of CD planned to move out June 10 (which we saw right after the search), and daughter-wife-grandchild moved in.
Just to clarify, sorry, I thought one of the single sons lived there at the time of Tammy's death but no?
Yes it is. Also just noticed its the day after ACs and ZPs wedding and no wedding band on his finger? Not sure if its not the norm for Mormons.
Neither AC nor ZP were typical Mormons at all, and in fact while AC may have been somewhat involved with the LDS church growing up, he was not going to church or involved at the time of all this, neither was ZP. Yes, very normal for Mormons to wear rings. MOO
You can't ask for a warrant to bring cadaver dogs just to sniff. You have to present probable cause that there are bodies beneath the surface. This is my point. You see, law enforcement had to have sufficient proof of a crime and the likelihood of bodies in order to get a warrant. You will not get a warrant on a simple suspicion in the hopes of developing evidence. No disrespect, but that is the way the law works and it is actually for your and my protection.
No disrespect taken.
I get what your saying but if they had enough evidence to go to hawaii and search them there why is it unreasonable to think they had sufficent evidence to search their other properties as well?
Just to clarify, sorry, I thought one of the single sons lived there at the time of Tammy's death but no?
Yes, he lived there. See:
Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #44

Salem Residence Timeline:

Up to time of TD's death:
CD, TD, eldest son of TD/CD, youngest son away on mission.

After TD's death:
Eldest son, youngest son away on mission, son with expectant wife moved in.

At Jan 3 search:
Eldest son, youngest son away on mission, son with wife and child.

Shortly after Lori's arrest:
CD, eldest son, youngest son away on mission, son with wife and child.

Before June search:
CD, eldest son, youngest son back from mission for COVID, son with wife and child.

After June search, CD's arrest, and subsequent move-out/in:
Daughter with husband and child, youngest son.

Interesting to note that while LVD's legal team claimed she had residence in Idaho in home for 5 years, she never actually lived in the home. I doubt she even slept a single night there.
I'm reading over the affidavit that details AC's visits to Chad's house. I noticed he visited the house (his phone pinged in the house, not the back yard) three days before he buried Tylee. Then he also visit the house (again no pings in the back yard) two days after he buried JJ. I wonder what those short visits were about. Either he was discussing the disposals with Chad, or scouting the area on the first visit before Tylee (and leaving his phone inside).

This was discussed a little while back. Someone said, and I agree, that these people were pretty involved in each other's lives at his point, and while there was some bad stuff going on, there would likely also have been various incidental contact that was not necessarily part of whatever criminal conspiracy was being hatched. Alex could have been borrowing tools, helping move furniture, and various other mundane stuff... in addition to the criminal possibilities.

We're not going to know until LE release more info.
No disrespect taken.
I get what your saying but if they had enough evidence to go to hawaii and search them there why is it unreasonable to think they had sufficent evidence to search their other properties as well?
I don't know but...getting a warrant to search for evidence of child welfare (children's belongings, electronics, school records, bank accounts etc) with their mother (and Chad as their step-father if they had been alive) is not the same as a warrant to search a property for bodies buried, without evidence they could cite, at that time, for the children being deceased and their bodies being there.

I don't know but...getting a warrant to search for evidence of child welfare (children's belongings, electronics, school records, bank accounts etc) with their mother (and Chad as their step-father if they had been alive) is not the same as a warrant to search a property for bodies buried, without evidence they could cite, at that time, for the children being deceased and their bodies being there.

Great point! I hadn’t put it in that perspective myself.
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