Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #44

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Wasn't there something that went on with Lori and the life insurance policy? I can't remember exactly, something about she contacted the company and tried to get something changed? I thought it was when Charles was still alive, not after he was dead.

The password was changed without his knowledge on Feb 20, 2019. He asked for an investigation from Banner Life on Feb. 26th

I've always wondered why they couldn't get the audio from that call. Those calls are recorded and my suspicion is it was AC acting as CV so CV couldn't make policy changes
Google photo is current (labeled 2020), but there was no date on the Apple photo, according to the original poster. I assumed that the big patch was a grave and that the photo was taken after September 2019.
Correction: The KSL article claims that the Google Earth photo (details appear the same as the current Google Maps photo I used) is from 2015. That was the year when Chad moved to Rexburg from Springville, UT.

Satellite photo shows Chad Daybell property on likely day of child's burial
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For those who are sickened by the term "step-dad", it is a title. I had many step-dad's growing up and none of them I would consider a loving, kind, Daddy-type guy in my life. It was just another guy my mother picked, not somebody that was supposed to take over for my Father (even though they tried). Of course, there would have been no way for any guy to take that title from my own (wonderful) father. I guess that is why it makes me so angry that Tylee was kept from having any relationship with her own Father. She had no one to reach out to for help and her bold voice was just silenced (and then burned and buried).
Lori tried to change his password. And this was BEFORE she ventured back to Texas and Charles texted his friend that it was all a big misunderstanding and "we have our Lori back".

Lori Vallow Daybell's Sister-in-Law Says If 4th Husband Hadn't Had Life Insurance 'He Would Be Alive'.
When the mountain of evidence is organized and presented at trial, these two will spend the rest of their lives in prison. Maybe Chad and Lori can use sheets to make white tents in their cells ...
Correction: The KSL article claims that the Google Earth photo (details appear the same as the current Google Maps photo I used) is from 2015. That was the year when Chad moved to Rexburg from Springvile, UT.

Satellite photo shows Chad Daybell property on likely day of child's burial
You can verify the Google Earth image date by clicking the historical aerial icon.
Because, he did not follow through. CV could have had a restraining order against LVD, he never did that. CV could have arranged with the court that he pick JJ up at his school or CPS office, to eliminate contact with LVD. CV never did anything, but continue to chase LVD.

LVD steals $35,000. CD doesn't even report the theft to the police or press criminal charges.

LVD goes to Hawaii, leaves CV with kids. CV takes her back.

Not victim blaming, per se, but if CV really "feared for his life", he didn't really act like LVD was that much of a threat.

IMO Charles was in a marriage with an addict. She was obsessed/addicted with end of times doctrine and her twisted perceptions of her religion (no excuses for Lori—she has many many more issues than just this!) Any relationship with an addict has a level of codependency. Charles loved his wife, his actions weren’t perfect but he was doing more than many would do to get her the help he thought she needed. Having a mental evaluation executed is a pretty drastic step, calling in LE to enter your own home, .... the list goes on. He was also protecting her by not having even more drastic steps taken. It seems easy to us, take the kids (or just JJ) and run! The system failed Charles. In turn that failure resulted in 3 more deaths. It wasn’t one failure by one agency. No direct finger pointing because hindsight is 20/20 and this all led to an extraordinary set of circumstances.
Because, he did not follow through. CV could have had a restraining order against LVD, he never did that. CV could have arranged with the court that he pick JJ up at his school or CPS office, to eliminate contact with LVD. CV never did anything, but continue to chase LVD.

LVD steals $35,000. CD doesn't even report the theft to the police or press criminal charges.

LVD goes to Hawaii, leaves CV with kids. CV takes her back.

Not victim blaming, per se, but if CV really "feared for his life", he didn't really act like LVD was that much of a threat.
I cannot even tell you how triggering this post is for me. Perhaps you have been fortunate enough to not have had to deal with a malignant narcissist in your life. Maybe you should watch the videos of Lori at the police station, manipulating the situation. That is a small glimpse of how the rest of CV's life would have been had he not given into her wishes and reconciled for the sake of her "getting his finances in order". She would have, and did, manipulate and gaslight and terrorize until she got what she wanted, all the while "charming" everyone around her to think she was a perfect angel and he was the bad guy. He was in a catch 22, because of Lori and Chad. Moo.
Someone alluded earlier, there might have been a botched plan that was supposed to take place around Yellowstone. That is still my bet.
I’m not sure if they’re smart enough for this, but I have wondered if the Yellowstone trip was not a way to throw off police. Maybe get them searching in there and not in Chad’s yard.
She must have worked her charms, again.

It didn't take him long to see the errors of his thinking though - 29th June

email transcribed by @Gardener1850

Open this letter and see what she did. I'm not sure if the relationship with her and Chad Daybell but they are up to something. She created this email alias for me as I've never set this one up. She sent this yesterday and I guess she forgot all her emails are on the computer at my house. I asked her to explain it and she started blaming you, Brandon and me for perpetuating a scheme against her. Just more of her paranoia. She will not explain it. I am going to send it to Chad Daybell's wife. Her name is Tammy and I found her email address on their website. I've got her cell number too. Sounds very suspicious to me. What do you think? Whenever she gets caught doing this kind of stuff she starts blaming everybody else. Mostly me, you and Brandon. Brandon and I are the victims of her craziness. I wish you luck trying to help her. I was the only one brave enough to try to get her help in January and look what happened to me. The whole family put a scarlet letter on me. Maybe now they can see what they're up against.
Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #23
Thanks @Tortoise , great stuff! BBM - what on earth does this mean?
For those who are sickened by the term "step-dad", it is a title. I had many step-dad's growing up and none of them I would consider a loving, kind, Daddy-type guy in my life. It was just another guy my mother picked, not somebody that was supposed to take over for my Father (even though they tried). Of course, there would have been no way for any guy to take that title from my own (wonderful) father. I guess that is why it makes me so angry that Tylee was kept from having any relationship with her own Father. She had no one to reach out to for help and her bold voice was just silenced (and then burned and buried).
No, people (like me) are sickened because the children were murdered (DEAD) before Chad and Lori were married. It was impossible for him to be their step-dad. Moo.
Yes...this is such a great post, full of interesting information. I keep hoping there are some "curious benefactors" out there that may chip in for some of the costs of this massive case..... like for a second autopsy on Alex.
I understood that Alex was cremated?
Whether AxC moved it there or not, the fact that Alex's truck is backed in seems hinky to me. I always had to back in at any oil and gas-associated work site (drill rig, tank battery, pipeline). It is standard safety protocol in case of explosion and rapid escape from a site might be necessary.

I am curious if he always backed in (personal habit) or if it was for a potential rapid escape one-off.
I think its a boy thing. My hubby always reverses when parking .
I believe she may have been one of the blurred out faces in that cookie gatherings at Lori and Charles's house...
No, it has been reported (and previously linked) that the kids and Charles were out of town; the person who was quoted is presumably the other blurred out face. I will see if I can find it.
I'm sorry but I've got to ask the women here, LDS and otherwise - If a man you just met told you that he was married to you in a past life, wouldn't that just be all kinds of creepy on so many levels. As a guy if a woman said anything like that to me it would be a total turnoff and end to any interaction with her!
Totally creepy... but it was a guy LVD was already infatuated with, and she already shared some of his beliefs. Maybe she felt validated and even special?
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