Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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I think your reasoning is solid for why they removed the wheel and the seat. I also think that at first glance it looks like they took the seat and tire out of storage on Oct 3rd. That is certainly how it has been implied as happening with the order of Nate's voice-over. I'm totally on board with that theory. However I also see room for doubt due to what we are not shown and due to Nate's wording. Here is where I keep struggling, re-hashing this in my own mind and playing Nate's video 100 times:

Nate and Dateline are seemingly preventing us (on purpose/at LE's direction, I think) from knowing the following info about Oct 3rd:
1. We don't know the time of the visit.
2. We don't know the vehicle driven that day.
3. We don't know whether items were put into the unit or taken out that day.

What we know for certain about Oct 3rd:
1. Lori came with a man who "appears to be her brother Alex".
2. ? I think that's it?

What we know about the day the seat/tote/tire were removed from viewing the video:
1. Lori came with a man (Alex? Chad?)
2. Lori's Nissan Rogue was seen outside the unit.
3. The man lifted the seat/tote and tire in 2 trips while Lori opened and closed doors behind him.

What we don't know for certain about the day the seat/tote/tire were removed:

1. Which man was with Lori?
2. What day/time/month did it happen?
3. Did they also place something into the unit on that day?

The above 3 known things about the seat/tire video could fit into an Oct 3rd timeline, but I also believe they also could fit what is known about the Nov 24th visit. Here is one of my new edits to the Timeline after watching the Dateline episode (and from @Trask 's screenshot of the whiteboard):

24 Nov 2019, 1:16-1:20 pm – Lori and a man (believed to be Chad) are seen on CCTV in a car visiting Lori’s Rexburg storage unit for about 4 minutes; they remove items and also place items into the unit. This is the last visit to the storage unit by Lori and/or any of the men associated with Lori (East Idaho News, Dateline).

After seeing the whiteboard times from the Dateline video and the voice over during Dateline said that it was believed to be Chad on Nov 24th, I believe it's equally possible the seat/"heavy tote" and tire were removed on Nov 24th (the last visit to the storage unit that she made in her car and possibly with Chad, not Alex). But that would mean Nate was faking us out with the order of his words in the EIN video, trying to make us believe it happened Oct 3rd with Alex for some reason:
1. He was careful not to say what day that happened or what time it happened.
2. He did not show us timestamps or the Oct 3rd line on the whiteboard
3. Nate's voice over during the seat/tire removal clip says (.46 min) "During one visit*, the two of them* enter the building, the man* looks back and forth as Lori opens the unit door..."

*In this sentence it's very confusing because "the two of them" seems to refer to Lori and Alex, since Alex was mentioned in the previous sentence about being present Oct 2nd and 3rd, but again Nate hasn't told us which day he is talking about for the tire removal visit. I believe "the man" could be referring back to another previous phrase (.20 min): "a man associated with Lori" in order to keep things vague.

But it sounds, at first glance, to be hinting at Alex on Oct 3rd since the sentence before that he tells us Lori and Alex came Oct 2nd and Oct 3rd. Confused yet? I sure am. I'm going around in circles on this. :confused:o_O

I feel like this is one of those math logic problems from my high school SAT test, LOL. Maybe someone can show me where I'm missing something the rules out Nov 24th as the day the seat/tote/tire were removed? Probably something where I will go :oops: seconds after it is pointed out... :rolleyes:

(Give yourself a Gold Star for the day if you read this far and followed what I was saying :cool::p )

It looks simpler to me. The man who is seen taking the car seat and the tire out of the unit (also the man who looks left and right before entering the unit) does not look like the man seen with Lori on Nov 24. The former has Alex's build, while the latter was speculated to be Chad. Their clothes are also different - the second man is wearing a shorter jacket. Alex's truck is seen outside when the tire is carried out, while the vehicle type listed for the last visit is a car (if I'm not mistaken), presumably Lori's Rogue.
Nate also mentions Alex's name for the Oct 2nd and 3rd visits, but not for the Nov 24th.
Okay, what if all this business with the kids is a smoke screen for something else?

What else? Beats me. But they're being just too public and brazen about this. It's like "Don't look at that man behind the curtain."
someone mentioned that Chad's book reviews are "getting hit hard" on Amazon. Not sure I can link. MOO

I just did a quick check and it looks like you're correct. FWIW, Amazon has seen this kind of thing before and the ultimate result will be the obviously phony reviews will get deleted and potentially those posting them will get their reviewing privileges revoked.
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I'm not sure either. I didn't see that particular video so I know that's not where I got it. But I've run across the term here and there in other contexts--the end-of-the-worlders of all stripes seem to use it as slang for the masses of us who aren't going to survive. So we're already dead and just don't know it, which makes us zombies. But whether there's a formal definition or cult belief that uses the term, I don't know.

In my research on this case, I have come across this specific reference, “zombies”, with regard to AC, TR, and JV, with regard to the POI beliefs, aligning with other extremist beliefs, regarding current “end of times (doomsday) beliefs”.
Maybe that helpful neighbor is one of the men in the camera footage? Just thought of that as he helped them move in he said. Maybe move stuff in and out to storage?

That doesn't seem likely to me because Lori and Alex moved to Rexburg on either Sept 1st or Sept 2nd (over Labor Day weekend). A month after moving in, on Oct 1st, is when Lori got the storage unit. She didn't get it for storing things while between residences. All the moving of items in and out of the storage unit happened while Lori wasn't moving anywhere. Melani's move to Rexburg also does not correspond with the storage unit activity dates (MB and Alex arrived in Rexburg with MB's Uhaul on Nov 4th). I think it would have seemed strange to the neighbor if he had been asked to go to the storage unit a month after Lori and Alex moved in. That type of request would stand out in my mind if new neighbors asked me to move heavy totes a month after arriving. And it would be extra memorable if I am then asked about when I last saw their children who disappeared. MOO.
That doesn't seem likely to me because Lori and Alex moved to Rexburg on either Sept 1st or Sept 2nd (over Labor Day weekend). A month after moving in, on Oct 1st, is when Lori got the storage unit. She didn't get it for storing things while between residences. All the moving of items in and out of the storage unit happened while Lori wasn't moving anywhere. Melani's move to Rexburg also does not correspond with the storage unit activity dates (MB and Alex arrived in Rexburg with MB's Uhaul on Nov 4th). I think it would have seemed strange to the neighbor if he had been asked to go to the storage unit a month after Lori and Alex moved in. That type of request would stand out in my mind if new neighbors asked me to move heavy totes a month after arriving. And it would be extra memorable if I am then asked about when I last saw their children who disappeared. MOO.

I agree, sort of until I know what the neighbor looks like. Just to make sure.
I feel that JR's quote regarding talking to CD's kids, AND that "Chad and Tammy had tight money problems" early in 2019 says very much in regards to just how much money is floating around. I think CD was the "thing" to be marketed, but that LVd somehow had the money. EG...had CD ever been in HI before. And the HI wedding pictures.. just further marketing of the future "god and goddess" to be marketed.
IMO anything that JR says is ALWAYS serving her self interest and desire for the spotlight and money. She has made a reputation by either stating “visions” that are ambiguous enough, or obvious enough that she can cover her bets whichever way things go, or saying things that cannot easily be disproven. Even if she shares things that are true, she says enough crap that the truth is either indiscernible or unusable.
It looks simpler to me. The man who is seen taking the car seat and the tire out of the unit (also the man who looks left and right before entering the unit) does not look like the man seen with Lori on Nov 24. The former has Alex's build, while the latter was speculated to be Chad. Their clothes are also different - the second man is wearing a shorter jacket. Alex's truck is seen outside when the tire is carried out, while the vehicle type listed for the last visit is a car (if I'm not mistaken), presumably Lori's Rogue.
Nate also mentions Alex's name for the Oct 2nd and 3rd visits, but not for the Nov 24th.

I'm glad you brought that up. Another issue I'm having is that I cannot tell if the man shown with Lori on Oct 2nd and the man shown removing the tire (unknown man/unknown date) are the same man. Let's compare those two images to see if we can tell anything about the height and build:


Left image of Alex is from .40 Min, Right image of Tire Man is from .52 Min, in the video here: Lori Daybell abandoned a storage unit in Rexburg full of children's items | East Idaho News
Unfortunately, different zoom levels make comparison difficult. Look how much smaller the window is in the door on the Oct 2nd image. I tried to crop/enlarge and make the two images the same size using the window as a guide but the window shapes were different, probably indicating a video of the video was taken at a slightly different angle for each date. I'm bad at scaling images and I gave up after fiddling with it for a bit in Paint. :p But this is a comparison I would love to see @grayhuze do in video to try to help us figure out if the man seen with the Tire on an unknown-to-us date is the same height and build as the man Nate says is assumed to be Alex seen on Oct 2.

ETA: I forgot to add, here is an image of the man seen on Nov 24 (from 1:17 Min of the video linked above):
There's no door with window shown (perhaps it is propped open?) so that makes it even harder to compare this one with the other 2 as well. I believe we learned during the Dateline Episode that the man with Lori on Nov 24th was thought to be Chad. A comparison of all 3 of these images at the same scale/zoom could help clear up for us which man removes the Tire. MOO.
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