Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019

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Also what does it mean that they “look forward to addressing the allegations once they move beyond speculation and rumor?” Aren’t allegations that are not speculation or rumor actually allegations that have been proven?
It almost sounds to me like he's saying "once there are charges filed, we will address those, but not anything beforehand" which is quite concerning -- it suggests that the only outcome of the search for the children is charges filed! MOO
Since Chad and Lori are reportedly doomsday preppers, they probably have a bunker out somewhere with food and water to last who knows how many years? Are they sitting in that bunker and that's why they haven't been spotted? But they still have the means to communicate, since apparently they contacted a lawyer. Is there anybody else sitting at that bunker? Could the children be in a bunker or are the children no longer alive? Joshua needs prescription meds (that are federally monitored) and per grandpa the script hasn't been filled.
Can satellite phones be tracked? If they are in some remote location I would imagine that is how they would be able to call anyone. Or maybe they retained an attorney before going on the lam and told him what to say when utter chaos inevitably broke out.
It almost sounds to me like he's saying "once there are charges filed, we will address those, but not anything beforehand" which is quite concerning -- it suggests that the only outcome of the search for the children is charges filed! MOO
Yes, great point! You’re probably right... I really hope Tylee and Joshua are ok.
Yes, great point! You’re probably right... I really hope Tylee and Joshua are ok.

Right. And what charges against Lori and Chad could the police actually file at this point, in regards to the children?
Right. And what charges against Lori and Chad could the police actually file at this point, in regards to the children?
I can't think of any they could file at this point. Only after more is known/discovered.

It just seems like an odd stance to take. I mean, if the kids are safe, why not offer just enough proof to get the FBI off your backs?

And if they are not safe, why not at least pretend (like all the other child-harming parents do) that you don't know what happened to the kids but you want them to be found (ie encouraging more LE search/investigation)?

This is not fitting the familiar patterns I've become used to seeing since joining WS. Odd.
Right. And what charges against Lori and Chad could the police actually file at this point, in regards to the children?

...yeah. There really isn’t much, is there? Typically maybe there could be a case of parental alienation because they would be keeping the kid from the other parent... but in this case all of the other parents are dead.

Maybe neglect? I mean, if the kids can’t be located that seems pretty neglectful, right? But that might not even work since the parents also cannot be located and what if they are all together? I’m not a lawyer, obviously lol!
I'm not sure what to make of the Venmo transactions. Do we believe it is actually Tylee's account and is she the person receiving money sent?? Wouldn't this be easily (well, maybe not easily but likely) traced by LE by now?
Though I don't know where the children are, I am thinking.....

The Mormon end times / extreme prepper group that the adults are affiliated with is not polygamist. In contrast they seem to strongly disavow the practice.

This would seem to reduce the odds of them fleeing to one of the polygamist strongholds. Even if they were, the communities are under stress.

The Mexican polygamist community is reeling after the narco massacre of innocents. Many people have left. Colorado City is not impregnable today. The leader and several senior members are in prison for decades. Utah also fired problem constables and voided "voluntary" home title transfers made to the church. I can't see the Canadian polygamist community warming up to them either.

There is one place however, that might warm up to them. I once saw a documentary on it. It is a rural valley in Utah that has evidently been friendly to fringe groups for decades.

In addition to a polygamist faction (neither Jeff nor Lebaron), the area is home to a loose and "motley crue" of independent polygamists including one who described himself as an "Israelite", tax evaders, and Mormons rejecting church leadership.

Then mix in run of the mill secular anti government conspiracy types and a certain number of locals also hold the valley to be sacred with "end times" beliefs.

I just can't remember the name of the place.... .

Summit County Utah. Possibly Cache County?
Lol, me too. His eyes glazed over when I was running down the list of relationships. It took me a couple of
Does anyone know who the CR is that Tylee paid on Venmo? Two of those transactions occurred after she was last seen?
My husband’s eyes glaze over too! Haha!
CR isTylee’s biological brother that is married and lives in Kansas
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This! There are some very interesting episode descriptions, where Lori speaks and also Chad Daybell speaks. I found a link to the descriptions, but I cannot listen to any of the episodes. The dates are also very interesting.
All episodes of Preparing A People Podcast Network
8/22/2019 Feel the Fire Ep. 1 "& Lori Vallow team up sharing how some of the most extreme types of challenges helped them find miracles in the reality of our Best Friend and lover of our souls: Jesus Christ. How did they experience from one extreme to another?"
9/7/2019 Feel the Fire Ep. 2 "Lori is so descriptive with ways that "fire" can feel to all of us, and how that has manifest in her life. She speaks from great conviction and experience that we all can learn from."
9/16/2019 Feel the Fire Ep.3 "Emerging from a Spring and Summer break, Chad Daybell joins Lori to share things he has been shown about the Savior of the World with insights from 2 Near-Death Experiences and a visionary gift that was opened up to him because of his visits "Beyond the Veil."

Then there is a long break and there isn't an Podcast update till 11/29/2019 but this update is with a completely different podcastor and the description does not mention Lori or Chad.

I think there is some very interesting information in those podcasts, but they seem to have been deleted.
Old timer's saying - " Men and women that pray together, often stray together.".....moo
I see that Chad is referred to as children's stepfather. Children apparently went missing in late September. Chad and Lori wasn't yet married, and Chad was still married to Tammy. Tammy died on October 19. Chard and Lori are said to be married two weeks later, so sometimes in early November. By that time children were apparently missing for at least a month. So Chad was never actually a stepfather to the children.
I'm not sure what to make of the Venmo transactions. Do we believe it is actually Tylee's account and is she the person receiving money sent?? Wouldn't this be easily (well, maybe not easily but likely) traced by LE by now?
As far as I can tell, account can receive the money without an owner having to do anything. So anybody can send the money, it doesn't mean owner of the account is alive or doing anything.
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Lori isn’t the type to be holed up in a bunker off the grid? She just seems like the type of person to need her hair and nails and lashes done frequently.....I REALLY don’t see her being able to live without certain amenities. I feel like if she completely disappeared it would be at someone’s home, not in the woods somewhere.
This ^^^..... Anyone else have the feeling that this pair is holed up in a "safe house" in a big city area like Denver, Colorado, etc. ?.....moo
Former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson speculated Tuesday that the two Idaho children at the center of a nationwide hunt are being held by members of a cult that is preparing for the end of the world.

“Without a lot of hard evidence, just from supposition and making judgments,” Coulson told “Fox & Friends.” “I do think that it has something to do with the cult or the organization. Without a doubt.”


“The focus here is the children. That’s what we’re caring about. They need to be addressed. They need to be brought to safety. But the people that are keeping them away from safety are their own parents and their own associates,” Coulson said.

Former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson says he believes missing Idaho kids held by cult members
Spouses were killed by their significant other
Ex spouse likely killed by his child. Brother killed by his family

These two missing kids are dead . The parents are not responsible but will be charged for it . Grandparents likely had this crime committed

Story is always the same .
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