ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 TIMELINE ONLY - *NO DISCUSSION*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Detailed Case Timeline Part XIX of XXI (Update 12)

June 2020

FOUND DECEASED : Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell


1 Jun 2020 – LVD’s attorney MM responds to Prosecutor’s request for defense discovery.

1 Jun 2020
– FBI informed RPD that they found the text conversation between TD and CD about burying a raccoon dated 9 Sep 2019. 06/10/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball

June 2020 – The Prices (neighbors of CD) informed RPD that the fire pit on Daybell’s property was hardly ever used until the last few months. Reegan Price told RPD that there were frequent bonfires in the pit on the Daybell property over the last few months and the first one she noticed was soon after TD’s death on 19th Oct 2019. (source pca)

2 Jun 2020 – Detective Bruce Mattingly of Fremont Co Sheriff’s Office contacted SG (TD’s sister). She said she was aware of a pet cemetery on Daybell’s property, east of the red barn near the fire pit. (source pca)

2 Jun 2020 – Approx 1 week before 9 June FBI Agent SD (senior team leader over crime scene) testified that he was contacted by the local case agent to say there was going to be a search of Daybell’s property. SD helped develop search strategy. They had already established priority areas before they got there, with satellite imagery, phone ping info and a text about a pet cemetery. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

3 Jun 2020 – Lt Ron Ball of RPD interviewed MG and her boyfriend DW in Pleasant Grove, Utah. They discussed in depth the weekend of “Sep 22 and 23 2019” they had stayed at LVD’s apartment in Rexburg. (Note the dates are a Sunday and Monday – error?) See entry for 22 Sep 2019 for further detail. (source pca)

3 Jun 2020 – Lt Ron Ball of RPD asked Special Agent Ricky Wright of FBI to analyse the frequency of AlC’s visits to CD’s property in Sep 2019. The response was 4 visits in Sep; 6th, 9th, 23rd and 25th. Visits on 6th and 25th were indoor, not in the backyard. (source pca)

4 Jun 2020 – SG (TD’s sister) told Lt Ron Ball of RPD that she knew the location of the pet cemetery on Daybell’s property because TD had shown her. SG pointed it out on an arial photograph of the Daybell property and it was the same area where AlC’s phone pinged on 9th Sep 2019. (source pca)

4 Jun 2020T-shirts printed with “Bring JJ and Tylee Home” and “Justice for JJ & Tylee” appear on signs and poles on the road leading to CD’s house. (source EIN)

4 Jun 2020 – An article containing a video interview of SF by Nate Eaton of East Idaho News is published. SF is an author of books about near death experiences published by CD’s company Spring Creek Book Co. starting in 2004. She ceased doing business with him in 2017 when he started publishing non-Mormon material she did not want to be associated with. He has refused to return her book rights. SF says he had never mentioned his own alleged near-death experiences to her in any of their conversations, which she finds odd because in her experience people usually want to share their experiences with others they know will be understanding. When SF heard that CD had re-married in Hawaii she was stunned, particularly to “a woman who didn’t know where her children were”. Other entries detailing her knowledge of CD are in this timeline against their relevant dates. (source EIN)

5 Jun 2020 – Court issues search warrant in relation to CD’s property.

5 Jun 2020Guardianship of JJ – a remote hearing (status conference) was held at 9:00am. The next hearing is scheduled for 30 Sep 2020. (source Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix)

8 Jun 2020MBP replaces her attorney in her child custody proceedings. Her new lawyers are J Kyle Scoresby and Lyndsey Fibus of Scoresby Family Law, in place of Steven W Zachary of Zachary Law Group PLC. (source J Lum)

8 Jun 2020 – (re. death of JoR in 2018) - on 26 Jul 2020 WTAF published JoR’s toxicology report of 8 Jun 20201:25:14 in video

9 Jun 2020 – Tuesday - a search warrant was executed at CD’s Salem residence and property at 7:00am. With the assistance of a local FBI ERT (evidence response) team RPD located multiple sites of interest. Those sites corresponded with the cell phone data of AlC’s phone when he was at the property. One of those sites correlated to a location on the property CD had texted TD about.

06/29/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball

JJ’s remains are found
: - WARNING GRAPHIC - The first site of interest was located on the north side of the pond near the north edge of the property. AlC’s phone pinged here twice on 23rd Sep 2019. A patch of ground of approx. 4 feet by 2.5 feet appeared to be disturbed and the weed growth on the disturbed ground was shorter than surrounding weed growth. Apparent sod etching was also noticed. The top layer of sod was removed by the ERT. Underneath the layer of sod were several large flat rocks. The rocks were removed revealing two pieces of flat paneling. Similar paneling was found in a barn located on the property (at some point). The paneling was removed and investigators exposed a round object covered in black plastic. A strong odor was then noticed. A small incision was made in the black plastic using a small sharp instrument and a layer of white plastic was observed. An incision was made in the white plastic exposing the crown of a head covered in light brown hair. The remaining dirt was methodically removed, exposing what appeared to be a body wrapped in black plastic, tightly wrapped around the body and secured with grey duct tape. Cheryl Anderson associate professor of anthropology at Boise State Uni was present on scene and advised the remains appeared to be human. Due to the depth and width of the ‘grave’ and the rocks and paneling found, it would be impossible for one person to have dug it, placed a body in it, placed the rocks and paneling in it and covered it back up in 17 minutes.

Tylee’s remains are found: - WARNING GRAPHIC – A second site of interest was located behind a red unattached out-building roughly in the center of the property near the fire pit. Next to the fire pit is an area used as a pet cemetery. AlC’s phone pinged here several times on 9th Sep 2019.

The ground in this area was probed with a steel pole and several areas of disturbed ground were located. Buried remains of a cat and a dog were found during a search of this ground. No raccoon remains were located. A backhoe was used to dig further layers of dirt. Bricks were then located at a depth of approx 1 foot. The soil was then examined and two bones were located. Based on their condition Cheryl Anderson was unable to determine whether the bones were human.

The dirt in this area was searched methodically and several other items of interest were found, including more bones, charred tissue and charred bones. These were determined by Cheryl Anderson to be human remains. Photos were provided to Sara Getz PhD, a forensic anthropologist and she was able to identify these remains as being non-adult human remains.

Chad Daybell is detained by police: CD was observed by officers to be continuously watching where officers were searching, while sitting in his vehicle in his front driveway and in his vehicle across the street at his daughter’s residence. Around the time that the crown of JJ’s head was discovered CD was observed leaving his daughter’s residence in a grey SUV. Lt Ron Ball and other officers pursued him in police vehicles, conducted a traffic stop and detained him. 06/10/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball

9 Jun 2020, 11:03am – Jail phone call made by LVD to CD. Telmate system testified to by JW – recording admitted into evidence. CD tells LVD that his property is being searched with a search warrant, that he tried to call her and he’s glad she called, she asks if she should pray and he says yes, he says he is feeling pretty calm and that he has called Mark Means already and advises her to call MM, he finishes the call when he receives another call on his phone from someone he needs to talk to. Video of recording played in court here
Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

9 Jun 2020, 7:00am – execution of search warrant at CD’s property: RDH testified that CD’s son answered the door and he and another son let police into CD’s room where he was told they had a search warrant. CD sat in the kitchen area and spoke with his attorney in the kitchen area. He was allowed to remain on the property but would have to be accompanied by an officer, for officer safety reasons. He was also told he was free to leave the residence. CD went and sat in the driver’s seat of his vehicle, parked in the driveway off 1900E, facing west, approx. 10 feet from door of garage. CD was observed by RDH to be on the phone, continually and intently looking back over his right shoulder. He also got out and stood at the back of his vehicle at one point. When RDH stood in that spot he could see the north side of the property at the pond area. RDH was standing next to pond when the sod, rocks and panel were excavated, and he recognized the smell of decomposition. He guesses remains were found about 6-8 inches down - shallow. When JJ’s body was recovered at about 11am it was wrapped in black plastic covered in duct tape. It was placed into a bag in the coroner’s vehicle and taken to Madison Memorial Hospital morgue.

RDH assisted placing CD into custody at a traffic stop.

RDH assisted in digging up a dog and a cat in the pet cemetery. He later observed the dig after they had located “a mass of burnt flesh and charred bone”. Residence was secured for night.

Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

9 Jun 2020 – FBI Agent SD testified as to how the search on CD’s property was coordinated, clandestine graves identified, excavations conducted and remains recovered. SD agreed that there could be a raccoon buried on another part of the property they didn’t excavate. They had 5 cadaver dogs there that day and conducted line searches of the entire property. Burial site 1 (next to pond) was approx 1.5ft deep. Site 2 (pet cemetery) approx 2ft deep – down to top of remains. He would want to wait for scanner data to be more precise. He confirmed he was wearing protective gloves when he brushed the soil away from the black plastic bag covering JJ’s remains. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

Timed updates for this day – (starts main thread #35 page 27 )

7:00am – execution of search warrant (which currently remains sealed) confirmed to be in relation to the missing children.

9:00am (approx) At least one canine is spotted from the air – (source Nate Eaton helicopter footage, and tweet).

9:00am – WS member SleuthD-o-doubleg’s friend provides a drone photo of the property showing at least 25 law enforcement vehicles, including the FBI’s mobile command unit, lining adjacent roads.

11:30am –approx. - CD was stopped by police officers, traveling away from his home in his silver SUV, about a mile south of his address. He was wearing a baseball cap, grey shirt and blue jeans. CD got out of his car, was placed in handcuffs and put into a police car. (source EIN) An eyewitness says that CD was driving fast and she and her son saw his car being surrounded by unmarked police cars. (source Adam Herbets)

Midday approx. – a reporter tweets that CD’s car is being towed away. (source azfamily)

Just after midday – AnC wrote on Facebook that she got a call from a victim’s advocate and remains have been found [on CD’s property].

12:35pmtweet - backhoes arrive at the property. (source Nate Eaton)

1:30pmShort press conference. Asst Chief Gary Hagen RPD confirms that unidentified human remains have been found and CD has been taken into custody for questioning. No questions taken, no confirmation of how many sets of remains.

4:40pm approx – RPD issue an update and now say that charges against CD are pending.

5:21 pm CD was booked in the Fremont County jail on a felony charge of destroying/concealing evidence, no bond. Mark Means, CD’s attorney, declined to comment. (source EIN)

7:30 pmRPD press conference – CD’s initial court appearance will be at 11am tomorrow, 6/10, and will be livestreamed on youtube.

10pm approx. – (before identification is announced) AnC posted on FB: RIP, little man. Thanks for the drive-by hug and laughs. I’m sorry your short little life was marked with so much chaos, trauma, and heartbreak. I hope you’re safe in your daddy’s arms. <heart> And then a post saying – By way of clarification, I reached out to the FBI tonight, after seeing Justin Lum’s announcement. I can’t speak for JJ but no one has confirmed Tylee’s remains. We are waiting on the ME’s report. They have both kids’ dental records. That’s all I know.

10:43 pmKim Powell tweet – family members tell me that 2 bodies were found on Chad Daybell’s property. Confirmed by LE.

10 Jun 2020 – Police and investigators resume work and searches at CD’s Salem, ID property for a second day, and block off local roads to traffic a mile in all directions. Overnight the property had been guarded by deputies from Fremont Co Sheriff’s Office and crime scene tape. (source EIN – Eric Grossarth)

10 Jun 2020 – RDH testified in respect of the continued excavation of the pet cemetery. TR’s remains were placed in a bag in coroner’s vehicle. RDH observed a melted green bucket that the burnt flesh had been placed in, and under the bucket was a partial human skull. These items were also placed in a bag in the coroner’s vehicle. He followed the vehicle as it first went to Madison Memorial Hospital to collect JJ’s remains and then continued on to Ada County Coroner’s Office /Boise that evening. Under x-exam JP asked if there may have been another area (not the fire pit) where they burned different items – RDH did not see that. RDH pointed out that CD’s daughter E lived at Kitty Corner, on the opposite corner to CD’s house on 200N. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

10 Jun 2020 – Madison Co Prosecutor Rob Wood files two criminal complaints against Chad Daybell in Fremont Magistrate Division – for the destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence (Felony) Idaho Code 18-2603. This is in relation to the discovery of the remains of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow on his property, although the complaint does not name them the dates correspond with the dates they were last seen. The complaint relating to the date of Tylee’s disappearance and the concealment of evidence includes the additional words – destroy and alter.

10 Jun 2020 – Judge Faren Eddins Fremont Co issues a warrant for Chad Daybell’s arrest.

9:30am –
Justin Lum tweets that CD is charged with two counts of felony destruction and concealment of evidence.

9:45 am – Rexburg PD press release – it says after proper family notification they would like to confirm that investigators discovered two sets of unidentified human remains. Autopsy results are pending.

10:00am – Justin Lum posts a copy of the criminal complaint which reveals the separate dates of the alleged crimes as 8 Sep 2019 and 22 Sep 2019. The complaint alleges the destruction and alteration as well as concealment of human remains concealed on 8 Sep 2019, whereas it alleges concealment only of the human remains concealed on 22 Sep 2019.

11:00am - CD’s initial appearance with Judge Faren Eddins is livestreamed. This is the judge LVD had removed from her case after her bail hearing. CD is seated next to a new privately retained attorney – John Prior, of Meridian ID. Prosecutor Rob Wood states that the unidentified remains are of children, the manner of concealment of one of the bodies was particularly egregious and bail is set at $1 million. CD waived his right to a speedy preliminary hearing and it was set for 1st and 2nd July 2020 at 9:00am.

11:31 am - KW confirms one set of remains has been identified as JJ.

11:40am – the FAA issued a no fly zone up to 400 feet above ground level, over CD’s home, for the period 9:30am to 3:00pm.

By midday the prosecutor has filed a motion to seal the affidavit of probable cause and an order has been made granting same, on the grounds that it is necessary to prevent harm to any person or persons. MM on behalf of LVD requests a copy of the sealed search warrant issued on 5th June.

Family members - KW and LW with CR and KR; AnC; MwD and his wife HD; as well as attorneys acting for LVD’s parents, sister SS and MBP and IP, issue public statements expressing sorrow, to media.

More public statements are issued by TD’s parents, siblings and extended family, and CD’s parents and his family, on 11th June.

11 Jun 2020 – RDH testified that he was at Ada County Coroner’s Office from early morning. He observed the autopsies. Inside the black plastic and duct tape, JJ was wearing red pyjama pants and shirt, black socks with the word Skechers in orange across the toes, and had a light and blue blanket on top of him. He also had duct tape on his head, arms and feet. His head had a white plastic bag over it, an expandable trash bag with a waffle pattern and red drawstring. Duct tape was wrapped around the head on top of the bag, from chin to forehead area, in several layers. When the bag was cut off there was an additional piece of duct tape from jaw line to jaw line across his mouth. His hands were folded about chest height, and there was several layers of duct tape continuously tightly wrapped around, from one elbow to the other, and a large ball of duct tape where his hands would be. Underneath, his wrists were also bound with another layer of duct tape, and his ankles were bound together in the same manner. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

11 Jun 2020 – The children’s remains were transported to the Ada County Coroner’s Office. Ada County coroner Dotti Owens is providing pathology services to the Fremont County coroner Brenda Dye, in the cases of JJ and Tylee. (source EIN)

11 Jun 2020JJ’s autopsy – Lt Ron Ball observing – the body had not been removed from the plastic covering it was found in. As the body was uncovered and the face exposed it was clear to him that this was the body of JJ, from having seen photos and videos of him and his haircut which was shaved on the sides and back and longer on top. His body was well preserved. JJ was further identified by BB who was shown an autopsy photo.

11 Jun 2020Tylee’s autopsy – Lt Ron Ball observing – it was not possible to identify Tylee’s remains by looking at them as they were too damaged by fire and dismemberment and no longer had any recognizable features. Dr Glen Smith (orthodontist and deputy coroner in Ada County) was able to identify Tylee by matching an irregular jawline with an x-ray of Tylee when she was alive. Law enforcement was advised that it would still be wise to obtain a DNA verification and sufficient soft tissue exists which was not burnt. They are in the process of having said tests performed.

source for autopsy information - 06/29/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball

11 Jun 2020
– CD’s house is released after the search, and the Daybell adult children are seen moving boxes and furniture. His daughter moves in (already planned) and his son moves out. The yard is still roped off. KW and LW fly from Louisiana and visit the site where JJ’s remains were found.

11 Jun 2020 – CD’s neighbor Matthew Price speaks to media. He says “we noticed they were having a few bonfires that were kind of out of the ordinary. They had a big bonfire last fall, and they had two or three big bonfires this spring.”

12 Jun 2020 – RB testified that he went with RDH and BrD back to Ada County Coroner’s Office to receive evidence retrieved from the bodies and transport it to Idaho State Forensics Lab. The evidence was biological evidence, garbage bags, duct tape, swabs, finger nail clippings etc. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

12 Jun 2020
– Fox13’s Adam Herbets reports from outside the Rigby ID home of Christopher and Sue Parrett. AH states the Parretts did not apologize for their post on AVOW supporting CD and LVD but they said “they feel terrible, they had no idea the kids were dead, that their hearts and prayers were with the family, that they’re sick to their stomachs and they want people to know they had nothing to do with this. They said they didn’t feel comfortable sharing [the story CD and LVD gave them] because they don’t want to interfere with an ongoing investigation. “Obviously Chad lied to us.”

12 Jun 2020CD’s oldest son GD, when asked for a comment outside CD’s house, says “just keep supporting us, we appreciate your love and support, thank you.”

12 Jun 2020 – A candlelight vigil to honor the lives of TR and JJ was held in a field in Eastern Idaho. Amongst those in attendance was April Raymond, who drove from Utah to be there.

12 Jun 2020 – CD entered a plea of not guilty to the charges of concealment of evidence, along with notice of his attorney’s appearance as attorney of record, and requested a jury trial.

13 Jun 2020 –
Rexburg PD issues a press release confirming that the human remains have now been officially identified as those of JJ and TR.

13 Jun 2020 – Court TV speaks to the new occupants of the Rexburg house LVD occupied. On an unspecified date since LVD vacated the accommodation the FBI came and searched the crawl space that is underneath the crawl space they were aware of.

13th/14th Jun 2020 – CR and his wife KR visited the site where JJ and TR were found, and left a handwritten message to TR and JJ on the fence.

c. 16 Jun 2020 MG posted a seven-page letter on AVOW, addressing CP and warning others of Daybell’s deceptions. (source EIN)

18 Jun 2020 – Fox10 posts that MG will testify in BB’s custody case regarding MBP’s involvement with Preparing a People, MG’s conversations with MBP regarding the attempt on BB’s life, MBP’s beliefs and her travel to Hawaii in October 2019 to spend time with LV. BB has filed his list of witnesses and exhibits for hearing on 1 July.

19 Jun 2020 – Judge Eddins unseals the probable cause affidavit in relation to CD’s arrest, after a status conference. Parties request the preliminary hearing be moved from 1 & 2 Jul to 3 & 4 Aug 2020.

19 Jun 2020 - CD’s preliminary hearing scheduled to begin on July 1st is continued to Aug 3rd at 10:30am and Aug 4th at 9:30am.

20 Jun 2020JuR tells Inside Edition that she was sexually assaulted by CD in Dec 2018.

20 Jun 2019CD spends his days in jail reading scriptures and religious books. (source Nate Eaton)

22 Jun 2020 – SS, LVD’s sister posts on Facebook that she was wrong.

22 Jun 2020 – The FBI releases a new second photo of TR, JJ and AlC at Yellowstone NP on 8 Sep 2019.

22 Jun 2020Dateline airs its 3rd special in the case – “What Happened to JJ and Tylee. Interviewees include MG, DW, AR and EIN reporters NE and EG. (See other timeline entries for further interview extracts.)

KM: “Story began Oct 2018, in suburban Phoenix, at a church of JC of LDS gathering near her home, Melanie G was teaching a class in alternative health ideas when Lori walked in and a friendship was born. MG had four kids Lori had three. MG got the impression Lori was struggling.”

MG: “JJ was a lot of work for her. He was running around and she was trying to make him happy. Tylee would appear every once in a while out of the bedroom and she did not have a good relationship with her mom.”
MG: “He [CV] seemed like a really nice guy. He seemed to always be taking JJ places. He seemed pretty easy going.”
MG: “Chad said he was Martin Luther, Methuselah… Chad and Lori were in charge of this group and they would find couples or people that would be able to fulfil this calling as the tribulations came upon the world. She had this personality that feels like Velcro. She just takes you in and she doesn’t let you go. They said that different earthquakes were gonna happen, different invasions. He said the 144k were going to move to Rexburg. Most people would end up in tents, but ‘we don’t like to camp so we’re not going to be in the tents’. It was like this secret mission.”

KM: “The group communicated on untraceable burner phones. Chad and Lori went to an LDS temple and performed a DIY sealing ceremony.”

MG: “Lori told me that she had seen in like a dream that he [CV] was to pass away.”
KM : a few weeks later
MG:Chad called her up on the phone and said ‘I just want to let you know that Charles, something happened to him, he became an unclean spirit’. They later phrased it as a zombie.”

23 Jun 2020 – Dateline producer Shane Bishop tweets out that police found as many as 60 untraceable phones and said the group also used approximately 30 email addresses. They also tweet that they’ve heard that at TDs funeral CD was pointing to attendees and pronouncing their spirits as light or dark. They also tweet that on 9 Jun 2020, the day of the search of his yard, CD was given the choice to sit on the couch and be escorted everywhere by a deputy or leave the house. He went across the road and watched from his daughter’s property. They also tweet that MG said that AlC said “they’ll never find them (JJ and TR)”

24 Jun 2020 – KSL TV obtained a satellite photo of CD’s property for 1:32 pm on 9 Sep 2020, the day police believe TR’s remains were burned and buried, showing a dark spot of disturbed ground measuring approx. 5 feet by 6.5 feet, in the place her remains were recovered. (source KSL TV)

25 Jun 2020 – Ada County coroner Dotti Owens completed the children’s autopsies and confirmed outside and ancillary testing has been ordered and will take several weeks to return. The results will be provided to the Fremont County coroner who will pay all fees and maintains responsibility for the investigation. (source EIN)

26 Jun 2020 – LVD’s 47th birthday (in jail). She is in general population and has never been on suicide watch. (source Court TV 24 Jun 2020)

29 Jun 2020Fox10 reports that BB filed a response in the custody battle with MBP. Gilbert PD det Ryan Pillar states that MBP is a person of interest in the attempted shooting of BB. Pillar says MBP never contacted him again after 16 Oct 2019, or sought assistance with finding her children. BB alleges that Madison prosecutor Rob Wood has indicated that MBP is a person of interest in other felonious acts including the disappearances of JJ and TR. BB says MG was told by MBP that two of her children were zombies. The next hearing in the matter is Jul 1st.

29 Jun 2020 – 1:15pm - Rexburg PD executed another search warrant at CD’s property in Salem, Idaho. They went into the house and the barn and were seen in the backyard with cameras. (source EIN)

29 Jun 2020 – LVD was arrested and charged, in the seventh judicial district of the State of Idaho in and for the County of Fremont, with two felony counts of conspiracy to commit destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence in violation of Idaho codes 18-2603 and 18-1701. Robert H Wood, prosecutor for Madison County, ID, is appointed as special prosecuting attorney because of the close nexus with Madison County with their pending charges and future charges.

29 Jun 2020 – Detective Ron Ball swears an affidavit of probable cause against CD for conspiracy (with LVD and AlC) to conceal and destroy evidence.

30 Jun 2020AR, LVD’s friend, speaks to Nancy Grace and says TR had a lot of mysterious health issues and was always sick, in her room resting and sleeping and she was told TR had had several surgeries to try to figure out what was wrong. (source CrimeOnline)

30 June 2020 – LVD’s initial appearance is scheduled for 4:30pm in front of Judge Faren Z Eddins at the Fremont County Courthouse. The bail amount listed against the new charges is $1 million. Mark Means files notice of appearance on LVD’s behalf and she will appear remotely via Zoom.

30 Jun 2020LVD’s initial hearing was held at 4:30pm. CR and KR were present on screen, and KW and LW were listening in. At one point LVD rubbed one of her eyes and requested a tissue. She wore a pale blue sweater, a mask because of covid-19 precautions, and was without handcuffs. Bond was kept at $1million. In response to a question from the judge, attorney MM stated that he had never represented CD. Prosecutor RW interjected and the parties were ordered to make written submissions on the issue of whether MM is conflicted. A preliminary hearing was set for Aug 10th and 11th.

30 Jun 2020 – the prosecutor filed an amended criminal complaint against CD. CD now faces four felony charges - two counts of destruction and concealment of evidence (Idaho code 18-2603) and two counts of conspiracy re same (Idaho codes 18-2603 and 18-1701). The court found that probable cause for the arrest exists, based on CD texting TD about a fire and burial of a raccoon, and deceptively acting as if he did not know LVD very well, or know her phone number, when he was married to her. An initial appearance was scheduled for 1 Jul at 1:00pm.

Jun 2020 – sometime – MG testified under x-exam that RPD and the prosecutor came to see her. She says she has never been offered a deal to testify in this case. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline Part XIX of XXI (Update 12) - June 2020
Detailed Case Timeline Part XX of XXI (Update 12)

July 2020

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

1 & 2 Jul 2020, 9:00 am – Chad’s 2 day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID. Preliminary hearing moved to August 3 & 4 on 19 June.

1 Jul 2020 – CD’s Initial Appearance on the amended complaint was held at 1:00pm. His preliminary hearing on 3 and 4 August remains unchanged at present.

1 Jul 2020 – Boudreaux child custody hearing 4:00pm Maricopa County.

2 Jul 2020Nate Eaton of EIN is interviewed by 97.1 ZHT radio station. He says LVD hasn’t been able to speak with CD for 3 or 4 weeks now and before that they were having video chats for hours, in which CD would tell her that the public supported her and that this would all be over soon.

2 Jul 2020 – The two felony counts of desertion of children against LVD in Madison County are dropped and her preliminary hearing scheduled for 9th/10th July was cancelled. LVD remains charged with the three misdemeanour counts of obstruction, solicitation and contempt.

c3 Jul 2020 – CP recently wrote on AVOW that he spent 3 hours at his home meeting with law enforcement in connection with CD. He wrote “I was oh so very wrong” and offered an apology to all and any he may have hurt. On the same date Fox13 reports that HS continues to defend CD’s innocence until proven guilty.

6 Jul 2020 Crime Stories with Nancy Grace – April Raymond speaks to Nancy Grace

9 & 10 Jul 2020, 9:00 am – Lori’s 2 day Preliminary Hearing is scheduled in Madison Co, ID. Cancelled on 2 July.

10 Jul 2020 –
Judge Faren Eddins signs an order to seal documents in the LVD matter regarding the issue of attorney conflict of interest, because her rights to a fair trial and privacy interests outweigh public interest.

13 Jul 2020 – JFE (Fremont County) signed an order granting permission to Post Register to photograph LVD’s prelim hearing.

14 Jul 2020 – Nathan Duncan of Chandler PD has replaced Nathan Moffat as the new lead detective on the CV death investigation. Moffat was promoted to sergeant in May. (sources Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix and Inside Edition)

15 Jul 2020 – LVD pleads not guilty to the 3 misdemeanor charges – and asserts six (provisional) defenses:-

1/ court lacks personal jurisdiction
2/ court lacks subject matter jurisdiction
3/ improper service of process
4/ defendant did not knowingly violate any order
5/ inability to comply
6/ count 2 (solicitation – MG – 6 mos/$500) is a lesser included offense of count 1 (obstruction – lying – 1 yr/ $1000) as they are the same set of pertinent facts, and
7/ she reserves right to assert additional defenses once discovery is received, and
8/ she is not waiving her 5th amendment rights by these assertions.

And –
- demands the case be set for pre-trial and jury trial,
- requests oral argument on motion for extended period of time for further defenses as discovery requests are partially outstanding,
- requests oral argument on motion for reduction in bond with dismissal of felony charges of desertion,
- reserves right to file later a motion to change venue.

17 Jul 2020 – LVD pre-trial conference and bond reduction hearing (on her three Madison County misdemeanors) at 10:30am (remote hearing - zoom). Judge Mallard reduced LVD's bond to $150,000, that's $50K in respect of each charge. (She still has a bond of $1million in Fremont County.) The matter has been set down for trial for 25-29 January 2021. (source J Lum)

17 Jul 2020 – The FBI mobile command unit is no longer behind Rexburg police station – source @RexburgSleuth. (It was stationed there for approximately 20 weeks.) NE of EIN confirms it has been moved back to Utah but the FBI is continuing to assist RPD.

17 Jul 2020 – Boudreaux child custody case – MBP’s motion to hold BB in contempt for “misleading and false statements” was denied. The court order states “mother also denies that she had anything to do with the attempted murder of father. However father presented persuasive evidence that controverts her testimony. The court will reserve final judgment on that issue until after all of the evidence is presented during the upcoming trial in November.”

It also states “mother has failed to demonstrate that father made misrepresentations to the Court. Mother agreed that father could keep the children when she announced her abrupt move to Idaho on Oct 14th 2019. Although she inquired about the children on November 1, 2019 and appeared at father’s parents’ home in Utah on November 12 and 14 2019 presumably for the purpose of seeing the children, she did not seek any relief from this court regarding her parenting time until January 27 2020. She knew about the December 11 2019 hearing, but failed to appear for that hearing. She could have sought relief from the court in November 2019 and she could have appeared for the December 11 2019 hearing. But instead, she waited until January 27 2020 to seek intervention from the court. Accordingly, mother’s contention that father has improperly withheld the children from her is misplaced.” (more to read in docs) source JLum

17 Jul 2020 – RW prosecutor filed a motion asking the court (Fremont) to disallow video coverage of LVD’s and CD’s preliminary hearings in August, to preserve rights to a fair trial and make it easier to pick a fair jury.

20 Jul 2020 – (Madison County - LVD) court issued notice of trial setting, final pre-trial conference and order governing further proceedings. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for 4 Jan 2021 at 10:30am. Jury trial is scheduled for 25 – 29 Jan 20201 (5 days) at 9:00 am each day. Order specifies that the parties are to discuss potential settlement of the case before 4 Jan 2021, written notice must be given at least 90 days before trial (i.e. by 27 Oct 2020) if LVD intends to raise any issue of mental condition and/or call an expert witness concerning same.

21 Jul 2020KTVB reports that RW, the prosecutor, has hired a PR firm to help prepare for the coming trials of LVD and CD.

22 July 2020 – Lori told CV that she believes July 2020 is the date of the second coming of Christ; In Jan 2019 Lori allegedly threatened to murder CV if he stood in the way of her preparing for this date. “I think it’s July 22, 2020?,” KW said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen July 23, you know. Charles told me. He had recordings of her. He said nobody will believe me, and he recorded her one night.” (Fox10 Phoenix, Divorce records, Click2Houston).

23 Jul 2020JP on behalf of CD responds to RW’s motion to reconsider (disallow) broadcasting the preliminary hearing, saying he believes the court’s decision to allow live broadcast is appropriate and should remain in place.

23 Jul 2020MM on behalf of LVD responds to RW’s motion to reconsider (disallow) broadcasting the preliminary hearing, saying the motion should be denied.

24 Jul 2020 – Various media organisations (East Idaho News, Court TV, Post Register, KSL TV, The Idaho Statesman, NBC News, KIFI Local News, KPVI-TV and KIVI-TV) join together to file an objection to the state’s motion to reconsider (disallow) live broadcasting at the preliminary hearings.

27 Jul 2020, 2:30pm – Fremont County; motion hearing on application of prosecutor, to reconsider previous decision allowing cameras in courtroom for prelims in August.

27 Jul 2020 – At the motion hearing held on Zoom due to covid-19 measures, (LVD absent, all other parties present including her attorney) Judge Eddins denied the state’s request to reconsider his earlier ruling regarding live broadcasting of the preliminary hearings. Both defense attorneys argued for allowing live broadcasting. The judge permitted one media outlet to do a video and audio broadcast.

27 Jul 2020 – JFE ordered that any attorney conflict of interest (MM previously representing CD) has been adequately waived for the current proceedings. The respective hearings were sealed.

28 Jul 2020 – The State subpoenaed two FBI special agents (Benjamin Dean and Steven Daniels) to appear at CD’s preliminary hearing.

29 Jul 2020 – The State subpoenaed Idaho State Police Forensic Services (Rylene Nowlin) and FBI Agent Gary Lyu to appear at CD’s preliminary hearing.

31 Jul 2020 – Boudreaux custody matter – Motion for Appointment of Behavioral Health Expert for Psychological Examination of Mother.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline Part XX of XXI (Update 12) - July 2020
Detailed Case Timeline Part XXI of XXI (Update 12)

August 2020 and beyond

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell


Before 3 Aug 2020 – Det. DS testified that through a search warrant executed in Dec 2019, Google provided information related to AlC’s account with them – email address HomerJMaximus @gmail. com. and his phone number. The document was thousands of pages. The user location data would have been over 28,000 pages. DS took two specific dates and times of interest and pinned them on a map. The two maps related to CD’s property and the Pioneer Road residences. UTC time not Mountain Time – which is UTC -6 hours at that time of year. The times have been adjusted to reflect local time in the exhibits.

1st exhibit – location data plotted on a map of apartment complex at 565 Pioneer Rd:-

(moe = margin of error)

pin no.3 – parking lot - moe 4 meters - 02:42:02am, Sep 9th.

pin no.2 - parking lot - moe 4 meters - 02:42:11am, Sep 9th.

pin no.1 – parking lot - moe 4 meters - 03:37:22am, Sep 9th.

pin no.9 – location not articulated - moe 15 meters - 02:56:13am, Sep 6th.

pin no.8 – location not articulated - moe 15 meters - 01:21:43am, Sep 14th.

2nd exhibit - locations plotted on a map of CD’s property:-

Pin no.5 – moe 6 meters - 09:21:36am, Sep 9th.

Pin no.4 – moe 5 meters - 10:57:03am, Sep 9th.

Pin no.7 – moe 4 meters - 09:56:28am, date not articulated.

Pin no.6 – moe 3 meters - 10:02:19am, Sep 23rd.

Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

3 & 4 Aug 2020, 10:30 am and 9:30 am respectively – CD’s two-day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID.

3 & 4 Aug 2020, 9:00 am – CD’s two-day preliminary hearing is re-scheduled, time change, in Fremont Co, ID.

4 Aug 2020 – MG testified under x-exam that she currently lives in Gilbert AZ.

4 Aug 2020
– CD’s preliminary hearing - Court finds that the state has met its burden of proof and CD is bound over to District Court for arraignment on 21 Aug 2020. Parties have 60 days to file motion to transfer trial. (3 Oct 2020 if that is 60 calendar days and not court days)

4 Aug 2020 – The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, Office of the First Presidency, SLC, Utah, sent a letter to leaders and members of the church reminding them of a long-standing policy that leaders should not involve themselves in civil or criminal cases regarding members without first consulting church legal counsel.

4 Aug 2020 – Boudreaux custody case – petition for enforcement and contempt. Petitioner not stated.

6 Aug 2020LVD waived her Preliminary Hearing and was bound over to District Court. Hearing date to be announced in due course.

6 Aug 2020JL reported that Chandler PD’s lead detective (for the CV death investigation) says he is close to submitting charges to Maricopa Co. Attorney.

10 & 11 Aug 2020, 9:00am - LVD’s two-day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID.

11 Aug 2020 – CD’s 52nd birthday.

12 Aug 2020 – HD, CD’s s-i-l, sent a 4 page letter via email to her church community Henry’s Fork Stake, which refers to amongst other things religious teachings and deception. This is reported by court TV on their youtube channel on 18 Aug 2020.

13 Aug 2020 – LVD’s attorney MM wrote to the church in response to their letter to church leaders, condemning their stance.

13 Aug 2020 – Tammy Daybell’s neighbor Rhea Price speaks about the night of the paintball incident, 9th Oct 2019, to Rexburg Standard Journal.

17 Aug 2020 – NE of EIN reported that three people in Fremont County contacted him after a woman approached them with a survey asking if they had heard of the Daybell case, if they thought CD and LVD were guilty and if anything might change their minds during a trial. The woman was hired by an anonymous firm in Boise.

19 Aug 2020Fox10 reported in connection with JR’s 2018 death that Phoenix Sergeant Mercedes Fortune says “the case remains closed”. Fox10 also published the police incident report from the call out on 3 Apr 2018. The FBI Phoenix said it does not confirm or deny the existence of its investigations and referred JL to Phoenix PD.

21 Aug 2020, 9:00amCD’s arraignment hearing. Judge Boyce, Fremont County. The matter was ordered to be set down for jury trial in January 2021.

27 Aug 2020, 1:30pm – LVD’s arraignment hearing. Judge Dane H Watkins Jr., Fremont County. Notice is issued in the name Lori Norene Vallow (Daybell not on court paperwork). VACATED ON 18 AUG 2020

10 Sep 2020, 10:00am - LVD’s rescheduled arraignment hearing. Judge Dane H Watkins Jr., Fremont County.

3 Oct 2020 – 60 day deadline (CD’s case) to file motion to transfer trial – if 60 days (from preliminary hearing) means calendar days.

11 Oct 2020 (approx) - 90 days before CD’s trial – 90 days notice required if party intends to raise issue of mental condition and/or call expert witness concerning such.

27 Oct 2020 – LVD has been ordered to give written notice to the court (Madison) by this date if she intends to raise any issue of mental condition and/or call any expert witness concerning such issue (IC 18-207) – ordered by court on 20 Jul 2020.

8 Dec 2020, 10am – CD’s Pre-Trial Conference. Judge Steven W Boyce, Fremont County.

4 Jan 2021 10:30am – LVD’s pre-trial conference (Madison County).

11 – 29 Jan 2021, 9:00am daily (except Monday 18th Jan MLK Day) CD’s three week jury trial. Judge Steven W Boyce, Fremont County Courthouse, 151 West 1st North, St Anthony, Idaho 83445.

25 - 29 Jan 2021, 9:00am daily - LVD's jury trial in respect of three misdemeanor counts, Madison County. Her plea of not guilty here.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline Part XXI of XXI (Update 12) - August 2020 and beyond
New links to each part of latest timeline for faster navigation:

Timeline Part I of XXI (Update 12) - List of Initials / Persons associated with the case
Timeline Part II of XXI (Update 12) - Beginning TO 24 Feb 2006 (wedding day of Charles Vallow and Lori Ryan)
Timeline Part III of XXI (Update 12) - 25 Feb 2006 (post CV & LV wedding day) TO end of 2017
Timeline Part IV of XXI (Update 12) - 2018

Timeline Part V of XXI (Update 12) - 1 January 2019 TO 28 February 2019
Timeline Part VI of XXI (Update 12) - 1 March 2019 TO 10 July 2019
Timeline Part VII of XXI (Update 12) - A Timeline of July 11th 2019, the day Charles Vallow was Shot to Death
Timeline Part VIII of XXI (Update 12) - 12 July 2019 TO 31 August 2019
Timeline Part IX of XXI (Update 12) - September 2019
Timeline Part X of XXI (Update 12) - October 2019
Timeline Part XI of XXI (Update 12) - 1st November 2019 TO 27th November 2019
Timeline Part XII of XXI (Update 12) - 28th November 2019 TO 31st December 2019
Timeline Part XIII of XXI (Update 12) - January 2020
Timeline Part XIV of XXI (Update 12) - 1 February 2020 TO 18 February 2020 (Probable Cause for arrest of LV)
Timeline Part XV of XXI (Update 12) - 19 February 2020 TO 29 February 2020
Timeline Part XVI of XXI (Update 12) - March 2020

Timeline Part XVII of XXI (Update 12) - April 2020
Timeline Part XVIII of XXI (Update 12) - May 2020
Timeline Part XIX of XXI (Update 12) - June 2020
Timeline Part XX of XXI (Update 12) - July 2020
Timeline Part XXI of XXI (Update 12) - August 2020 and beyond
Detailed Case Timeline Part V OF XXI (Update 13)

1 January 2019 TO 28 February 2019

FOUND DECEASED : Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

1 Jan 2019LV and CV moved to 2267 E Tomahawk Drive, Gilbert AZ 85298, from Queen Creek. They’d lived in Queen Creek for a year. GB lived right around the corner from their new house. (Source AnC)

Early 2019 – MG was present when CD first taught LV about zombies over the phone, in reference to CV. At some point CD and LV told MG that they believed they were part of the “Church of the Firstborn” and their mission was to lead the “144,000” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and to rid the world of “zombies”. sources :
06/29/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball and 06/30/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball

Jan 1st/2nd 2019 – MG was present with LV during a phone call between CD and LV. The call was in response to a vision LV had that CV and JJ were going to die in a car accident by Jan 1st or 2nd 2019. LV told MG that CD told her that CV had not died in an accident his spirit had left his body and been replaced by another spirit which was a dark spirit, named Ned Schneider. Weeks after this (MG has informed law enforcement) the word “zombie” was introduced for individuals whose body was inhabited by dark spirits. When LV initially spoke to MG about getting rid of zombies (corroborated by electronic communications made by LV and CD) she spoke about saying prayers to remove dark spirits inhabiting human bodies. source - 06/29/2020 Probable Cause Affidavit of Detective Ron Ball

Jan 2019 – “Kay Woodcock says her brother Charles knew about his wife’s relationship with doomsday author Chad Daybell since last January (2019)”
KW: “Charles showed me several things from his emails that indicated that they were having an affair.” (Source JLum, Fox10 interview of Woodcocks 11 Apr 2020)

Jan 2019 – Chad is a guest interview on “Time To Warrior Up” podcast with Lori co-hosting the podcast along with hosts JM & MG (podcast website).

Jan 2019 – A prescription for JJ’s autism medication, Risperidone, is filled (Affidavit of Probable Cause Doc, East Idaho News).

Jan 2019 (Approx) - Lori emails Chad a video of herself dancing; Charles found the video because Lori was not technologically savvy and did not delete the email from the “sent” folder. This lead CV to believe Lori was having an affair with Chad (According to CV’s sister KW, in Jan 30, 2020 Presser).

Jan 2019 – Chad sends an email to Lori on the subject "Seven missions to accomplish together." The email includes translating ancient records, writing a book about it, identifying locations in AZ for "white camps," the presidency of the Church of Firstborn, establishing food distribution as tribulations start, ordaining individuals to translation and providing supplies to righteous family members (Fox10 Phoenix).

22 Jan 2019 – KW tells Dateline (ep 2 May 2020) that this is the date LV got an email from CD about CV:-
KM: “Jan 22nd 2019 according to KW, Lori got an email from her new religious guru Chad Daybell. Subject a demon with a name Nick Schneider."

22 Jan 2019 – Chad emails Lori a list of her and JJ’s multiple probations (past lives). A source tells JL that CD believes he was James the Just married to Elena (LV). They apparently had 7 kids including JJ & MBP. The list includes five redacted names of people who JL is told may not know they are on the list. (source JL)

(Page 1)

Joshua Vallow – 4.2L
2 – 400 B.C., among Lost Tribe of Manasseh in Northern Europe
3 – Son of James and Elena
4.1 – Jonathan Elliot Edwards, (1745 – 1801) KNBV-3ZW
4.2 – Today​

Lori Vallow 4.3L (3)
2 – Lania, daughter of Methuselah, married Neal A. Maxwell
3 – Elena, daughter of Jesus’ half-brother Judas. Married James the Just.
4.1 – Ilemari, Prophet Moroni’s wife
4.2 – Mary French, wife of Robert Smith, Jr. (1626 – 1693)
4.3 – Today​

(Page 2)

James and Elena
Seven children, four sons, three daughters​

M – [redacted] 5.1L (3)
F – Melani Boudreaux 3L (1)
F – [redacted] 4.3L (1)
M – [redacted] 5.1L (3) 16, tall, high school quarterback
F – [redacted] 4.3L (3), one of the Dream Girls
M – [redacted] 4.3L (1)
M – J.J. Vallow 4.2L (1)​

Late January 2019 – Abt 2 weeks before CV files for divorce, Lori takes JJ and moves out of the Chandler, AZ home she was sharing with CV. JJ’s grandmother, KW, says Lori told CV she no longer cared about him or JJ. Then Lori abandons Charles and JJ for 58 days; her whereabouts during this time are unknown and her communication with CV is limited; KW says she believes Tylee was staying with other relatives during this time. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix, KSLTV News).

Approx. Jan 2019? – Lori is staying with her brother Alex. Lori and AC are seen arguing loudly in the street outside of AC’s San Tan Valley, AZ home. A neighbor says he thought Lori and AC were married the way they were arguing. “She was screaming at him accusing him of bringing disgrace on their family”. After the fight Lori left AC’s house and was not seen there again by the neighbor (Exact date unknown, Jan 10, 2020 Daily Mail says “about a year ago”).

28 Jan 2019 - Enterprise Rent-A-Car emails CV to say that 2,000 points were transferred out of his rewards account; CV later realizes that Lori transferred the points. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

28 Jan 2019 – there is a debit of $33.07 at Popeye’s Gilbert AZ, and a debit of unknown amount at LaVida Med Spa, Chandler AZ, (Botox/spa clinic) on the joint operating account. (divorce petition)

28 & 29 Jan 2019 - Lori makes multiple transfers of money totaling $35,000 from CV’s business accounts to their personal joint account and then moves the money again from the personal account into an unknown bank account. CV asks Lori to return it all, but she ignores him; CV tries to stop the transfers, but the bank says Lori is a signatory and the payment can't be stopped (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

29 Jan 2019, 5:00am – CV leaves for Houston on a business trip, landing at about 10am. LV called CV and told him he is not Charles he is Nick Schneider and she will kill him and nobody will care because he’s not Charles. (source Gilbert PD bodycam)

29 Jan 2019 – LV (based on her location) spends $183.90 at Walmart Grocery using the joint premier plus checking account. (divorce petition)

29 Jan 2019 – CV (based on his location) spends $23.63 at Love’s Country (gas station), Katy, TX from the joint operating account (divorce petition)

29 Jan 2019 - CV says Lori called that day and told him she is a god and a "translated being who cannot taste death sent by god to lead the 144,000 into the Millennium". The conversation between Lori and CV would later be documented in both an order of protection and divorce filings: “[Lori] believes that she is receiving spiritual revelations and visions to help her gather and prepare those chosen to live in the New Jerusalem after the Great War as prophesied in the Book of Revelations." Lori also allegedly threatened to murder CV if he stood in her way (Protection Order & Divorce docs, Fox10 Phoenix).

30 Jan 2019 – CV (based on his location) spends $5.39 at Arby’s Katy TX, (next to Love’s Country travel stop) and $3.99 at 7-Eleven San Antonio TX, from the operating account (divorce petition)

30 Jan 2019 – There are debits of $33.67 at Frys Fuel Chandler AZ, and $17.73 at The Home Depot Chandler AZ, on the joint premier plus checking account. (divorce petition)

30 Jan 2019 – CV is on a business trip in Houston when Lori calls him. Lori kept calling CV by the name “Nick Schneider” on the phone. When CV asked who Nick was, Lori said that CV was Nick because Nick had killed CV and taken his identity. Divorce docs say that Lori again threatens to murder CV when he returned to AZ; she allegedly said she had an angel to help her dispose of CV’s body. She also said she would ruin him financially (Protection Order & Divorce documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

30 Jan 2019 - Lori allegedly cancels CV’s plane ticket from TX back to AZ using his computer to log in and cancel online without CV’s knowledge. CV is forced to buy a last minute $600 ticket when he arrives at the airport and finds out Lori canceled his ticket. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

30 Jan 2019 – When CV finally arrives back at the Phoenix Airport, he finds that his truck, which he had parked at the airport before leaving AZ, is gone. Lori had a spare key and removed the truck before CV came back. CV attempts to contact Lori but ends up taking a taxi to Mesa and then has a friend pick him up to take him home from there. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

30 Jan 2019 – When CV arrives back at his AZ home he finds Lori has changed the locks and removed “the majority of CV’s possessions”, including CV’s business computer and CV’s shoes, clothing and underwear; Lori also took JJ’s service dog’s collar, JJ’s medicine, clothing and i-pad. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

30 Jan 2019 – Lori calls CV after he returns to AZ and says she is staying in a hotel with JJ. She says she doesn’t want anything to do with the children anymore; she says she will drop off JJ at school in the morning and CV can pick him up in the afternoon. Lori refuses to return CV’s truck for 3 days, so he has to pay for a rental car to go to work and JJ’s school (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

30 Jan 2019Gilbert PD bodycam – (only additional observations not already noted in timeline) at around midnight going into the 31st, CV summons police to outside of his home because he can’t get in touch with JJ and Tylee, or his 19 year old nephew Zac [Cox] who stays with them at the house, and has been trying for 2 days. He doesn’t know if LV and the children are inside the house, and the garage is closed so he doesn’t know if the cars are there. The officers arrive with a pick up order for LV. GB is waiting in his car outside the house. CV tells officers he flew back tonight from Dallas and he went to Community Bridges (a community psychiatric emergency center) 90 minutes earlier (abt. 10:30pm) to file a report/petition for a pick up order because yesterday she threatened to kill him. He says this [LV’s obsessions] has been going on for 4-5 years and it’s gotten really bad the last several months. He says LV goes to temple every day and speaks with Moroni and Jesus Christ and they tell her what to do, and she “gets stuff” from these people in Utah who tell her how many past lives and marriages she’s had. CV asks officers if he can break into his house and says he leases it. LV told him “all Charles’ stuff” has gone [from the home]. CV says LV would tell the officer he’s a dark spirit, CV is a dark spirit and so is GB, their bishop. He says she won’t go to the doctor because they would find out she’s a translated being and she cannot die. He tells the officer LV changed their bank account numbers [access codes/passwords?] and he had to change them again to get back in. CV says LV has a rifle in the house and he doesn’t know if she knows how to use it. He gains access through the garage using a pin code but the internal door is locked, all the vehicles are gone and when the officer forces entry they find there’s no one in the house. The dog is also not there. All 4 cars are gone - LV’s Infiniti, TR’s car, Zac’s car and CV’s truck.

(Gilbert PD bodycam part 2) - GB speaks to officers there and confirms he heard LV say 'take the kids I don’t care what happens to them', and she told CV not to come back. He also heard her call him a different name and tell him he was a different person, ‘so there was a level of disconnect from reality that was disturbing’. The officer advises CV to file a report with Phoenix PD about the stolen truck. CV says LV has a Hawaii driver’s license.

Late Jan 2019 - CV files a petition with Community Bridges Healthcare for a 72-hour hold and evaluation, according to the documents; the staff called Gilbert Police to bring Lori in for treatment if they make contact with her; However Lori is never taken in for the hold and the petition expires (Divorce documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

31 Jan 2019, Morning – Gilbert PD is notified of an involuntary hold order to pick up Lori and take her to Community Bridges for 72 hours of observation. GPD goes to CV’s house looking for Lori and talks to CV there; CV tells them Lori changed the locks and moved out (Fox10 Phoenix).

31 Jan 2019, Morning – Lori takes JJ to school. While she is walking JJ inside CV arrives and takes Lori’s purse, phone and car keys out of her car to try to prevent her from leaving before police could get there to pick her up on the involuntary hold order. CV calls GPD to notify them of Lori’s location and request they pick her up, but Lori had a spare car key and left before police arrive (Fox10 Phoenix).

31 Jan 2019 – CV finds a hotel key card for Hyatt in Lori’s purse and goes to the hotel to try to figure out where Lori is staying. GPD made contact with CV at the hotel. The LEO asked CV if he was concerned about JJ’s welfare since CV says Lori was acting unstable; CV suggested that GPD could wait at the school in case Lori came to get JJ and then they could pick her up for the involuntary hold order. GPD told CV they would not do a “sting operation” to pick Lori up. CV then told GPD he needed to go to the bank (Fox10 Phoenix).

31 Jan 2019 – more Gilbert PD bodycam video x 2 – CV is outside LV’s hotel with LV’s phone and hotel key card. The time is 9:09am local time. He tells police she’s charging the hotel on his credit card. 9:22am CV comes out of hotel still unable to find LV. He says he knows she is going to be at the school at 3:45pm to pick up JJ.

31 Jan 2019, 12:36 PM – Lori along with Tylee and Lori’s friend go to Gilbert PD with a harassment complaint. Lori says that her husband, CV, stole her purse from her car while she walked JJ into school. Lori also accuses CV of cheating on her while on his business trips. GPD calls CV with Lori’s permission; CV says that he went to JJ’s school to help GPD serve Lori with an involuntary hold petition. CV says that he saw Lori’s purse outside the school and picked it up to keep it safe; The LEO on the phone informs CV he could be charged with theft but that Lori only wants her property back; CV replies that he wants his share of the money Lori had removed from their business account. CV asks GPD if they are going to serve Lori with the petition for involuntary hold since she is there at GPD. The GPD officer on the phone tells CV he is not aware of the petition but if CV agrees to bring the petition and Lori’s purse to GPD he will have it verified by his sergeant. CV agrees to bring the items to GPD. The GPD LEO talking to Lori finds her to be “in a normal state of mind” and ends up allowing Lori to go to the facility on her own to talk to staff, rather than have GPD escort her (Fox10 Phoenix).

31 Jan 2019 – GB is interviewed over the phone by Gilbert PD sergeant Scott Gallas in connection with CV’s petition for an involuntary committal of LV. CV - had GB listen in on a call where; LV was “lucid” but “irrational”; told CV he could have the children; told him she would destroy him; told him he wasn’t who he said he was; and accused him of something but wouldn’t say what. (source - Police bodycam footage of this phone interview and LV’s in-person interview is released by Fox10 in Apr 2020.)

The interview room bodycam footage (part 1 and part 2) shows that TR (16) is calm. LV says that TR is going to apply to the police academy. LV speaks about her friend JM (ex-police officer) several times and MG (also present) mentions that she bumped into JM outside CV’s house earlier that morning. LV states that she has just bought a “little throwaway phone” because CV took her phone. Later in the interview LV says that it is her mom’s old broken phone. MG tells police she had no way of contacting LV, who had gone to stay in a hotel the night before. [In May 2020 MG says she knew LV had three phones to communicate secretly with CD.] Police tell LV that they can’t hold her there if she wants to leave before they check out CV’s petition for a mental evaluation.

A police incident report notes that TR and MG stated they would ensure LV checked in and talked with people at [redacted – but Community Bridges is likely], and that MG stated she would not leave LV tonight until she had done this.

31 Jan 2019 – AR explains to NG in Jul 2020 about TR's GED - as stated at the police station on 31 Jan 2019 :-
AR says that TR had missed schooling in AZ due to her health issues (digestive issues, stomach aches), and they had decided it was getting too complicated to work things out with teachers to make up work, so they decided for her to take her GED.

31 Jan 2019 – CV’s calls to police –

1:12pm – 1:14pm

1:20pm – 1:22 pm.

Jan 2019 - MG speaks to EIN in May 2020 about zombies, drama, incorrect predictions, and going with LV to her mental health evaluation [on 31st Jan]:-
MG: “The first person [to be considered a zombie] was Charles. That was brought to LV’s attention by CD on the phone. I was in her house when that phone call came in. He described to her that Charles was no longer Charles, this unclean spirit that was friends with Charles on Earth has attached himself to Charles, entered his body and taken over it. He is Ned Snyder. She seemed blown out by it, [the first day]. Chad had this influence on people because he had visionary experience. I have come to understand that that gift has been manipulated by the adversary...I’m not sure if they used that word [zombie] in the beginning. ”
MG went with LV to her mental health evaluation;
MG: “She said she passed with flying colors. I waited on the outside for her. Tylee was the one that picked us up from there. They went in the back room and they talked to her about all kinds of stuff. She didn’t tell me in detail all the things, I probably didn’t want to know.”
NE: Do you think she was honest with them in her religious beliefs or did she lie and give them the answers they wanted to hear?
MG: “I should have asked her that but I didn’t.”
MG: “[CV’s] truck was moved from the airport. When he came back from his flight there was no truck…It was a lot of drama and I would ask her ‘why do these things keep happening to you?’ Because I have never been around so much drama in my life. It just seemed like one drama after another drama and it never ended. I used to say ‘why does everyone in your life turn into zombies?’ and she would say ‘it’s because Satan really hates me’.”
MG: “It was their commission to get rid of all the zombies before tribulations came upon us...through some kind of prayer that they would do. They would go back in the portal to check how many died, 10,000 died or whatever.”
MG: “I asked her [LV] ‘you were told he [CV] was supposed to die, why didn’t he die?’ I think she went to Chad and asked and he let her know that the accident that was supposed to happen didn’t because of people’s choices, agency.”
NE: It sounds to me that Chad was calling the shots
MG: “She would say ‘he’s so much better at getting revelation than me, so I used to get a lot but I rely upon him a lot more now’. So she trusted his, because she was not considered a visionary. So he would tell her…’these people are dark or zombie’ or whatever. He was the one she would call and ask those questions.”

Late Jan/Early Feb 2019 (Approx) –
Lori’s son, Colby, finds out from his cousin that something happened between Lori and Charles and that Lori had moved out of CV’s home. Lori begins to decrease her communication with her married son at this time and CR was not aware of everything that was happening nor does he know exactly where Lori and Tylee were living for the days she left CV (CR interview w/Justin Lum, Fox10 Phoenix).

1 Feb 2019, 6:45 AM – Gilbert PD follows up with Community Bridges and is told that Lori checked herself in there but she was discharged only a few hours later (Fox10 Phoenix).

1 Feb 2019 – Taylor Larson, CV's divorce lawyer, speaks to NG in Jul 2020 about the divorce that was started but then stopped:-
CV went to the offices of TL on 1 Feb 2019. Their process server was never able to find LV to serve CV’s protection order or divorce papers. They tried finding LV at AlC’s house, LV’s parents’ house, friends’ houses, and a conference in Boise where she had booked a hotel in CV’s name. CV told TL that “
this all started years prior when LV had a near-death experience [NDE] when they were living in Hawaii, and she became fascinated…she became infatuated and at times obsessive over some of these NDEs and was listening to podcasts about other members of the church who had NDEs and had allegedly had visions of the spirit world and can communicate with those on the other side of the veil. CV told me that she would read books over and over about it, she would listen to podcasts non-stop and she just was gravitating towards these type of people and these groups and that’s how she found Chad Daybell because most of his books are about that.” CV asked to dismiss the [divorce] case “because he couldn’t get over the fact that she had abandoned him and JJ and he still loved her and he held hope that someday she would wake up from this and come back to him.” Also “because she had disappeared and he thought ‘why am I doing this if she’s leaving me alone?’ and he wanted to hold out hope for the future of their family”.

Feb 2019 – CV had to buy more medication for JJ because LV had taken it when she left the house, and refused to return it. (divorce petition)

Feb 2019 – Chad writes the forward for author MG’s new book “Feel the Fire.” (MG's book website).

Feb 2019 – Chad allegedly tells author/friend Julie Rowe that he and Tammy are “tight on money and he was doing his best to keep his marriage together” (KTVB7, Fox10Phoenix).

Feb 2019 - MG speaks to EIN in May 2020 about the period after end Jan 2019, meeting AlC, ZP and MBP, CD's & LV's phones, portals, divorce and sealing:-
MG: “
spent every day with LV for a period of time, especially when she left CV that first time, at least for a few months and then it kind of spread out a little bit...So I talked to her, he [CD] talked to her but I didn’t talk to him often, just occasionally
I met AlC for the first time at LV’s house, he often came over to visit, and MBP too, and ZP I met at church. AlC was fun and he was a comedian kind of guy and we talked about all kinds of stuff, sometimes spiritual stuff, in the beginning it was more casual because he didn’t know anything about that until later on...
ultimately yes [CD and LV were leaders of a group]…they did believe they were the head of the 144,000…they were trying to find people that fit that group, individually
LV stopped going to church after CV was chasing her with the divorce papers, she kept running…”
MG has not heard of 60 burner/prepaid phones;
I know that she had about 3 phones, but they seemed to be the same was hard to track her at times, you didn’t know which phone she was going to pick special phone that her and CD would communicate with, he had one [too]…”
Their beliefs were “inconsistent” with church and temple doctrine, so they were secretive. “Temple was LV’s favorite place to go”.

NE: “Were their beliefs written down?”
MG: “There was paperwork that showed all the 12 apostles to prophets, people/friends they knew currently, to movie stars, they had maybe 4 pages, and that was created by CD, it was a whole plan, to get to this level you need to go to this many…, I know that CV was aware of it because he sent it out to a lot of people.”
NE: “can you tell me about CD and LV sealing themselves to each other in the temple?”
MG: “CD didn’t tell me, LV did. They felt they were sealed by those on the other side of the veil that had the authority to do that.” [They were both still married, to CV and TD.]
MG: “She said it was okay they did this because they had been married so many times before, their spouses would understand some day.”
CD made a portal in LV’s closet so she can visit him – “it does sound crazy”. “a spot where he said a prayer” – “it was a way for them to interact spiritually. If you were to talk to LV she would probably say I [MG] believed it, but there’s always a bit of doubt because I also know she had doubt. She, 2 or 3 times, said to me “if Chad is a Satan he sure is a good one”.

NE: What was MBP like?
MG: “She was fun. I really love Melani. We did have a special relationship, she loved me and I loved her, she seemed that she had a lot of strife going on in her life and she was really worried about her family and so we had conversations about what was going on, I wasn’t as involved with conversations as LV and MBP were, we were a support to each other I think.”
Re. divorce;
MG: “she says that he [CV] wants to get it but she does not want to, she doesn’t want to go through another divorce again.”

Feb 2019 – Lori’s first grandchild is born to Colby (CR) & his wife. Lori came to the hospital to see the baby. CV did not come to see the baby. CR says as a new parent he was just trying to figure out things for himself at this time in his life while all this drama was going on with Lori and CV. Lori lead CR to believe that CV had cheated on her and that was the reason she left him; that made CR angry at CV; Prior to this CV had been excited for the arrival of CR’s new baby, referring to the child as his granddaughter; CV attempted to text Lori’s family members to tell them he was innocent of cheating but CR wasn’t ready to talk to him; CR cut off communication with CV and Feb 2019 is the last time he and CV talked (CR interview w/Justin Lum, Fox10 Phoenix).

Early Feb 2019 – Lori calls her friend from Kauai, AR, and says she has just landed in Kauai with Tylee; Lori says she was leaving CV and asked if she could stay with AR. At first AR thought this was a fight that would blowover but she noticed Lori was very different, she was disorganized and “manic” (Dateline).

Approx Feb 2019 – While in Kauai, Lori tell her friend AR that CV has been having an affair and he had turned mean and violent; AR says that does not sound like the CV she knew; it seemed like Lori was villainizing CV. Lori told AR how she had sabotaged CV by canceling his flight home to AZ and taking his truck from the airport, etc. (Dateline)

Approx Feb 2019 - Lori also tells AR about Chad Daybell’s books and the podcasts she had been doing with a new religious group; Lori tells AR about a friend from the group named Zulema (ZP). Lori says ZP has “the power to control the elements”. AR says that Lori seemed “really enamored” with ZP but the things Lori told AR about ZP’s “powers”, AR called “laughable”. Lori says she believes AR is one of the 144,000 chosen ones and Lori is there in Kauai to “gather” her. AR said she did not believe herself to be one of those people (Dateline).

Approx Feb 2019 - Tylee spends most of her time in Kauai sleeping and seems depressed, while Lori talks constantly about death; Lori told AR that CV was already dead and had a demon living inside of him but later Lori changed her story to say she expected to get a call any day saying CV was dead (Dateline).

Feb 2019 AR speaks to NG in Jul 2020 about LV’s and TR's trip to Hawaii - (exact date unknown but also referred to elsewhere in the interview as being spring.) :-

LV visited AR in Hawaii with TR. During this time she talked about being translated and her past lives in front of TR and it didn’t appear to be new information to TR. LV told AR that TR was dark like her father but not in front of TR. LV had lists of people rated dark and light; AR was handwritten on the list and another name she didn’t recognize had been crossed out. AR thought LV was having a nervous breakdown, a midlife crisis. LV told AR that CV had a demon living inside of him called Ned Snyder and LV knew this because NS was shorter than CV. LV told AR that CV had been having an affair but her evidence “didn’t make any sense” – AR asked LV where CV met the woman. LV couldn’t give her a name for the woman. AR thinks the first thing she would have done would be to look up the other woman. LV's evidence for an affair was that CV had met her on Linkedin and his grocery bills were very high when he went out of town. LV told AR that she was there to gather her, she had been appointed as a gatherer by Angel Moroni and Jesus Christ, and AR would need to separate from her children, that AR’s children had a different mission, and AR understood she would have to leave now to “prepare” and travel all over the world to help gather the rest of the people. AR declined and thinks LV was a “little frustrated” but made a comment like “maybe you’re just not ready to hear the truth.” As regards the divorce (if it went through), AR asked LV who would take care of JJ, and LV said CV would have to.

Feb 2019 - AR speaks to Dateline (ep2. May 2020) about LV/TR's trip to Hawaii :-
KM: “Early Feb 2019, AR got a strange phone call from Lori.”
AR: “She said that she had just landed on Kauai, she was leaving Charles and she asked if she could stay with me. I thought they’re having a fight, it’s going to blow over.”
KM: “but Lori, Tylee in tow, no JJ, seemed transformed.”
AR: “She was very different. She seemed very disorganized. A little manic. Saying that Charles had had an affair, she was leaving him, it didn’t sit very well with me. Charles was a friend of mine too. I felt like he was being portrayed as a villain and IMO he wasn’t.”
KM: “Lori gleefully recounted how she’d sabotaged one of CV’s business trips.”
AR: “while he was gone she canceled his return flight, she and another friend went to the airport and took his truck.”
AR: “She was bringing up names of all these people that I had never heard of, or heard her talk about before. She brought up Chad Daybell. All these people that were part of this podcast group that she also was a part of. When she’s describing some of their doctrine and beliefs it was just too much to even get my mind around. It was very divergent [to LDS] it was not even close. The basis seemed to be preparing for the end of times. They believed that they were part of the 144,000 that are ordained, they were here to gather the other members, to join them. The Lori that I knew compared to the Lori that I saw and observed after she connected with Chad and this group is night and day.”
AR: “She told me that she was there because I was one of the 144,000 and she was there to gather me. I said I think I’m not, I know that I’m not one of those people.”
KM: “Having failed in her mission to recruit AR, Lori abruptly left Kauai”

Feb 2019 - AR speaks to Dateline (ep.3 Jun 2020) about Lori's multiple phones:-
AR: “She had several phones with her and was kind of fumbling with them all and one would ring and she would kind of go through all of them and Tylee even made the comment ‘Mom, you look like a drug dealer with all of your phones’. She had pages and pages of doctrine and lists of categories that people belonged in. she was talking about different celebrities and their lightness and their darkness. She was anxious to tell me who the darkest spirit on the planet was – she said it was Oprah Winfrey.”

Mid Feb 2019 – JJ has a live-in nanny - CV states in divorce petition that he had had to hire a live-in caretaker for JJ when LV disappeared.

Mid Feb 2019 – CV vehemently denied LV’s allegations that he was cheating and wanted to take a polygraph to prove it to LV, and offered to put up cash to give her if he failed the polygraph. CV had suspicions that LV was cheating and he sent TL some communications between CD and LV that he had found. (source CV’s lawyer Taylor Larson on NG, Fox Nation Special 30 Jun 2020)

Feb 2019 – CV is taking care of JJ but Lori refuses to return JJ’s medicine, clothing, i-pad and the service dog’s special collar. Lori also never contacts CV to ask about JJ’s wellbeing nor does she request parenting time. CV says this causes JJ emotional stress as his autism makes it difficult for him to understand the situation. JJ needs his medicine, his usual clothing, his i-pad with special apps on it that calm him down, and the dog’s collar so the dog can go wherever JJ goes (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

4 Feb 2019 – Fearing for his life, CV files an Order of Protection against Lori and told his attorneys, “I want to make sure that everyone knows that if something happens to me, Lori & Alex did it.” The order also requests protection for JJ and says Lori is a danger to him. The order says Lori is not to possess firearms and must participate in counseling. The order further says Lori is to stay away from CV’s Gilbert home, CV’s Gilbert workplace & JJ’s school, Lauren’s Institute for Education in Gilbert, AZ even if CV is not present at any of those locations (Protection Order, Fox 10 Phoenix).

5 Feb 2019 – JJ is absent from LIFE Academy (KTVB7).

5 Feb 2019 – CV receives an email from an employee about commission money owed to the employee; The employee threatens legal action if he doesn’t get paid soon. Because Lori refused to return the money, CV was short on payroll and could not pay some CA contractors what they were owed (Divorce documents, Fox10 Phoenix, Post Register).

6 Feb 2019 - “On or about Feb. 6, 2019, Charles realized that Lori had transferred 2,000 Rent-A-Car points out of their joint account,” That same day CV found out Lori had called JJ’s school to ask if he was in class. “(Charles) is worried that (Lori) may be planning to use the rental car points to leave the state and potentially take J.J. with her” (Divorce Documents, Post Register).

8 Feb 2019 – CV begins initial process of filing for divorce against Lori. However, in March CV drops the divorce and they remained legally married (Maricopa Court records).

11 Feb 2019 – The Sheriff of Orange County, CA contacts CV and discusses filing theft charges against Lori for taking the business money. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

11 Feb 2019 – JJ’s father, CV, visits LIFE Academy and claims Lori had "gone crazy" and was hearing religious voices. CV told the school Lori had disappeared and no one knew where she was and he had a protection order against Lori. CV says he is pulling JJ out of school and taking him out of state until he was safe (KTVB7).

14 Feb 2019 – Valentine's Day - CV signs divorce paperwork that outlines in detail all that Lori has done and said the last few months; CV says he wants sole custody of his adopted son, JJ and he also wants the property and money Lori took returned. The documents make disturbing allegations concerning Lori's mental stability (Fox10 Phoenix).

15 Feb 2019 – CV, thru an attorney, electronically files divorce documents the day after he signed them. The docs say that Lori threatened CV, telling him she was a god preparing for Christ's second coming, which she believes will happen in July 2020; (Fox10 Phoenix).

15 Feb 2019 - CV’ lawyers file a second document asking for temporary custody of JJ, exclusive use of the house and vehicle, return of the stolen money and return of his and JJ’s personal items. However, no one could find Lori to serve her with divorce papers (Post Register).

Feb 2019 - CV learned Lori was going to Boise with a friend for a talk or conference; CV and his lawyers made attempts to serve Lori divorce papers and order of protection papers at the airport, a hotel, and a public event. All attempts to find Lori were unsuccessful (Fox 10 Phoenix; Post Register).

15-16 Feb 2019 – Chad attends a 2-day event in Boise and Middleton, ID. Chad Speaks at the event on Feb 16. The organizers of the event say this is the last time Chad spoke at one of their events (Event Flyer, PAP Media Statement).

Feb 2019 – CV hears that Lori is living with her brother Alex in San Tan Valley, AZ. CV then attempts to serve Lori with papers at AC’s house but that too was unsuccessful, despite the fact that both Lori & AC’s cars were in the driveway at AC’s home (Post Register).

Feb 2019 - Lori and Tylee checked into a Kauai resort after CV filed for divorce. They stayed for around a month, according to resort workers, and then returned to the mainland (EastIdahoNews).

End of Feb 2019 – CV brings JJ back to LIFE Academy but Lori is still MIA (KTVB7).

20 Feb 2019A new password was placed on CV’s Banner Life $1million life insurance account. CV accuses LV of this and asks for a call recording of the change in password. (Source Fox10)

21 Feb 2019 – Officials at JJ’s school, Lauren’s Institute for Education (LIFE Academy), make a report to CPS because Lori had still not been located. (Fox10 Phoenix).

24 Feb 2019 – CV and LV’s 13th wedding anniversary.

26 Feb 2019 – CV asked Banner Life to investigate LV for changing his PIN password to his $1 million policy account. He wrote he wants nothing to go to Lori or any member of her family. KW says on 19 Apr 2020It just made it more real to him that she was done with him, with their relationship, and that she was done with being a mom" (source JL)

Late Feb 2019 – In the midst of filing for divorce from Lori, CV talks to his sister, KW, about his life insurance. “Charles and I had a conversation. He had a $1 million dollar policy with Lori as the beneficiary and he told me he wanted me to be the sole recipient…I told him to leave it to his boys but he was worried about what Lori was going to do,” KW says (East Idaho News, Fox10 Phoenix)

End Feb 2019 - KW speaks to Dateline (ep.2 May 2020) about why CV changed his insurance beneficiary:-
KM: “Charles was so worried he’d be murdered he even made plans for his death by changing the beneficiary of his life insurance policy
KW: “He said because y’all are going to end up with JJ and I don’t know that he’ll ever be independent, y’all will need the money to help.”

Timeline Part V of XXI (Update 13) - 1 January 2019 TO 28 February 2019
Detailed Case Timeline Part XXI of XXI (Update 13)

August 2020 and beyond

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell


Before 3 Aug 2020 – Det. DS testified that through a search warrant executed in Dec 2019, Google provided information related to AlC’s account with them – email address HomerJMaximus @gmail. com. and his phone number. The document was thousands of pages. The user location data would have been over 28,000 pages. DS took two specific dates and times of interest and pinned them on a map. The two maps related to CD’s property and the Pioneer Road residences. UTC time not Mountain Time – which is UTC -6 hours at that time of year. The times have been adjusted to reflect local time in the exhibits.

1st exhibit – location data plotted on a map of apartment complex at 565 Pioneer Rd:-

(moe = margin of error)

pin no.3 – parking lot - moe 4 meters - 02:42:02am, Sep 9th.

pin no.2 - parking lot - moe 4 meters - 02:42:11am, Sep 9th.

pin no.1 – parking lot - moe 4 meters - 03:37:22am, Sep 9th.

pin no.9 – location not articulated - moe 15 meters - 02:56:13am, Sep 6th.

pin no.8 – location not articulated - moe 15 meters - 01:21:43am, Sep 14th.

2nd exhibit - locations plotted on a map of CD’s property:-

pin no.5 – moe 6 meters - 09:21:36am, Sep 9th.

pin no.4 – moe 5 meters - 10:57:03am, Sep 9th.

pin no.7 – moe 4 meters - 09:56:28am, date not articulated.

pin no.6 – moe 3 meters - 10:02:19am, Sep 23rd.

Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

3 & 4 Aug 2020, 10:30 am and 9:30 am respectively – CD’s two-day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID.

3 & 4 Aug 2020, 9:00 am – CD’s two-day preliminary hearing is re-scheduled, time change, in Fremont Co, ID.

4 Aug 2020 – MG testified under x-exam that she currently lives in Gilbert AZ.

4 Aug 2020
– CD’s preliminary hearing - Court finds that the state has met its burden of proof and CD is bound over to District Court for arraignment on 21 Aug 2020. Parties have 60 days to file motion to transfer trial. (3rd Oct 2020 if that is 60 calendar days and not court days)

4 Aug 2020 – The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, Office of the First Presidency, SLC, Utah, sent a letter to leaders and members of the church reminding them of a long-standing policy that leaders should not involve themselves in civil or criminal cases regarding members without first consulting church legal counsel.

4 Aug 2020 – Boudreaux custody case – petition for enforcement and contempt. Petitioner not stated.

6 Aug 2020LVD waived her Preliminary Hearing and was bound over to District Court. Hearing date to be announced in due course.

6 Aug 2020JL reported that Chandler PD’s lead detective (for the CV death investigation) says he is close to submitting charges to Maricopa Co. Attorney.

10 & 11 Aug 2020, 9:00am - LVD’s two-day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID. WAIVED ON 6th AUG 2020

11 Aug 2020 – CD’s 52nd birthday.

12 Aug 2020 – HD, CD’s s-i-l, sent a 4 page letter via email to her church community Henry’s Fork Stake, which refers to amongst other things religious teachings and deception. This is reported by court TV on their youtube channel on 18 Aug 2020.

13 Aug 2020 – LVD’s attorney MM wrote to the church in response to their letter to church leaders, condemning their stance.

13 Aug 2020 – Tammy Daybell’s neighbor Rhea Price speaks about the night of the paintball incident, 9th Oct 2019, to Rexburg Standard Journal.

17 Aug 2020 – NE of EIN reported that three people in Fremont County contacted him after a woman approached them with a survey asking if they had heard of the Daybell case, if they thought CD and LVD were guilty and if anything might change their minds during a trial. The woman was hired by an anonymous firm in Boise.

19 Aug 2020Fox10 reported, in connection with JoR’s 2018 death, that Phoenix Sgt Mercedes Fortune says “the case remains closed”. Fox10 also published the police incident report from the call out on 3 Apr 2018. The FBI Phoenix said it does not confirm or deny the existence of its investigations and referred JL to Phoenix PD.

21 Aug 2020, 9:00amCD’s arraignment hearing. Judge Boyce, Fremont County. The matter was ordered to be set down for jury trial in January 2021.

27 Aug 2020, 1:30pm – LVD’s arraignment hearing. Judge Dane H Watkins Jr., Fremont County. Notice is issued in the name Lori Norene Vallow (Daybell not on court paperwork). VACATED ON 18 AUG 2020

27 Aug 2020JP, on behalf of CD, requests an order extending the 14 day time limit (from prelim on 3rd/4th Aug 2020) to hear a motion to dismiss, and also files a motion to dismiss based on lack of sufficient evidence to continue to bind the defendant over, charges not supported by evidence, charges are duplicated, evidence not presented to support when alleged acts took place and to support allegations of the defendant’s actions.

28 Aug 2020 JP, on behalf of CD, requests an order for a transcript of the Preliminary Hearing (3rd and 4th Aug 2020) at cost to himself.

31 Aug 2020JSB, District Judge, ordered that the transcript requested by JP on behalf of CD on 28th Aug be prepared and submitted to JP by 1st Oct 2020.

1 Sep 2020RW, prosecutor, files motions in the Fremont District Court to join LV’s [case no. CR22-20-0838] and CD’s [case no. CR22-20-0755] cases.

4 Sep 2020 JSB, District Judge, orders extension of time to hear defendant’s motion to dismiss, as requested by JP for CD on 27th Aug.

4 Sep 2020JP, on behalf of CD, files a motion for change of venue, “because a fair and impartial jury trial cannot be had in Fremont County.”

9 Sep 2020 – (document is erroneously dated 9th Aug 2020) JP, on behalf of CD, files an objection to the case being joined with LV’s case, on the grounds that it would add to the level of attention, knowledge and bias prospective jurors would have.

10 Sep 2020, 10:00am - LVD’s rescheduled arraignment hearing. Judge Dane H Watkins Jr., Fremont County.

10 Sep 2020 – 10:00am – LV’s arraignment, Fremont County, Zoom hearing. LV pleads not guilty to the two charges and JDW sets jury trial for 2nd Apr 2021 at 10:00am. Pre-trial hearing set for 22nd Mar 2021 at 10:00am.

1 Oct 2020 – JP (for CD) to receive transcript of preliminary hearing no later than this date, as ordered by court on 31st Aug.

3 Oct 2020 – 60 day deadline (CD’s case) to file motion to transfer trial – if 60 days (from preliminary hearing) means calendar days. NB motion was filed on 4th Sep.

11 Oct 2020 (approx) - 90 days before CD’s trial – 90 days notice required if party intends to raise issue of mental condition and/or call expert witness concerning such.

27 Oct 2020 – LVD has been ordered to give written notice to the court (Madison) by this date if she intends to raise any issue of mental condition and/or call any expert witness concerning such issue (IC 18-207) – ordered by court on 20 Jul 2020.

8 Dec 2020, 10:00am
– CD’s Pre-Trial Conference. Judge Steven W Boyce, Fremont County.


4 Jan 2021 10:30am – LVD’s pre-trial conference (Madison County).

11 – 29 Jan 2021, 9:00am daily (except Monday 18th Jan MLK Day) CD’s three week jury trial. Judge Steven W Boyce, Fremont County Courthouse, 151 West 1st North, St Anthony, Idaho 83445.

25 - 29 Jan 2021, 9:00am daily - LVD's jury trial in respect of three misdemeanor counts, Madison County. Her plea of not guilty here.

22 Mar 2021, 10:00am – LV’s Pre-Trial Conference. Judge Dane Watkins Jr., Fremont County.

2 Apr 2021, 10:00am – LV’s Jury Trial starts. Judge Dane Watkins, Fremont County.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline Part XXI of XXI (Update 13) - August 2020 and beyond
Latest links to each part of timeline for faster navigation:

Timeline Part I of XXI (Update 12) - List of Initials / Persons associated with the case
Timeline Part II of XXI (Update 12) - Beginning TO 24 Feb 2006 (wedding day of Charles Vallow and Lori Ryan)
Timeline Part III of XXI (Update 12) - 25 Feb 2006 (post CV & LV wedding day) TO end of 2017
Timeline Part IV of XXI (Update 12) - 2018
Timeline Part V of XXI (Update 13) - 1 January 2019 TO 28 February 2019
Timeline Part VI of XXI (Update 12) - 1 March 2019 TO 10 July 2019
Timeline Part VII of XXI (Update 12) - A Timeline of July 11th 2019, the day Charles Vallow was Shot to Death
Timeline Part VIII of XXI (Update 12) - 12 July 2019 TO 31 August 2019
Timeline Part IX of XXI (Update 12) - September 2019
Timeline Part X of XXI (Update 12) - October 2019
Timeline Part XI of XXI (Update 12) - 1st November 2019 TO 27th November 2019
Timeline Part XII of XXI (Update 12) - 28th November 2019 TO 31st December 2019
Timeline Part XIII of XXI (Update 12) - January 2020
Timeline Part XIV of XXI (Update 12) - 1 February 2020 TO 18 February 2020 (Probable Cause for arrest of LV)
Timeline Part XV of XXI (Update 12) - 19 February 2020 TO 29 February 2020
Timeline Part XVI of XXI (Update 12) - March 2020
Timeline Part XVII of XXI (Update 12) - April 2020
Timeline Part XVIII of XXI (Update 12) - May 2020
Timeline Part XIX of XXI (Update 12) - June 2020
Timeline Part XX of XXI (Update 12) - July 2020
Timeline Part XXI of XXI (Update 13) - August 2020 and beyond
Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

August 2020

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell


Before 3 Aug 2020 – Det. DS testified that through a search warrant executed in Dec 2019, Google provided information related to AlC’s account with them – email address HomerJMaximus @gmail. com. and his phone number. The document was thousands of pages. The user location data would have been over 28,000 pages. DS took two specific dates and times of interest and pinned them on a map. The two maps related to CD’s property and the Pioneer Road residences. UTC time not Mountain Time – which is UTC -6 hours at that time of year. The times have been adjusted to reflect local time in the exhibits.

1st exhibit – location data plotted on a map of apartment complex at 565 Pioneer Rd:-

(moe = margin of error)

pin no.3 – parking lot - moe 4 meters - 02:42:02am, Sep 9th.

pin no.2 - parking lot - moe 4 meters - 02:42:11am, Sep 9th.

pin no.1 – parking lot - moe 4 meters - 03:37:22am, Sep 9th.

pin no.9 – location not articulated - moe 15 meters - 02:56:13am, Sep 6th.

pin no.8 – location not articulated - moe 15 meters - 01:21:43am, Sep 14th.

2nd exhibit - locations plotted on a map of CD’s property:-

pin no.5 – moe 6 meters - 09:21:36am, Sep 9th.

pin no.4 – moe 5 meters - 10:57:03am, Sep 9th.

pin no.7 – moe 4 meters - 09:56:28am, date not articulated.

pin no.6 – moe 3 meters - 10:02:19am, Sep 23rd.

Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020

3 & 4 Aug 2020, 10:30 am and 9:30 am respectively – CD’s two-day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID.

3 & 4 Aug 2020, 9:00 am – CD’s two-day preliminary hearing is re-scheduled, time change, in Fremont Co, ID.

4 Aug 2020 – MG testified under x-exam that she currently lives in Gilbert AZ.

4 Aug 2020
– CD’s preliminary hearing - Court finds that the state has met its burden of proof and CD is bound over to District Court for arraignment on 21 Aug 2020. Parties have 60 days to file motion to transfer trial. (3rd Oct 2020 if that is 60 calendar days and not court days)

4 Aug 2020 – The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, Office of the First Presidency, SLC, Utah, sent a letter to leaders and members of the church reminding them of a long-standing policy that leaders should not involve themselves in civil or criminal cases regarding members without first consulting church legal counsel.

4 Aug 2020 – Boudreaux custody case – petition for enforcement and contempt. Petitioner not stated.

6 Aug 2020LVD waived her Preliminary Hearing and was bound over to District Court. Hearing date to be announced in due course.

6 Aug 2020JL reported that Chandler PD’s lead detective (for the CV death investigation) says he is close to submitting charges to Maricopa Co. Attorney.

10 & 11 Aug 2020, 9:00am - LVD’s two-day preliminary hearing is scheduled in Fremont Co, ID. WAIVED ON 6th AUG 2020

11 Aug 2020 – CD’s 52nd birthday.

12 Aug 2020 – HD, CD’s s-i-l, sent a 4 page letter via email to her church community Henry’s Fork Stake, which refers to amongst other things religious teachings and deception. This is reported by court TV on their youtube channel on 18 Aug 2020.

13 Aug 2020 – LVD’s attorney MM wrote to the church in response to their letter to church leaders, condemning their stance.

13 Aug 2020 – Tammy Daybell’s neighbor Rhea Price speaks about the night of the paintball incident, 9th Oct 2019, to Rexburg Standard Journal.

17 Aug 2020 – NE of EIN reported that three people in Fremont County contacted him after a woman approached them with a survey asking if they had heard of the Daybell case, if they thought CD and LVD were guilty and if anything might change their minds during a trial. The woman was hired by an anonymous firm in Boise.

19 Aug 2020Fox10 reported, in connection with JoR’s 2018 death, that Phoenix Sgt Mercedes Fortune says “the case remains closed”. Fox10 also published the police incident report from the call out on 3 Apr 2018. The FBI Phoenix said it does not confirm or deny the existence of its investigations and referred JL to Phoenix PD.

21 Aug 2020, 9:00amCD’s arraignment hearing. Judge Boyce, Fremont County. The matter was ordered to be set down for jury trial in January 2021.

27 Aug 2020, 1:30pm – LVD’s arraignment hearing. Judge Dane H Watkins Jr., Fremont County. Notice is issued in the name Lori Norene Vallow (Daybell not on court paperwork). VACATED ON 18 AUG 2020

27 Aug 2020JP, on behalf of CD, requests an order extending the 14 day time limit (from prelim on 3rd/4th Aug 2020) to hear a motion to dismiss, and also files a motion to dismiss based on lack of sufficient evidence to continue to bind the defendant over, charges not supported by evidence, charges are duplicated, evidence not presented to support when alleged acts took place and to support allegations of the defendant’s actions.

28 Aug 2020 JP, on behalf of CD, requests an order for a transcript of the Preliminary Hearing (3rd and 4th Aug 2020) at cost to himself.

31 Aug 2020JSB, District Judge, ordered that the transcript requested by JP on behalf of CD on 28th Aug be prepared and submitted to JP by 1st Oct 2020.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - August 2020
Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

September 2020

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

1 Sep 2020RW, prosecutor, files motions in the Fremont District Court to join LV’s [case no. CR22-20-0838] and CD’s [case no. CR22-20-0755] cases.

4 Sep 2020 JSB, District Judge, orders extension of time to hear defendant’s motion to dismiss, as requested by JP for CD on 27th Aug.

4 Sep 2020JP, on behalf of CD, files a motion for change of venue, “because a fair and impartial jury trial cannot be had in Fremont County.”

9 Sep 2020 – (document is erroneously dated 9th Aug 2020) JP, on behalf of CD, files an objection to the case being joined with LV’s case, on the grounds that it would add to the level of attention, knowledge and bias prospective jurors would have.

10 Sep 2020, 10:00am - LVD’s rescheduled arraignment hearing. Judge Dane H Watkins Jr., Fremont County.

10 Sep 2020 – 10:00am – LV’s arraignment, Fremont County, Zoom hearing. LV pleads not guilty to the two charges and JDW sets jury trial for 2nd Apr 2021 at 10:00am. Pre-trial hearing set for 22nd Mar 2021 at 10:00am.

11 Sep 2020 - JDW issues notice of trial setting for LV with amended dates - pre-trial hearing set for 25th Feb 2021 and trial starting 22nd Mar 2021. (These dates will be subject to further change when the cases are joined.)

14 Sep 2020 - MM files notice of non-objection to joinder of Vallow and Daybell cases.

15 Sep 2020 - The court orders that LV shall be permitted to wear "street clothing" to any and all hearings.

15 Sep 2020 - JSB sets hearing dates for CD's motion to dismiss and other motion (29th Oct 2020) and motion for change of venue (24th Nov 2020).

17 Sep 2020 - MM on behalf of LV files a motion for change of venue "because a fair and impartial jury trial cannot be had in Fremont County"

21 Sep 2020 - MM on behalf of LV files two motions in the alternative, with Madison County, to transfer the trial and join it with the charges filed in Fremont.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - September 2020
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Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

October 2020

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

1 Oct 2020 – JP (for CD) to receive transcript of preliminary hearing no later than this date, as ordered by court on 31st Aug.

13 Oct 2020 - JP (for CD) files a motion to move the hearing (motion to dismiss) set for 29th October 2020 because he only just received transcript of preliminary hearing and needs more time.

15 Oct 2020 - The court moves JP's hearing to dismiss to 24 Nov 2020 at 9:00am.

27 Oct 2020
– LVD has been ordered to give written notice to the court (Madison) by this date if she intends to raise any issue of mental condition and/or call any expert witness concerning such issue (IC 18-207) – ordered by court on 20 Jul 2020.

29 Oct 2020 10:00am - Motion hearing (video conference) to combine trials (CD and LV). JSB, Fremont County.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - October 2020
Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

November 2020

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

4 Nov 2020
- Fremont County, JSB orders good cause having been found on the state's motion for joinder and CD's and LV's cases be joined for all further proceedings.

5 Nov 2020 - Fremont County, JDW issues order joining CD's and LV's cases, on good cause. He assigns LV's case, over which he had presided, to JSB, for all further proceedings.

13 Nov 2020 - Fremont County, JSB issues notice of trial setting for the joint case. (pre-trial conference 2nd Jun 2021 and 4 week trial starting 12th Jul 2021 at 9:00am.

20 Nov 2020 - JP on behalf of CD files a motion to vacate and continue hearing set for 24th Nov 2020 ( to dismiss case and change venue) to 6th Jan 2021, 9:00am.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - November 2020
Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

December 2020

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

3 Dec 2020 -
JP, on behalf of CD, files memorandum in support of his motion to change venue "because a fair and imparial trial cannot be had in Fremont, Madison, or Bonneville Counties". He states that these communities have been exposed to inflammatory and inadmissible evidence and an overwhelming amount of media coverage. He asks the case be moved to an area of the state in western Idaho.

9 Dec 2020
- State requests JP, on behalf of CD, to provide supplemental discovery of expert witnesses in regard to motion to change venue, especially those who conducted a survey in Fremont, Madison and Bonneville Counties.

15 Dec 2020 - JP and MM both file motions to disqualify and remove RW, prosecutor, on grounds of prosecutorial misconduct. This in regard to his meeting with LV's sister, SS, with her lawyer, GS, on 1st October 2020 at Chandler AZ police station. The meeting (and as we learned from the hearing on 6th Jan 2021 another meeting between RW and ZP mainly regarding her "use immunity agreement"on 2nd October 2020, same location and attorney) came about as a result of ZP reaching out to LE through her lawyer GS.

16 Dec 2020 - RW files a motion for a judicial protective order to prevent publication of exhibits mentioned in JP's and MM's motions to disqualify prosecutor. This was granted on 17 Dec 2020 and the records were sealed until further order.

16 Dec 2020 - RW files objection to the defendants' motions to disqualify him.

17 Dec 2020 - LV and CD signed waivers of their statutory right to a speedy trial.

17 Dec 2020 - MM filed specific request of discovery in a list of people RW has spoken with, and content of conversations, communications etc, regarding the case.

18 Dec 2020 - The court changed the purpose of the hearing scheduled for 6th Jan 2021 from dismissal and change of venue to motions to disqualify prosecutor.

21 Dec 2020 - JP on behalf of CD filed a notice of compliance with state's request for supplemental discovery dated 9th Dec 2020 (community survey expert evidence)

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - December 2020
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Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

January 2021

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

4 Jan 2021 10:30am
– Madison County - LVD’s pre-trial conference. JMM agreed the final trial setting for LV - New pre-trial conference set for 17th Aug 2021 10:00am, New jury trial set for 30th/31st Aug 2021, 1st/2nd/3rd Sep 2021, 9:00am.

6th & 8th Jan 2021 -
Fremont County - motion hearing (motion to disqualify prosecutor) re. RW's meeting with SS in October 2020. Motion denied. If SS is ever called as a witness she would be required to attend a pre-trial hearing on the matter of whether she was influenced by anything RW said to her.

8 Jan 2021 - MM on behalf of LV filed a motion to compel RW to provide discovery requested on 17th Dec 2020. Set down for hearing on 17th Feb 2021.

11 Jan 2021
- LE interview records with ZP and her family on the day of AlC's death are published. EIN wrote a report about it here.

14 Jan 2021 - RW prosecutor filed response to MM's motion to compel.

14 Jan 2021 - RW filed disclosure of his expert witness re. the defendants' community survey/motion to change venue.

19 Jan 2021 - MM on behalf of LV files a motion to facilitate his communications/meetings with LV at the jail. He asks for her to be given a cell phone.

19 Jan 2021 - MM filed a motion for reconsideration of disqualification of prosecutor. Motion denied on 10 Feb 2021.

11 – 29 Jan 2021, 9:00am daily (except Monday 18th Jan MLK Day) CD’s three week jury trial. Judge Steven W Boyce, Fremont County Courthouse, 151 West 1st North, St Anthony, Idaho 83445.

25 - 29 Jan 2021, 9:00am daily - LVD's jury trial in respect of three misdemeanor counts, Madison County. Her plea of not guilty here. JURY TRIAL VACATED due to Idaho Supreme Court notice of no jury trials

29 Jan 2021 - BB's defamation suit against RJ and GS was settled in the amount of $12 million.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - January 2021
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Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

February 2021

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

4 Feb 2021 - Autopsy for Tammy Daybell has been completed and turned over by Utah Medical Examiner to Fremont County Sheriff's Office. “The contents of this report will not be made public at this time as it is evidence in an open and ongoing investigation,” Humphries says. “We will release additional information as it becomes available.”

4 Feb 2021 Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney's Office resumed responsibility for the investigation into Tammy's death.
12 Feb 2021 CD's daughter EM speaks to Court TV about being denied her mother's autopsy results, without full cooperation with detectives.

16 Feb 2021 MM files expert witness dsclosure - Ironwood Insights retained by LV regarding survey and expert opinions re. motion to change venue.

17 Feb 2021 9:30am
- Fremont County - Motion to Compel. (discovery request by MM) Partly allowed, partly denied. Ruling transcribed here. MM was denied his request that LV be issued a cell phone.

25 Feb 2021 - State filed motion to compel to JP regarding his answer of "none" to experts due to testify at hearing to change venue in March 2021.

27 Feb 2021 "The Gravedigger's Wife" new 20/20 documentary airs.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - February 2021
Detailed Case Timeline (Update 14)

Scheduled Court Dates

FOUND DECEASED: Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell and Chad Guy Daybell

10 Mar 2021, 9:00am - Fremont County - Judge Steven W Boyce - Motion to Compel

22 Mar 2021, 9:00am – Fremont County - Judge Steven W Boyce - Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Change of Venue

2 Jun 2021, 10:00am - Fremont County - Judge Steven W Boyce - Pre-Trial Conference CD & LV

12 Jul 2021 to 6 Aug 2021 inclusive, 9:00am daily
- Fremont County - Judge Steven Boyce - 4 week Jury Trial CD and LV - charges of conspiracy destruction concealment evidence.

17 Aug 2021 , 10:00am
- Madison County - Judge Michelle R Mallard - Pre-Trial Conference LV only

30 Aug 2021 to 3 Sep 2021 inclusive, 9:00am daily
- Madison County - Judge Michelle R Mallard - one week jury trial LV only - 3 misdemeanor charges of resisting obstructing officer, solicitation and contempt.

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there may be multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread.

Timeline (Update 14) - Scheduled Court Dates

We all will salute you over and over again as we continue our long saga of living with Chad and Lori. I hope you don't find yourself dreaming about them, and thinking about them all the time. You don't deserve that! But we owe you such overwhelming gratitude for what you have done for all of us.

I am sure that "case history" in the future will be crediting you!!!
Detailed Case Timeline Part I (Update 8)
MISSING: Joshua Jaxon “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan
Arrested: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow/Daybell
Person of Interest: Chad Guy Daybell

1968 - Chad Guy Daybell is born in Provo, UT.

1973 - Lori Norene Cox is born in San Bernardino Co, CA.

Aug 1985 - 17 yo Chad has near-death experience cliff jumping at Flaming Gorge Reservoir in northern Utah. He claims to have crossed into another dimension & realized there was a world beyond. 1- How it all began |

1985 to 1987 - Chad works as a Springville Parks Department Worker & Supervisor (KSL-TV)
1986 – Chad graduates from HS in Springville, UT. He was an honor roll student and nominated as “teenager of the month” his sr year (1985 & 1986 Springville Herald,

1987-1989 – After HS graduation, Chad takes a LDS mission in a Spanish-speaking area of Morristown, New Jersey. Chad writes in his 2017 autobiography that while serving his mission in NJ he felt he was “actually witnessing the First Vision.” Mormons believe Joseph Smith received the First Vision & was chosen to be the Lord’s prophet. (Fox13 Salt Lake City, Daily Mail)

June 1988 to 1992 & 1996 – Unk date) Tammy Douglas (Daybell), worked for Springville City as a billing secretary and receptionist (KSL TV).

August 1989 to August 1991 – Chad works part time as cemetery sexton in Springville, UT & starts college at Brigham Young University (BYU) (Chad’s website Archives).

Approx 1989- 1991 – Lori is a on the cheer squad at Eisenhower High School in Rialto, CA. Lori is “a flyer” - the girl the team threw into the air. Lori's parents didn't come to her cheer competitions. However, Lori’s HS friend, BFL, says, "As a cheer squad, we were always at Lori's house. Her mom and dad let us hang out there. We used to swim... Everybody was just so welcoming. They had a big family." The Cox family were "very, very devout Mormons," BFL said, and Lori attended religious classes in mornings before school (Inside Edition).

Approx 1989- 1991 – Lori got good grades in HS and talked about going to BYU for college, however she never went to college (Inside Edition).

9 March 1990 - Chad Daybell and Tamara "Tammy" Douglas marry in the Manti Temple. They met while attending BYU. They would go on to have 5 children & 3 grandchildren during their nearly 30 year marriage. (Tammy’s Obit).

1990’s – Chad & Tammy did extensive genealogy research on Tammy’s family & temple paperwork for 100’s of her ancestors (Chad’s blog).

1991 – Lori started dating boys her senior year of HS. "It's weird because it wasn't until our senior year that she even had a boyfriend. She was very much to herself and she hung around just the girls…There was hardly ever boys with us. But in senior year, that's when she started kind of like branching out a little bit." – Lori’s friend BFL (Inside Edition).

18 May 1991 – Charles Vallow marries his 2nd wife Cheryl while living in Austin, TX; They had 2 sons during their 12 year marriage (East Idaho News).

12 June 1991 – Lori Cox graduates from Eisenhower HS in Rialto, CA. (San Bernardino County Sun, ) The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California on July 10, 1991 · Page 24

12 Sept 1991 – Lori rides her horse, Nellie, to visit her boyfriend in Fontana, CA. A newspaper features her photo as she rides down Valley Blvd, just east of Cherry St (San Bernardino County Sun, ). The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California on September 13, 1991 · Page 31

About 1991 or 1992 – Lori marries her 1st husband while she is still a teenager. Her 1st husband is her boyfriend from high school and he is not Mormon. This relationship ends in divorce. (GH family interview; Post Register, Inside Edition).

About 1992 - Lori moved away from Rialto, CA soon after her divorce (Inside Edition).

1991/1992 – Chad works as Asst City Editor for BYU’s newspaper, The Daily Universe. The following semester he served as City Editor (Chad’s website archives).

April 1992 – Chad graduates from BYU with bachelor’s degree in Journalism (Chad's blog).

1992 – After graduation Chad took job as copy editor and headline writer w/Standard-Examiner in Ogden, UT. The family lived in the suburb Washington Terrace in Ogden (Chad’s website archives).

1993 – Chad has 2nd near-death experience. He is hit by a wave at La Jolla Cove, CA. He claims his spirit visited his deceased grandfather, who showed him future events. Chad claims this “caused his ‘veil’ that separates mortal life from the Spirit World to stay partially open, so he often feels as if he has a foot in both worlds” (Chad's Blog).

1993 – Chad says in a 2015 blog post that not long after his 2nd near-death experience he was driving south on I-15 in Orem, UT past Geneva Steel when he saw a vision of the steel plant changed into subdivisions. Geneva Steel would later close in 1999-2001 and in 2015 Chad claims he foresaw that happening. A similar vision in 2005 supposedly inspired Chad to write a futuristic book series (Chad’s Blog).

4 Dec 1995 - April 2000 – Chad hears about an opening in Springville for a cemetery sexton in 1995 and takes the job in order to move his family back to Springville and closer to their grandparents (Chad’s website archives). Employment records show Chad became a Cemetery Supervisor in July 1996 and resigned in 1999 (KSL TV).

22 Oct 1995 – Lori marries her 2nd husband William Lagioia in Travis County, Texas. Her 1st son Colby (CR) is born during this relationship. This marriage ends in divorce (Court records).

17 Dec 1996 – Lori’s files for divorce against her 2nd husband in Bexar County, Texas. (Court records).

1997 - Two years after Chad became a sexton again, he is shoveling snow at the cemetery when he hears a voice say “It’s time to write your books.” (Chad’s blog 3- A voice in the cemetery | ).

25 Feb 1998 – Lori’s 2nd divorce is finalized (Bexar Co Court records).

25 May 1998 - Stacey Cox Cope, the sister of Lori and Alex Cox, dies supposedly of diabetic shock; Stacey is survived by a young daughter named Melani (family interviews on GH; Daily Mail). Stacey Lynn Cope (1966-1998) - Find A Grave...

17 March 1999 – Chad Daybell is featured in an article about publishing his first book “An Errand for Emma.” The book is a fiction story set in 1868 with a teen girl main character that is based on Chad’s then 4 year old daughter’s personality. At the time of the article Chad is once again working as a cemetery sexton in Springville - a job he says he purposely took in order to spend more time with his family and have time to write books (BYU Universe).

2001 – Chad claims that Tammy’s grandmother, LC, had a visit from a deceased ancestor, RM; RM supposedly thanked Chad and Tammy thru LC for submitting temple paperwork in the ancestor’s name. Tammy’s grandmother passed away in 2005 and Chad would later claim he received a visit and message from LC in 2011 (Chad’s blog).

April 2001 – Chad is working for Access Computer Products’ in Provo, Utah (Chad’s website archives).

2001 – Lori Marries her 3rd husband, Joseph Anthony Ryan, Jr (JR). Exact date of marriage is unknown, but JR’s sister, Annie, confirmed the year. JR adopts Lori's son from her previous marriage (Post Register) JR’s sister Annie say her brother’s marriage to Lori got off to a joyful start. “They were just madly in love. I had never seen Joe that happy,” (KSLTV).

29 Oct 2001 – Chad does an interview about his job working as a Springville Cemetery Sexton and a book he wrote about it. "It's a physically demanding job," Chad also noted that a 4-year-old visitor once referred to him as "the sexy one." Chad says family members often talk with him about their feelings, "Taking care of the graves is rewarding, as well as helping widows and grieving family members deal with the trauma… Sad times are always when you have to bury babies. That's always a poignant moment." Chad recounts a time when he had to dig up a casket so a mortician could retrieve a wedding ring he had forgotten to remove for the family and another time when a man wanted to set up a Christmas tree and run an extension cord for lights, "I couldn't really exaggerate or fabricate any of these stories, they're just too bizarre… I always get a creepy feeling right in the middle of those,” Said Chad pointing to some juniper bushes, “I don't know what happened there and I don't know why; chills just go up your spine, like you're being watched." (Deseret News).

24 Sept 2002 - Tylee Ashlyn Ryan is born to Lori and JR. JR’s sister Annie said, “My brother had never been married and he had never had a child, so he was over the moon.” (KSLTV).

18 Mar 2003 – Chad’s books are pulled from the shelves of Deseret Book Stores, allegedly due to an irreverent scene in "Chasing Paradise," where a warrior angel drop-kicks a naughty spirit through a wall. Chad is working as managing editor of Cedar Fort publishing at the time (Deseret News).

27 Jun 2003 – Charles Vallow divorces his 2nd wife Cheryl (East Idaho News).

Abt 2004 – Lori wins $17,500 on “Wheel of Fortune” (CrimeOnline).

2004 – Lori is contestant in the Mrs. Texas pageant; she is a semi-finalist, but eliminated in the final round of competition (CrimeOnline).

Feb 23 2004 – Lori is listed on a General Warranty Deed for the home she shares with JR in Driftwood, TX (Hays Co Property records).

1 Mar 2004 – Chad and Tammy start their own book publisher, Spring Creek Book Company (Daily Mail, Heavy).

13 Aug 2004 - Lori’s 3rd husband JR files for divorce in Hays Co, Texas. JR fights Lori in the courts trying to gain full custody of Tylee for several years. (Court records, family interview on Grey Hughes).

2005 - Tammy's grandmother, LC, passes away (Chad’s blog).

2005 – Chad starts working on his “Standing in Holy Places” book series with the first novel called “The Great Gathering” which is set 10-15 years in the future. Chad claims on a blog post in 2015 that his futuristic books included actual visions he had of the future that came to pass, including the recession of 2008 and a steel mill that shut down in 1999. (Chad’s blog 17- Writing “The Great Gathering” | ).

18 May 2005 – Lori & JR’s divorce is finalized in Hays Co, Texas (Court records).

6 Sept 2005 – Lori is listed on a Trustee Deed for the home she shared with JR in Driftwood, TX (Hays Co Property records).

2006 – Lori’s brother Alex is doing stand-up comedy shows in Phoenix where he meets a friend (MT). (Fox10 Phoenix).

24 Feb 2006 - Lori marries her 4th husband, Leland "Charles" Anthony Vallow (CV) in Las Vegas, NV; Lori is CV’s 3rd wife (Clark Co marriage records, East Idaho News).

6 Mar 2006 – Springville Herald writes an article about Chad’s new book, "The LDS Top 5 Charts" all about celebrities who are also LDS.

11 Mar 2006 – Chad signs copies of his new book at Provo East Bay Seagull Book, 1326 S. University Avenue in Provo, UT (Springville Herald).

08 Aug 2006 – Lori’s ex-husband, JR, files in the 22nd District Court of TX for custody enforcement/modification in the interest of Tylee (Court records).

2007 – CV’s 2nd ex-wife begins to have concerns about Lori’s mental health. “She just seemed off. There were a lot of strange goings-on at their home to the point that a judge ordered cameras to be put in their home to protect the children,” Cheryl says (East Idaho News).

11 July 2007 – Chad’s book “The Great Gathering” is first published by Brigham Distributing for Nook. In Aug 2007 Chad’s Spring Creek Book Company also released the book in Amazon Kindle and Paperback versions. In the book, “one of his characters dies for a noble purpose. The death “was unfortunate, but let me assure you that it wasn’t an accident.” (Adam Herbets, Fox13 SLC).

Aug 2007 – Lori’s brother AC tells his Phoenix friend, MT, that he has to go to Austin, TX to deal with some “family affairs”.

5 Aug 2007 – Lori’s brother, AC, attacks & threatens her 3rd ex-husband, JR in Travis Co, TX. JR was leaving after a custody visit with Tylee when AC approached him in the parking lot, pulled a stun gun & shocked JR with it twice. JR got up to flee and AC chased him. JR fled past a witness who saw AC with the stun gun and AC walked away after that (Court Docs, FOX 10 Phoenix).

6 Aug 2007 – JR goes to the hospital with chest pains the day after the stun gun attack and is admitted for observation. He is also diagnosed with a fractured wrist from the fall to the ground during the attack (Court Docs, FOX 10 Phoenix).

15-16 Aug 2007 – An “affidavit for arrest and detention” of Alex is made & filed in Travis Co, TX for the stun gun attack on JR (Court Docs, FOX 10 Phoenix).

2008 – Abt a year after the stun-gun attack on JR, AC pleads guilty to aggravated assault in the second degree and serves 3 months in jail (Court Docs, FOX 10 Phoenix).

2008 – While serving 90 days for his attack on JR, AC writes 4 letters to his friend MT; MT says AC “usually found a way to mention his ex-brother in law”. One letter reads "Do me a favor. Call Janis. Ask her to put Joe's address on a post card and his license plate number. I think it will be popular here." The "Janis" mentioned is Lori and AC's mother. In another letter, AC writes "P.S., can you get a picture from Lori of one of her ex-husbands and send it to me? Some of the guys would like to hang out with him." (FOX 10 Phoenix).

2008 – The “Great Recession” hits the US; In a 2015 blog post Chad claims that the 2008 recession was just like he predicted it happening in his books but he knew that the end was “still several years away” because one of the key parts of the book involves the government encouraging human microchip implants (Chad’s Blog).

2008 – Chad and Tammy file for Bankruptcy. The bankruptcy records show they have over $100,000 in debt related Spring Creek Book Company. They have assets totaling $149,657.21 but debts in the amount of $353,853.21. Assets include a home in Springville worth $135,900, less than $100 in their bank accounts, various household items and their book company worth an estimated $0. Also listed as asset - 'Copyrights to twenty (20) books written by debtor/website. (annual income of about $2,000, however this decreases every year)' They own a 1997 Mazda Protege (worth $2k) and 2005 Chrysler Town & County van (worth $10k), a turtle, two rabbits and a parakeet. They owe $95,352 to Gmac Mortgage for their home, $7,024 on a 2nd mortgage and $36,699.11 to Central Bank for a 'Statutory lien.' They list five kids ranging from 8 years to 16 years. Both list their jobs as book publishers - Chad's average income was $3,385 and Tammy pulled in $1,579. The docs listed monthly expenses in the amount of $3,927. At the time, Chad was working part-time at Springville City Corp and Tammy was working part-time as an Overload Tech. (Radar Online, Daily Mail).

2008 – Lori’s niece, Melani, daughter of late Stacey Cox Cope, marries Brandon Boudreaux (BB) (Daily Mail).

Mar 2008 - Lori and CV sign a "lien release form" together in Travis Co, TX (Court records).

Aug 2008 to 2009 - Chad works as a Part-Time Cemetery Maintenance Worker in Springville, UT (KSL TV).

19 Dec 2008 – JR requests dismissal of an appeal against Lori Vallow in the 3rd court of Appeals, 345 District Court of Travis Co, Texas; the court grants his request. Joseph Anthony Ryan, Jr. v. Lori N. Vallow--Appeal from 345th District Court of Travis County

26 Jan 2009 – Lori and CV sign forms for authorization for someone to pay property tax on their behalf in Travis Co, Texas (Court records).

1 Feb 2009 – Chad takes a cemetery sexton job in Spanish Fork City. He says he took the job due to the recession’s impact on the book publishing industry (Spanish Fork Press/Daily Herald).

17 July 2009 - Lori’s Ex-husband, JR, again files a custody suit against Lori in the State of TX. This suit is carried over to the AZ courts and a note about it in Maricopa County, AZ records that reads: “FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS INTERLOCUTORY/OF 7/17/09 IN SUIT TO MODIFY PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP” (Court Records).

2009 – A civil court finds Lori in contempt and charges her with judicial interference for disobeying a child custody agreement with Joseph Ryan in regards to Tylee (Feb 2020 bond reduction hearing).

2009 – Lori is found guilty of 7 different civil contempt charges (Per Prosecutor Wood in Lori’s Initial Appearance 6 Mar 2020).

2010 – Chad and Tammy’s Bankruptcy case is officially closed, with about $203,000 of their debt forgiven (Daily Mail).

2011 – Lori’s brother Alex is ordered by a Travis Co, TX Court to pay Lori’s ex-husband/Tylee’s father, Joseph Ryan, $5000 in restitution for the 2007 taser assault; Alex is placed on probation (Fox10 Phoenix).

27 July 2011 – Lori calls and cancels a July 30th court ordered psych eval appointment, saying that her sister in another state gave birth to a baby with medical complications and Lori was leaving town to be with her sister. Lori requested to change her appointment to Oct 4th (KSLTV).

30 July 2011 – Lori was originally scheduled for a court ordered pysch eval in relation to a custody case concerning CV’s 2 sons. She canceled this saying she was going out of town (KSLTV).

31 July 2011 – A psychologist decides to call Lori to schedule an appointment earlier after a concern that Lori is a “flight risk” was brought up in court (KSLTV).

1 Aug 2011 - Lori showed up early for her psych eval appointment (KSLTV).

5 Aug 2011 – Lori’s Ex-husband, JR, files “Petition to modify child custody, parenting time and child support” in Maricopa County, AZ Family Court. JR claims Lori will not let him see his daughter, Tylee, despite their custody agreement. (Court records, AZ Family News).

13 Aug 2011 – A process server serves Lori with the Aug 5th petition through serving her husband CV. The document ordered Lori to undergo a psychological evaluation after she told social workers “death would be an option before giving Tylee to her father, Mr. Joseph Ryan, even for a visit.” The document goes on to say “These are real and serious concerns,” (KSLTV).

2011 - A civil court again finds Lori in contempt and charges her with judicial interference for disobeying a child custody agreement with Joseph Ryan in regards to Tylee (Feb 2020 bond reduction hearing).

23 Sept 2011 – Chad claims that Tammy’s deceased grandmother, LC, visited him and told him Tammy needed to stop playing the computer game “Frontierville” and get back to working on genealogy and temple work; Chad typed up the message and gave it to Tammy and her parents to read that day; Sept 23 was LC’s birthday so they took this as a sign she had spoken to him; Chad says in a 2015 blog post that every Sept 23rd he waits for another visit, but so far LC’s been quiet (Chad’s Blog).

25 May 2012 - Joshua Jaxson “JJ” Vallow is born in Louisiana. He weighs 2lb 14 oz at birth. JJ would later be diagnosed with special needs- Autism and ADHD, and prescribed medication. JJ’s grandparents, KW & LW cared for him for 9 or 10 months prior to allowing KW’s brother, CV and his wife, Lori, to adopt him (Rexburg Standard Journal, East Idaho News).

5 June 2012 - Lori’s Ex-husband, JR, files more petitions against Lori to modify child custody and child support arrangements for Tylee in Maricopa County, AZ. The court battle goes on until 2014 when it appears that JR won his case as the document reads: “Stipulation To Credit (Offset) Petitioner/Father's Child Support Obligations for Seven (7) Months Commencing June 1, 2014” (Court records).

May 2013 to Oct 2014 - Chad works as Springville Cemetery Sexton (KSL TV).

11 Apr 2013 – Baby JJ takes his first steps at 13 months old (East Idaho News).

Approx 2013 – CV and Lori begin the legal process to adopt JJ.

2014 – Chad first meets Julie Rowe on an online forum called AVOW; Chad helped publish her book about a near-death experience she had in 2004. She became close friends with the Daybells and there was a 3 year period of time where Julie would visit Chad & Tammy in their Rexburg home at least once a month (Fox10 Phoenix, Fox13 SLC).

April 15, 2014 – Tylee answers questions on Askfm. https://******/tyleearyan

May 2014 – Tylee Joins Twitter. Tylee Ryan (@tyleearyan) | Twitter

1 June 2014 – JR wins a custody petition against Lori involving adjustment of child support and parenting time with Tylee. Docs read: “Stipulation To Credit (Offset) Petitioner/Father's Child Support Obligations for Seven (7) Months Commencing June 1, 2014” (Court records).

25 July 2014: CV and Lori finalize the adoption of JJ (KW; Post Register); The final decree of adoption from the 14th Judicial District Court Parish of Calcasieu, Louisiana establishes Lori and Charles as JJ’s legal parents (Affidavit of Probable Cause Doc).

August 2014 – Chad’s mom rents a large cabin in Island Park, Idaho for an extended family vacation trip. On this Idaho trip Chad hears a voice say “You’ll live here soon.” (Chad's Blog 14- Following the path to . . .Idaho? | ).

End of 2014/Beginning of 2015 -Lori and Charles Vallow move to Hawaii with JJ and Tylee to start a juice bar called "Juice Island". This business was reportedly a failure and they would eventually move back to AZ (Note: Date based on business filing dates and social media posts; story about the juice bar was from insider posts on WS and confirmed by business filings).

8 Dec 2014 – Lori and Charles Vallow register a business called “Juice Island Hawaii LLC” in Princeville, HI.

Approx 2015: Lori becomes “obsessed with Chad’s books,” especially his “Standing in Holy Places” series. A friend of Lori's says: “Those books she got really obsessed with and started buying me those books too. She must have gotten close to him from his book.” (Fox 5; Post Register). In one of those books a character named Tad is upset at his wife Emma for following prophesies signaling the end of the world. Tad says, “I’m not the one tearing our family apart. You’re the one who is selfishly taking my children away!’” Also in the series the fictional Tad “is running from law enforcement and describes how difficult it is to sleep.” (Adam Herbets, Fox13 SLC).

12 Jan 2015 - Lori and Charles Vallow register a business called “JUICE ISLAND - PRINCEVILLE LLC” in Princeville, HI.

Feb 2015 - Chad has a vision of walking a path and hearing a voice say, “Moving to Rexburg will be a tremendous blessing to your children and your grandchildren.” A few weeks after that Chad was eating dinner with his family and said “When we move to Rexburg . . .” He had not brought it up before and “Tammy wasn’t thrilled” but soon Tammy agreed and was looking at real estate in Rexburg (Chad's blog 14- Following the path to . . .Idaho? | ).

June 2015 – Chad and Tammy Daybell buy a house and move to Rexburg, Idaho. Tammy worked as assistant librarian at Madison Middle School. She later became the librarian at Central Elementary School in Sugar City, Idaho (Chad's blog).

25 June 2015 – Tylee Tweets a photo with a friend captioned: “4 more days until Hawaii with this chick”.

11 July 2015 – Tylee Tweets a photo with a friend doing Charlie’s Angel poses, captioned: “Partner’s in Crime”.

27 July 2015 – Tylee Tweets a photo with a friend captioned “gonna miss this girl”.

4 Aug 2015 – Lori and Charles Vallow register a business entity called “JUICE ISLAND - LIHUE LLC” in Princeville, HI.

27 Sep 2015 - Total Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, AKA “Blood Moon”.

Oct 2015 – Chad takes over the day to day operations as Editor of a newsletter called Global Research Initiative (GRI), in conjunction with a forum called LDS-AVOW. The original founder of GRI, Roger K. Young will act as guest commentator (GRI Website).

2016 – Chad works as “sales executive at Falls Printing” (according to his LinkedIn & Daily Mail).

Approx 2016 or 2017 – Lori and Chad may have met for the first time as early as 2016 or 2017. Lori’s friend says in a Dec 2019 interview that Lori first became “obsessed” with Chad’s books about 4 years ago. JJ’s grandmother, KW says in a 30 Jan 2020 presser that she believes Lori & Chad may have met in 2016 or 2017. (Friend interview, Fox7 Austin, & KW’s Presser video).

2 January 2016 – Tylee joins Poshmark in Jan 2016 but there is no visible activity after Jan 2.
Tylee Ryan's Closet (@tyleearyan) | Poshmark

1 Feb 2016 – Lori posts a photo to Instagram from Anini Beach, Kalihiwai, HI.
@lolo4kauai on Instagram: “Just a morning stroll in paradise”

2 Mar 2016 – Tylee creates a project on Prezi about Abraham Lincoln: Baltimore Sun

12 Mar 2016 – Tylee retweets a post that says “someone help me i cant stop being hungry”. This is her last activity on Twitter. Tylee Ryan (@tyleearyan) | Twitter

2 Jun 2016 – Alex is featured on a youtube video doing Looney Tunes impressions for a radio show producer, KD (Fox 10 Phoenix).

18 June 2016 – Tylee posts a beach photo taken in Kakaha, Hawaii to her photography Instagram. on Instagram: “Black sand beaches”

8 July 2016 – Tylee posts a photo to her photography Instagram with the caption “Hanalei dayss”. on Instagram: “Hanalei dayss”

19 July 2016 – Tylee creates an account on with the username “typicaltylee” typicaltylee | FanFiction

20 July 2016 - Lori gets a traffic ticket for using her phone while driving in Kauai, HI. (Court records).

24 Sept 2016 – Tylee’s 14th birthday. Lori wishes Tylee happy birthday on her Instagram. @lolo4kauai on Instagram: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little girl who is all grown up!! your mommy loves u so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

28 September 2016 – Lori dissolves one of the 3 Hawaii business entities (Juice Island - Lihue LLC). The other Juice Island LLC’s are listed as “delinquent” for 2016, 2017 and 2018 due to no filings and the state administratively dissolved the entities in 2018.

Dec 2016 – Tylee is listed on the Honor Role as a Freshman at Kapaa High School in Hawaii.

Late 2016/Early 2017 - Lori and the children move from HI to AZ (Date based on business filings and Tylee's school enrollment in HI).

8 Feb 2017 to 23 Mar 2017 - Tylee is enrolled at Desert Ridge High School in Gilbert, AZ (AZ Family News).

7 Mar 2017 – Chad writes on his blog that he is close to finished writing a book called “Reclaiming Liberty,” but he will not be releasing it until there is “a major earthquake in the western United States”. He also announces that he will release a short autobiography about his two near-death experiences. Update on Reclaiming Liberty |

16 Mar 2017 – Tylee creates a project on Prezi about Linear Functions: #1:

28 March 2017 – Tylee is enrolled in Perry High School in Chandler, AZ and finishes the school year there (AZ Family News).

29 Mar 2017 – Tylee creates a Roblox account under username “Typicaltylee”. Profile - Roblox

19 May 2017 – Chad announces on his blog the release of his autobiography “Living on the Edge of Heaven” discussing his two near-death experiences and his interactions with deceased relatives. At the beginning of the book is a dedication to his wife Tammy: “My one and only.” Chad writes in the book he has had visions of himself as an older man “helping build New Jerusalem,” and “I appear to be in better shape in the future than I am now, probably due to the lack of fast food in Zion.” (Chad’s blog, Fox13 SLC Special Report w/Adam Herbets)

June 2017 – Family members say Lori and Chad first met sometime around June 2017 (Daily Mail).

Summer of 2017 – Chad meets author and podcaster, Melanie Gibb (MG), for the first time after he speaks at a campout in Northern Utah. MG invites him to speak in her hometown of Mesa, Arizona (Chad's Forward for MG's book).

24 Sept 2017 – Tylee’s 15th birthday. Lori posts a “happy birthday” message to her on Instagram that mentions Perry High School in Gilbert, AZ. @lolo4kauai on Instagram: “My Beautiful daughter turned 15 today ! Happy birthday Ty Ty !! I love you so much!!! JJ says "hi Tylee Ryan Perry High School " ”

Dec 2017 – Lori and Chad made their first appearance together on a podcast (Daily Mail)

See PART II (Update 8) for more...
I wasn't able to message the timeline author directly, so I am posting this suggested timeline addition here. I think it would be very helpful in understanding the dynamic between Lori and her brother, Alex Cox.

1985 - According to John Glatt on page 10 of his book The Doomsday Mother, 12 year-old Lori Cox burst into tears and told her 7th grade fried that her 17-year old brother, Alex Cox, "... is trying to have sex with me! What should I do?"


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