Ideas For TES Search Big Name Searcher!

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DNA Solves
You will not go out and search because you don't want to be associated with these "types" of people? Are you kidding me? You know, there were more than a handful of WS's out there searching including me. Do you think that people are rallying around in a mob searching for a missing child??

Please don't let the "appearances" of people turn you off from searching for an innocent child who never had a chance.

I am sorry if I offended you. I was unable to see all of the searchers out there. The news only showed so many. I know everyone should be out there searching, but I do not know if everyone wants to be associated with it.

I, actually, reviewed what I said and it sounded worse than what I thought. You have to forgive me, I am soooo sleepy and I am trying to study and write this. I should probably write this while I am more awake, so it will sound better. Haha. :waitasec:

That was awesome of you to go out there and search! As of now, I am really unable to go out there by myself. I asked some people to go out there with me, but they said the same excuses. They did not want to go because they saw the crazy people protesting in front of the Anthony's home. I assumed that the same ones from the protest would be out there searching. I could be wrong. It just seems to me that the people protesting would be out there searching and they kind of freaked us out. At the protest, they were really mean, and I did not want to be associated with that.

This thread had me thinking that if UCF helped search, then I would be out there. I would feel safer, and more in my element. I don't even know if this is making sense or not.

Sorry I offended anyone. God bless you for sacrificing your holiday weekend to go search for baby Caylee (especially, in all the rain). :blowkiss:

I think I was just trying to make the point that it was a good idea for this thread. It is necessary to increase the number of volunteers, and broaden the search.

Anyway, can we drop this and talk about finding more people for the search?
Please everyone go to this link and at the bottom there is a contact us for NG. leave an email requesting she ask for TES assistance. If she gets enough emails I believe she will respond on her show tonight.

I sent an appeal to Nancy early this morning...
I am sorry if I offended you. I was unable to see all of the searchers out there. The news only showed so many. I know everyone should be out there searching, but I do not know if everyone wants to be associated with it.

I, actually, reviewed what I said and it sounded worse than what I thought. You have to forgive me, I am soooo sleepy and I am trying to study and write this. I should probably write this while I am more awake, so it will sound better. Haha. :waitasec:

That was awesome of you to go out there and search! As of now, I am really unable to go out there by myself. I asked some people to go out there with me, but they said the same excuses. They did not want to go because they saw the crazy people protesting in front of the Anthony's home. I assumed that the same ones from the protest would be out there searching. I could be wrong. It just seems to me that the people protesting would be out there searching and they kind of freaked us out. At the protest, they were really mean, and I did not want to be associated with that.

This thread had me thinking that if UCF helped search, then I would be out there. I would feel safer, and more in my element. I don't even know if this is making sense or not.

Sorry I offended anyone. God bless you for sacrificing your holiday weekend to go search for baby Caylee (especially, in all the rain). :blowkiss:

I think I was just trying to make the point that it was a good idea for this thread. It is necessary to increase the number of volunteers, and broaden the search.

Anyway, can we drop this and talk about finding more people for the search?

FWIW I wouldn't want to be anywhere near some of those protesting either!! Sadly it seems may of them devote their time and energy to standing in front of a house shouting at people instead of actively searching for Caylee. But getting UCF involved would be awesome!!

I am just astounded at the ignorance of your post. You made the leap from the peple protesting to the searchers with no basis in fact. You claim you haven't even gone to the command center to see what kind of people are there. You want to speak the truth. Well here's some truth. I was there. These people weren't protesting anything. They were tired,hot,sweaty, mosquito bitten, hungry and united in finding Caylee. They encouraged each other, helped each other and I have never met more people that I would be proud to know. Then you turn around and try to apologize and rally the troops to go out there and search. The same people you insulted. And no, you don't make sense about having UCF involved because you'd be more comfortable or safe in your element. It's not about you and your comfort. It's about finding Caylee and there is not a shred of comfort involved in that. It is serious, determined,hard and terribly sad. These are professional people from all walks of life. You should just stay put where you're comfortable and can make your assumptions all day long. That's all I have to say to say. I don't care if you respond or not because I will not exchange any more dialogue with someone like you.
How about Joey Fatone from the backstreet boys. He lives in Orlando and he does have a child too
bumpity bump!

Hoping that addition to requesting help from church communities, (keep reading that in press reports), TES receives these suggestions to reach out and mobilize local college communities in the various ways described here.

Originally Posted by RhondaIL

Miller said the toddler's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, was upset when he went on national television and said they were looking for Caylee's body.

Cindy called Miller and told him that her granddaughter was alive and that her daughter, Casey Anthony, gave her to a family. This upset Miller because he said if a family does indeed have the missing girl, why doesn't the Anthony family go to that family? "Why bring us in? Why call us? There are many families that really need our help," Miller said.

Members of the Orange County Sheriff's Office have requested the search team stay.

"The Sheriff of Orange County has given us a check for $5,000, 25 airboats and the entire mounted patrol to continue the search for Caylee,' Miller said.
Sorry if this one is up there already.
How about Oprah?
She was recently voted the most influential woman in America.

I am just astounded at the ignorance of your post. You made the leap from the peple protesting to the searchers with no basis in fact. You claim you haven't even gone to the command center to see what kind of people are there. You want to speak the truth. Well here's some truth. I was there. These people weren't protesting anything. They were tired,hot,sweaty, mosquito bitten, hungry and united in finding Caylee. They encouraged each other, helped each other and I have never met more people that I would be proud to know. Then you turn around and try to apologize and rally the troops to go out there and search. The same people you insulted. And no, you don't make sense about having UCF involved because you'd be more comfortable or safe in your element. It's not about you and your comfort. It's about finding Caylee and there is not a shred of comfort involved in that. It is serious, determined,hard and terribly sad. These are professional people from all walks of life. You should just stay put where you're comfortable and can make your assumptions all day long. That's all I have to say to say. I don't care if you respond or not because I will not exchange any more dialogue with someone like you.

Thank you. As someone who has been on several search teams, I know that if you are searching, you are too tired to protest. You walk, you walk, you walk some more. You slam water like it's going out of style. You wish you were a guy so you could take off your shirt. You beat the bushes and pray that you find somehting, you pray at the same time that you don't find anything. You pray that if you do find something, you don't step on it and destroy evidence. You curse the sun during the day, the gnats in the evening, and God the whole time. You work 12 hours, drive home on autopilot, take care of your family so they don't forget your name and face, check the news to make sure something didn't happen right after you left. Take a shower, fall into bed, get up 5 hours later, tired, achy, heartsick, you make a pot of coffee and you go back. If you are searching, you search, there is no time for anything else.
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) – A little over a dozen volunteers gathered at the Equusearch Command Post Wednesday morning to continue their search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

The turnout? The lowest since the search began five days ago.


"The Sheriff of Orange County has given us a check for $5,000, 25 airboats and the entire mounted patrol to continue the search for Caylee,' Miller said.

"The sheriff says he wants us to stay until Caylee is found, and we will search the entire county, state and country until we find this little girl so we can give her the dignity and respect she deserves," he continued.

Yesterday, Miller vocalized his concern over the locations flooded by Tropical Storm Fay.


A mobile command post for the search group has been set up at the Holiday Inn located at 5750 T.G. Lee Boulevard.
WOAH! We need to SLOW down here a minute before we just start contacting ANYONE! This wasn't supposed to get out of hand here.

It was just to think tank on ideas first!! We need to make certain that TES would be on board with the idea we come up with and everything first!!!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves!!!


ok, I have permission from Tim Miller, but it has to work like this.. we develop a list of possibles, I run it past Tim, and then make contact with the person(s) and make the arrangements if they are willing.. It has to be a single point of contact as their could be last minute changes (if they find her , weather issues, etc.. Will that work???

SOOO who's your picks???
Ok, so SS did pm me and I sent her a few suggestions.

Child Watch of North America is the ones who initally set up the search for Jennifer Kesse. I am not personally fond of them, but just wanted to let you know who set it up.

Thinking Out Loud- in regards to your earlier post, I do understand where you are coming from. When I first got involved in the Jenn Kesse case, I had a friend come with me so I wouldn't be alone. Safety is always in numbers. I do believe that a lot of the younger searchers would "feel" safer if they are around other people their age.

I also feel that with all the controversy surrounded in this whole case, a lot of people in the general public don't want to get involved and come out and search as they don't want to have anything to do with this case. They want to close their eyes and just hope it goes away.

All of us on WS know better, but people in the general public are just that- general public. The ones who have the compassion in their hearts and souls and the ones who want to get involved will. If it means maning the volunteer tent, or out there searching, then so be it.

I can honestly tell you that for me, I am not going to be up in orlando this weekend (as much as I want to for the UCF vs USF game) but that even if I were, I do not know if I could actually go out in the elements and search. Could I man the volunteer tent, or hand out food or water or give instructions- yes.

Now back to suggestions... Monday, Sept 8th is the Florida Missing Children/Persons Day in Tallahassee.

I like the idea of John Walsh- even if it is just a mention on AMW this weekend.

What about contacting ABC news who did the 20/20 special and asking them to ask for people to come search?

For UCF- there is a Forensic Analysis major in the College of Science, Dept of Chemistry
LEAD Scholars- require community service
Volunteer UCF- part of the Office of Student Involvement
I still think a group of bikers on their big old HAWGS rolling in to help would really put out some publicity for this search. I just can't seem to be able to get any group to respond to my emails ----How do we get ahold of these guys?? I check my email like every five seconds.....

How about a Partridge Family concert for us boomers?!
"I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of..."​
We could all see what David Cassidy looks like now!:eek:
I still think a group of bikers on their big old HAWGS rolling in to help would really put out some publicity for this search. I just can't seem to be able to get any group to respond to my emails ----How do we get ahold of these guys?? I check my email like every five seconds.....

Glad this thread was bumped up!!

Granted not knowing when TES will be back it's probably rather late for this, but just in case they come back at a later date...

It's about time for Biketoberfest :woohoo:
(Based on popularity) these bars have webpages:
Adding another 2 cents to the pile.

Glen Beck has a national radio show that airs from 10:00-Noon M-F and has a spot on CNN every night at 6:00 (I think). He usually does political stuff but but adds other things in. He has guests on his radio and TV show all the time. He might be someone to contact about Caylee or if not her specificaly at least TES. If I remember correctly he spoke about Natalie H. He was a self appointed spokeperson for Terri Schiavo when they removed her feeding tube and was instrumental in ralling support that led to Gov. Bush ordering it to be re-inserted. He was also the person who started the Support the Troops Rallies that were held all across the country several years back.
He has a special needs daughter and adopted a child a few years back and is very much a kid and family person. He does do personal appearances as well. If someone is 'an insider' aka member of his private side of his website they would have more of a direct line of contact than just general emal.

Rush Limbough is another heavy hitter in the talk radio. He is politcal for the most part but he does live in West Palm Beach and does a lot of chairty stuff that he keep private. I would say he would be more of a money donater. I know for a fact through my son's buddy's that are still serving that A/C units were purchased by indivduals and Walmart trucked them across the contry to a base. Mr. L. charted and paid to have a a C-130 plane full of them sent to the troops in Iraq and Afganstan and really never said a word about on his radio show. He has a huge website and is connected to a lot of organizations that may be interested in support to TES. He loves Tiger Woods too. Again someone who is a member has a more direct line.

Sean Hannity does politics on Fox TV at 9:00PM M-F but also does a show on Sunday night spotlighting differnet things that make America America called Hannity's America. He did a segment on a little neighborhood in NY that was having a hard time keeping the all Volunteer EMT organization going and just a 5 minute clip generated about $50,000.00 in donations that was sent to this group and there was never really any request for money. He just wanted to show that there is good in the world. As far as finding Caylee and helping TES this might be right up his avenue. What other country goes to the lenghts that this one does to find the missing. He also does talk radio M-F from 3:00-6:00PM based out of NY but it is national also, again alot of political stuff and he is big into the Freedom Concerts that generate money for a college fund of children who loose a parent in the military.
Radio show:
Hannity's America Http://

All three of these guys have a large audience across the country and becasue the radio is done during the day the news gets out to salesman, truckers, people who are in the vehicles alot. My sister never watches the news at night or is she on the net very oftern. She drives a 18-wheeler so she has long days.

For that matter some of the local country western stations are really very good at getting involved in drawing support for people to help with something like this. I am not in FL so will have to leave that idea up to people who are in the know.

Well my 2 cents ended up being a nickle on this one but...
We have the biggest organization right in Orlando DISNEY WORLD (Universal, Magic Kingdom" etc., etc.)

It might be worth a try, but Disney traditionally doesn't like to attach anything negative to their name. Putting smiles on the faces of poverty-stricken or ill children? Yes. Finding a child's dead body who was most likely killed by her mother? Doubtful. They may be willing to help out in a anonymous financial sense, but as far as keeping attention focused on the case with the inclusion of their name, I kind of doubt it.
DOG CHAPMAN. Lots of people like him and he could use a little good publicity.
Just a suggestion, but Gene Simmons from Kiss is involved in everything under the sun and believe it or not the guy has a huge heart and does alot of charity type events.
How about Tiger Woods? He does live in the Orlando area, has lots of financial backing and surely as a father of soon to be two, this might peak his interest!

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