If GA hadn't.............

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As Magic-Cat pointed out.... when Cindy dialed 911, she still thought Casey was ONLY still hiding Caylee from her.... it was either midway through this call or the next one where she hears from Casey that she doesn't know where Caylee is.

Cindy truly DOES sound frantic during the 911 calls.... she shouts for George & tells him that Caylee was taken.

But Cindy had already smelled the death car in the first 911 call. I see what you are saying, but IMHO I do think Cindy knew that Caylee was missing from her life and from the perp's life during all the 911 calls.

ETA: It was the third 911 call that Cindy was able to blame Caylee being missing on someone other than the perp.
I am not either...........He was gone but where he was is yet to be seen.

Totally agree!! Cindy didn't really think KC was telling her the truth. She tried to manipulate the situation by threatening KC with the police. It didn't work.
She would have NEVER called the police, IMHO, if she had for one second realized the truth or wanted to face it.

I completely agree with both of you.:clap::clap:
It's pathetic that I actually do think he went to work. Amazing as it sounds. He's a very weak man and did what he was told.

I do not think it is pathetic....
He just started a new job the previous week, within a few days, and I agree Cindy made him go to work. At the BOND hearing he testified under oath he went to work and a lie of that magnitude surely has been verified through phone records and his boss.
Would've, should've, could've gets us no where. Didn't happen. BUT... let me add my two cents: I think if the 911 call would have been made from the tow yard, things would be different. Why did they not call from the tow yard? At that point in time, both KC and Caylee were missing. As a parent, I would have been freaking out to come upon my daughter's car, smell decomp and NOT know where either of them were.

I believe CA & GA knew KC was capable of such horrid behavior and they could not call 911 before they had scoped out what was going on. They immediately reverted to "damage control."

Again, just my opinion,


JMO too, but I agree with you here, Salem. With GA being former LE, he had to know that LE should have been called right away from the towyard, but no, he takes the car home. I don't know how much the grandparents are involved, but they are definitely involved in the cleanup of the car. After all, that was Cindy's job, to clean up after KC's messes. I do think GA or CA played some other part in Caylee's demise and/or her placement after death, just not sure how much.
But Cindy had already smelled the death car in the first 911 call. I see what you are saying, but IMHO I do think Cindy knew that Caylee was missing from her life and from the perp's life during all the 911 calls.

ETA: It was the third 911 call that Cindy was able to blame Caylee being missing on someone other than the perp.

I think she might have known sub-consciously that something was seriously wrong.... remember so far we have not heard ANY evidence that Casey was violent.

This must have been a MAJOR SHOCK to her parents.
My question has been...if KC had this "script" to follow, why did she allow CA to call 911? One would think she would have stopped her before then and explained it to her? I so confused as to why KC would not have made something up to prevent her CA from calling? You would think she would have known she would be caught with no Caylee.
She was such a compulsive liar yet she could not come up with anything to stop her CA from calling nor did she try to run away once CA called. I don't get this.

I think either KC was tired of all the coverup and wanted to just end it, or she had doubts that CA was really going through with it. Just the fact that CA drove and parked at the one sheriff's office and found it locked, and then made the first call, tells me that KC wasn't too worried, or we would have heard her shouting obsenities in the background. Was KC not that concerned, because she isn't the one who caused Caylee's death? I just can't figure it out. JMO.
I haven't read this thread. But I do have to say that I'm sure GA has thought about this everyday since this all went down. I'm sure there have been many "If only I" thoughts.

I'd hate to add to that for him if indeed they do read here.
I do not think it is pathetic....
He just started a new job the previous week, within a few days, and I agree Cindy made him go to work. At the BOND hearing he testified under oath he went to work and a lie of that magnitude surely has been verified through phone records and his boss.

Respectfully, you're former LE, you smell decomp, what your experience tells you is HUMAN DECOMP, you see a stain, you know your grandbaby is missing, and you go to your job and leave your family in what must be the most horrible situation possible? Job or no job, first day or no first day, I say there's something very wrong with this scenario.
I do not think it is pathetic....
He just started a new job the previous week, within a few days, and I agree Cindy made him go to work. At the BOND hearing he testified under oath he went to work and a lie of that magnitude surely has been verified through phone records and his boss.

Respectfully, you're former LE, you smell decomp, what your experience tells you is HUMAN DECOMP, you see a stain, you know your grandbaby is missing, and you go to your job and leave your family in what must be the most horrible situation possible? Job or no job, first day or no first day, I say there's something very wrong with this scenario.

I agree with you jennyb.

Here is my question....how does Cindy make him go to work?

ETA: Any other family and the question would be, "how does Cindy make him not go to work"
I agree with you jennyb.

Here is my question....how does Cindy make him go to work?

ETA: Any other family and the question would be, "how does Cindy make him not go to work"

I think it's because GA is psychologically abused, in my opinion. He's completely controlled by CA and is not a strong man. He's the battered party in this duo. Why do abused people keep going back to their abusers? They're beaten down and confused. They're isolated. They're damaged. I feel pity for him. Not much, but some.
Respectfully, you're former LE, you smell decomp, what your experience tells you is HUMAN DECOMP, you see a stain, you know your grandbaby is missing, and you go to your job and leave your family in what must be the most horrible situation possible? Job or no job, first day or no first day, I say there's something very wrong with this scenario.

Can you imagine your husband going to work and leaving you all alone to find your daughter and granddaughter all the while a car stinking of decomp sits in your garage airing out?

But before he leaves, he disconnects something so that if your daughter shows up, she can't just take the car.

As much as I hate to admit it, and I really do hate to admit it, GA & CA knew something was up. Why were they not frightened that KC was what caused that smell instead of Caylee? When you look at these things, it is very difficult to believe they did not know what was going on. :eek:

I do feel so much sympathy for them and I watch some of the tapes and go back to the 911 calls and I think - they didn't know, they were reacting. But then I engage my brain and I think - how could they drive away from the tow lot? How could GA go to work? Why were they not concerned about KC as well as Caylee? Why did they go through the car? Why did they search their yard?

If GA is former LE - how could he do these things before contacting LE? Their words and actions just don't match up. They had to know something was up.

I really hate giving in and having to say this :eek::eek:

If Cindy could re-do that night....no 911 call would of been made and we would never of heard of a little girl named Caylee.

ETA: Why does GA go to work when he smelled decomp? WTF? Makes no sense, never will.

ITA!!! No one would be none the wiser IMO. I've said that from "Day 31". :furious:
Can you imagine your husband going to work and leaving you all alone to find your daughter and granddaughter all the while a car stinking of decomp sits in your garage airing out?

But before he leaves, he disconnects something so that if your daughter shows up, she can't just take the car.

As much as I hate to admit it, and I really do hate to admit it, GA & CA knew something was up. Why were they not frightened that KC was what caused that smell instead of Caylee? When you look at these things, it is very difficult to believe they did not know what was going on. :eek:

I do feel so much sympathy for them and I watch some of the tapes and go back to the 911 calls and I think - they didn't know, they were reacting. But then I engage my brain and I think - how could they drive away from the tow lot? How could GA go to work? Why were they not concerned about KC as well as Caylee? Why did they go through the car? Why did they search their yard?

If GA is former LE - how could he do these things before contacting LE? Their words and actions just don't match up. They had to know something was up.

I really hate giving in and having to say this :eek::eek:


I feel for ya Salem. lol. You know, the thing that drives me nuts about CA's 911 call is that it seems she TRULY believes it was no big deal, she was doing it because she was at the end of her rope with KC. Can you imagine the first two calls were about the car, and what, stolen money? And the third was about... uh... oh yeah, a 31 day missing 2 year old baby! I really give CA no creds for making the call because amazingly it was just a ploy. Finally at the end we do hear her panic, which was real, but the original call was not to really have her daughter taken in and charged. She got punked.

Hope I just made sense. I typed this really fast. :)
I think no matter how it went down it doesn't really sound like CA ever treated GA like a husband. She always seem to tell GA to go away and she would handle it whatever the situation. Unfortunately, CA has found herself in a big pile of you know what and she can't tell GA to go away and do something. I am really interested to see KC's mental report to see if she is a sociopath. If she is it wouldn't have made much difference how they raised KC or who it was that handled the situation that nite. I think until KC hits the wall and realizes that she is going to jail she isn't going to tell anyone what happened.
I think no matter how it went down it doesn't really sound like CA ever treated GA like a husband. She always seem to tell GA to go away and she would handle it whatever the situation. Unfortunately, CA has found herself in a big pile of you know what and she can't tell GA to go away and do something. I am really interested to see KC's mental report to see if she is a sociopath. If she is it wouldn't have made much difference how they raised KC or who it was that handled the situation that nite. I think until KC hits the wall and realizes that she is going to jail she isn't going to tell anyone what happened.

I wonder if she will EVER tell what happened, and even if she did, would it be the real truth? Depending on what did happen, so much has gone by, I wonder even if Caylee was found, if the cause/manner of death could be determined. I'm really interested in the psych evaluation too.
I just do not believe George went to work on that day. I think he was out there AFTER DARK to dispose of whatever had been left in Casey's trunk under the cover of darkness. We will find out at trial, tho.
Respectfully, you're former LE, you smell decomp, what your experience tells you is HUMAN DECOMP, you see a stain, you know your grandbaby is missing, and you go to your job and leave your family in what must be the most horrible situation possible? Job or no job, first day or no first day, I say there's something very wrong with this scenario.


I certainly think so also, jennyb!
Would've, should've, could've gets us no where. Didn't happen. BUT... let me add my two cents: I think if the 911 call would have been made from the tow yard, things would be different. Why did they not call from the tow yard? At that point in time, both KC and Caylee were missing. As a parent, I would have been freaking out to come upon my daughter's car, smell decomp and NOT know where either of them were.

I believe CA & GA knew KC was capable of such horrid behavior and they could not call 911 before they had scoped out what was going on. They immediately reverted to "damage control."
Again, just my opinion,


http://flawebhosting.net/docdump110608/huzienga july16.pdf

Salem. ITA.
From the AH interview on 7-16-2008: page 18
"She said that Casey was in a lot of trouble, that she might go to jail if she doesn't find her and that she hasn't seen Caylee in a month...."

This was after the A's had gotten the car and found AH's number. CA drove to the Florida Mall to pick AH up- then went to TL's apartment. CA had a good idea that KC had done something to warrant jail time... imo
Respectfully, you're former LE, you smell decomp, what your experience tells you is HUMAN DECOMP, you see a stain, you know your grandbaby is missing, and you go to your job and leave your family in what must be the most horrible situation possible? Job or no job, first day or no first day, I say there's something very wrong with this scenario.

If you read the PREVIOUS POST, it was mentioned I do not believe he went to work......................... I do not agree about him going to work... I do not believe he LIED about going to work. Please read all before jumping on me... respectfully...........
Respectfully, you're former LE, you smell decomp, what your experience tells you is HUMAN DECOMP, you see a stain, you know your grandbaby is missing, and you go to your job and leave your family in what must be the most horrible situation possible? Job or no job, first day or no first day, I say there's something very wrong with this scenario.

Yes, and add to that Cindy's statement to George on the phone: "We've lost Caylee...George, we've lost Caylee"...WTH...where I come from that means: "Caylee's dead, George...Caylee's dead...We've lost her...We've lost Caylee".

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