If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

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Glad to see you, colomom!

hcc2007: This case is about parenting because the McCanns were Maddie's parents, and she was a very young child. Any case about a missing child involves the parents, and they have to be considered in any scenario because they were the last people to see Maddie alive and they were responsible for her that night.

Do you read the Theories thread at all?
Yes, it would make a difference if the McCanns could stop use qualifiers like "if you can call it that" about the mistake. Goes to character. If they cannot shrug that off and go on, think of how much "more so" they might not be able to deal with the thought of explaining or defending an accidental child death.

We cannot say that we are sure the McCanns regret their judgement, because they have not openly said that. I'm not saying that to be mean-spirited and say they don't grieve for their missing child. However, we can't assume they feel regret for their decision when they do not say that themselves.

I seem to recall some articles that quoted the McCanns as saying they would do exactly the same thing over again if they had the chance. That is not regret, that is a kind of colossal denial/arrogance that willfully refuses to admit any responsibility whatsoever.

To me, it's not about getting the McCanns to admit they made a mistake. It's wondering why they can't bring themselves to admit it. Is it denial or a more permanent attitude about having their questions or actions challenged?

And again, they haven't been accused of murder. Murder is the deliberate and premeditated act of killing another person. They've been accused of covering up the accidental death of a child for unknown reasons.

Do you have a theory of who is responsible for Madeleine's disappearance?
I have had to stay completely away from this case for a while now. I just can't make up my mind, and whichever way I'd lean, I would become enraged.
When I'd decided the McCanns didn't do anything to Madeleine, I would become enraged at the "hateful" and "baseless" allegations and slanders against them. But then, when I'd have to admit that those allegations really weren't at all far fetched, I'd become enraged at the McCanns for being so self-centered and narcissistic. This boob thing would have made my blood boil!

Well, anyway, I feel for all of you, no matter which side you're on concerning the McCanns' guilt.
Nice post Tex!!!

I think that character may have much more relevance in this case than most people think.

Oh yeah...babeeeeee....I'mmmm back.

Take a look at my postings in the Theories thread. They are absolutely about character. Gerry's character in particular, but also Kate's. And about their relationship and how the forces operating in the relationship might have found expression in the original event (Madeleine's disappearance) as well as in the media hoo-ha that followed it.

But I'm not sure how many people have read them. To the folks who keep repeating "They left those babies alone, and no good parent would!" I implore you to please believe me: I KNOW that. We all know that. And we've all known that for what, 5 months now?

Can we move on?

Does anyone have an interesting or new inference based on that observation? Some logical argument for why bad parenting is the key to cracking this case? I'm dying to hear one inference, just one, and it doesn't even have to be plausible. Just something a little more like sleuthing, and a little less like moral outrage.
I have had to stay completely away from this case for a while now. I just can't make up my mind, and whichever way I'd lean, I would become enraged.
When I'd decided the McCanns didn't do anything to Madeleine, I would become enraged at the "hateful" and "baseless" allegations and slanders against them. But then, when I'd have to admit that those allegations really weren't at all far fetched, I'd become enraged at the McCanns for being so self-centered and narcissistic. This boob thing would have made my blood boil!

Well, anyway, I feel for all of you, no matter which side you're on concerning the McCanns' guilt.

Actually, I'm undecided, the same as you, I guess - I take all written words with a grain of salt and believe nothing I hear.

I'm astounded at the polarity this case has engendered. One would think all people of good intent would be interested in finding the child instead of picking every naunce of the parents to shreds. One might hope new leads would be followed up on, although given the "secrecy" of this case and the false leads given the media, that may be impossible. One might long for justice, but I'm tending to believe one man's meat may be another man's poison in this case.

I see two (2), maybe more, mindsets here. One mindset says the parents have to pay even if they can only be charged with leaving the kiddies alone. It's a retribution sort of thing in my mind, but God knows I haven't any idea what the public needs to be paid for.

The second mindset is more open to the possibility of an actual abductor(s), and has not dismissed the possibility of the parents being the perps. I think the second mindset hasn't seen enough facts to have made up it's mind in stone. The second mindset just doesn't have a need to demand blood. I'm of the second mindset. Show me the perp and I'll want them punished according to the law, but I don't believe dragging the parents through the mud serves any useful purpose except in the mind of the dragger - and that is one frightening prospect.
Do you read the Theories thread at all?
No, not really - I have limited time and I stay on threads I like, which I assume everyone does.

I like to discuss the news as it comes out, and so far, that all leads back to the McCanns.
No, not really - I have limited time and I stay on threads I like, which I assume everyone does.

I like to discuss the news as it comes out, and so far, that all leads back to the McCanns.

What all leads back to the McCanns?

Where is the evidence the MCCanns were somehow involved in their daughters disappearance?

As the case stands today, there is none as far as I can tell.
Bear with me, Desertpea, because I'm going to bring it up again, because no matter the circumstances, the McCanns are directly involved in Madeleine's disappearance.

Either they did something to their daughter, accidentally or on purpose, which caused her to die, and they covered up the crime.

Or, by leaving the children alone, they provided an opportunity for Madeleine to be kidnapped. If she was abducted, it was because this little girl had no protective parent or childcare worker in the apartment at the time the kidnapper put in his or her appearance to prevent it from happening.
Bear with me, Desertpea, because I'm going to bring it up again, because no matter the circumstances, the McCanns are directly involved in Madeleine's disappearance.

Either they did something to their daughter, accidentally or on purpose, which caused her to die, and they covered up the crime.

Or, by leaving the children alone, they provided an opportunity for Madeleine to be kidnapped. If she was abducted, it was because this little girl had no protective parent or childcare worker in the apartment at the time the kidnapper put in his or her appearance to prevent it from happening.

I agree the parents are directly involved it was their child, they are involved whether they like it or not.

They were the ones that made the unfortunate decision to leave their kids alone that night and are the ones suffering the consequences of such poor parenting.

I go with the latter, she was abducted because she had no protective parent or childcare worker in the apartment at the time.
Bear with me, Desertpea, because I'm going to bring it up again, because no matter the circumstances, the McCanns are directly involved in Madeleine's disappearance.

Either they did something to their daughter, accidentally or on purpose, which caused her to die, and they covered up the crime.

Or, by leaving the children alone, they provided an opportunity for Madeleine to be kidnapped. If she was abducted, it was because this little girl had no protective parent or childcare worker in the apartment at the time the kidnapper put in his or her appearance to prevent it from happening.

Okay I just have to ask, why would the McCanns want to murder their daughter?
(I think that is what you are implying when you say they did something to their daughter either accidently or "on purpose" which caused her to die)
I can understand why people would think they accidently killed their daughter due to all the hype from the media but I don't understand why they would think they did it on purpose.
If they did it on purpose wouldn't it have been easier to do it at home?
Why choose a location that they don't know as well as they would where they live?
Why choose a whole different country to murder your kid?
They were the ones that made the unfortunate decision to leave their kids alone that night and are the ones suffering the consequences of such poor parenting.

Wrong, there is only ONE person suffering the consequences of such poor parenting-idiocy: MADELEINE!
Okay I just have to ask, why would the McCanns want to murder their daughter?
(I think that is what you are implying when you say they did something to their daughter either accidently or "on purpose" which caused her to die)
I can understand why people would think they accidently killed their daughter due to all the hype from the media but I don't understand why they would think they did it on purpose.
If they did it on purpose wouldn't it have been easier to do it at home?
Why choose a location that they don't know as well as they would where they live?
Why choose a whole different country to murder your kid?

Okay, I am one of the few...well maybe the only person on this board/thread who think the McCanns premeditated the murder of Madeline.

To answer your last three questions, I think it's a rather simple explanation.

1. language barriers, different laws, no daily reminders of where the dirty deed took place.

2. Google Earth

3. In the last 2 or 3 years there have been many high profile cases that took place outside of ones homeland. They have never been solved, and have been on world news.
It's not the hype from the media that makes me think they accidentally killed their daughter.
Desert Pea, I noticed that you had added the Rob't Murat item. He is prevented from saying anything about the case, being a suspect but this week for the first time I saw a report that the PJ had considered his place or rather his mother's villa as possible storage for Madeleine's body after her removal from The Ocean Club. That did strike me as strange because of the animosity between him and the doctors from the jump. Apparently, though knowing about that bad feeling, the PJ were not sensitive to it.
Okay I just have to ask, why would the McCanns want to murder their daughter?
(I think that is what you are implying when you say they did something to their daughter either accidently or "on purpose" which caused her to die)
I can understand why people would think they accidently killed their daughter due to all the hype from the media but I don't understand why they would think they did it on purpose.
If they did it on purpose wouldn't it have been easier to do it at home?
Why choose a location that they don't know as well as they would where they live?
Why choose a whole different country to murder your kid?

I am nowhere near ready to believe they murdered Madeleine. But however implausable, homicide should be one of the possibilities in her disappearance. Like iNTERESTEDWOMAN said, if the McCanns wanted to kill their daughter and get away with it, they chose a good place to do it.

But I lean more towards the accidental and think Maddie was probably sedated. Maybe she overdosed, maybe she vomited and suffocated, maybe she wasn't completely out and fell and hit her head.

But I do believe completely that she's dead and do think her parents did it.
Okay, I am one of the few...well maybe the only person on this board/thread who think the McCanns premeditated the murder of Madeline.

To answer your last three questions, I think it's a rather simple explanation.

1. language barriers, different laws, no daily reminders of where the dirty deed took place.

2. Google Earth

3. In the last 2 or 3 years there have been many high profile cases that took place outside of ones homeland. They have never been solved, and have been on world news.

Could you please link me to "many high profile cases that took place outside of ones homeland".
Thanks, I'd be interested in taking a look at some of the cases you are talking about.
Desert Pea, I noticed that you had added the Rob't Murat item. He is prevented from saying anything about the case, being a suspect but this week for the first time I saw a report that the PJ had considered his place or rather his mother's villa as possible storage for Madeleine's body after her removal from The Ocean Club. That did strike me as strange because of the animosity between him and the doctors from the jump. Apparently, though knowing about that bad feeling, the PJ were not sensitive to it.

Do you have a link Tuba? about Murats place or his Mums being a possible storage place for Maddie.
Thanks, I havent seen that in the news this week.
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