If she was scared why did she keep them?

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I have a friend who is a mail carrier.. One day on her route after putting mail in a customers box she was attacked by the owners dog.. A worker unknowingly let the dog past him as he was leaving the house.. The dog viciously attacked my friend, biting her legs and arms.. He then knocked her to the ground biting her face and throat.. If not for an old man who came running to help her she may have been killed.. He beat the dog off of her with his cane.. He fortunately was not hurt by helping her..
My friend was in shock from the loss of blood and spent many days in the hospital and has had numerous surgeries..
The owners, one a lawyer and the other a dentist have refused to put the dog down saying it has never attacked or shown any aggression before this.. I am the biggest animal lover around and have had many dogs over the years but I would never let an animal who was so vicious live one day past the attack..
My friend is back delivering mail but is so fearful everyday that it could happen again.. Just recently she was walking her own dog and heard the sound of a dog running loose behing her and she said she just froze, her heart was pounding and she thought she was going to faint.. The dog was running loose but not mean and was with a jogger.. The jogger realized that the dog scared her and helped her to her car.. She sat in her car and cried for 20 minutes before she could get herself composed to drive home.. Dogs are beautiful animals and I can never see my living without one but like people some are bad and need to be put down..
I don't understand how this decision is left up to them. Weren't they cited for the attack? Was animal control called?

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