If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

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Im not sure that came from LE.

It goes on to say but to WW's knowledge none are directly involved in the search. That's why they said they searched there is because of her cell phone ping records. There's other articles that contain direct quotes from these LE officials. I read it in the links thread which is a great source of information.


Sources: Search for Kyron Horman Focuses on Step-Mom, Cell Records

This information comes from five separate law-enforcement officials from agencies at the city, county and federal level.
Especially since DY said on ABC GMA this morning that "she hasn't told the truth in the 7 1/2 yrs since I have known her." I hope DY hasn't influenced KH's and LE's thinking.

Do you mean you hope that Desiree is telling the truth regarding Terri? She would be a very important person in helping to solve this mystery as she has had to deal with Terri for many years, probably walking a fine line for the sake of Kyron.

Desiree comes across as a very genuine and humble woman. Very hard NOT to admire and believe, and this is just through the medium of television and her words in print. I imagine those investigating the crime(s) can see that. Anything she shares regarding Terri's personality, including dishonesty, would be looked into, I would think. Kaine can now come forward and support Desiree, he can concur with her observations and experiences with Terri.

Just my opinion.

there may have been another reason she was lying.

im clearly not thinking she's a saint here :)

honestly i just want kyron found and whoever responsible brought to justice. if its terri, fine.

if its kane fine.

if its both or either combination of or neither, fine.


Well it's my opinion her lying to them about her whereabouts at that critical time when Kyron went missing is very important. They always say they try to work from the center family unit out when they're trying to solve a case. The purpose they say is to try to clear the caregivers (if you will). She certainly blocked them from clearing her. Regardless of the reason.

I think they're focused on her because she gave them reason to and they're unable to clear her at least so far. That lie will stick in their craw no telling how long. I've heard of totally innocent people doing hard time in prison because they lied when they should have told the truth to LE. One book yrs ago "getting out" is such a case. I think the man did a considerable number of years lying to police in a felonous crime investigation when he was the last known person with the victim. real bad stuff in my opinion. It gets my attention every time I hear LE say that.
BBM Do you mean that Terri walked out during the poly 'cause she couldn't take the pressure, or do you mean she walked out after it was over? If you mean she walked out during the poly, is there a link? I haven't heard this.

The only thing I remember about Terri and poly was KH and DY saying they were "told" Terri failed and were told they "passed with flying colors". Now, remembering this stuff from the Haleigh Cummings case, I believe LE does NOT tell anyone whether they pass or fail a poly. Maybe they do things differently in Oregon?

My opinion only

They said she was very vocal about having failed the polygraphs.


"She walked out of [it] halfway through," Kyron's father, Kaine Horman, says.
I don't agree with this. They could have strong, admissible evidence but feel like it's not enough for a sure conviction, or feel like a stronger case can be built if they keep at it. They are trying to build a case after all and only have one chance to try her for Kyron's disappearance. At some point they'll either acquire a strong enough case (with multiple lines of evidence), or have to make the tough decision to go with what they have or let it fall toward cold case territory.

LE has been known to go ahead and arrest somebody and continue investigating and building a case while they're sitting in jail awaiting trial.
What strong, admissable evidence could they possibly have when they don't even know what the crime is? They have not found Kyron's body, AFAIK, so what the heck are they going to charge her with? They can't charge her with murder unless there is strong proof that he is dead. Court will not go on assumptions... has to be proof.
It's the DA who makes the decision whether to arrest her or not, it's not up to LE anyway.

People Magazine is saying that she walked out of the second one.

Kaine saying on video (Early Show) that she walked out the first one and then delayed for a week to take the second one:
DY says she failed both of them.

Does she mean that Terri failed the questions about her whereabouts that day?

Did she walk out on the first one or the second one?
It goes on to say but to WW's knowledge none are directly involved in the search. That's why they said they searched there is because of her cell phone ping records. There's other articles that contain direct quotes from these LE officials. I read it in the links thread which is a great source of information.


Sources: Search for Kyron Horman Focuses on Step-Mom, Cell Records

It's all people who are not even involved in the investigation.

Here's the full quote:

This information comes from five separate law-enforcement officials from agencies at the city, county and federal level. To our knowledge, none is directly involved with the investigation.
I've always heard a person should never lie to police and it sounds like a pretty good rule of thumb. I wouldn't call lying to them during the very time a small child goes missing about your whereabouts while you're the only adult caring for him nothing.

Your post made me think how great it would be if we could call all missing children's cases nothing unless/until they're found.

Respectfully... unless Kyron's body is found there, Terri's cell phone pings do not prove that she harmed him or hid his body there, so in that respect, I think that is what the poster was trying to get across. Not that a missing child means nothing.
IMO, if he is found somewhere else, then how are those cell phone pings going to come into evidence? At this point, all it proves is that she was probably there, and lied about it, for whatever reason. She could have been sunbathing on the nudie beach with somebody.
It's all people who are not even involved in the investigation.

Here's the full quote:

This information comes from five separate law-enforcement officials from agencies at the city, county and federal level. To our knowledge, none is directly involved with the investigation.

Yes that's in my post that you quoted back to me.
Respectfully... unless Kyron's body is found there, Terri's cell phone pings do not prove that she harmed him or hid his body there, so in that respect, I think that is what the poster was trying to get across. Not that a missing child means nothing.
IMO, if he is found somewhere else, then how are those cell phone pings going to come into evidence? At this point, all it proves is that she was probably there, and lied about it, for whatever reason. She could have been sunbathing on the nudie beach with somebody.

We do not know how many telephones are involved and to whom they belong.
I hope they are still looking around that beach, roads-end.
Respectfully... unless Kyron's body is found there, Terri's cell phone pings do not prove that she harmed him or hid his body there, so in that respect, I think that is what the poster was trying to get across. Not that a missing child means nothing.
IMO, if he is found somewhere else, then how are those cell phone pings going to come into evidence? At this point, all it proves is that she was probably there, and lied about it, for whatever reason. She could have been sunbathing on the nudie beach with somebody.

ITA. I don't know kbl, but, from reading around on here, s/he would not be someone I would accuse of thinking a missing child is "nothing."
Maybe Terri agreed to play the role she is playing right now to help LE nail the real perp?
LE has been known to go ahead and arrest somebody and continue investigating and building a case while they're sitting in jail awaiting trial.
What strong, admissable evidence could they possibly have when they don't even know what the crime is? They have not found Kyron's body, AFAIK, so what the heck are they going to charge her with? They can't charge her with murder unless there is strong proof that he is dead. Court will not go on assumptions... has to be proof.
It's the DA who makes the decision whether to arrest her or not, it's not up to LE anyway.

Respectfully, they probably do have evidence that a crime happened. Just because there's no crimescene, doesn't mean a crime didn't happen. I've heard of people being convicted without a body. There's this thing called circumstantial evidence. If there's enough, a person can be convicted without proof of being physically connected to a crime scene, ala Scott Peterson and eventually so will Casey Anthony. There's a child here that disappeared and his stepmother was the one who last saw him. Things are not adding up and she failed two polygraph tests. We don't know that someone didn't see Kyron leave with her. They might even have enough to charge her with neglect or abandonment, but I think they are taking their time and building a case. I don't think they are just sitting on nothing. Who knows, maybe TH thought she'd get away with it if there was no body and no crimescene. I think she's about to find out how wrong that assumption was.
Well, they haven't arresetd Terri to date...

So, what IF they are saying all this stuff, only to give the REAL perp a sense of "I got away with it" ...??

IIRC - LE does not tell people they passed or failed a poly...
Well, they haven't arresetd Terri to date...

So, what IF they are saying all this stuff, only to give the REAL perp a sense of "I got away with it" ...??

IIRC - LE does not tell people they passed or failed a poly...

I think they would have been able to give the real perp an idea that he got away with it without destroying Terri's whole life as she knew it and without depriving a small child of her mother. If Terri is innocent and they know it IMO a serious ethical boundary has been passed.

They could have told the media that they're directing their inquiries to some made-up direction without singling Terri out and told her family that it isn't a good idea to destroy her reputation because she didn't do it, some other dude did.
Respectfully... unless Kyron's body is found there, Terri's cell phone pings do not prove that she harmed him or hid his body there, so in that respect, I think that is what the poster was trying to get across. Not that a missing child means nothing.
IMO, if he is found somewhere else, then how are those cell phone pings going to come into evidence? At this point, all it proves is that she was probably there, and lied about it, for whatever reason. She could have been sunbathing on the nudie beach with somebody.

The original post #1 by the OP (butterfly) asks the question;
If Terri didn't do it, then why would LE so obviously be focusing on her?

Since she was the last known adult with Kyron, that the stepmother lied to police about her whereabouts the morning Kyron disappeared came up as one possible reason. Someone said it meant nothing.

I replied saying lying to law enforcement is something in my opinion and briefly explained. The issue was lying to police = nothing? v. something? It's been a good exchange of ideas in this thread I think.

Post #83
id also state that the cell pings on the island where she said she wasnt mean nothing since they havent found kyron there.
Well, they haven't arresetd Terri to date...

So, what IF they are saying all this stuff, only to give the REAL perp a sense of "I got away with it" ...??

IIRC - LE does not tell people they passed or failed a poly...

The parents said the stepmother's very vocal about saying she failed.
I think they would have been able to give the real perp an idea that he got away with it without destroying Terri's whole life as she knew it and without depriving a small child of her mother. If Terri is innocent and they know it IMO a serious ethical boundary has been passed.

They could have told the media that they're directing their inquiries to some made-up direction without singling Terri out and told her family that it isn't a good idea to destroy her reputation because she didn't do it, some other dude did.

All I am saying is Terri might be in on this plot line...

And before you ask... yes, I would do anything to get my son back.. even if it mean I wreck my own rep for the time being.. who cares... once my child is home, I can tell the media why I did what I did :)
It was due to yesterday's presser and interviews since. We had two threads running with the same discussion.

This thread is asking why LE and bio-parents are focusing on Terri. We were told to come here to continue the discussion from the other thread on what makes you think Terri is innocent. I don't feel comfortable discussing topics from the other thread here.

Am I in the wrong thread. I looked but didn't find anything similar to the closed thread. thanks.
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