If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

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LE might be focusing on her cause her family is selling her down the river more then any actual evidence of her guilt

i still havent seen any evidence, other then rumors and innuendo that she is guilty. oh and her husbands semi-daily slams on her.

if she turns out to be totally innocent there is gonna be a lot of crow eating.
Well if TH didn't do it...... If someone close to the family like DY feels TH has something to do with it, and backs up lies over the years, and TH fails her poly ( which some do, I could name a few cases, but don't have all day) lies about where she;s been, then yeah I can see why she is being watched so carefully.. Gosh darn that was easy. Doesn't mean she did it..

The best thing that LE can have, is if someone can place TH and Kyron leaving..... Together...... Anything else I posted, I'm pretty sure you can't get arrested for.....

Good points here. I am thinking to myself....how much circumstantial evidence would LE need to make an arrest in this case?

IF they had someone who saw Terri leave the school with Kyron, and the cell phone pings prove Terri was not being truthful about her activities that day (and they can prove she possessed the phone), and she showed some type of anxiety or evasiveness on the lie detector (which they cannot use in court), along with the landscaper story (which is he said/she said as far as we know)....would all of that be enough to arrest TH?

Also, I saw in one of the interviews, and they are getting confusing to link now because they are increasing in number, Kaine said that Terri began distancing herself from them and the investigation right at the start. DY shakes her head in agreement. When asked how she did that, DY and KH state that she just wasn't trying to help them locate Kyron. I think they were isolating her from the start....blaming her...and Terri felt that. She felt like an outcast from the beginning. And I'm sure she blamed herself inside, even if she's innocent. She blamed herself for not escorting Kyron back to his classroom....and she knew they held her responsible.
Good question butterfly!

This whole time I was thinking she was innocent... none of the evidence was doing it for me. BUT, now that Kaine mentions the thing about PPD and how much she changed after having the baby, it's starting to become clear to me :(
I had horrible PPD after having my last one... so I know how psychotic it can make you. I'm not even going to talk about some of the thoughts that crossed my mind (totally not related to hurting any of my kids!)
I still don't think she did it herself... I'm thinking someone else is involved. Another landscaper maybe? Gahhhhhh but why Kyron?? Was he an easier target?

kaine using the ppd isnt suspcious at all? he knew about the ppd but didnt get her help?

this whole thing stinks of a setup
I am on the fence, but trying to place devils advocate- for me, the answer is made by turning your question around and saying "If Terri is guilty, why hasn't she been named a POI or been arrested"? Because they don't have the evidence. Being the last KNOWN person so see someone who goes missing doesnt a guilty person make. Look at Gary Condit and Chandra Levy.

First post! Yay!

This is what's been bothering me the most - WHY hasn't LE named her as a POI? There was enough "evidence" presented to Kaine to make him divorce her and get a RO, so how is it there isn't enough evidence to at least name her as a POI and put some pressure on her.

This case is killing me. I am checking constantly to see if Kyron has been found. I think what really did me in was seeing the Sketcher sneakers he was wearing when he went missing. My little boy wears Sketchers. I pray every day that Kyron is found safe and sound.
welcome tweedle, good first post, glad to have yet another voice to join the cacaphony!
First post! Yay!

This is what's been bothering me the most - WHY hasn't LE named her as a POI? There was enough "evidence" presented to Kaine to make him divorce her and get a RO, so how is it there isn't enough evidence to at least name her as a POI and put some pressure on her.

This case is killing me. I am checking constantly to see if Kyron has been found. I think what really did me in was seeing the Sketcher sneakers he was wearing when he went missing. My little boy wears Sketchers. I pray every day that Kyron is found safe and sound.

and what evidence did they present exactly? the landscaper wire tap was i disaster.

do they have someone that saw her with him outside of school later that day that could identify her? i doubt it. if so she'd already be in jail.
and what evidence did they present exactly? the landscaper wire tap was i disaster.

do they have someone that saw her with him outside of school later that day that could identify her? i doubt it. if so she'd already be in jail.

Right! and the PC yesterday KH said it was a few things, not just one... So is it the same stuff we have already heard???
Admittedly, I was concerned for awhile that TH may have been involved. Due to the circumstances the last two days, I am convinced she was involved in Kyron's disappearance.

I just want her to do the right thing at this juncture and tell LE what she did with Kyron!!!
i seem to remember carl probyns inlaws tried to put him in jail for 'murdereing' jaycee. the only diffrence from here is that his wife never turned on him. there was just as little evidence there as there is here
I have no idea why LE and/or bio-parents are ruining Terri's life. It's frightening.

The thread "What makes you think Terri is innocent?" was closed because of new information released and being discussed here. Anyone know what it is?
I have no idea why LE and/or bio-parents are ruining Terri's life. It's frightening.

The thread "What makes you think Terri is innocent?" was closed because of new information released and being discussed here. Anyone know what it is?

To be honest, I don't know what the new information is other than the fact that KH and DY think she is guilty, which I think we already knew.
kaine using the ppd isnt suspcious at all? he knew about the ppd but didnt get her help?

this whole thing stinks of a setup

It sounded like she was getting help to me. Maybe not enough but he's not a mental health professional who could evaluate that reliably.
Don't know this for a fact, but I think after 19 months, PPD would simply be depression. I had a pharmacy tech in my family....he did not give specifics but he said it is unbelievable how many people take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. I can believe it. Among my friends, almost every one of us has taken one of these medications for some period of time.
Don't know this for a fact, but I think after 19 months, PPD would simply be depression. I had a pharmacy tech in my family....he did not give specifics but he said it is unbelievable how many people take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. I can believe it. Among my friends, almost every one of us has taken one of these medications for some period of time.

Most people I know take some sort of medicine to help with what you stated.. Amazes me. At one point not to long ago, I thought about going on anxiety meds, but then I realize it was all in my head, and to much sugar before bed. just saying.....
just for the record, kh and dy thinking she is guilty is NOT evidence :)
In my opinion, TH's lawyer is doing what any good criminal lawyer would do when their client is being accused in the media/by others that aren't LE with a crime, knowing that there is little or no concrete evidence. Right now, it does nothing to help TH to release a statement, because she's already the focus of scrutiny and anything she says will be picked apart and used to vilify her in the public eye. Until there is something concrete that the police can use to arrest her, it's in her best interest to stay as far away from this case as possible. That would also explain why she isn't actively looking for Kyron.
I have no idea why LE and/or bio-parents are ruining Terri's life. It's frightening.

The thread "What makes you think Terri is innocent?" was closed because of new information released and being discussed here. Anyone know what it is?

It was due to yesterday's presser and interviews since. We had two threads running with the same discussion.
just for the record, kh and dy thinking she is guilty is NOT evidence :)

No but IMO family members who have known her for years and who hear things from LE saying she's guilty weighs more than complete strangers saying she's innocent, just because.

Kaine is her husband and knows her in intimate circumstances the last few years, and Desiree has had a chance to observe her in blended family circumstances which often bring out the best and the worst in people. If they're convinced she might have done it I think it's important for us to note. Often people insist right to the bitter end that there's no way that their spouse could have done "it", whatever "it" is, even though the evidence stares everybody else plain in the face. If family members are willing to say that their loved one might have committed a crime they must have some reason for thinking so, and I wouldn't dismiss their gut feeling out of hand. It's not hard evidence for the court but it comes from some place and may serve as a pointer.
So now I wonder... if Terri is suffering from PPD, PPP or some other mental illness she is not being treated for, could that alter the results of a polygraph and make her appear deceptive when she is not? How does untreated mental illness affect the results of LD and other personality tests?
No but IMO family members who have known her for years and who hear things from LE saying she's guilty weighs more than complete strangers saying she's innocent, just because.

Kaine is her husband and knows her in intimate circumstances the last few years, and Desiree has had a chance to observe her in blended family circumstances which often bring out the best and the worst in people. If they're convinced she might have done it I think it's important for us to note. Often people insist right to the bitter end that there's no way that their spouse could have done "it", whatever "it" is, even though the evidence stares everybody else plain in the face. If family members are willing to say that their loved one might have committed a crime they must have some reason for thinking so, and I wouldn't dismiss their gut feeling out of hand. It's not hard evidence for the court but it comes from some place and may serve as a pointer.

you see this is the whole problem. 'they know this about terri, they could see her doing this' is essentially the gist.

yet kaine willingly let her be a caretaker for not only kyron but a tiny infant.

this whole thing stinks.
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