If Terri is guilty...why isn't she cracking?

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:twocents: FWIW, anyone who can train and compete in bodybuilding has a very strong self discipline. I don't see her "cracking" ever.
LE's investigation into DDS provides reasonable doubt for TH? (Houze will use it to her benefit, assuming DDS says nothing.) Two defendants, no one knows with certainty which is responsible = two acquittals?
I can't justify using any type of psychological terminology to describe TMH's personality, so I'll simply say that "she's a tough nut to crack" :D jmo
IF she is guilty...

She hasn't been named a POI, hasn't been named a suspect, hasn't been arrested, hasn't been charged, and may never be. She has a fantastic attorney. She has a home with her parents. She appears to have a car to drive. I assume her parents are feeding her and providing her with the necessities of life. She's got cell phones :angel:

Why in the world would she crack now and blow everything?
I bet she loves reading all about her, and the theories. I bet she regularly checks that FB page that talks about how wonderful she is, how pretty she is, etc. I wonder if its everything she always thought it would be when she found herself in this situation, because I think shes been preparing for this role her whole life.


I comletely agree. I will take it a step farther and say that I think she's even looking forward to the trial. All that attention, all that focus on her. And she is playing out in her mind that she is going to walk free because Houze is going to get her off, because she covered her tracks just enough to ensure reasonable doubt.

She will never crack. I just hope DeDe does.
TH shows signs of patterns that fit a narsisstic personality disorder. (ie: getting starbucks for herself and going to the gym and driving around w/sick baby, MFH plot, sexting w/Kaine's highschool friend, saying nothing is wrong w/her marriage the very day Kaine moves out and takes the baby, etc). All of these place her needs before anyone elses, including her own child. My experience w/narcissists is that they will protect their own only when it benefits them in some way to "look good" to the public. If their child or family member don't make the person with the personality disorder "look good to others", then they will turn their back. It is all about image and making themselves look/feel/think superior to all others (unless it is an expert in the field - whom they will brag as their best friend).
A guilty or an innocent person would be stupid to "crack" and would get a lawyer and keep quiet until the State makes a charge against her. There are far too many people willing to consider her a psychopath or a narcissist or any other pejorative statement. There is nothing Terri Horman can say to the public to change the course this case has taken. It's time for the State to prove its case and let the chips fall where they may.
I find it ironic that when we hear about people who confess to a crime and then later recants that confession most people have an issue with it because 'an innocent person would NEVER confess if they weren't somehow involved', yet when we have a person who refuses to confess we find a way to make that an indication of guilt also.
IMO, if she is capable of this crime, she is completely capable of never cracking.

Apparently, she is capable of accepting being abruptly and completely cut off from her baby for an unforseen amount of time - which makes me think she might be made of ice.

This is the heart of the sociopath.

Terri's free. Why can't she negotiate through the court supervised visits with her baby while all this is pending? I can't see her attorneys accepting Terri's separation from her child like this if, in their estimation, it wasn't absolutely necessary.

IMO, it must be absolutely necessary. If her attorneys had (from their client Terri), information that could help them fight that baby fight for her. i.e. Information that somehow refuted the MFH and/or the Terri-took-Kyron timeline - they would help her.

They can't.

Tough client. Tough case.

Right now best chance is Dede angle, and hoping against hope that Dede actually knows something and that Dede will crack.

The only other explanation is that it's possible that attempted MFH is true, while Terri is actually innocent of Kyron's disappearance. If this is the case, Terri is caught between a rock and a hard place and 75 minutes of "unaccountability", and LE is stuck with every reason to look at Terri and to look nowhere else - all because of 75 minutes of toddler alibi time.

LE & Terri could be stuck just staring at each other for years over Kyron's disappearance. At the moment, that's just what Haleigh's case feels like. :cow:

Your post reminded me that she will be afforded court ordered, more than likely supervised visits, with her daughter. These are Federal rights as well as State rights for the parents and children. I was just wondering where the info came from that TH has not complied with her visits with her daughter? Maybe I am reading this wrong, but I haven't heard any word about her visitation and more than likely open Child Protective Service (CPS) case. There has to have been an investigation at a minimum of child neglect. Unfortunately, TH could claim the school was in loco parentis at the time and therefore it was the school that should be investigated. I fear a CPS case would be at a standstill, pending the outcome of finding Kyron. At the very least, the State and Kaine could argue she is a danger to her child due to the MFH plot.

So to relate all of this to the topic . . . . (I am really trying to be good today BeanE)
I believe if TH "cracked" she would lose more with her parental rights for her daughter and son, if she were to admit any involvement in Kyron's disappearance. The only "string" she can hold onto right now is Kyron went missing from the school while she was nowhere near the school.
I find it ironic that when we hear about people who confess to a crime and then later recants that confession most people have an issue with it because 'an innocent person would NEVER confess if they weren't somehow involved', yet when we have a person who refuses to confess we find a way to make that an indication of guilt also.

only if there is reason to believe they are guilty. I don't think anyone is saying that DY's *refusal to confess* is an indication of her guilt, for example. And I am one who thinks that *normal* innocent people don't confess -- unless it's to protect their child. And even that isn't really normal. So I would find it odd if DY confessed, and not odd if she didn't. Again, just for example. jmoo
I think she and Dede haven't cracked because no one has been charged with anything. Kyron is still missing. The investigation is going on. Neither is going to crack until somebody is charged with something. I think right now, they both think they can still beat the LE. They're still free, haven't been charged, have roofs over their heads, family, transportation. There is no motivation to give any of that up without being charged or Kyron being found.

And I do think TH feels very good behind her rock star lawyer. She probably thinks he get her found of innocent of anything in this case. She's already paid him a lot of money (I don't know for sure if it was 350,000, but why would she brag about paying that if she didn't? I highly doubt she paid far less than that either). So this case is going to continue to be a standstill until LE decides to charge someone with some kind of wrongdoing, or Kyron is found, whichever happens first (And I'm hoping and praying Kyron is found first and soon).
Your post reminded me that she will be afforded court ordered, more than likely supervised visits, with her daughter. These are Federal rights as well as State rights for the parents and children. I was just wondering where the info came from that TH has not complied with her visits with her daughter? Maybe I am reading this wrong, but I haven't heard any word about her visitation and more than likely open Child Protective Service (CPS) case. There has to have been an investigation at a minimum of child neglect. Unfortunately, TH could claim the school was in loco parentis at the time and therefore it was the school that should be investigated. I fear a CPS case would be at a standstill, pending the outcome of finding Kyron. At the very least, the State and Kaine could argue she is a danger to her child due to the MFH plot.

So to relate all of this to the topic . . . . (I am really trying to be good today BeanE)
I believe if TH "cracked" she would lose more with her parental rights for her daughter and son, if she were to admit any involvement in Kyron's disappearance. The only "string" she can hold onto right now is Kyron went missing from the school while she was nowhere near the school.

She has NO contact with her daughter pursuant to the R/O.
only if there is reason to believe they are guilty. I don't think anyone is saying that DY's *refusal to confess* is an indication of her guilt, for example. And I am one who thinks that *normal* innocent people don't confess -- unless it's to protect their child. And even that isn't really normal. So I would find it odd if DY confessed, and not odd if she didn't. Again, just for example. jmoo

I think you mean DS, not DY. DY is not guilty of anything in this case.
Your post reminded me that she will be afforded court ordered, more than likely supervised visits, with her daughter. These are Federal rights as well as State rights for the parents and children. I was just wondering where the info came from that TH has not complied with her visits with her daughter? Maybe I am reading this wrong, but I haven't heard any word about her visitation and more than likely open Child Protective Service (CPS) case. There has to have been an investigation at a minimum of child neglect. Unfortunately, TH could claim the school was in loco parentis at the time and therefore it was the school that should be investigated. I fear a CPS case would be at a standstill, pending the outcome of finding Kyron. At the very least, the State and Kaine could argue she is a danger to her child due to the MFH plot.

So to relate all of this to the topic . . . . (I am really trying to be good today BeanE)
I believe if TH "cracked" she would lose more with her parental rights for her daughter and son, if she were to admit any involvement in Kyron's disappearance. The only "string" she can hold onto right now is Kyron went missing from the school while she was nowhere near the school.

The restraining order Kaine Horman received had a claim for need of protection for their daughter from her mother. There is no neglect charge. Terri did not challenge the RO, which then resulted in Terri not being allowed to see her daughter at all. From what some attorneys here have stated, this RO will now be in place for a year. The only thing I don't know is whether her attorney actually addressed this RO and child custody arrangement. I've seen nothing to suggest he has but then I would gladly believe I'm not privy to every little thing going on.

I don't believe Terri has been accused of child neglect with regard to Kyron, either, which seems to negate a need for a CPS investigation into her or the school.
Your post reminded me that she will be afforded court ordered, more than likely supervised visits, with her daughter. These are Federal rights as well as State rights for the parents and children. I was just wondering where the info came from that TH has not complied with her visits with her daughter? Maybe I am reading this wrong, but I haven't heard any word about her visitation and more than likely open Child Protective Service (CPS) case. There has to have been an investigation at a minimum of child neglect. Unfortunately, TH could claim the school was in loco parentis at the time and therefore it was the school that should be investigated. I fear a CPS case would be at a standstill, pending the outcome of finding Kyron. At the very least, the State and Kaine could argue she is a danger to her child due to the MFH plot.

So to relate all of this to the topic . . . . (I am really trying to be good today BeanE)
I believe if TH "cracked" she would lose more with her parental rights for her daughter and son, if she were to admit any involvement in Kyron's disappearance. The only "string" she can hold onto right now is Kyron went missing from the school while she was nowhere near the school.

It's possible I don't understand your post.


There's a restraining order in effect attached to the divorce motion that prevents Terri from seeing her baby, among other things. There was to be a hearing about it, and Terri's team opted to request that portion and the custodial portion of the divorce motion be postponed - indefinitely - due to the investigation of Kyron's disappearrane. Terri's team did not object to other divorce terms.

Are you saying Terri will be granted supervised visitation somehow regardless of her request to suspend the custody hearing - are you saying the RO will expire?

Are we off-topic yet? LOL. (Sowwy)

I think we're okay because we're discussing a sub-topic - as to how Terri won't even crack to fight for rights to see her baby...
I find it ironic that when we hear about people who confess to a crime and then later recants that confession most people have an issue with it because 'an innocent person would NEVER confess if they weren't somehow involved', yet when we have a person who refuses to confess we find a way to make that an indication of guilt also.

Why would ANYONE confess and give up a chance at freedom? If a person is a murderer, he or she has already indicated a lack of regard for the lives of others, so why oblige and go directly to prison?

On the other hand, if a person is innocent, he or she really should NOT confess, even under heavy pressure. Then it's not just LE and the public pointing a finger of guilt, it's a self-inflicted wound.

The question of this thread really assumes that TH is guilty and should give up her constitution right against self-incrimination. If she has done something with or to Kyron, she was probably prepared to withstand certain pressure, although my guess is that she would never have thought things would get this intense (welcome to 24-hour media and the internet, TH.) If she is innocent, if she in fact left Kyron at the school and went on with her day, she can only hope that silence will encourage LE to cast a wider net.
You guys ROCK! I "assumed" the R/O had a much shorter time limit and I was unaware of the Atty's not contesting. I am so much more informed now - thanks to all of you! Now I really am wondering if she has visitation with her older son. And yes, I believe that the thing that would make me "crack" would either be A) my parental rights to my child(ren) being in jeopardy; or B) if I was charged with a much more heinous crime than I committed (god forbid).
I think you mean DS, not DY. DY is not guilty of anything in this case.

No. I meant DY. As I read the OP, it implied that we say innocent people never confess, so a confession is absolute proof of guilt, yet simultaneously perceive a failure to confess also as proof of guilt. I said that those, like myself, who hold the first view -- that innocent people don't confess (if they are normal), only perceive a failure to confess also as proof of guilt when the suspect is o/w believed to be guilty. I used DY to illustrate that point. Most everyone perceives her as innocent and would find it off if she confessed, but not indicative of her guilt if she didn't. Hope that makes sense. With respect to the OP, I believe it states a faulty syllogism. So the argument is difficult for me to refute without being confusing -- particularly with my tenuous grasp on the art of self-expression in my Mother tongue lol
only if there is reason to believe they are guilty. I don't think anyone is saying that DY's *refusal to confess* is an indication of her guilt, for example. And I am one who thinks that *normal* innocent people don't confess -- unless it's to protect their child. And even that isn't really normal. So I would find it odd if DY confessed, and not odd if she didn't. Again, just for example. jmoo

LOL, there certainly are plenty of folks who believe TH isn't cooperating because she wont tell where Kyron is. To do that would be confessing to an involvement in his disappearance. 'She wont tell where Kyron is she isn't cooperating'. 'She isn't cooperating, she must be guilty'.

That is an assumption of guilt based upon her refusal to confess.
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