If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

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Not to be indelicate but there are a million reasons why one person would kill another, all of them making perfect sense to the murderer but no sense to anyone else.

To me the more interesting questions are, if we believe Kaine - that Kyron is still alive and Terri was aided in his abduction by one or more of her friends, (1) what could Terri possibly think she would gain by making Kyron disappear and stashing him somewhere, and (2) what story could she tell that would possibly make a friend assist her in this and keep quiet about it even now, after everything that has come out in the news? I'm at a loss.

Hi, I really see 3 questions here if you include what would her motive be in hiding Kyron. In doing that to possibly teach Kaine a lesson, it would anger him instead I think and turn him against her.

If she did murder him I believe it is because Kyron posed a major threat to the lifestyle she wanted to live. The only way to maintain that lifestyle would be to eliminate the threat, or kill him. That also would make hiding him for a future reappearance a non-issue and don't believe it was done. IMO

BTW, we learned about this 'getting rid of the threat' during the Scott Peterson case when I believe Dr Albaugh said this is why most people are killed. I think Kyron saw something to do with Terri and Kyron told her he was going to tell daddy. That would have infuriated Kaine to the point he would have been finished with her and sent her packing. And for her that would ruin her life. She might have needed the financial support and structure of marriage to live so that she could maintain a certain lifestyle outside of the marriage. IMO
My theory is she wanted Kaine dead for his life insurance and sole possession of their home. Possibly found out Ky was his beneficiary and so she had to do away with the child.
I also think there is a third accomplice due to the time frame and there being only a few hours that these women had to work in.

A possible motive for an accomplice would be a payout when she gets the life insurance money.
I mean, I can't think of a reason why anyone, friend or no friend, would aid or cover-up a crime like this if it didn't involve money.

I also hold out hope that these two women are not murderers and they only kidnapped Ky to get him out of the picture and assumed dead until Kaine was dead and she collected on the life insurance and then Ky could possibly be found alive at a later date.

Far fetched, I know, but so is everything else I can think of.
My theory is she wanted Kaine dead for his life insurance and sole possession of their home. Possibly found out Ky was his beneficiary and so she had to do away with the child.
I also think there is a third accomplice due to the time frame and there being only a few hours that these women had to work in.

A possible motive for an accomplice would be a payout when she gets the life insurance money.
I mean, I can't think of a reason why anyone, friend or no friend, would aid or cover-up a crime like this if it didn't involve money.

I also hold out hope that these two women are not murderers and they only kidnapped Ky to get him out of the picture and assumed dead until Kaine was dead and she collected on the life insurance and then Ky could possibly be found alive at a later date.

Far fetched, I know, but so is everything else I can think of.

Hi KimE. You may be an 'E' relation! ;)

Money. What else is there? Revenge or hated? Who was going to be the next to go? The one with the insurance policy.

Someone help me out here. I have this wee problem with Kyron being hidden somewhere. Why? Where's the benefit in that? If he's ever set free isn't he going to tell?
I agree Paulette, I just hold out hope is all. My mind can't wrap around that little boy being murdered. But we all know that is a possibility.
There are a lot of very messed up people in this world for sure.

Hi BeanE..lol..I didn't notice the E relation ..
E just happens to be my middle initial :)
Money. What else is there? Revenge or hated? Who was going to be the next to go? The one with the insurance policy.

Someone help me out here. I have this wee problem with Kyron being hidden somewhere. Why? Where's the benefit in that? If he's ever set free isn't he going to tell?

You are right on that point. The perps want money ,freedom to live their life style & do not have the motherly, wifely feelings that a family needs to be successfully close & loving! These perps are full of hate & greed. Plotting revenge is exciting.Poor Kyron is no longer with us. I hope the perps get the death penalty.:furious::furious:
Well that's just the point. I don't see why ANYONE would be willing to take such a bullet for a friend. We're talking about kidnapping and (probably) murder here. Unless Terri has something MAJOR with which to blackmail this woman --- and I can't come up with anything that would cause her to risk being charged as an accomplice in kidnapping and murder --- I truly believe "not cooperating" means retaining an attorney and advising others to do so. That is the only thing that makes sense, other than the unlikely possibility that Terri somehow convinced her this was a 'noble cause' and Kyron is in hiding in some sort of 'safe house' situation.

Re why anyone would help TH hide Kyron....

Just to run another idea up the flagpole - what if you helped to "hide" a child - and the child himself was begging you not to turn him in because he was afraid to go home?
Re why anyone would help TH hide Kyron....

Just to run another idea up the flagpole - what if you helped to "hide" a child - and the child himself was begging you not to turn him in because he was afraid to go home?

7 year old children don't beg not to be sent home. He'd be crying his eyes out for his mom - his real mom. Social workers report that abused children don't want to be seperated from their parents. It's all they've ever known - at least they know what to expect from the monsters they know, than the monsters they don't know.
I just don't see a motive. Hating Kaine is one thing and separate for me. We don't have any proof at all that she is any kind of a sociopath, maybe a liar according to Desiree anyway. I still think whatever happened, if involving Terri, was an accident. Unless her motive was to hurt Desiree, not Kaine, but I still don't see it. She already was hurting Desiree just by beaing in Kyron's life, apparently.
I guess if I have to believe Terri did it, I would like to think she is hiding him with plans to split reward money when a "good samaritan" finds him.
7 year old children don't beg not to be sent home. He'd be crying his eyes out for his mom - his real mom. Social workers report that abused children don't want to be seperated from their parents. It's all they've ever known - at least they know what to expect from the monsters they know, than the monsters they don't know.

Kyron did not beg. He just cried. All children do. Even without the obvious animosity this family has. That is normal. Children are torn, whole thread on that somewhere.
Just a shot in the dark here.

Curious if anyone in LE tested TH for steroids. So much talk about the gym makes me wonder if she was trying to get back into shape to compete again and was using suplements . Did she get angry and go into a "roid rage"? Not sure what other emotional effects steroids causes. Anything that could be mistaken for PPD ?
I think if she did anything harmful to Kyron, it will boil down to the old green monster. Jealousy. She may have felt that Kaine paid more attention to Kyron and loved him more than their daughter.

Lady Sleuth
I put my theory in right at the beginning of this thread that it was revenge towards Kaine for the oldest son being sent away and or alleged affair and that I dont think she really liked Kyron and thought "oh well if I am not going to mother my own son then I wont mother HIS son either"........

However now that this Dede and maybe another has come into the picture I am not sure at all.......I still think she has done something but not sure what and think it is because she is going to "get" Kaine....be it accuse him of abuse or something.....hence the reason dd and others have helped......they hate Kaine because of what Th has told them....

but when I read about the insurance policy that seems possible...money.....also I sometimes think it was an accident after a rage and dd has helped cover it up.....(but it seems too planned)

ONE THING I AM SURE OF: she is a gutsy, self absorbed woman who uses people and would feel no guilt doing so....

competition bodybuilding.....straight up competitive..
affairs while married to first husband..
2nd husband adopts her child....does not see him for 3 years and she sues him...
2nd husband paying bio dad for HER son he does not see.....(WHO could do that!)
Dont know how she ended up with Kaine but rumor not good...
Sextexts landscaper and then wants to "use" him to knock off hubby...
Sextexts Kaines old friend....am sure there was something he was to be "used" for...
Dont know what DDS has been "used for" yet but am sure she has...
and this is just the little we do know about her life...

she is not trustworthy....
IMHO I think she has a personality disorder as well, and that Kyron is no longer with us. I believe she had it pretty well though out beforehand (the need for the truck, the driving on rural roads, the gym, the supposed doctor appt.). It all seems pre-meditated to me. All done to hurt Kaine and then it would just be the three of them, and she would come out smelling like roses for her tremendous emotional support (ie, the first presser). Too bad it isn't working out that way.

Again - JMO.

One point that keeps coming up over and over is that Terri will not speak out to deny some of the things that have been said about her. I think this might be a myth. I found an old news report that says she denies the MFH plot, but there are no details about the denial. The article comes after she has hired Houze. It is an LA Times article that really comes from the local Fox station: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/wire/kcpq-070510-missingboy,0,5547924.story
If Terri did harm Kyron, I think the motive is money, hatred, and jealousy. If the MFH late last year is true, this indicates that Terri has harbored anger and hatred towards Kaine for a long time, probably for some time prior to trying to arrange the MFH and ever since then. I think Terri is jealous of DY and resents her presence in their lives. I think Terri is unhappy in her role as mother and wife and wants her freedom. She blames Kaine for her unhappiness.

This is only my speculation based on what is known and what is perceived about the individuals involved in this case. I think Terri wanted to do away with Kaine and as his spouse acquire all his assets. But, she had to remove Kyron, as Kaine's heir, before eliminating Kaine. Once she removed Kyron, it may have been only a matter of time before Kaine had some sort of fatal accident.
Yes, but some poisons are erroneously thought to be undetectable - digitalis, for one. It does show up, but many people believe it does not. Digitalis poisoning would result in a heart attack a few hours later, IIRC, which would make sense if you were trying to off a middle aged man when you have a safe alibi, IF you believed it to be untraceable. In a healthy child, though, a sudden heart attack would be hard to explain, hence panic and hiding the body.

So, basically my point is that she would know that some poisons would show up, but maybe she'd read too many bad crime novels and thought some were untraceable.

Some folks get awfully certain that they can commit the "perfect crime."

Foxglove is rampant in the PNW (it's the source of digitalis) -- wouldn't be hard to do
While I am giving Terri the benefit of the doubt until more concrete proof emerges, I do have a theory if she is guilty.

If Terri murdered Kyron, I think it was an accidental death. If she had planned this, she would have been prepared to immediately answer questions about her routine that day.

Another detail that would persuade me into thinking it was accidental, is her daughter. If she dotes on her daughter as people speculate, from the pics on her Facebook and the way DY tried to use K. as leverage in one of her PCs, she would never risk losing her.


I have wondered too if this is an accidental death -- what if she left K in car with baby while she hopped into Albertsons quickly and returned to find baby screaming and K unable to answer her questions as to why baby was crying and she smacked him so hard his head cracked into the truck pillar or something similar? This is MOO and conjecture but he was a wee lad who appeared pretty slight and could have easily been hurt by a smack. However, as a CSI fan she should have known to call 911 (but she didn't want the embarrassment of abuse charges etc I am guessing). Her marriage would have ended immediately and so would any hopes of retaining custody of her daughter -- her job prospects would be limited too.

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