If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

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I still feel the motive here is money.

If she would have suceeded in a MFH plot on Kaine I am sure there is a sizeable life insurance policy on him. (My brother paints aircraft for a living and he has a 1 million dollar life insurance policy on him)so yeah it is possibly hefty.
Also with Kaine out of the picture she would no doubt be entitled to all/ or part of his assest's, the home, cars etc.....She would have retained full custody of the baby,Also more then likley Kyron would have went back to his mom to live full time so there would be no issue there.

If she felt KH was having an affair that would certainly set her off. I feel though that she may have had some interest in someone as well.... I can see in her demeanor she is a smart woman, very sly.

I cant seem to figure out just yet how she would go from wanting Kaine dead and then Kyron being missing unless she thought there would be a sizeable reward out for him. It is possible that Kaine's company has a kidnapping insurance of some sort that helps pay out for ransoms asked if your child or family member is taken.

The way LE has handled this from the get go for me tends to lean towards a ransom scenario. Although I know we have not heard that yet I think these may be the grounds they are working under.

TH has had a long time to go over this in her mind, I believe she has some help here, and it could be a new lover she has convinced to help out. Take Kyron, hide him, get the money, she splits it with him or her, hop a plane and leave the country ...lol ya know something along those lines.
Problem is ransom scenarios often don't work out especially here in the states, but in other countries they do, they work out well in fact.....I don't know just throwing this out, I just believe the motive here is money and disdain for Kaine .

I think it is possible he is still out there somewhere, with someone, at least I hope.............
Motive had me quite puzzled for awhile. By all accounts, Kyron was a well-behaved boy who was well-liked and respectful of adults, so I didn't think it was a case of her not being able to put up with his antics and "going off" pn him, with fatal results. That may have occurred, however. But with the new information regarding the hit man scenario, I tend to think it was more for financial gain and to remove any possible heirs or beneficiaries to life insurance other than her and her baby daughter. Which is a stone-cold scenario, as it implies that she could not only arrange a hit on her husband, but also cause the death of his young son.

I feel that she acted alone in whatever occurred with Kyron. But the fact that she reached out to somebody else for the alleged murder for hire of Kaine raises the possibility that she may have also done the same with Kyron. And because of his age and abilities, i.e., the fact that Kyron could relate what occurred to police or others had he beeb abducted or sold and was not an infant that could be sold and reintegrated into a family situation with little or no suspicion, does not, in MHO, bode well for the hope that little Kyron is still alive out there somewhere.

And that just breaks my heart.
I think she felt like she had to reach for help with Kaine. He's a man, he can defend himself, and surely he could hold her off if she tried to do something to him. Now if she reached out so the blood wouldn't be on her hands technically, that's different. I imagine she knew Kaine would be suspicious of her if she tried to trick him or do something to him herself. Maybe she even thought hiring someone wouldn't work either, that he'd be on to her if it failed, or maybe Desiree would be on to her if successful too. Maybe that alone made her abandon the hit man for hire scenario at some point.

But I look at Kyron and see such a fragile, helpless boy. He's only seven, probably can't fend her off, and I would think she would have much more control over him. I guess I'm saying I can see her hurting him for those reasons. Now if she, again, didn't want the blood directly on her hands, I can see her bringing someone in to help. But my gut tells me she couldn't get what she wanted done on Kaine because she couldn't risk being found out, so poor Kyron became her target because he was more accessible, and less likely to be able to fight her if she did do something to him.

We also don't know how obedient Kyron was to her. Maybe she figured it would be really easy since he's possibly such an obedient and trusting little boy. It just makes me so mad when I think about it. There was this little boy that probably trusted and loved her, and she probably took total advantage of that to do something bad to him. I just hate the thought that even Kyron was probably surprised, couldn't believe this person that he loved and trusted was betraying him. How sick is it to take advantage of a kid like that?

What this boils down to is that this might just have been a matter of convenience. She probably thought she could spin it to her benefit, either through lawsuit to the school or more intimacy with Kaine. Either way, it brings more attention to her, at least she probably thought it would. Weirdly enough, I don't think money is her primary motivator. I think it's wanting to be #1, and have her needs met before anyone else's. I've definitely seen this is as motivation in other cases, and in one, it's worked to a certain degree. Casey's parent's definitely have all of Casey's attention now, and have certainly pushed Caylee under the rug to keep defending Casey. It hasn't helped get her out of jail, though.
Many interesting theories to read here. What bugs me, among several things, is the whole story from the beginning. MAybe I need to re-read or refamiliarize myself with the specifics, but the bio-mom-was-sick-and-sent-away-for-treatment-then-TH-came-in-to-nanny/slash/care-for-Kyron-and-married-Dad scenario sounds... IDK the word. What I mean is, first - TH and bio mom were friends? or "friends?" Did I read that correctly? Additionally, it seems to me that bio dad would have the budget etc to find an appropriate, capable caregiver for Kyron w/o moving TH into his home. Also, how was TH's previous life so stable, peachy, whatever such that she could completely uproot and move in with KH to care for Kyron? Maybe it wasn't on a moment's notice, but it seems it was done rather quickly. (?)
The woman is not capable of love IF she hurt Kyron or is responsible in any way for his disappearance...

“Evil” is “live” spelled backwards — likewise, evil is in opposition to life

Evil is a variant of narcissistic personality disorder.

BTW...One of the characteristics of narcissism is insistence on a perfect image..JMO

The "thanks" button wasn't enough...a CHILLING profundity--that little gem!
Motives for crimes are:

- anger/resentment
- revenge
- profiting in some way

There's always a reason someone does a crime, even if it's just a crime of opportunity (profiting in some way).

We're not going to know the 'motive' until we learn all the facts of this case and unfortunately there's not much info and mostly pure speculation.
This just came to me, so I apologize if it has already been mentioned previously - I just wanted to get it out there while it was still fresh in my head. What if K somehow found out about the MFH? And he threatened to tell? Just a thought...IMO JMO and MOO, of course.
Many interesting theories to read here. What bugs me, among several things, is the whole story from the beginning. MAybe I need to re-read or refamiliarize myself with the specifics, but the bio-mom-was-sick-and-sent-away-for-treatment-then-TH-came-in-to-nanny/slash/care-for-Kyron-and-married-Dad scenario sounds... IDK the word. What I mean is, first - TH and bio mom were friends? or "friends?" Did I read that correctly? Additionally, it seems to me that bio dad would have the budget etc to find an appropriate, capable caregiver for Kyron w/o moving TH into his home. Also, how was TH's previous life so stable, peachy, whatever such that she could completely uproot and move in with KH to care for Kyron? Maybe it wasn't on a moment's notice, but it seems it was done rather quickly. (?)

You should go read the Blended family thread... Lots of posters thought that the nanny story sounded a bit unlikely from the start and since then we have heard DY say that she wasn't friends with Terri and that the first time she spoke with TH was when Kyron was about a year and a half old, and that Terri was a liar and told lies about how she and Kaine met.

I think it classifies as a rumor on WS to say what it all adds up to but, well.
The woman is not capable of love IF she hurt Kyron or is responsible in any way for his disappearance...

“Evil” is “live” spelled backwards — likewise, evil is in opposition to life

Evil is a variant of narcissistic personality disorder.

BTW...One of the characteristics of narcissism is insistence on a perfect image..JMO

Emeralgem...I agree with you.

So many here want to assign normal feelings and thoughts of Motherly love to this woman, but by now we should understand that some people just don't think or have feelings like the rest of us.

I look at her pose as a body builder. I see those muscles. Maybe she couldn't kill
Kaine with her bare hands, but poor little Kyron would be no problem for her.
She didn't need an accomplice!

I agree with you that in this case we are dealing with "evil"!
Motives for crimes are:

- anger/resentment
- revenge
- profiting in some way

There's always a reason someone does a crime, even if it's just a crime of opportunity (profiting in some way).

We're not going to know the 'motive' until we learn all the facts of this case and unfortunately there's not much info and mostly pure speculation.

I would add "fear" as a motive as well, perhaps this would fall under "profiting in some way". For instance, a person could be fearful that someone will tell a secret or ruin their reputation in some way. I'm not saying it is necessarily a motive in this particular case, just throwing in my two cents.:twocents:
Hard to predict what anyone's motive would be to hurt or kill a child, since it could have been done in a sudden burst of anger, or it could have been planned. Motive can be anything, and I've heard of some real doozies before in other cases.

My strongest thoughts are revenge. She wanted to hurt Kaine AND Desiree. Maybe a little misguided jealousy. Thinking they wanted to get back together, or just knowing that they did have a history together and letting that jealousy escalate.

Also kids are notorious for throwing up their real mom to the stepmom. "My mom can cook WAY better than you." or "My mom is SO pretty." or "I wish my mom could have been here for the science fair today."

I am NOT making excuses for her IF she did harm Kyron, because there are no excuses for that. Just saying that if she had some mental issues, ANYTHING could have set her off. The sad part is... we may never know.
Very interesting article here:

Gives a whole list of motives for women to kill (anyone, not just children, or their own children.) Here are the ones that stand out to me if Terri did this.
monetary gain
ridding themselves of a burden
following orders

Interesting quotes from the article:

"In more recent years, females have turned increasingly toward strangers as victims, but they generally choose easy targets among vulnerable populations. They don't mutilate corpses, which is common to a certain type of male serial killer."

"While people are appalled by women who kill their own children, it's more common than we think. Maternal instinct is sometimes no match for deadened emotions or personal ambition."

"Instead of poison, she may grab an ax, even a gun. Instead of killing a customer who failed to pay for drugs, she might bear and kill children one at a time. (In fact, women outnumber men in the deaths of children and come equal to them in killing siblings and parents.)"
After watching the video of TH in the parking lot--and thinking back to the early "family" press conference--I am beginning to feel like the MFH and the disappearance of Kyron were engineered by TH for nothing more than DRAMA and ATTENTION. Remember, Kaine said in those early days, while everyone else was looking for Kyron, TH was focused on herself.
While I am giving Terri the benefit of the doubt until more concrete proof emerges, I do have a theory if she is guilty.

If Terri murdered Kyron, I think it was an accidental death. If she had planned this, she would have been prepared to immediately answer questions about her routine that day.

Another detail that would persuade me into thinking it was accidental, is her daughter. If she dotes on her daughter as people speculate, from the pics on her Facebook and the way DY tried to use K. as leverage in one of her PCs, she would never risk losing her.
I still feel the motive here is money.

If she would have suceeded in a MFH plot on Kaine I am sure there is a sizeable life insurance policy on him. (My brother paints aircraft for a living and he has a 1 million dollar life insurance policy on him)so yeah it is possibly hefty.
Also with Kaine out of the picture she would no doubt be entitled to all/ or part of his assest's, the home, cars etc.....She would have retained full custody of the baby,Also more then likley Kyron would have went back to his mom to live full time so there would be no issue there.

If she felt KH was having an affair that would certainly set her off. I feel though that she may have had some interest in someone as well.... I can see in her demeanor she is a smart woman, very sly.

(snipped respectfully)

I think it is possible he is still out there somewhere, with someone, at least I hope.............

I like your theory because it shares similarities with mine---lol. I was thinking back on the interview where Kaine had said (not word for word) that he and Terri started having problems not long after the baby was born and he said something about possibly PPD being involved. So! Terri feels she is not getting from him what she needs or wants psychologically, so she decides to cut her losses and have him done away with. At first she's not thinking monetarily but after awhile she does. She thinks with him out of the way, she'll get the house, the bank accounts, probably a hefty insurance payout just on what his company holds on him plus any personal insurance. (Keep in mind she's not thinking clearly or else she'd have never put together this MFH thing.) Then further, she thinks that even better, Kyron will go back to his bio mom and she won't have to put up with him either and it will be just her, the baby and her older son. But something happens and she either can't go through with it afterall or find anybody that wants to go to prison for such a paultry sum!

About three months or so afterward, Terri's son moves out of the house, by request of an adult. I can only speculate as to where the request came from and I do not know if both adults agreed to this move but it could be added to Terri's list of unhappy things in her life.

So now we're at June 4th and she's had plenty of time to think about what she wants to do because of the failed MFH plot and her son moving out of the house and she decides to make Kaine pay for this. All in all, she's thinking this idea is much better than having Kaine murdered anyway. I don't think the adults in the house are getting along well at this point and I don't know whether divorce has been discussed prior but I can see it being a possibility. Not that both people agreed to it, just that it had been discussed. So now life as she knows it, is going to change big time with a divorce. At any rate, if it had been discussed, her time was going to run out so she needed to make some sort of move quickly and decided that after the science fair would be a good time to go into action. The pain she could put Kaine through would be priceless in her opinion and she would be there to see him experience it. In my opinion TH works well on a vindictive level. And I think she was trying to get back at Kaine for something or several somethings.

This is just my opinion. Thanks!
This case is so sad and confusing. I pray for Kyron every night. But, here are my thoughts, I don't think this was a crime for money. To be this evil, it has to do with deep feelings of an individual. How many of us get the psychological support from our husbands that we need? Its the nature of the beast. Plus, there was probably some jealousy going on in some way. I do think Terri is involved, but not just her, but she has some part in this.
And you know many times, we sit and think how we would have committed a crime, but in the heat of actually doing it, stupidity has always reigned. I would think Terri is intelligent enough to pull off a crime, but maybe not prepared for the feelings she was experienced which would cause her to make a mistake.

I wish we knew what kind of person she is, Its my feeling that she is not a loving , caring person, but I've heard no one say.
Okay, so I had to dig to find this thread, but then I will be posting on topic :dance:

since this ls development with the person they are looking at being a female, that puts a slightly different spin on things. Perhaps this person has promised TH a "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" type deal. For instance, TH is mentioning her unhappiness in the relationship, and this person tells her they can help resolve that situation, and then TH will be "free" to come and stay with this person until everything returns to normal. Possible romantic involvement? idk.

Just throwing this out there....along with the eleventy-million other theories. :) JMO, IMO :cow:
There could be several motives if Terri has done something, but I have no idea if she or necessarily think she's guilty. I do believe that Kyron was miserable, unhappy, and sobbing about having to live where he did because his Mom says so.

Marriage falling apart, husband threatening to dump her, Kyron being affected and not wanting to live in the home, threats of losing her baby like happened to Desiree. Kaine fussing with her son and him leaving her. Bitterness over giving up a career and not wanting to lose Kyron who seems like her own son. Planned disappearance with help of someone that she has convinced. Maybe a lover met online who has connections to Mexico or Canada.
Disappear Kyron and set up a "suicide" for Kaine
Alleged hit plot on Kaine fell through. Despondent, pschotic, marriage falling apart, about to snap and snapped on Kyron, but that would only work if the teacher really did misunderstand about the vague non-appointment. Kyron could have acted up that morning and got punished, maybe with revenge.
Kyron's unhappiness and sobbing could indicate abuse and sometimes abuse just goes too far resulting in something horrible that the abuser tries to cover up.
Keep him From his Mom:
If Desiree was beginning to ask what was wrong with Kyron, why, and that she wants him back, maybe he's being hidden for his Dad, even without his knowledge.

No motives make much sense because they don't explain how she expected to get her baby and herself away from Kaine without money or how his death wouldn't look suspicious later on. How does she plan to keep Kyron from talking later on if he's hidden now. She could homeschool, but she'd need a new partner with money, probably in another country. I figure if some horrible people can be hired for murder they can also be hired to hide a child, especially if they're in love or lust, and could be male or female.
You should go read the Blended family thread... Lots of posters thought that the nanny story sounded a bit unlikely from the start and since then we have heard DY say that she wasn't friends with Terri and that the first time she spoke with TH was when Kyron was about a year and a half old, and that Terri was a liar and told lies about how she and Kaine met.

I think it classifies as a rumor on WS to say what it all adds up to but, well.

Not trying to correct you but, DY never said that she didn't know of or know Terri when Kyron was a little baby, she just simply said that Terri was not her friend. Desiree also said that Kyron was 18 months old before she "would even talk to" Terri. To me that means that as far as Desiree was concerned Terri was no friend of hers and she refused to even talk to her until forced to when her health failed.
I'm still stuck on WHY did she decide to have him "disappear" at the school.... of all places... Where she was known the most... and at the biggest risk of people knowing her and Kyron.. why not a shopping mall ???

The only answer I can think of is a law suit against the school..??? a hatred against them too??

If it was for the money:
Kyron missing-presumed dead after statute.etc.. ---insurance- law suit on school..
Distraught father commit's suicide (MFH plot) -- law suit on school.. inherits everthing. poss. insurance..

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