If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

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And I agree, it's very painful for me to believe, but I don't think Kyron is alive.
I really hope Terri's neighbors, friends, and co-workers start coming out and sharing information about Terri, such as strange behavior or conversations over the last few months to a year. IF THEY HAVE TRUTHFUL/ RELIABLE INFO--that is. SOMEONE had to have noticed something "off" ????

Maybe old friends from high school or college---maybe she had strange behavior in her past??

What are you talking about here ?

I'm saying some people marry other people with kids, and then are surprised and hurt when they have to share attention with those kids. They think, just like I did at one point, that once married, all of the attention will be on them. It is an adjustment I had to make, and I don't regret it. It seems like, though, TH did not make that adjustment and grew to resent Kaine's attention to Kyron, a child that was not biologically her own. Some people also don't love children who are not biologically theirs. All the time there are dads that don't want to pay for a kid that isn't their flesh and blood, or a mom giving more attention to her own biological children that her husband's kids from a previous relationship. All IMO.
It's rather offensive to assume Terri's guilty because she's not as attractive as Desiree...

I agree! It's likely not good to base a justice system on how overzealous one is with their eyebrow waxing.
It's rather offensive to assume Terri's guilty because she's not as attractive as Desiree...

I agree.

I have consistently thought Terri involved from the get-go.

Terri's and/or Desiree's looks were never part of the WHO of my conclusion.

My suggestion that Terri could be jealous of Desiree is simply a possible - and, I feel, very likely - motive.
I think Kyron had seen/ heard enough to where he was trouble for her, aside from the fact that given she seems to be detached emotionally. The dream / astro threads kept coming up with boxes, bees etc. If he went into anaphylactic shock with a bee sting, that would not be out of the question either.


BBM That gave me chills, especially in light of the fact that I think most of the information given out in press releases and press conferences is orchestrated by the FBI. One of the first things DY and KH said when they started giving interviews is that Kyron is allergic to bees... People wondered why they didn't come out and say that right away. I'm connecting the dots and I'm not liking what I see. I hope I'm wrong. JMO

Back on topic--motive? I no longer know what to think anymore.
My guess is that Kyron was beginning to become more difficult to take care of at home. A comment was made by I "think" the parents that he had trouble following directions at school. Couldn't we infer that he also had a difficult time following directions at home?

I also believe that there was probably some recent situation where TH took exception to the way that Kyron had treated "her" daughter.

The LAST thing that TH would have wanted to do was to "hide" him. It's quite obvious by her comments after the "disappearance" that she seemed quite relieved that he was gone.
Okay, getting ready to be escorted out of here on my arse, but here comes a wild, completely unsubstantiated, out of this world theory that would explain many of Terri's alleged behaviors, and the disappearance of Kyron. Dear reader, please keep in mind, this is theorizing at its wildest so here goes:

Terri suspects a family history/tendancy of sexual abuse, she has concerns for Kyron and loves him like her own. She begins to fear or suspect Kyron is in danger from Kaine or other close family member and/or feels Kaine doesn't take her concerns seriously. Her own bio son is sent off because of head butting between he and Kaine. She wants out of the marriage but being only a stepmother, fears doing that as it would mean having no claim/right to take Kyron with her. So she attempts to hire a landscaper/hit man to get rid of Kaine. Hiring a hit man turns out to be harder than expected. Something happened or was about to happen that made her feel the time to act is now. She participates in the abduction/dissapearing of Kyron.

Thats where i get lost, what would be the next move?

Okay, now that I have spit all that out, let me assure you, I do NOT believe the above is what happened. Just a hairbrained thought that stuck in my head and needed to be excised.
Imagine your marriage had begun to crumble and possibly there have been threats that you will lose all your children. You try to do what you can to keep them. So murder plot..it's been a motive before! You might Not be able to accomplish that but you could get back at him by making sure if you have to suffer the loss of your children then he will feel it in a worse way. IMO this is the only plan that works.
Terri suspects a family history/tendancy of sexual abuse, she has concerns for Kyron and loves him like her own. She begins to fear or suspect Kyron is in danger from Kaine or other close family member and/or feels Kaine doesn't take her concerns seriously. Her own bio son is sent off because of head butting between he and Kaine.

OK I hate to say it, but this possibility has crossed my mind as well . . . the sexual abuse from some one
On my "theory" list, it's down toward the bottom however
celticthyme said:
tlcox said:
Terri suspects a family history/tendancy of sexual abuse, she has concerns for Kyron and loves him like her own. She begins to fear or suspect Kyron is in danger from Kaine or other close family member and/or feels Kaine doesn't take her concerns seriously. Her own bio son is sent off because of head butting between he and Kaine.

OK I hate to say it, but this possibility has crossed my mind as well . . . the sexual abuse from some one
On my "theory" list, it's down toward the bottom however

So your saying she would be willing to go to prison to protect his son and ultimately lose her own 2?
I'm going to be Terri for a moment (her birthday is close to mine so I think I can kind of get into her head a little). "I've raised Kaine and Desiree's son for the last four or five years at great sacrifice to my personal goals and Kaine has the nerve to kick MY son out! Then he goes and starts an affair with a co-worker just because I've gained weight and don't look great anymore. It's because of him and his son that I had to quit bodybuilding and my career as a teacher. Where am I now? If he leaves me, I will have nothing. I know he'll try to get full custody of baby K just as he did the Kyron and I won't have the money to fight him in court. What's left for me? No money, no career, no body, no love, no baby K except on weekends. I hate him! He deserves to die for what he's done to me and my life! I don't have the nerve to do it myself but maybe I can find a lover who will. Let's see if I still have what it takes to make a man fall in love with me again. With Kaine gone, I will get the house, life insurance, pension, savings, etc. but wait...there's still Kyron. I will have to split it with Kyron. Why should I when I've already spent all this time raising him for free? If Kyron were gone as well, everything would go to baby K and me. That's as it should be. It looks better if Kyron disappears first. Then Kaine's passing could be portrayed as a suicide out of profound grief. But, what to do with Kyron? I don't really want to kill him, I just want him to disappear. Maybe I can get the Hispanic gardner to take him south of the border and place him with a nice family that will never hear about his disappearance in the U.S."

Maybe it wasn't even a question of splitting the life insurance with Kyron...Maybe Kaine had the policy before he married TMH...When he originally took out the policy, Kyron was the beneficiary. He never got around to changing it to TMH or splitting the proceeds. It would raise questions if the beneficiary changed and then Kaine died in an "accident" a few months later. Plus, maybe they weren't getting along and she couldn't even ask because he would get too suspicious.
celticthyme said:
So your saying she would be willing to go to prison to protect his son and ultimately lose her own 2?

No not at all. I think she sent her own son back with family for his own welfare, because there was just too much tension going on around there, without her son & KH going at it too. But also the whole thing with Christian Horman, and the sexual abuse charge / sentencing was happening around the time shortly after Kyron went missing. From what I understand, sexual abuse can be familial. Protecting her own, not so much worried about Kyron

We don't really know who knew what when, and still don't.
Imagine your marriage had begun to crumble and possibly there have been threats that you will lose all your children. You try to do what you can to keep them. So murder plot..it's been a motive before! You might Not be able to accomplish that but you could get back at him by making sure if you have to suffer the loss of your children then he will feel it in a worse way. IMO this is the only plan that works.

I still think she loves Kyron I don't know why I think that other then I know a lot of stepmothers who don't love their stepchildren and before you know it they are living with their mothers, I have not seen ANY proof or heard teachers, neighbors etc. say anything other then she was an involved parent etc., I think in her mind her marriage was falling apart and she was going to lose Kyron she decided if she was going to lose him so would everyone else, I can't imagine any other reason for all of this.
* If * she was involved, I would also lean towards her wanting to hurt the husband---possibly with someone putting a battery in her back or egging her on--i.e. you deserve better than this, etc etc
I still think she loves Kyron I don't know why I think that other then I know a lot of stepmothers who don't love their stepchildren and before you know it they are living with their mothers, I have not seen ANY proof or heard teachers, neighbors etc. say anything other then she was an involved parent etc., I think in her mind her marriage was falling apart and she was going to lose Kyron she decided if she was going to lose him so would everyone else, I can't imagine any other reason for all of this.

The woman is not capable of love IF she hurt Kyron or is responsible in any way for his disappearance...

“Evil” is “live” spelled backwards — likewise, evil is in opposition to life

Evil is a variant of narcissistic personality disorder.

BTW...One of the characteristics of narcissism is insistence on a perfect image..JMO
I keep thinking maybe she saw her marriage crumbling and knew she was going to lose Kyron because step parents have no rights and she thought NO WAY.....I've raised him and THEY aren't going to take him from me....IF I can't have him THEY won't either.....I believe he's alive though.....I'm hopeful she gave him to someone wanting a child or she has him stashed.

I envy your hopefulness. I think she's out of her mind due to the issue we can't mention. At least I've seen caution about not talking about issues we can't know about and I understand that but it makes it hard to mention what I'm afraid to mention KWIM. People have talked about all sorts of possible mental health issues or meds unknown but not the one that seems as if it could be obvious to my mind. whacked out agression/irritability. Maybe she didn't like the poor little thing and irritability/agression may have been driven by something she'd done to herself. I'm just saying it's possible. Hope I don't get in trouble for saying this.
Some potential motives. Jealousy of the attention Kyron got. Being upset at child support Kaine had to pay. Being upset with Kaine and wanting to hurt him.

They all sound pretty stupid, but it always is something really stupid.

I think you're right. I wonder too if people who do terrible things even know their own minds; why they do the terrible crimes. Maybe it's a mix, who knows. When you think about hurting a child wow
I am still strongly leaning towards the idea that she meant to do something to KH and got Kyron by accident, possibly a poisoning error. That's the only theory that really ties up all the case details for me - if the story is true that she wanted KH dead, I don't know why she would switch to Kyron. If she didn't like Kyron, getting his dad out of the way would have simply sent Kyron back to DY, so there was no reason to kill him (except, of course, to keep KH's insurance money, as you all have said, which, of course, is a strong motive). I might be off the deep end, but I think Kyron might have gotten the wrong breakfast plate that morning. MOO.

This also explains the look on her face those first days - she was horrified by her error and how much trouble she had landed herself in, and in shock, IMO.

ERA: I know this sounds like utter fiction, but so does everything else in this case!

I do think whatever she did (if she did anything to harm Kyron) it shocked her after the fact. Yes, very much so I've thought that. I'm not strong on the poison aspect but I could be wrong. ETA: To say the truth I never thought of poison or the possibility of her poisoning the wrong person until I read your post. What a revelation.
I think that the motive of why she would hurt Kyron is probably the same as or related to why she would want Kyron's dad killed.

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