If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

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Though I think getting rid of Kyron and then Kaine, so she can have the insurance money, makes a lot of sense, I am still baffled at why she would kill them separately when it would be relatively easy to kill a father and son in one "accident." Having them both die at once would leave her as soul beneficiary and cause a lot less suspicion, IMO. Except a few very unlucky families, lightening doesn't often strike twice, KWIM?

true, true...quit poking holes in my amazing theory :)
Something bugs me, though - if you are the caretaker of a child, there are a lot of ways to kill a child that draws a lot less attention than a fake abduction. Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes accident season in full force. Why not just make it a quick accident - a lot less press, and likely no secrets dug up.

My secondary explanation is that there was no motive aside from a brief, yet deadly, moment of rage and then a panicked response.

Because if it were an accident she would be to blamed. This way her hands wouldd be clean because it "obviously" wasnt her, because she was seen at the school and left him there, posted the picture of her wonderful stepson and was "shocked" when he wasn't on the bus, so why suspect her???
She could divorce Kaine and say that the divorce was because he couldn't get over what happened to his son, and it ruined their marriage, get full custody of baby K because Kaine is so emotionally unstable since his son was kidnapped and she gets half of everything plus child support and finish it off with inwardly knowing she caused him SO much agony.
I like this throwing ideas around.

Perhaps the $$$$ was icing on the cake. She clearly wanted Kaine dead. Maybe she wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Maybe she wanted to make sure Kaine suffered before he died. But also wanted to make sure Desiree didn't get a penny from Kaine's estate? Just thinking out loud.

I can definitely see that - I mean, why not get some money for your troubles afterwards, right?

I'm just a strictly "money" or "personal" kind of person. I must have seen The Godfather once too often. :crazy:
I'm going to be Terri for a moment (her birthday is close to mine so I think I can kind of get into her head a little). "I've raised Kaine and Desiree's son for the last four or five years at great sacrifice to my personal goals and Kaine has the nerve to kick MY son out! Then he goes and starts an affair with a co-worker just because I've gained weight and don't look great anymore. It's because of him and his son that I had to quit bodybuilding and my career as a teacher. Where am I now? If he leaves me, I will have nothing. I know he'll try to get full custody of baby K just as he did the Kyron and I won't have the money to fight him in court. What's left for me? No money, no career, no body, no love, no baby K except on weekends. I hate him! He deserves to die for what he's done to me and my life! I don't have the nerve to do it myself but maybe I can find a lover who will. Let's see if I still have what it takes to make a man fall in love with me again. With Kaine gone, I will get the house, life insurance, pension, savings, etc. but wait...there's still Kyron. I will have to split it with Kyron. Why should I when I've already spent all this time raising him for free? If Kyron were gone as well, everything would go to baby K and me. That's as it should be. It looks better if Kyron disappears first. Then Kaine's passing could be portrayed as a suicide out of profound grief. But, what to do with Kyron? I don't really want to kill him, I just want him to disappear. Maybe I can get the Hispanic gardner to take him south of the border and place him with a nice family that will never hear about his disappearance in the U.S."
I'm going to be Terri for a moment (her birthday is close to mine so I think I can kind of get into her head a little). "I've raised Kaine and Desiree's son for the last four or five years at great sacrifice to my personal goals and Kaine has the nerve to kick MY son out! Then he goes and starts an affair with a co-worker just because I've gained weight and don't look great anymore. It's because of him and his son that I had to quit bodybuilding and my career as a teacher. Where am I now? If he leaves me, I will have nothing. I know he'll try to get full custody of K just as he did the Kyron and I won't have the money to fight him in court. What's left for me? No money, no career, no body, no love, no K except on weekends. I hate him! He deserves to die for what he's done to me and my life! I don't have the nerve to do it myself but maybe I can find a lover who will. Let's see if I still have what it takes to make a man fall in love with me again. With Kaine gone, I will get the house, life insurance, pension, savings, etc. but wait...there's still Kyron. I will have to split it with Kyron. Why should I when I've already spent all this time raising him for free? If Kyron were gone as well, everything would go to K and me. That's as it should be. It looks better if Kyron disappears first. Then Kaine's passing could be portrayed as a suicide out of profound grief. But, what to do with Kyron? I don't really want to kill him, I just want him to disappear. Maybe I can get the Hispanic gardner to take him south of the border and place him with a nice family that will never hear about his disappearance in the U.S."

Thats exactly what I was thinking! but please edit your post and remove the babies name, just put K or baby K, that is against TOS, I edited it in what I quoted but you must edit the original.

I completely agree with your theory.
Because if it were an accident she would be to blamed. This way her hands wouldd be clean because it "obviously" wasnt her, because she was seen at the school and left him there, posted the picture of her wonderful stepson and was "shocked" when he wasn't on the bus, so why suspect her???
She could divorce Kaine and say that the divorce was because he couldn't get over what happened to his son, and it ruined their marriage, get full custody of baby K because Kaine is so emotionally unstable since his son was kidnapped and she gets half of everything plus child support and finish it off with inwardly knowing she caused him SO much agony.

A well staged accident is still a lot easier to avoid prosecution than a fake abduction, IMO. She might even get some extra sympathy if she made it look like she put in a valiant effort to save him.

She must have known that the abduction scheme would unearth the landscaper story.

Enough time and pressure cracks even the strongest and biggest of rocks... how much weaker are people?

Accidental death - quick and "blameless" - has a lot less risk associated, IMO.
A well staged accident is still a lot easier to avoid prosecution than a fake abduction, IMO. She might even get some extra sympathy if she made it look like she put in a valiant effort to save him.

She must have known that the abduction scheme would unearth the landscaper story.

Enough time and pressure cracks even the strongest and biggest of rocks... how much weaker are people?

Accidental death - quick and "blameless" - has a lot less risk associated, IMO.
I had the same thought with Casey A, why not a brief accident? but I figured she didnt want to be blamed forever.
Maybe she felt her life was so boring she wanted the excitement, she is a CSI fan, maybe she was wanting the attention, as usually these types of cases draw, maybe she just wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. It makes me sick to type that.
I wish I could think of one good logical idea, but honestly I can't.
As with most real crimes, they never make any sense to me.
I will never understand things like murder when you can divorce.
Feeling stuck in a marriage when you can divorce.
Why someone would raise a child , The child who by all appearances looks well cared for, would suddenly make them disappear. I can't understand that.
I can't understand with no past of violence or abuse towards children, would suddenly one day snap and make that child disappear.
I haven't seen anywhere where anyone has said she has any form of mental illness, depression or otherwise.
I also don't understand what kind of anger you would have to have to hire someone to kill your husband either, personally if I had that much anger, I wouldnt be able to live under the same roof with them.
She wanted a perfect family-just the three of them. With Kyron out of the way, Kaine would give all his attention to her and Baby K. Kyron took up too much time and attention and wasn't hers.

It doesn't always have to be mental illness. Some people are just pure evil. Sure doctors are always going to try and lable everything as some sort of brain problem, chemical inbalance, psychotic break down, what ever but the truth is some people are just cold, heartless and evil.
She wanted a perfect family-just the three of them. With Kyron out of the way, Kaine would give all his attention to her and Baby K. Kyron took up too much time and attention and wasn't hers.


Thats what I was thinking too, until the little ball dropped about her trying to hire someone to kill Kaine, that kinda throws a wrench in the theory.
I'm back to thinking she wanted to hurt Kaine and Desiree...I think this is all about revenge against the people who loved Kyron who Terri thought had wronged / outshone / outdid / shamed / humiliated or whatevered her. I'm thinking narcissistic injury.
I'm back to thinking she wanted to hurt Kaine and Desiree...I think this is all about revenge against the people who loved Kyron who Terri thought had wronged / outshone / outdid / shamed / humiliated or whatevered her. I'm thinking narcissistic injury.

I have a lot of questions that we don't have the answers to, but here are some that are swirling around my head atm.

All things which would lead to major anger and jealousy on Terris part.

1. If Terri was always the one who met up with Desiree to drop off Kyron, it could very well be because Terri did not want Desiree and Kaine spending ANY time together.

2. What if Desiree had discussed parenting issues with Kaine, saying she didn't like the way terri was handling things with Kyron, and Kaine backed her up?

3.What if Kyron and Terri were butting heads, and Kyron said something like "You're not my mommy! One day my real mom and dad will be together again and you will have to go away." (most kids dream of bio-parents reuniting)

4. While Terri's appearance has gone downhill, desiree has such natural beauty. Maybe Terri got paranoid thinking he would start an affair or reunite with her.

Remove Kyron from the picture, then there's no reason for Kaine and Desiree to have any more contact.
Since the hit-man revelation has emerged it's pretty clear TH thinks murder is a good solution to HER problems. I still want to believe that it's a ransom situation gone wrong, but going with TH's murder strategy - there's multiple motives - anything that could possibly benefit HER, because to somebody who finds taking another's life a viable solution is always tallying up slights real and imagined.

My best guess now with murder on her mind is that when the initial hit-man scenario didn't pan out she re-thought it. She had to be faking love to her husband all that time, with anger and resentment building daily as she did that, possibly more hatred towards Kaine than she had in the first place. So she decided it would be easier to kill Kyron than Kaine because she could make it look like a pedophile did it, and she could make it look like the school was negligent (and there may even be some resentment on her part towards the school personnel or school system if she perceived herself a better teacher). She would then get to watch Kaine suffer and pay him back for her perceived suffering. Watch Desiree suffer.

And when everything settled down, and everybody knew how despondant Kaine was in his grief, she would be able to off poor Kaine right at home and make it look like a suicide - and nobody would be shocked at that given the circumstances. Then TH would have it all. All the people who bugged her out of her life, her daughter all hers, all the money from insurance and lawsuits related to the kidnapping hers, the house hers, no stigma of being a three time divorcee but instead the heroic woman who'd suffered bravely through a double tragedy. If there was house insurance maybe she'd even get the house paid off upon Kaine's "suicide". Her son would get to come back. She'd never have to see Desiree again. She'd be free to move another man into her life. She'd enjoy the attention being the bereaved widow.

Still hoping it was a botched ransom plot, somehow, someway, and that she'll be clever enough to be able to bring Kyron home.
I personally think that she is a very self centred person and that Kyron was not really hers and she never felt close to him.......I think she did the mummy duties but the real mum was quite heavily involved and I think Kyron saw desiree as mum and her as the stepmum.......that would be quite hard to deal with if you are doing all the hard yards...sorry but just how I would feel.....

I dont think they ever really bonded because of desiree being the mummy in Kyrons eyes...so when she thinks hubby is having an affair and HER son has to leave because he can not get on with Kyron, she has thought "stuff this" I'm bringing up someone elses son for a guy who dares to have a fling on me and lose my own because he cant try to get on with my son......anger and vengenance.....

I know there are alot of stepmums out there.....but in the majority of the cases the mums have the kids and the stepmums have them on the weekends with the dads......this is a case of the reverse.....I have been there done that and it can be bloomin hard...........I can imagine anger being built up if your hubby the father of the child is having a fling and you are not being able to mother your own child because of this man..........I of course CAN NOT imagine going to this extreme though.........
But in my heart now I believe she did kill him.

I agree, unfortunately. But hey, I hope I'm wrong!

It doesn't always have to be mental illness. Some people are just pure evil. Sure doctors are always going to try and label everything as some sort of brain problem, chemical inbalance, psychotic break down, what ever but the truth is some people are just cold, heartless and evil.

THANK YOU butterfly1978. Totally agree. And G-D I am so sick of defense attourneys using that excuse (PPD or mental illness) and the jury/judge falling for it.

If you hurt or kill a child, and it was not an accident (proven thoroughly), then you ARE OUTTA HERE!!

These new revelations about how Kaine and Desiree feel about Terri are HUGE. I just feel so bad for them having to wait it out each day, not knowing where their sweet little boy is. :(

And of course, poor Kyron. And---his poor sister!! She will surely suffer too, as she ages, knowing what her mother was (allegedly) involved in.
All good theories here. I find it eerie but interesting, though, that the first two posts of this thread talked about PPD two days before we found out she had it. You guys are good!

I do agree that with the PPD, the possible affair Kaine was having (we don't know if it was real or imagined at this point, but either way, it was on her mind), and the resentment of mostly raising a kid not her own (which is so shallow and cold, btw. Just because she didn't give birth to Kyron doesn't make him less of a person to love. As a stepmom, that really offends me), and the failed plot to off Kaine, I can totally see her having this fantasy of getting rid of them both and living happily ever after. The problem is that fantasy is not reality, and I have the feeling this entire case did not go as planned at all for her. Something happened to change things, and things have just gone downhill ever since for her. Talk about the biggest karma bite in the butt I have ever seen if she did kill him. She certainly is not living her fantasy right now.
I am still strongly leaning towards the idea that she meant to do something to KH and got Kyron by accident, possibly a poisoning error. That's the only theory that really ties up all the case details for me - if the story is true that she wanted KH dead, I don't know why she would switch to Kyron. If she didn't like Kyron, getting his dad out of the way would have simply sent Kyron back to DY, so there was no reason to kill him (except, of course, to keep KH's insurance money, as you all have said, which, of course, is a strong motive). I might be off the deep end, but I think Kyron might have gotten the wrong breakfast plate that morning. MOO.

This also explains the look on her face those first days - she was horrified by her error and how much trouble she had landed herself in, and in shock, IMO.

ERA: I know this sounds like utter fiction, but so does everything else in this case!

Why a Duck, ITA. .
I keep thinking a car/truck accident with BOTH KH & Kyron in the truck would solve her problems . . the 2 time towing of the truck has always raised my hinkey meter.

I think Kyron had seen/ heard enough to where he was trouble for her, aside from the fact that given she seems to be detached emotionally. The dream / astro threads kept coming up with boxes, bees etc. If he went into anaphylactic shock with a bee sting, that would not be out of the question either.

These latest pressers give insight into just how much DY & KH had long time, deep seated issues, this could easily be getting back at Desiree too.
LE is on this. I do not believe he is alive.I pray I'm wrong. I do not care what her problems are with her Marriage or PPD. It does not matter. No excuse. I'm sick of our children being abused and killed.
Well, it took me a while to get there, but I am going to guess that the reason she wanted either Kaine and/or Kyron out of her life is because she really just wanted DESIREE out of her life.

Desiree is gorgeous. She is well-spoken. She is a picture of class.

Add PPD and weight gain to the mix and, man, can you just imagine the arguments in the Horman household over any conversation that Kaine had with Desiree about ANYTHING?

But her little plan has backfired on her. Now we have Kaine and Desiree at news conferences standing side by side.

Terri must be going ape .

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