If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

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RE Poisoning-Unless it was an accident? If perhaps she had prepared a 'snack' for Kaine that Kyron ate? I don't really see poisoning as a method to kill Kaine, however-too obvious and easily discoverable on autopsy..she was educated enough, I believe, to be aware of the risks there...
I often wondered if Terri was having an affair. Women seem to get 'rid' of their kids to start a new life. Don't know.

Why try to have her husband killed? That MUST be related.

I don't think she would just "hide" Kyron. But she might have sold him.
Pure hatefulness and spite....
I can't wrap my mind around wanting to hurt anyone. I want him home and safe. All we can do is pray.
I often wondered if Terri was having an affair. Women seem to get 'rid' of their kids to start a new life. Don't know.

Why try to have her husband killed? That MUST be related.

I don't think she would just "hide" Kyron. But she might have sold him.

That's what I think if she is the responsible one. The person wants a new life and will get rid of everyone who stands in their way of that.

We've seen that in Laci Peterson's and Caylee Anthony's murders.
I have done a complete 180 on my opinion of this woman in recent weeks. Knowing now that her world was crumbling around her in terms of her family life, taking this anger out on an innocent child is the easiest thing to do. And what better revenge against someone than taking away what they love the most - a child or (like KC, a grandchild.) It's sick but in her own mind, she probably justified whatever it is she did. And at this point, if Kyron was alive, I think she'd be offering where he is. She's backed into a corner now.
Someone who was on one of the HLN shows called it the "Peterson" syndrome, after Scott Peterson. The killer wants out of a relationship but doesn't want to leave the people he or she is leaving behind. John List also comes to mind.
Someone who was on one of the HLN shows called it the "Peterson" syndrome, after Scott Peterson. The killer wants out of a relationship but doesn't want to leave the people he or she is leaving behind. John List also comes to mind.

yes! John List case...another great example...he got his new life too for what? 20-ish years? Thanks heavens he was finally brought to justice.

If TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, I'd bet it's "wants a new life" syndrome, maybe coupled with a desire to hurt Kaine.
Thinking like Terri:

Terri was having serious problems emotionally and it was physically draining herself taking care of the 3 children while she existed in a not so happy marriage. She turned outward for blame instead of inward. It was everyone elses fault she was "in the position she was". Terri was ANGRY. Anger becomes a problem, if we "bottle it up" or if we 'blow up". Both of these extremes cause problems for the angry people and for those around them.

-She was unhappy with her marriage, and with her image which were both spiraling out of control causing her emotions and resentment to rapidly fluctuate.

-Her oldest son who was now a teenager and probably more vocal and questioning than he previously was, added to an already stressed out marriage. If her son goes...so does some of her stressors.

- Lil Kyron may have talked non stop about the GREAT visits with his bio Mom and the happiness going on in that home. Resentment continued to boil inside her. She thought she had control by ensuring she dealt with bio Mom, driving to drop Kyron off and the long drive would have driven her batty as Kyron would be excited about the pending visits. Terri resented anything to do with bio Mom and became jealous as afterall Terri WAS HIS TRUE MOTHER. Terri had given soooo selflessly of herself!! SHE had raised Kyron. The bio Mom was just that...the bio Mom...a mere visitor in K's life. This was all a BIG STRESSOR for years...and it continued to get worse. Terri was livid Kaine put HER in this position.

-Meanwhile, Kaine was having a hard time with the emotional tug of wars in the marriage. The emotional tantrums from his adult wife were taking his marriage on a rollar coaster ride. Hard to deal with all the ups and downs. Kaine never knew which way the wind blew when he came home. Terri became VERY needy and it didn't matter what he did...he couldn't fill those needs. He stopped trying and filled the void with doing whatever he could to make the best of it by helping the children (to make things easier for Terri). It became easier and easier for Kaine to focuss on survival, work and the children. Terri was left to focus on herself and hopefully work through her "problems"...but Terri's time was spent in pointing fingers and more anger brewed.

As Terri became more and more outraged...she blamed Kaine. The more time Kaine spent "away" just trying to endure the more fixated she became. Terri was really incensed and enraged and someone had to pay...she was fed up.

She allegedly hired a LS to murder Kaine...but did she realy want that

It would have been more self fullfilling FOR HER to hurt lil Kyron...then BOTH Kaine and the bio Mom--->WOULD REALLY KNOW WHAT SHE FELT ALL THOSE YEARS OF SELFLESS SERVICE.
So praying lil Kyron is found...it's all so heartbreaking

WHY? WHY? You hear that stu? i think she wants a motive. did norman bates have a motive? did they ever figure out why hannibal lecter liked to eat people? i think its a lot scarier when there is no motive syd!"
billy loomis-scream

so many potential motives and any of them would make sense, if she did it. but the above quote i think fits my feelings, its a lot scarier when either you dont know the motive, or there is none.

maybe she had a psychotic break, for example
That's what I think if she is the responsible one. The person wants a new life and will get rid of everyone who stands in their way of that.

We've seen that in Laci Peterson's and Caylee Anthony's murders.

Except that Kyron did not stand in the way of her happiness. If she wanted to be with someone else she just needed to divorce KH and in the process she would also eliminate Kyron from her life. It is her daughter that she would not be able to get rid of. I don't think the reason would be another man, a new life.

If she is guilty I think her hatred and anger towards KH (for what exact reasons I'm not sure) caused her to do this. She wanted to make him suffer.
JMO - I think it was pure jealousy of the relationship that Kaine had with Kyron. I think she wanted her perfect family and that perfect family didn't include her oldest son nor did it include Kyron. Her perfect family was herself, Kaine, and baby K. Perhaps she might have mentioned to Kaine that he send Kyron to live with his mother and Kaine balked at that idea making her become increasingly resentful of the relationship between Kaine and Kyron so she decided to eliminate that obstacle. Why she decided to put a hit on Kaine is beyond me but perhaps she was just so enraged that he wouldn't send Kyron to live with Desiree that she decided to get rid of him as well. Maybe by the grace of God Kyron is alive and we will know all the details once LE finds him.
Maybe Terri met some guy on Facebook, or even some sexual Internet chat room. Maybe what started out as a not-so-innocent flirtation turned into something even darker, and more sinister.

Maybe Terri handed Kyron over to this guy, to 'get back' at Kaine, for whatever reason.

Maybe the guy Terri might have handed Kyron over to is a pedophile, and Terri even knew it, or suspected it, and didn't care.

God, I hope not. But, something happened to Kyron. Alive or not, he has to be somewhere.

And, I remember during at least one press conference, when asked if it was possible that Terri had an accomplice, Kaine and Desiree both looked at each other as if unsure of how to answer, and there was a long uncomfortable pause as the question hung in the air.
I'm back to thinking she wanted to hurt Kaine and Desiree...I think this is all about revenge against the people who loved Kyron who Terri thought had wronged / outshone / outdid / shamed / humiliated or whatevered her. I'm thinking narcissistic injury.

I have a lot of questions that we don't have the answers to, but here are some that are swirling around my head atm.

All things which would lead to major anger and jealousy on Terris part.

1. If Terri was always the one who met up with Desiree to drop off Kyron, it could very well be because Terri did not want Desiree and Kaine spending ANY time together.

2. What if Desiree had discussed parenting issues with Kaine, saying she didn't like the way terri was handling things with Kyron, and Kaine backed her up?

3.What if Kyron and Terri were butting heads, and Kyron said something like "You're not my mommy! One day my real mom and dad will be together again and you will have to go away." (most kids dream of bio-parents reuniting)

4. While Terri's appearance has gone downhill, desiree has such natural beauty. Maybe Terri got paranoid thinking he would start an affair or reunite with her.

Remove Kyron from the picture, then there's no reason for Kaine and Desiree to have any more contact.
I feel both of these posts are so right-on-target that they should be re-posted!
RE Poisoning-Unless it was an accident? If perhaps she had prepared a 'snack' for Kaine that Kyron ate? I don't really see poisoning as a method to kill Kaine, however-too obvious and easily discoverable on autopsy..she was educated enough, I believe, to be aware of the risks there...

Yes, but some poisons are erroneously thought to be undetectable - digitalis, for one. It does show up, but many people believe it does not. Digitalis poisoning would result in a heart attack a few hours later, IIRC, which would make sense if you were trying to off a middle aged man when you have a safe alibi, IF you believed it to be untraceable. In a healthy child, though, a sudden heart attack would be hard to explain, hence panic and hiding the body.

So, basically my point is that she would know that some poisons would show up, but maybe she'd read too many bad crime novels and thought some were untraceable.

Some folks get awfully certain that they can commit the "perfect crime."
I have done a complete 180 on my opinion of this woman in recent weeks. Knowing now that her world was crumbling around her in terms of her family life, taking this anger out on an innocent child is the easiest thing to do. And what better revenge against someone than taking away what they love the most - a child or (like KC, a grandchild.) It's sick but in her own mind, she probably justified whatever it is she did. And at this point, if Kyron was alive, I think she'd be offering where he is. She's backed into a corner now.

If she did do this as you have outlined (and I do agree it's a distinct possibility) then she might not have consciously done so IMHO. It might have been a subconcious deflection of anger/frustration/need to control. Say for example: I'm angry and frustrated at my Husband or our relationship is no longer in my control (to the extent I want it to be) but I won't physically attack him directly, I will focus my anger on his child who can't fight back and defend themselves. I think they call that passive-aggressive? We have a lot of trained pro's here who would know.

Just curious.
"To Hurt Kaine" or to stop Kyron from telling something she did or said.
I can think of no reason she would hide him.Nothing for her to gain.
I'm going to be optimistic.

If Terri is willfully involved in Kyron's abduction, and if he is alive, perhaps she is hiding him in a misguided attempt to protect him. Honestly, abducting him and keeping him alive as a way to get back at Kaine is a little out there for me, and more trouble than it's worth for someone with that motivation. If Terri is responsible for Kyron's abduction and the motive was to torture Kaine, then I believe she would've killed Kyron or had him killed. Staging an abduction and paying someone to keep Kyron alive, to care for him, to continue to take this kind of risk requires a different motivation and dedication, IMHO.

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