If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

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Sep 10, 2012
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If you could ask one Ramsey one question (and get the truthful answer), what would it be and why?

This includes PR, but excludes JBR.
For John: My question would be how does it feel to be exposed (again) for lying about the Grand Jury indictments? You know, you made it a point to tell us in your first book that the Grand Jury didn't indict either you or Patsy. I'd almost forgotten about how you said the indictments against you and Patsy were just more "drama" last year when word leaked (Thank you Charlie Brennan!) about a small particle of truth about you and Patsy.

For Patsy: I hope that you have finally found peace. I guess the only question for Patsy would be, how hard was it to keep up the charade and NOT tell the truth about what really happened to your daughter?

I can't really think of one question I'd ask Burke, because I feel like the he has suffered enough knowing the truth about what happened to his sister. I imagine he has carried the burden with him his whole life.


PS: Great idea for a thread Tawny! :loveyou:
God,only ONE question?
I would grill him for hours LOL

okay...one question.....it would be for JR

WHO did you call before PR dialed 911?
I'm with madeleine. I can't seem to narrow it down to just one question. Still thinking...
I know this is a ridiculously obvious answer, as everyone wants to know the same thing, but (while I'm trying to narrow down another question!), I'd ask all 3 Ramsey's in turn: Did you do it??

This would have to mean Patsy was still alive, of course!
Pardon the fact that my strict religious upbringing influenced this post...it's a little hell-fire & brimstone.

Since they claim to be a God-fearing family, I'd ask, On judgment day, how do you plan to justify to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost the molestation, violent killing, and coverup of your innocent child? If I were allowed a follow-up I'd ask, "When you're banished to hell, will you finally take responsibility for JonBenet's killing?" Maybe, both of these questions fall under the question of "When are you going to man-up and admit you did it??"
For John: My question would be how does it feel to be exposed (again) for lying about the Grand Jury indictments? You know, you made it a point to tell us in your first book that the Grand Jury didn't indict either you or Patsy. I'd almost forgotten about how you said the indictments against you and Patsy were just more "drama" last year when word leaked (Thank you Charlie Brennan!) about a small particle of truth about you and Patsy.

For Patsy: I hope that you have finally found peace. I guess the only question for Patsy would be, how hard was it to keep up the charade and NOT tell the truth about what really happened to your daughter?

I can't really think of one question I'd ask Burke, because I feel like the he has suffered enough knowing the truth about what happened to his sister. I imagine he has carried the burden with him his whole life.


PS: Great idea for a thread Tawny! :loveyou:

The answer to your first question is that the deliberations were secret and the results never revealed until much later. So, the Ramseys would not have known the outcome until they found out about it the same time we did. So there is no lie involved.
The answer to your first question is that the deliberations were secret and the results never revealed until much later. So, the Ramseys would not have known the outcome until they found out about it the same time we did. So there is no lie involved.
that would be plausible in a "normal" case. with all of the well known unprecedented special treatment afforded the privileged individuals in this case, it is much less plausible

I believe that the existence of the indictments was known and there was reassurance that they would disappear. which happened
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

my question to each would be: why?
The answer to your first question is that the deliberations were secret and the results never revealed until much later. So, the Ramseys would not have known the outcome until they found out about it the same time we did. So there is no lie involved.

TBH, I think they were well aware of the GJ findings. They were allegedly very good friends with the DA, why wouldn't their friend at least warn them? JMO!
Of course they knew! They were spoon fed all of the evidence, etc. so why not the GJ results too? Just one more lie they were caught telling.
Pardon the fact that my strict religious upbringing influenced this post...it's a little hell-fire & brimstone.

Since they claim to be a God-fearing family, I'd ask, On judgment day, how do you plan to justify to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost the molestation, violent killing, and coverup of your innocent child? If I were allowed a follow-up I'd ask, "When you're banished to hell, will you finally take responsibility for JonBenet's killing?" Maybe, both of these questions fall under the question of "When are you going to man-up and admit you did it??"

Luke 6:37
Luke 6:37

While I agree with the sentiment of the verse, I don't claim to believe in God in the form that Christians believe in him. I don't disrespect those who are Christians. I have a number of thoughts on the subject of the Christian God & organized religion which are not appropriate for this forum. My post was merely a way I'd speak to the Ramseys in their own language. Since I strongly believe they are culpable in the molestation & death of their daughter, I have a hard time understanding how they justify their actions in their own minds. The same goes for many so-called Christians who perpetrate atrocities. Speaking on a personal level, you're just seeing a glimpse of bitterness I harbor towards the "Christians" who touched my life. It is not a broad stroke, however, against Christians in general.
Hold on....don't judge others?
What the?

Pardon my completely ANTI-Religious beliefs, but judging is part and parcel of what this place is all about.

We look at clues, we look at evidence, we assess the information, we study the people involved, we profile the type of person who might be involved in such a crime and you know what else...at the end of this, we decide.

Did they do it, did they not do it.

If/when they go to trial, they are judged by the jury. Their peers if you will.
If found guilty, they are then prosecuted by...a JUDGE.

Human life is about judging. To drag out some verse from the Bible and slap it here as some higher moral standard for the rest of us to uphold in a 17 year old murder case is offensive to me, especially in this case where belief in God has been used as something to hide behind rather than some standard to live by.
So having ranted on, here is MY question to either male Ramsey family member.

How do you sleep at night?
How do you uphold a moral superiority over the rest of the population knowing what happened, knowing how you avoided and evaded, lied and deceived and then have the calm demeanour to rest your head on a pillow after the day is done and sleep for one single second without a rising feeling of self-loathing and revulsion causing you to be ill on any...single...night.

Then I would tell him he sickens me and not wait for an answer.
Human life is about judging. To drag out some verse from the Bible and slap it here as some higher moral standard for the rest of us to uphold in a 17 year old murder case is offensive to me, especially in this case where belief in God has been used as something to hide behind rather than some standard to live by.
ITA that life/human interaction is all about judging. and some people don't judge enough!

when you decide that you will/won't return to a restaurant/store/hotel/amusement park, that's judging. when you decide who you will/won't associate with, that's judging. etc/etc

someone close to me continually drags out the "I don't judge and I don't appreciate being judged" when they're on the receiving end of criticism (real or implied)
Hold on....don't judge others?
What the?

Pardon my completely ANTI-Religious beliefs, but judging is part and parcel of what this place is all about.

We look at clues, we look at evidence, we assess the information, we study the people involved, we profile the type of person who might be involved in such a crime and you know what else...at the end of this, we decide.

Did they do it, did they not do it.

If/when they go to trial, they are judged by the jury. Their peers if you will.
If found guilty, they are then prosecuted by...a JUDGE.

Human life is about judging. To drag out some verse from the Bible and slap it here as some higher moral standard for the rest of us to uphold in a 17 year old murder case is offensive to me, especially in this case where belief in God has been used as something to hide behind rather than some standard to live by.
I posted the verse in response to a post I'd interpreted to be related. A lot of what I read here is offensive...
I would want to talk to Patsy. I would ask her a question only a mother would know that applies to my own experiences, that has never failed me. Thank. God. (Long, suspenseful, traumatic story, changed my life.)
The forum, in general. It's hard to keep track of who doesn't play nice. The nice guys are either outnumbered or out posted, not sure.

I guess you have to look at it this way.

A lot of people feel (rightly or wrongly) that they are personally connected to this case because they have invested so much time on it over the last 17 years. It is, in effect, like questioning their religion (just to stay on topic ;) ).

So when someone has something they feel has already been addressed many times questioned or not interpreted as they have, they get a bit narky.

As is often said, everyone wants the same outcome - to find out who did it, so I guess thinking about that is probably the best way to approach the posts.

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