If You Could Ask ONE Question and Get ONE Truthful Answer, What Would it Be?

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To Cindy and George: Stripping away your parental love for a moment and seeing the situation as an objective observer, at what age did Casey's lack of empathy become apparent?

Excellent question!
I would ask her what she had planned for her future after dumping her daughter like a bag of trash. What did she really think was going to happen? Also, does she understand now that Caylee is much more important and wonderful than she will ever be!

Right now I just want to know about those iron on letters. What are the letters and what could they:


I would ask her what she had planned for her future after dumping her daughter like a bag of trash. What did she really think was going to happen? Also, does she understand now that Caylee is much more important and wonderful than she will ever be!


Great questions. How did she really think life would be after Caylee's murder? Did she really think she'd get away with it and did she think her paents would just get over it? I know, more than one question, but I'm kind of reading into your questions, Vegas Bride.
Because it might explain everything in the family dynamics, because that is one thing nobody can explain. Forensics and the rest of the evidence explains what happened for the most part, but the fascinating strangeness to the family might help prevent this tragedy in other families in the future. There are good parking lot discussions regarding this. If I know this, it may put all the pieces together.

To Casey I would ask: What were you thinking, we wouldn't find out? Duhhh!
To GA I would ask: Why did you ever go back to Cindy?
To CA I would ask: Do you KNOW the difference between right and wrong?
CA why do you continue to enable KC while Caylee's remains sit in a box at the funeral home?
Casey, did she suffer? I am not sure why I want to know this, but I think it is because I am hoping that she did not. Then again, how could she not?:mad:
HOW EXACTLY did you murder your baby????????
Was it worth taking your baby's life and essentially ending your own just so you wouldn't have to work and be responsible?
If she would be ABSOLUTELY truthful I would ask her ... Why? With so many other options available, just why? ...Otherwise I'd ask who do you want to play you in the movie? Only because I think that is about the only thing she would be truthful about ... ever, after all SHE is the victim! It's all about KC ... Oh, and Baez -- aka Latino Lawyer of the Century!
So many good questions ... the ZFG question has bugged me as well.

To MR: How were you able to find little Caylee's remains so easily in December when the police, TES, private PIs, and hundreds of volunteers had scanned that same area along Suburban Dr. before and had come up empty?

Follow-up to MR: What was the white bag you saw in August, and why couldn't you locate it again with the detective? Did what you saw in August match what you found in December or was it different? Are you psychic or did you overhear something?
I want the answers to the money - all of it

the donations- the trust fund - the defense - the licensing fees

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