If You Could Ask ONE Question and Get ONE Truthful Answer, What Would it Be?

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my question would be how...
i can kinda guess WHY....but there's too many holes/theories as to how it happened
To Casey,

What could anyone have done to stop you from murdering your baby ?

Excellent question! :clap: IF she had an answer, there is the possibility of saving other children.

What signals should we look for in other people to prevent them from murdering their children?
Respectfully snipped for space:

KC’s supposed secrets and drama. She always communicated like that ‘I’ve got something to tell you’ “What?” ‘Oh I can’t tell you right now but it’s juicy, I’ll fill you in later’. She spoke that way to Amy and the fellow in California and I recall her texts are full of that type of comment. Even now the defense is: just wait until you hear this young ladies side of the story … it’ll shock you and then you’ll understand. Right on KC you’ve taught JB well.

Great observation! :clap: Thanks for pointing it out.
Much like finding a genie in a bottle and being granted three wishes ( and using one of them for MORE wishes) I would like to ask a single question in a manner that would allow me to get in more than one question.
After the obvious "Why" and "How", my question would be, Why Now? What precipitated this, that wasn't going on in the past two and a half years?
Wow, what a thread!!

If I had a chance to ask a question and get a straight forward answer.

Knowing what you know now and what your life/surroundings are now, if you had the chance to go back to June 9th and REDO your life from that point, would Caylee be alive or would she still end up dead for what she or your Mom did to you?

How I wish you could go back and make it right. The world will never know the
glory of what she could have brought to all of us had she lived.
I have so many questions I would like to ask. Since I can only pick one, I would like to know where KC parked her stinking car say from the 18th of June to when it was left at Amscot. She no doubt drove it some of the time and there were other times when she didn't use it at all, ie when she had Amy's and TonE's cars. Where did she park it when not in use.
I kinda changed my mind on my question..I hope that is okay.
I would like to ask BC if he thinks that Casey should have taken a plea deal a long time ago, and if he thinks that Baez is hurting the case worse by continuing to move forward with this case as if CAsey is innocent of any wrong doing.
I would love for someone to ask him this question, and beg that he tell his professional opinion, not the opinion of his clients.
I would ask Casey: Exactly what happened /what was said during the June 15th fight between Cindy and you?
I posted a flippant response the first time I responded to this thread because at the time I really had nothing I wanted to ask of her.

Now, I want to know "how". Because I don't think she will ever reveal what went on in Caylee's final moments. I just want to know for Caylee. So that I can say to myself, I now know what you went through. Bless all of the hearts of children that are murdered by their parents.
If I could ask one question and get an honest answer I would not be talking to Casey Anthony.

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