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I believe in psychics, but like everything and everyone not perfect or 100% right all the time, but I will say this account is much too detailed, usually information is not given so clear or so detailed and sometimes in stages, not all at once. This sounds too perfect.
Actually when I watched this I was thinking more along the lines of CA's bf Tony's car being repaired & his dad paid by CC over the phone....? Anyone else remember seeing that in the 400pgs of released docs....
Actually when I watched this I was thinking more along the lines of CA's bf Tony's car being repaired & his dad paid by CC over the phone....? Anyone else remember seeing that in the 400pgs of released docs....

yes, I do,
Since she says that Caylee called George "Pop", I'd be interested to know if that's indeed what she called him.

She called George and Cindy something like Gee Gee and Cee Cee. Definitely not Pop. She calims to have read/seen nothing of this but knew that the family was having great trouble. Very vague messages. How come these Psychics are neveer specific on body location. She said Caylee was specific in naming Tony and that a man hid her body. Where did he hide her? On a dune or hill? GMAFB
I'm with ya PattyCake, Sylvia Brown ruined it for me when she claimed all seven trapped Miners were alive. She swore to it! But only one survived while she was still on the air.
I don't know the general message psychic receive but this sounds like a letter she herself has written to try to compell Casey to talk. I vote faker!

Sylvia Brown makes 10,000 vague predictions and when one is close to right, claims her brilliance. I can do as well. You can too.
The Orlando area has about 1 pond or lake every sq mile. I am waiting for one of the psychics to hit the standard "She is near water". Some may be legit. Would the legit ones say where Caylee is instead of giving a bunch of general vagueness that can be remembered from elementary geography. C'mon Psychics...Step up.
I'm trying to re-find where I read in the 400pgs of docs abt the car repairs........ anyone? If memory serves it was some sort of stated as being 'minor damage' - Actually, now thinking about it, did this happen while he was back in NY on vaca or whilst he was in FL.....? was someone else (CA?) using his car while he was gone....?
My first post, after a LOT of reading. Hope this is how you do it. I've seen so many posts on this sight about "hinkey meters" and "gut feelings", and things "just not sitting right. I think we all have a little intuition, some have a little more and have learned to hone in on it. My personal opinion, commercializing probably ruins a true gift.
Sylvia Brown makes 10,000 vague predictions and when one is close to right, claims her brilliance. I can do as well. You can too.

SB is a FRAUD! She told Shaun Hornbeck's parents he was dead, had been dead for years. He wasn't.

I am not one to put much stock in these people. Nope, not at all!
SB is a FRAUD! She told Shaun Hornbeck's parents he was dead, had been dead for years. He wasn't.

I am not one to put much stock in these people. Nope, not at all!

SB gave the media a specific persons name in the hunt for the Baton Rouge SK. The name was wrong, the media had the sense not to print it. It was later found to be Derrick Todd Lee.

She has become wealthy off of frauding desperate individuals.
Just so you know you have heard a truth:

The Lord doesn't use the "Dead", already passed to communicate with us. He has too many of the living to do this. Only wihen someone hears from the dark side it is a "familiar spirit", but not the actual deceased person.

We don't have to communicate with the dead when we have a living God, prophets and the means of prayer for communication to receive all the answers we need.

The "Real Dead" can't and doesn't communicate with us. But spirits of the dark side try to imitate those that have passed in order to trick us into believing it's of them, our passed deceased loved ones.

Now we as the living can be led into truths, answers and mysteries we seek resolution in. Delving into these spirits can open up doors into one's life that need not be there.

We will find out what has happened to Caylee, and will be able to bring her the Love, Honor and memoriam she deserves in the time to come. Patience is a virtuous trait and a very wise course.

Yes. and so it doesn't turn into a religious debate, i will leave it alone.
I totally agree.
I'm with ya PattyCake, Sylvia Brown ruined it for me when she claimed all seven trapped Miners were alive. She swore to it! But only one survived while she was still on the air.
I don't know the general message psychic receive but this sounds like a letter she herself has written to try to compell Casey to talk. I vote faker!

Only my opinion, but it doesn't ring true to me.
Sylvia Brown makes 10,000 vague predictions and when one is close to right, claims her brilliance. I can do as well. You can too.

I think one of the most dangerous things she does -- apart from lying to families that want to know about loved ones -- is that she tries to diagnose medical conditions and even tells people their doctors are wrong. "They were looking in the wrong place...it's not your diaphragm, it's your esophagus" -- that type of thing. There are apparently some people who believe that old hag (why, I will never know...but they do), and I have always been afraid for their health and even lives if they put stock in what she says.

I just don't know about the possibility of real psychics. I am not a believer in the full-on psychic thing, but I am not completely closed to the notion that some people are so intuitive they might be able to glean things the oblivious among us may not. I don't think SB can intuit anything except this -- $$$$$ -- for appearing on Montel and from the poor saps who buy her books and attend her seminars and such. Disgraceful, IMO.
I do not expect her voice to be scratchy like Demi Moore's, or like

the singer who sings" Bette Davis Eyes"

but this is a little voice.
I think one of the most dangerous things she does -- apart from lying to families that want to know about loved ones -- is that she tries to diagnose medical conditions and even tells people their doctors are wrong. "They were looking in the wrong place...it's not your diaphragm, it's your esophagus" -- that type of thing. There are apparently some people who believe that old hag (why, I will never know...but they do), and I have always been afraid for their health and even lives if they put stock in what she says.

I just don't know about the possibility of real psychics. I am not a believer in the full-on psychic thing, but I am not completely closed to the notion that some people are so intuitive they might be able to glean things the oblivious among us may not. I don't think SB can intuit anything except this -- $$$$$ -- for appearing on Montel and from the poor saps who buy her books and attend her seminars and such. Disgraceful, IMO.

My opinion of SB is she is fake.

Her x's like most x's do not like her much.
Cool... LOL!! Now I'm feeling the love...

Not true...bad info.

My first post, after a LOT of reading. Hope this is how you do it. I've seen so many posts on this sight about "hinkey meters" and "gut feelings", and things "just not sitting right. I think we all have a little intuition, some have a little more and have learned to hone in on it. My personal opinion, commercializing probably ruins a true gift.

Yes. and so it doesn't turn into a religious debate, i will leave it alone.
I totally agree.

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