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I'm not calling you a Satanist, that word isn't even in my vocabulary til I just typed it. I dont' even know what it means, not really. I'm also not limiting. Especially not limiting the spiritual realm. Anyone that knows me, knows I'm a big believer in the spirit realm, both of the dark side and the light.

Our Lord however doesn't use the "dead" to communicate with us. Why does he have too? He's alive and well. I also have no doubts you may have received messages, feelings, all kinds of things. Along with your husband having this occurence you spoke of. But I would describe it and believe differently.

I absolutely believe all of us, each and everyone of us, have spiritual gifts, especially of prophesy for the Bible so clearly states, "That he would have it that we all would prophesy". So it's not just a few, but we all have abilities. Believe as you will, I'm not trying to change you.

I personally don't want to talk with the "dead", for there are spirits out there that want to resemble another, especially those passed on. This subject could be a whole forum, so I don't want to get things off track or off topic of this thread. Peace!

Hey guys, it's kind of like politics... We all have different views, religions, beliefs, etc. So because we're all different, we're going to have to be a little more accepting of others on this board for the sake of getting along. And no one should have to defend what they believe in or don't believe in, and no one should be passing judgement or condeming anyone that thinks or feels differently than they do. So let's embrace our differences, okay? Do you feel me? Am I feeling the love now?
I don't think I will listen to it.

I wholeheartedly believe in a spirit realm - like somebody else, I received a visit from my cat too, whom I loved dearly and nursed in her last days before letting her go peacefully.

PhoneBoothBandit and curiositycat, Thank you for posting about your pets. I, too, believe in the spirit realm but have heard conflicting things about animals' spirits and this reassures me that it is possible. I know there are people that don't believe in any of this and that's cool too but I really appreciate your posting this and am glad you were both able to feel your beloved pets' spirits around you.
I'm sorry. I may not know enough about what the beliefs are about spirits and how they speak, but this was certainly not a bareley three year old speaking. The language was much more like that of an adult trying to sound like a child. I did not believe this was Caylee speaking. Unless the intentions is that this is an older spirit speaking for Caylee (woooo), 2-3 year olds do not express themselves in this manner.

If you look back up to Concerned in Canada's post, she explains why it sounds that way, and what she says makes sense. Everyone has their own opinion of whether they want to believe the psychic or not. It sure makes sense though.
Do you get paid for work you do?[/quote]

Yes I do - I go to my office and work for my employer - what I dont do is prey on the hurt and grieving claiming things
as facts that I can neither prove or that will not have any negative consequences for me if I am wrong . While someone is investigating this supposed criminal another person of interest is being ignored .

I dont post on forums and websites that I have received a message
concerning a tragic national case all for the sole purpose of recognition
ego gratification and future revenues that directly benefit me

If all she wanted was to " get her message to Casey - the jail address
is not difficult to find . Her parents address is well known .

If the family wants psychic help then fine but I find someone injecting
themselves without an invitation knowing they will most likely gain financially from it win lose or draw in poor taste at the very least.
Do you get paid for work you do?

Yes I do - I go to my office and work for my employer - what I dont do is prey on the hurt and grieving claiming things
as facts that I can neither prove or that will not have any negative consequences for me if I am wrong . While someone is investigating this supposed criminal another person of interest is being ignored .

I dont post on forums and websites that I have received a message
concerning a tragic national case all for the sole purpose of recognition
ego gratification and future revenues that directly benefit me

If all she wanted was to " get her message to Casey - the jail address
is not difficult to find . Her parents address is well known .

If the family wants psychic help then fine but I find someone injecting
themselves without an invitation knowing they will most likely gain financially from it win lose or draw in poor taste at the very least.

Can we please stop this? AGAIN... we all have different views, religions, beliefs, etc. So because we're all different, we're going to have to be a little more accepting of each other for the sake of getting along on this board. And no one should have to defend what they believe in or don't believe in, and no one should be passing judgement or condeming anyone that thinks or feels differently than they do. So let's embrace our differences, okay? Do you feel me? Am I feeling the love now? Can I get a WS group hug?
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what if she is incahoots (sp?) with the Anthony's.
She's implying that a man close to Casey did this, on the heels of the Grunds saying they might be considered suspects and JB implying (again) that Casey knows where she is.
This psychic may have gone public to elicit sympathy for Casey and the Anthonys.

I *do* believe that people communicate from beyond, and I agree with whoever said that about God being limitless. But this "message" just doesn't sit right with me.

Right. This isn't a question of whether or not this woman "had a psychic
experience" with Caylee's spirit. I have a problem with a grown woman speaking for a 3 year old. This woman should have sat down personally with the Anthony's. Not go on a TV and tell us what to think and feel and give Casey our "forgiveness".

If she wants us to believe she is for real. Then she should be supporting the Anthony's personally. Lord knows they needs it.
Can we please stop this? AGAIN... we all have different views, religions, beliefs, etc. So because we're all different, we're going to have to be a little more accepting of each other for the sake of getting along on this board. And no one should have to defend what they believe in or don't believe in, and no one should be passing judgement or condeming anyone that thinks or feels differently than they do. So let's embrace our differences, okay? Do you feel me? Am I feeling the love now? Can I get a WS group hug?

I was unable to find a hug icon so use your imagination (hug) lol
Devils advocate, never ever heard any specific proof of any psychic providing perfect details in order to locate anyone. I know they are so broad and generalized, you could take anything they say and twist it. Even the cold reader psychics. Sorry folks, lost my full belief in them the very moment Sylvia Brown was so insistant to the grandmother that Opal Dace Jennings was on an island with a pedophile group that kidnapped her - without question! Then a few months later, Opal was found close to home murdered all that time.

All frauds - every last one of them. IMHO

I'm with ya PattyCake, Sylvia Brown ruined it for me when she claimed all seven trapped Miners were alive. She swore to it! But only one survived while she was still on the air.
I don't know the general message psychic receive but this sounds like a letter she herself has written to try to compell Casey to talk. I vote faker!
I don't know what to say here. I met with a psychic 7 months after my son was killed. I received very specific messages that only i would know about. I made sure the lady did not know anything about me or my family and even made sure she did not know my real name. I am a believer. I will meet with her in October 09 - near the 5th anniversary of my son's death. thanks for listening

Isabelle, sorry about the death of your son. I hope the passing five years has help with your grief.
MOunds mounds mounds.....UMM I think I'm psychic and the need to go to Turtle Mound at the beach in the park @ THE NATIONAL SEASHORE secluded area even during the day a few little bath houses along the way.....
No sorry guys I just dont think I'm buying into this....a 3 yr old (still 2 @ at TOD ) does not talk like this lady did
librarian[CENTER said:
_mama;2592778]Since she says that Caylee called George "Pop", I'd be interested to know if that's indeed what she called him.

I have heard Cindy say that Caylee wanted to come home "to her GG and her CC" she said this at one of the Sunday vigils at their home
It's not Derrick, thread started about the man I was talking about. I hope I dont get banned for his name.

It is my understanding and has been posted by the mods..either use initals or FIRST names only. NO first name with last inital..no full names.
This lady is a friend of a friend. My friend tells me she's very sincere. I do know she has worked with police before. Police contact her for help. Don't know if that helps. Just putting it out there!
This lady is a friend of a friend. My friend tells me she's very sincere. I do know she has worked with police before. Police contact her for help. Don't know if that helps. Just putting it out there!

I think that Casey NEEDS to hear the message and then look for her response. It is worth a shot.
Hey guys. I live in the Detroit area and I do know that from what I have heard about her in the past is that she is reputible. She has a good past here with authorities. All I know is I was in tears hearing what she said. I almost hope she was full of it because it was very sad and emotional.

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