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I don't discount psychic abilities, I just discount that this one heard what she thinks she heard.
It just irritates me even more that everyone was stuck on the connection from KT, and ignoring the fact that a guy, that she partied with ALOT lives at Sawgrass and the LE as far as we know have not followed up more on things. Who knows what his connection is, but why leave the job 2 days before Casey was caught without Caylee??? And has no idea where he going yet?? Too weird. Instead of discounting the lady, lets look at what is fact right now. Not the info from the grave but the connection this man has to Casey and why he is never mentioned?
It just irritates me even more that everyone was stuck on the connection from KT, and ignoring the fact that a guy, that she partied with ALOT lives at Sawgrass and the LE as far as we know have not followed up more on things. Who knows what his connection is, but why leave the job 2 days before Casey was caught without Caylee??? And has no idea where he going yet?? Too weird.

I agree.
What child calls their grandparent by their first name, or even a version of their first name? I'm sure it happens in some families, but that is odd to me.

MIne do.
I am calledby my first name by my 14 year old granddaughter
Called Grandma plus 1st name by twins
and called Ma plus 1st name by youngest grandchild
Anymore and they might just say ..HEY YOU...LOL
And another thing while I am thinking aboutit. Why are we discounting her info and the disbelief in all this when a Moderator posted the thread about the anonymous information?That post was far way off in lala land as far as her husband and SIL visions. Come on. Just sayin!
(I typed out the dialogue from the "psychic radio" interview in the link for those who can't get the link to work. Thanks for that link, that's interesting.)
Here it is:

Kimmie Rose Zapf of CBS psychic radio in Detroit and worldwide on HF radio.
(She says her radio program was interrupted by Caylee’s spirit talking to her, they played an exerpt from radio program)
“She’s not okay. Where is this? I see mounds, I almost want to say dunes or mounds. She was dropped off somewhere….”

Then in the interview, she is describing the message she received):

All of a sudden I started hearing this little girl, her name was Caylee. She asked me would you please help them find me.
(describes how she does not watch TV and didn’t know of the case. Her partner on the radio program, Steve Marshall says it’s true she really does not watch TV.)

She is okay, she’s at peace. She is dead.

I do know where her body is, I know who did it. But her message was specific that I’m supposed (I am a mother of 5.) she wants me to talk to her mommy. I’ve called and talked to the FBI and police department.

Were they receptive to your information? Yes they were very, very nice.

She told me to give them the information, but mostly to give the family her message.

The message that I got was:
My name is Caylee and I need you to help find me so my grandma won’t be worried or sad anymore. I know the person that did this to me didn’t mean to and I forgive them, I know they wouldn’t have hurt me like that on purpose. Tell my mommy I’m in heaven and God loves her very much and so does he love Grandma and Pop. Tell her that she can smile and know that I’m okay. Pop is strict but he loves you and sometimes he makes you feel sad but he wanted you to do good and do okay, and I know it hurts mommy but inside you are good. If you want to tell Tony and you want to be with him, tell him not to make you cry and make you feel sad, but please don’t make him feel sad back either. I know the person that did this to me was only trying to find a safe place for me, a place for me to go and someone who would love me to take care of me. Please just tell everyone, talk to people and they’ll understand. I know you understand Mommy because you do love me. Nobody can believe that you don’t love me. I had to go to sleep mommy and a lady from God came to get me. It was so hot, oh so hot where I was when I was in a car but I went to sleep. But I’m safe. Mommy, it’s okay to talk to them, they are not going to be mad, I promise. Tell them about the man who hid me, Mommy. Tell them about the man who hid me. And let everyone be at peace, it’s okay. To my Grandma I want to say, you love your kids so much and thank you for the teddy bear you gave me. Mommy promise me you won’t cry. Be happy, not trapped, and don’t try so hard for someone to love you. Don’t push them away either, and don’t cry about not being loved by Tony. This was all an accident, nobody meant for this to happen. The police need to talk to the man at the car parts store who knows where I am. Please mommy, it’s okay, you’re not bad, you’re just confused and scared. You lost your baby. It’s gonna get better. I promise it will be okay. I love you.

So those are the words you say of Caylee Anthony, the message….. and we will send this down to florida.

I have other messages for her that her daughter has given me, but out of respect for her mom I want to give the messages directly to her.

“Do you know who killed Caylee Anthony?”
Yes, but I told the FBI and the police, but out of respect for the family and others in the case I think it’s better that I remain silent because my intent is not to get my name out there and be a famous psychic who found a murderer but to heal a family.
Just for the record, it does not appear Caylee called him by his first name, she called him pop.
OK...I'm not saying I buy into the psychic thing but I just wanted to say this. I have a neighbor who claims to be a medium who communicates with people who have passed on. I do believe she has some "talent" because she has told me things about my deceased father that no one else could possibly know. She and I are not friends and do not socialize in theb same circles either, yet she knew intimate details about my father who died in October.
That being said...from what I gather she (my neighbor) doesnt actually converse with dead people the way you and I talk to one another. They show her pictures, signs ect...to convey the message they have. They dont actually use words to communicate with her. I hesitate to even post this because I know that a lot of people have doubts, as do I, but as I said before some people are the real deal IMO. I dont discount her just because Caylee is 3 and has a limited vocabulary. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. :)
Maybe she has some valuable information. Why don't we wait and see.

All of us are intuitive! All of us! Some of us have it stronger than others, but all of us have it.

Watch Psychic Kids sometime! The episodes are on youtube. I spent most of my childhood frightened, just like many of those kids. It wasn't until I was in my 50s that I realized I was psychic. I always thought I had a really strong imagination. Now I know that wasn't it at all.

I know there are some out there who prey on others, but we aren't all like that. I do know that there are psychics who have helped in missing persons cases. I'm sure they have seldom been given credit that they deserve, but that isn't what is important. Helping find people is what is!
Wow. Very emotional letter. Do I believe it? Not sure. I have also heard that everyone is 30 in heaven, so if that is true, then Caylee would speak like an adult and not a 3 yo child. She would also have the understanding of an adult.

At this point, they should investigate every tip/lead that comes in, especially this man that worked at the car parts store.

Also I believe she said the man the HID her, not HIT her.
We were contacted by a "psychic" after the homicide in our family. Completely opportunistic leech. I do believe some people have intuition and greater sensitivity, I don't think they make careers out of it and insert themselves uninvited in to crime victims lives.
You usually don't hear from "pychics" until after the prediction "comes true". Most are only in it for the money.
That being said...from what I gather she (my neighbor) doesnt actually converse with dead people the way you and I talk to one another. They show her pictures, signs ect...to convey the message they have. They dont actually use words to communicate with her. I hesitate to even post this because I know that a lot of people have doubts, as do I, but as I said before some people are the real deal IMO. I dont discount her just because Caylee is 3 and has a limited vocabulary. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. :)

Thank you so much for your support! This is exactly how it happens to me. Sometimes it is like the dead are playing charades with me. It gets maddening at times, because it can be so cryptic! Thank you!
It just irritates me even more that everyone was stuck on the connection from KT, and ignoring the fact that a guy, that she partied with ALOT lives at Sawgrass and the LE as far as we know have not followed up more on things. Who knows what his connection is, but why leave the job 2 days before Casey was caught without Caylee??? And has no idea where he going yet?? Too weird. Instead of discounting the lady, lets look at what is fact right now. Not the info from the grave but the connection this man has to Casey and why he is never mentioned?

ITA. I thought your posts were very interesting and I thought it was definitely worth LE checking out.
Alright, so we know who the guy is from the parts store. So do we start a thread regarding him like was done to KT, or do we continue not to look into it and skip over it?

Again, not saying I believe everything she said, but we need someone more savvy than me to keep sleuthing into that guy. Anyone?
You usually don't hear from "pychics" until after the prediction "comes true". Most are only in it for the money.

Jeez, why did this have to become a "defend the psychic" thread? Did you see that woman asking for money? I didn't. She was giving her information freely.

I have freely given of my ability. I haven't ever charged anyone. I feel it is a gift that should be freely given.

Besides, it's not an exact thing. Sometimes you will get information and sometimes you won't.

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