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She's a radio personality... let me play psychic: her listening audience will now go up by 10 fold where she will get many calls from those desperate for answers on things that they are emotionally dealing with but can't get resolution on. The radio station will love it... advertising spot fees will go up because of the increase in listenership... and Ms. Radio Personality will see more money in her wallet thanks to the growing audience she just brought in by being on tv and reading that letter.

*psychic transmission over*

And Caylee interupted her show. Guess she likes media coverage as much as the rest of the family. That is exactly what I meant by the ones that can or believe they have this ability aren't the ones making money/fame from it.

First hand I found it extremely intrusive, opportunistic, and one more thing I had to deal with because as cynical as I am I thought "what if this chick really knows something"... well after I got on the phone with her and gave her an opportunity to tell me what she knew about my MIL's murder, turns out when I didn't play the you give me a hint and I will tell you how that obscure reference fits into my initimate knowledge of the situation she didn't have anything to tell me.

If anyone is ever in the victims position and are contacted by these people, do not play the connect the dots game for them, the ones that are cons rely on that game.
Devils advocate, never ever heard any specific proof of any psychic providing perfect details in order to locate anyone. I know they are so broad and generalized, you could take anything they say and twist it. Even the cold reader psychics. Sorry folks, lost my full belief in them the very moment Sylvia Brown was so insistant to the grandmother that Opal Dace Jennings was on an island with a pedophile group that kidnapped her - without question! Then a few months later, Opal was found close to home murdered all that time.

All frauds - every last one of them. IMHO


Why can they get vague info but none of their contacts ever tell them the answers to the questions that aren't already KNOWN?

Murder victims shouldn't be playing coy once they finally make contact with a psychic who can actually get their message out. Isn't THAT why the victim made contact? :rolleyes:
This infuriates me.

I'm not saying psychics don't exist, and I'm not saying they do. I have no idea either way.

However, this "message" was entirely too long and sounded completely scripted, imo. Sounds like this woman injected herself for publicity. How come she didn't get this message in June sometime? Why do these "messages" only appear after major television networks are all over the case?

Infuriating. Faking a message from a missing little girl is not ok at all.

Ya know, for once I am speechless. If she already spoke to the FBI and wants no recognition, why go on the News and read your "message" publicly. Whether this woman is psychic or not, grossly irresponsible.
I don't think I believe this at all. Why would a man from the car parts store hide caylee's body??? Why would he interject himself into something he didn't do. Unless one of Casey's boyfriend's knows and works for a car parts store and helped her dispose of the body. Story sounds crackpot to me.

The man from the car parts store parties with Casey's crowd and lives at Sawgrass, and he quit his job on JULY 13TH after being there for a month AND on his myspace he says, he want's to kick GERALDOS *advertiser censored*. He is also connected to DBC. POINT MADE YET? Screw the lady's story, check into him.
Follwing the Dante links, where in the discovery docs does it say he lived at Sawhill? I need to make a table of contents as I spend way too much time searching through these things.

His myspace page is set private.
Why would a 2 1/2 year old know all these deep things and be able to express them? Sorry, I don't believe it.
Follwing the Dante links, where in the discovery docs does it say he lived at Sawhill? I need to make a table of contents as I spend way too much time searching through these things.

His myspace page is set private.

I will find the Doc page and send it to you.
Ya know, for once I am speechless. If she already spoke to the FBI and wants no recognition, why go on the News and read your "message" publicly. Whether this woman is psychic or not, grossly irresponsible.

This was my thought to. The people who matter ... FBI and PD ... know what Caylee told you.

And while we're on that ... my 2 1/2 year old speaks very well. But this conversation IMO did not come from the mouth of a 3 year old. Not the 3 year old we've seen speaking in home videos anyway.
The man from the car parts store parties with Casey's crowd and lives at Sawgrass, and he quit his job on JULY 13TH after being there for a month AND on his myspace he says, he want's to kick GERALDOS *advertiser censored*. He is also connected to DBC. POINT MADE YET? Screw the lady's story, check into him.

Gerardos not Geraldo. I see a DRF reference, not a DBC.

I am trying to look into him but would need a more specific and accurate starting point.
Gerardos not Geraldo. I see a DRF reference, not a DBC.

I am trying to look into him but would need a more specific and accurate starting point.

DRF is a car thing (Drift racing, my husband is a semi-pro is this type of driving.) He is within the friends circle with DBC, before it all went private he is linked to Lake-Vaj and some of the DBC guys and Cassanova Williams.
I might be able to find the exact point they talk about him ... it is the Sawgrass apartment manager who calls Yuri to tell him that information.

Can we use names of the people who have appeared in the disclosure statements? I'm not trying to be cryptic.

From my handwritten notes, it was in Part II of the three PDFs initially released. Somewhere between pages 4 and 48 I think.
Gerardos not Geraldo. I see a DRF reference, not a DBC.

I am trying to look into him but would need a more specific and accurate starting point.

And I believe he couldn't spell Geraldos name, he posted that the night of the interview when they started naming names when Casey was released.
Most people who work in radio make money for their time. Do you have a problem with that? Aren't most DJs paid?

She has the right to make money on the radio, but I find it appalling that she just garnered herself a whole new listening audience and the chance to bring in extra loads of money by sucking on the teet of deception in the name of Caylee Anthony. That is my opinion on this lady, and it is not be reflected on anyone else.
I don't know what to say here. I met with a psychic 7 months after my son was killed. I received very specific messages that only i would know about. I made sure the lady did not know anything about me or my family and even made sure she did not know my real name. I am a believer. I will meet with her in October 09 - near the 5th anniversary of my son's death. thanks for listening

Hmmm...she says that it was "hot in the car and I went to sleep, Mommy. The lady from Heaven took me--I had to go. You didn't mean to do it." This was a message from Caylee to Casey. She wants her "Granma & Pop" to not be sad. She says that George was strict on Casey, but only because he loved her. She talks about Casey not feeling loved and being sad.

She mentions Tony--as a boyfriend who was making Casey sad. "Tell them to find me, Mommy"--she says that a man from a car parts store hid the body in dunes or mounds.

I don't know.

Librarian_mama - :blowkiss:I'm going to rant here, please do not take it personally, it has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with this psycho. I'm only quoting your post because you have posted what the psycho's message says.

This just ticks me off. It is not true, it is not real. There is no psychic in this world that HONESTLY gets messages like this. It just does not happen this way. There are NO clear messages from the other world. There is no ghost that walks up and talks to you!!!!!

Whenever you see a psychic talk like this - you know it is pure, 100% BS:mad:

Doesn't happen. If it truely happened, we would not have unsolved crime or missing persons. THIS IS NOT REAL!!!!!:furious::furious::furious::furious:

This stuff makes me so mad. It plays upon the heartstrings of people, takes advantage of a very sad and/or tragic situation and gives many, many people false hope.

Any psychic that can "hear things so clearly" should be winning every lottery in the country. What a bunch of cr*p!!!!!!!:furious::furious:

Free publicity for her radio show?

I am not sure about psychics. Yeah some of them seem to have special abilities. I wonder why none of them have hit the lottery. Do they have some secret pact they won't buy the winning numbers of the Power Ball? jmo

The only psychic I have ever heard that could pick numbers was Dannion Brinkley. Most of the time, it is not a number thing. Clairaudient means clear sound. Clairvoyant means clear view. I am more clairvoyant. I usually get images. When I get numbers, they don't make a lot of sense.

Believe me, I have tried to pick up on numbers for the lottery. LOL!

As for those so called psychic tests, they can't measure psychic ability. I'm not good at those tests and yet I pick up on things.
Right. The psychc "saw" the mounds or dunes. When reading the "message from Caylee" she says:

Tell them about the man who hit me. Mommy tell them about the man who hit me.

And then later:

Talk to the man at the car parts store who knows where I am.

thank you. This is how information gets skewed and everyone ends up confused. thank you for clarifying even more :)
Does anyone have access to ("befriended") Dante's MySpace? You have to have either a last name or an email address to friend request him.

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