Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz now
wasn't showing signs of BD/ED in fall 2009. Talk of moving him to an LD classroom. (learning disabled) #harristrial
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 28s
DC usually did his work in class or in study hall. No trouble getting work done. #harristrial. Sharp contrast to kid we heard about Tuesday
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 1m
said DC wasn't aggressive towards kids, teachers, didn't throw things. Disruptive to a point. talked out. ADHD symptoms. #harristrial
Katie Heinz ‏@kathrynheinz 8m
Duncan: noticed change in Dillen after he switched schools from Chester-East to Lincoln Jr. High. "He was happy." #harristrial
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 9m
Duncan said DC looked happy after he left Chester East and was attending Lincoln MS. No cross. she's done. #harristrial
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 10m
never heard DC get verbally aggres or see physical aggress while waiting for the bus at the post office. #harristrial. Interacted every AM
Journal Star ‏@pjstar 18m
Defense rests in the murder trial of Christopher Harris #harristrial
Katie Heinz ‏@kathrynheinz 18m
Coach: Dillen talked positively about his family. "Goofy kid at times, but never was a problem when coaches gave directions." #harristrial
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 19m
In those times after practice, Dawson talked about goals, life. As a mentor. DC good listener, fast learner. Positive. #harristrial
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 19m
won the inspirational award as he inspired coaches for his effort. As he lived in Beason, he was usually last one at practice. #harristrial
Katie Heinz ‏@kathrynheinz 58m
#harristrial update: defense will not call Nicole Gee to stand. Jury walking in, def will then rest its case. Prosecutors have 5-6 rebuttals
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 58m
Defense could opt for another directed verdict motion which will likely be turned down. It's pro forma. you got to do it. #harristrial
Andy Kravetz ‏@andykravetz 1h
Defense is NOT going to call NG or AH. They are resting as soon as the jury comes in. State has 5 to 6 rebuttal witnesses. #harristrial