GUILTY IL - 5 Gee/Constant family members murdered in Beeson, 21 Sept 2009

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"This just doesn't happen here; people are in total shock," said Debbie Harris, a relative of the family's surviving adult daughter, Nicole Gee. "I can't wrap my head around their deaths."

Beason, an unincorporated town about 40 miles northeast of Springfield, is an agriculturally rich community in the heart of Illinois. Harris, who lives 10 minutes outside Beason, said violent crime is such a rarity there that many residents don't bother locking their doors at night.

So when news broke about the gruesome discovery the day before, it seemed to put everyone on edge.

Nichols called the killings a "brutal homicide against an entire family" and vowed to track down the person or persons responsible. But authorities had yet to release any information about a possible suspect by Tuesday night, leaving many to speculate on what the motive might have been.

"It's hard to imagine that anyone who lives here would do this," said Oran Township Supervisor Ken Hutchison. "Normally, rumors would be flying, but nobody seems to know anything."

Harris said a neighborhood boy was the first to find the family dead. He had come from school Monday and knocked on the Gees' door. The door opened, Harris said, and the boy saw "a lot of blood" and quickly ran to alert family members. Nicole Gee and another relative arrived next on the scene and called police.

"I spoke to Nicole, and she's doing pretty bad, as you might imagine," said Harris, whose son Chris was married to Nicole Gee and fathered her two children. "She was so close to her family."
hold up... I thought this chris guy was the ex husband to the deceased wife... somone enlighten me... I am LOST NOW!
hold up... I thought this chris guy was the ex husband to the deceased wife... somone enlighten me... I am LOST NOW!

Sorry bee.

Look at AmandaReckonwith's post.

Here is his mugshot.

Looks like a mean dude.

LINCOLN - A man identified by police as a 30-year-old McLean County resident has been arrested in the brutal slaying of a Beason family.

Christopher J. Harris, 30, was arrested Thursday afternoon in the killings of five members of the Raymond "Rick" and Ruth Gee family in Beason, Logan County Sheriff Steve Nichols said Thursday night.

According to Logan County Circuit Court records, Nicole Gee, daughter of Rick Gee, was married to a Christopher Harris. Nichols said the man arrested was familiar with the family but declined to give further details.
Now here is a shocker.


Terri Miller, the half-sister of Dillen Constant, one of the slain children, said Nicole Gee had been dealing with more aggressive police questioning recently as the investigation continued.

"So there's immense grieving on one hand, but accusations on the other," said Miller, whose father, Gerald, is also Dillen's father.

Harris, a carpenter, was enrolled at Lincoln College and was a 1997 graduate of Lincoln Community High School, according to his MySpace Web page. His last login was listed as Sept. 18 - three days before the bodies were found -when he posted that he was "happy to be free of negativity."

Neighbor Marjorie Wright said Thursday night that she saw Harris move a gray pickup truck into the garage at Nicole Gee's home several days ago. She said police were at the home for several hours Wednesday

Did she know he had parked the truck in the garage??????????????????
Now here is a shocker.


Terri Miller, the half-sister of Dillen Constant, one of the slain children, said Nicole Gee had been dealing with more aggressive police questioning recently as the investigation continued.

"So there's immense grieving on one hand, but accusations on the other," said Miller, whose father, Gerald, is also Dillen's father.

Harris, a carpenter, was enrolled at Lincoln College and was a 1997 graduate of Lincoln Community High School, according to his MySpace Web page. His last login was listed as Sept. 18 - three days before the bodies were found -when he posted that he was "happy to be free of negativity."

Neighbor Marjorie Wright said Thursday night that she saw Harris move a gray pickup truck into the garage at Nicole Gee's home several days ago. She said police were at the home for several hours Wednesday

Did she know he had parked the truck in the garage??????????????????

The news here in Macon County just next over from Logan County said that Christopher Harris was the ex-hubby of Nicole (and that they had recently resumed their relationship) and that the two had been standing vigilantly by the poor little 3 yr old baby in the hospital this whole time. OKAY, now I am going to be SICK!!! :sick::sick::sick:
So, wtf? He tried to kill the baby, and then stands there pretending to pray or what?

And... when did Nicole know the truck was in her garage? Or did she?
I wonder if the neighbor, Marjorie Wright, called the police after seeing the truck being moved into the garage.
OMG, I was so sick when I heard it on the news conference and subsequent news!!! I thought I was going to throw up!!! This case is so baffling to me that someone could do this in the 1st place and let alone why this young 30 year old would do something so horrific unless he was guided by the oldest daughter of Rick Gee. Sorry just rambling, but the pieces just don't fit... JMO There is something else going on here and I believe Nicole or others will be arrested next!! Again, JMHO.. Take Care All
So did the Chris' truck match the description LE put out? Because certainly other family members knew Chris drove that truck. So wtf? None of them put two and two together?
So did the Chris' truck match the description LE put out? Because certainly other family members knew Chris drove that truck. So wtf? None of them put two and two together?

His mother stated on the news here in this county that it may look like the truck description, however, it is not the truck they showed on the news. Blah, Blah, Blah... I understand innocent until proven guilty and I also know this area, I would like more forensic evidence myself, but I knew this entire time they were holding back a lot of info while they were questioning people. They seized the truck and we will learn more as the investigation moves forward. Still say more people are involved and there is no way Nicole is not a part of what happened. Again, sorry for my rants, just letting loose... Ann:twocents::twocents:
Here is a link to the picture of the truck released. This has me scratching my head that no one that knew Chris didn't notify LE. And I believe that LE was not notified because of Chris being allowed at the hospital. The creep was probably there to make sure the little one didn't rat him out.

I know, right? And the neighbor is quoted as saying that she saw him pull his truck into Nicole's garage several days ago! I don't get it..:banghead:
The news here in Macon County just next over from Logan County said that Christopher Harris was the ex-hubby of Nicole (and that they had recently resumed their relationship) and that the two had been standing vigilantly by the poor little 3 yr old baby in the hospital this whole time. OKAY, now I am going to be SICK!!! :sick::sick::sick:

Harris's stepmother confirms this.
The news here in Macon County just next over from Logan County said that Christopher Harris was the ex-hubby of Nicole (and that they had recently resumed their relationship) and that the two had been standing vigilantly by the poor little 3 yr old baby in the hospital this whole time. OKAY, now I am going to be SICK!!! :sick::sick::sick:

Well, I do think they have the right murderer. Nichols emphasized that they are very pleased with the forensic analysis they have received back from the lab. So imo, they do have evidence linking him to these horrible crimes.

Now I have no doubt that those who knew this man will come out and say he was a "nice guy" and isn't capable of this but unfortunately so many times in other cases the same sentiment is said yet the evidence shows they did not know the person as well as they thought they did.

But if he could come to that hospital all this time and maintain vigilance on the child he tried to destroy then he surely has to have ice water in his veins and must have psychopathic traits. This was done to try and throw LE off of his trail. This was done to protect him and nothing about the little child that is suffering imo

I am not even sure the truck he came in to Nicole's was the same truck in question but may have been the same truck shown on his Myspace.

But it is good that LE has located the truck in question. Imo when it is gone over forensically it will show the presence of blood. This was a very bloody crime scene and even if he cleaned the truck imo they are going to find the blood and possibly the hair of the victims in that truck.

Justice for the Gee family.

Hi Ya'll ~
Last night I was travelling (plane) and could not access the press conference. It was torture!!! I am so thankful that ya'll were able to weed through this mess and help me try and understand what had happened. I am still reading the posts.


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