GUILTY IL - 5 Gee/Constant family members murdered in Beeson, 21 Sept 2009

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I worked out a graphic today... a descriptive of the defense theory vs the prosecution theory (technically not called a theory by them).

It is too big to post here so please go check it out at the case archive, direct link to the pic:

I thought it might seem disrespectful. But it is not my theory...
I just put it into my own perspective of the compared theories.
From your link Amanda

"Chris Harris was once married to Nicole Gee, the daughter of Rick Gee."

Does anyone know if Nicole is still standing behind Chris?
I am wondering if Nicole is standing with Chris, if she is then she may be one witness the defence may use to say she knew Dillen was aggresive, she knew there were problems with him and the family,

I don't think this defence (as horrible as I think it is because I am on the side of Chris and his brother did it) is so pie in the sky, if they have evidence Dillen did break into a locked room and steal from his parents the week before murder then defence can argue he was pissed off and angry at being caught and possibly punished, goes to motive, if they get medical records that show he had anger issues/mental health issues they can say he was a boy with a temper and he did this,

if Nicole will back up her ex husband, they were reconciled at time of murder and say she thinks Dillen may have done this then that will be a powerful statement for jury to hear,

the sexual assault charges will be difficult to get over for the defence if there is solid evidence ie semen present, but if not then that too could be blamed on Dillen by the defence,

if the defence can get in all those things about Dillen it gives him a more powerful motive and shows he had anger/impulse control issues versus Chris going there to steal and then murdering the whole family because he was caught, what was he going to steal he knew the family were not sitting on pots of gold, robbery gone bad does not fit as a motive,

and it will really be a bash the victims defence, as they have already placed in the public domain that the parents were selling pot, therefore it is a messed up family where one kid went postal they will argue

I hope state has some solid forensic evidence, and a good prosecutor who can put the case to the jury in a clear concise manner, and are able to disarm all the Dillen did it theories,

I do wonder whether Chris brother will be willing to testify that Chris told him when he came out of the house that Dillen did it, and he had just killed him in self defence, who knows how far he will go to protect his brother and prepare his own defence for his future trial
Well thought out Joe.....I think you are probably right. Good Lord....this will get so ugly. Damn.
From your link Amanda

"Chris Harris was once married to Nicole Gee, the daughter of Rick Gee."

Does anyone know if Nicole is still standing behind Chris?

I don't know that Nicole has spoken publicly about support of Chris but I think it can reasonably be assumed, since Chris' lawyer has acted as her mouthpeice in matters of allowing her access to the home to retrieve "keepsakes."

If Nicole is indeed supporting Chris and intends to testify as to her little brothers alleged violent tendencies then I think the prosecution will not have much trouble rebutting her assessment. Given that the defense could not even figure out which facilities and institutions to try to subpoena, it would appear that Nicole was not terribly familiar with anything of substance in regards to Dillen's alleged "history" of violence, else the defense would know what schools, agencies and medical providers to subpoena records from.

In other words, if Nicole had any specific instances or events regarding Dillen and violence to to attest to, she would have provided the defense with specific agencies, etc where record of same would be located. there would be no need for the overboard and sweeping request by the defense to subpoena anyone and everyone in their monumental fishing expedition.

I don't know that Nicole has spoken publicly about support of Chris but I think it can reasonably be assumed, since Chris' lawyer has acted as her mouthpeice in matters of allowing her access to the home to retrieve "keepsakes."

If Nicole is indeed supporting Chris and intends to testify as to her little brothers alleged violent tendencies then I think the prosecution will not have much trouble rebutting her assessment. Given that the defense could not even figure out which facilities and institutions to try to subpoena, it would appear that Nicole was not terribly familiar with anything of substance in regards to Dillen's alleged "history" of violence, else the defense would know what schools, agencies and medical providers to subpoena records from.

In other words, if Nicole had any specific instances or events regarding Dillen and violence to to attest to, she would have provided the defense with specific agencies, etc where record of same would be located. there would be no need for the overboard and sweeping request by the defense to subpoena anyone and everyone in their monumental fishing expedition.


I think the issue of where to get the documents relating to Dillen was a bit of nitpicking from the state, I have no doubt that defence will come back with requests that dot every i and cross every t to access them,

and she may have given them details she surely knew where they went to school, but specifici Drs or medical records she may not have information on, she also may not have known the specifics of any counselling (if any) he was having, she may also not be privy to his disciplinary records from school (if any)

I think she can and may speak to the family dynamics, from reports she was close to her family even though there was said to be friction within the family over her reconcilliation with Chris

we shall see at trial whether she is supporting him and if she will say that she thinks/knows Dillen did it, I think the jury will listen very carefull to what family members have to say, after all it was her family that was murdered,
as always joe, I appreciate your well thought out posts, but from what I hear locally, Nicole is not considered by locals to be a terribly credible person. and I must disagree - I did not find the state's objection to the extremely broad requests to subpoena everyone and their brother's doctor, facility etc to be Nit Picky

We shall have to see if the jury finds her so (IF she indeed testifies on this new allegation against Dillen).
I wish there was more light shed on this case from the evidence standpoint.

The amount of charges was incredible, the pros must have a good case... they were ready to go for the DP before the governor axed the DP.

Rick Gee has 2 adult sons besides daughter Nicole. They will likely have more to say. Also Dillen's bio Father Gerald Miller and his wife and their huge family will stand up for Dillen.
I wish there was more light shed on this case from the evidence standpoint.

The amount of charges was incredible, the pros must have a good case... they were ready to go for the DP before the governor axed the DP.

Rick Gee has 2 adult sons besides daughter Nicole. They will likely have more to say. Also Dillen's bio Father Gerald Miller and his wife and their huge family will stand up for Dillen.

Dillen will have family who will fight his corner, and they will need to fight hard to ensure that the jury get the full picture of the family, not just a skewed version from a man who is charged with multiple counts of murder,

I hope the state does have good solid evidence, I am very interested to know where the bodies were found, and what blood evidence was transferred around the home, where blood was found and whose it is will be crucial,
another thing I was wondering about was what was the policy of the family home in relation to doors being locked or left unopened, and wwas Chris allowed to just walk in if doors were open,

if dillen was busy killing or had just killed most of his family then he was not going to be opening the door to anyone, so Chris had to have walked in, and if Dillen them tried to attack him as he says why did he not just grab the murder weapon and run out of the house, if it was one weapon that killed everybody then for the defence theory to work Chris was able to disarm Dillen - therefore there was no need to kill him, as he could have very quickly ran out of the door he came in via and ran to get his brother, surely he did not believe Dillen could have taken on two adult men,
I did not personally know the Gees, but the area where these awful murders took place is considered quiet and country. The town of Beason is no large metropolis (population around 200) so it is a good bet that like other very small towns, folks have a habit of leaving their doors unlocked, sometimes even when they are not home so I am betting the doors were unlocked on the day of the murders.

Just a guess on my part.
according to Chris though they were pot dealers, and although the area may be rural I can't imagine pot dealers would leave doors open,

it has yet to be confirmed if they were pot dealers,
in a rural area, town the size of Beason, I think the term dealer may be a bit strong. Again, I didn't know the Gees, but I am thinking IF (and that is a HUGE IF you understand because frankly, I don't trust a single word either of the suspects has uttered about this case or their involvement in it) Mr. Gee was dealing pot, it was not like people would imagine a pot dealer in a larger city.

IF there were any sort of transactions going on involving pot, I would imagine it was more like someone who had a means of getting a hold of pot and that person making it available to a few select friends when they asked for some.

Quite frankly, I think the whole story is a bunch of baloney. They needed an excuse for why they were there. They couldn't exactly say they were there with the intent to rob (my belief) in an effort to come up with money to buy their REAL drug of choice (speculation on my part only). So they came up with the "pot excuse." thereby killing two birds with one stone. Vilify the Gee family and explain their presence there.
In recent months, attorneys for Christopher Harris have fought to secure several subpoenas requesting school, medical and criminal records for Constant in an attempt to show the boy was troubled and had a propensity for violence.

Attorney Dan Fultz of Springfield has surmised that Constant had run-ins with police prior to the deaths.

However, in Logan County Court Tuesday, Assistant State’s Attorney Jonathan Wright said the Logan County Sheriff’s Department has no record of any contact with Constant.

Additionally, Fultz said a subpoena issued to the Lincoln Police Department turned up no reports or incidents involving the boy.
"Harris lawyer: Logan Co. sympathies preclude fair trial"

Defense filed COV motion today. Hearing set for Jan 14 to decide.

The "Dillen did it" theory seems to have backfired.
“It cannot be ignored that those contributors are likely to be deeply offended by the assertion by Christopher Harris that Dillen Constant killed his own family,” said the motion.

What a huge waste of time and $... 3 years+ for what...

Here's a link:

AND- Here's the Case Archive, updated:
The case has a new judge, who has ruled to move the trial from Logan County IL to Peoria County IL. It is 55-60 miles northwest.

Hopefully the trial won't be delayed much more. It was set for April 29.

Drazewski outlined several factors he considered in selecting a location, including trial expenses, travel distance and courtroom availability. Macon, Sangamon, Tazewell, McLean and Champaign counties were eliminated for various reasons, he said, adding all pre-trial hearings will be held in Lincoln.

“It’s a different media market and has a significant number of potential jurors. Peoria also has seen a higher degree of violent crime,” meaning residents may be aware of homicide cases other than the Gee deaths, said Fultz.
Not a new case, I searched WS but found nothing on this. I'm usually a lurker but wonder if anyone's studied this case, have any opinions.

UPDATE: Former son-in-law Christopher Harris has been arrested in the murders. See latest story here.

Investigators are searching for the persons or people who slaughtered five family members in rural Illinois, warning nearby residents to lock their doors. The bodies were found in the home of Raymond and Ruth Gee after someone reported hearing shots fired.

Both parents were found dead, as well as three kids ages 11-16. A three-year-old girl managed to survive and has been hospitalized. Another 11-year-old daughter survived because she wasn't home; she has a severe brain injury and lives in a facility in Peoria.

Police haven't released a means of death, but this isn't a family -- or a town -- accustomed to trouble. Neighbors describe the Gees as hardworking, church-going folk. Raymond worked as a handyman. Ruth was a stay-at-home mom. And Beason, an isolated farming town on the Illinois plains two hours from Chicago, isn't a place you'd expect to find a massacre. But after the slaying of a family last week in Farmville, Virginia, it appears that this can happen anywhere. We'll keep you posted...
Police are looking for a truck similar to this one

UPDATE: The Gee family was apparently beaten or stabbed to death, and an adult daughter and her children have been placed in protective custody.

Police still aren't offering much information in the slaying, but judging by their behavior, there's a few things we can logically deduce.

First, there seems to be some concern that the Gee family was targeted. There's no other reason to explain why adult daughter Nicole Gee, who lives nearby with her two children, has been placed in protective custody. This suggests someone may have had a beef with the family, and is looking for further revenge. Then again, it could also mean police are being extra cautious in the case.

Nicole was among the first to arrive at the murder scene Monday. A neighbor boy had gone to the Gee house that day. When he knocked, the door opened and he saw all the blood. So he ran to get Nicole and another relative in this tiny town of 200 people.

And while police aren't revealing the manner of death, we can also assume the family was either stabbed or beaten to death. Despite early reports of someone hearing gunshots, investigators say the family wasn't shot. They have, however, spent the past few days searching surrounding soybean fields for a sharp-edged tool or a cylinder-shaped object, implying the family was stabbed.

Finally, police have issued an alert for a small pickup -- perhaps a Chevrolet S-10 or a Ford Ranger -- seen in Beason at the time of the murders. Residents reported seeing the truck in town Sunday, the day before the bodies were discovered. It's painted in gray primer and has chrome exhausts.

Police are looking for a truck similar to this one
UPDATE: Police have released a photo of the truck scene in the area at the time of the massacre.

It's described as a later '80s early '90s small pickup, with a square-off front from that era of design, quite possibly a Ford Ranger or a Chevrolet S-10. It's distinguished by a paint job in primer gray, with vertical exhausts near the rear tire wells instead of where you'd usually find them near the cab.

Investigators say the exhaust pipes could have been sawed off by now, but neither the pipes nor the paint job are all that common. The truck was spotted in Beason late Sept. 20 or early Sept. 21 before the bodies of the Gee family were found.
hiya tn titans fan. yes there is a thread for this case as I am here in central IL and have been following this case (boy is it a slow mover)

Will try to find you a link to the thread. brb
Welcome, tn titans fan.

Right above your post here, you will find one of mine with the Case Archive link. Everything is there. I don't think there is much I missed on this case.

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