IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime being black & gay Jan 2019 *ARRESTS*

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The envelope is what gets me, if the purpose of the letter is so that it gets to its intended target (Jussie Smollett in this case) and scares him then the envelope does a very poor job of that. Theres no way that the envelope didn't raise a red flag with people at the studio and was therefore not opened in uncontrolled circumstances. The potential threat of the powder was eliminated safely and would not have caused any consternation for the person to whom the envelope was addressed.

The chances of someone opening a letter that has not been x-rayed or checked in someway would be way greater if it was sent to their apartment versus a studio lot. If the perpetrators of the alleged attack and the alleged threatening letter are the same then they have great intel on Jussie and it would make way more sense for them to have sent the letter to his apartment. If the attack is unrelated to the letter then Jussie has a much higher profile than I had thought. (perhaps I'm mistakenly trying to apply logic to what super far right nutters would do)

If there was some sort of MAGA plot to target Jussie or if there were whisperings of such I feel like we would have heard by now.
Wonder if Jussie has ties to George Soros?
If this is a hoax, he needs some serious therapy. IMO
I really really do not want this to be a hoax. What a career ender this would be for such a talented young man.

That said, cut and paste letters are such a cliche. In fact a new crime show is using it as their logo.
I really really do not want this to be a hoax. What a career ender this would be for such a talented young man.

That said, cut and paste letters are such a cliche. In fact a new crime show is using it as their logo.

Well, I want it to be a hoax, especially if some celebrity could be out there spinning a narrative that is untrue, and creating some boogeyman and wasting LE's time and resources. If his career takes a hit, so be it. There are consequences for one's behavior. Of course, let the FACTS talk for themselves. If his story is true, then lets prosecute the perpetrators. If it's a lie, then he should suffer for it.
Well, I want it to be a hoax, especially if some celebrity could be out there spinning a narrative that is untrue, and creating some boogeyman and wasting LE's time and resources. If his career takes a hit, so be it. There are consequences for one's behavior. Of course, let the FACTS talk for themselves. If his story is true, then lets prosecute the perpetrators. If it's a lie, then he should suffer for it.

It is what it is, no matter what we want.

ITA. Whoever is responsible needs to face the consequences.
If the perpetrators of the alleged attack and the alleged threatening letter are the same then they have great intel on Jussie and it would make way more sense for them to have sent the letter to his apartment. If the attack is unrelated to the letter then Jussie has a much higher profile than I had thought. (perhaps I'm mistakenly trying to apply logic to what super far right nutters would do).
Exactly. On the one hand, the attackers went through great lengths and had great savvy in both sending the letter and the attack itself (knowing where he lived and exactly when and where to attack him to avoid cameras and apprehension, etc.)

Yet on the other hand, both the letter and the attack were executed in a decidedly amateurish and tame way. The letter, as you mentioned, would have raised red flags before it was even opened, and then in the inside is a literal cartoon that looks like it was drawn by a 3 year old, and a ransom style letter that I’m not sure has been used in the real world in the past 30 years.

And then the attack itself of course — carried out by hate-filled criminal masterminds, determined to inflict, a scratch? They were so crazed by their hate that they went through all these efforts, and knew they could spend the rest of their lives in jail, yet when their opportunity finally came, 2 attackers barely inflict any injury and are kind enough to not even throw his sandwich to the ground?

I am not saying for a second that an actual attack, albeit one in which only a light cut was inflicted; wouldn’t be traumatic, just that said attack could have been MUCH worse physically.

And even in the unlikely assumption that these hate-filled criminal masterminds were only out to scare him, he apparently let them put the noose around his neck without a struggle. If someone were trying to put a rope around someone else’s neck, the obvious assumption would be that they were trying to kill that person, and that person would punch, kick, scratch, do whatever they had in their power to not get that rope put around their neck, and of course, rope burns or bruises, or DNA under the fingernails from the struggle would be expected. Yet Jussie claims he fought them back; as far as I know, one guy didn’t hold him in a full Nelson while the other guy gently draped the rope around his neck.
As Mr. Smollett is still considered a victim, I will not distract from his situation.

That being said, I am tired of the endless hate crime hoaxes, because they make big news, and as the investigation continues, fizzles away to nothing. I believe that a fake hate crime hoax needs to become a federal crime, with a mandatory minimum prison sentence. That would hopefully end the drama.
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No idea if this is accurate but as hes former NYPD it might be

@johncardillo "#JussieSmollett went too far. CPD is publicly still calling him a victim, but sources in the department tell me that the investigative focus has now shifted, and they’re investigating Smollett for the hoax."
John Cardillo on Twitter
Just to be fair this tweeter seems to have conservative leanings.
I guess that is okay to point out since Soros was mentioned by another poster.
Question for anyone that cares to respond...if no video is found does that mean in your mind that Jussie pulled a hoax?
Jussie Smollett is in the hot seat after there have been several reports that the openly gay actor may have possibly filed a false report to police. If that’s the case, the Chicago Police Department promises to charge Smollett for making a false police report in regards to the alleged hate crime perpetrated against him on January 29th.

Chicago PD Intend to Charge Jussie Smollett If a False Report Was Filed
No idea if this is accurate but as hes former NYPD it might be

@johncardillo "#JussieSmollett went too far. CPD is publicly still calling him a victim, but sources in the department tell me that the investigative focus has now shifted, and they’re investigating Smollett for the hoax."
John Cardillo on Twitter
IMO *ANYONE* reporting a fake hate crime should be charged with a hate crime.
Is there a WS member that participating in this discussion or watching this discussion that is a lawyer or is educated in the law that can tell us what the penelties could be for filing a false hate crime?

Can they be required to pay back LE including the FBI?

Is it possible to be sentenced to a term in prison?

Can a judge force someone who files a false hate crime to make a public apology?

Is filing a false crime met with only a slap on the wrist especially if a person has not committed any prior crimes?
Question for anyone that cares to respond...if no video is found does that mean in your mind that Jussie pulled a hoax?
We can make all kinds of inferences, but even if I think it's likely that this is a hoax (not just for lack of video by any means), I would never say it's 100% CERTAIN either direction unless proven so.
Just to be fair this tweeter seems to have conservative leanings.
I guess that is okay to point out since Soros was mentioned by another poster.
Question for anyone that cares to respond...if no video is found does that mean in your mind that Jussie pulled a hoax?
So because the tweeter has conservative leanings it should be dicounted? Only those with liberal leanings should be heard from?

This is why we are in the predicament we're in. You are implying that a person with conservative leanings cannot be thought of as "fair"
So because the tweeter has conservative leanings it should be dicounted? Only those with liberal leanings should be heard from?

This is why we are in the predicament we're in. You are implying that a person with conservative leanings cannot be thought of as "fair"
Nope, did not imply that a person that leans conservative or liberal for that matter can't be trusted.
Just pointing out that either should be taken with a grain of salt.
It is the same when I go to a liberal leaning site.Always confirm or look from another source.IMO
We can make all kinds of inferences, but even if I think it's likely that this is a hoax (not just for lack of video by any means), I would never say it's 100% CERTAIN either direction unless proven so.
My concern is that evidence to support a crime may not be found and that may lead to people thinking it must be a hoax.
And yet sometimes we can't find evidence to prove a crime but the crime still happened.
I just can't imagine what would cause a person like Jussie to make up such a story.
He doesn't need the attention. He is in a show that is well known and has talent.
In other words he isn't a random guy off the streets.
Just curious and interested in the outcome,whatever it might be. IMO
My concern is that evidence to support a crime may not be found and that may lead to people thinking it must be a hoax.
And yet sometimes we can't find evidence to prove a crime but the crime still happened.
I just can't imagine what would cause a person like Jussie to make up such a story.
He doesn't need the attention. He is in a show that is well known and has talent.
In other words he isn't a random guy off the streets.
Just curious and interested in the outcome,whatever it might be. IMO

My guess is that this will soon go far away, and never be mentioned again, and the victim will not bring it up either.

That would be my guess.
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