IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime Jan 2019 #3 *SMOLLETT ARRESTED*

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There are a lot of gay and bi actors who need or want to stay on the down low. I can understand wanting to protect those people whether it be by deleting phone messages or not answering questions. Maybe straight folk won’t get this - but I do. When videos or pictures are taken at queer events we ask everyone if they’re okay being filmed. At least half are not okay with it, and I live in the Bay Area.

So for me there’s no red flag about that specific part.

I’m hoping a more experienced sleuther can tell me why - when there’s a Ton of evidence against them - why someone would continue with the lie. ?? A few days ago he could have put himself in a psych ward or rehab, or Anywhere that may have garnered some kind of sympathy. But that time has passed, and the window of potential sympathy has passed. The way he’s playing it he’ll lose Everything. It’s just so stupid.
Uncut with John McCaa: Jussie Smollett and a different kind of stolen valor

Surely, you’ve seen those past news stories about “stolen valor.”

You know, people who publicly parade with a chest full of medals they never earned, giving speeches about bravery they never demonstrated, danger they never experienced. And all so that we recognize them for bearing up under a hardship most of us will never face.


So, when “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett’s story of being attacked started to unravel, the pain it inflicted reflected, for me, another version of “stolen valor.”

Having benefited from past generations’ struggles, he wanted to stand on Rosa Parks’ pedestal of honor without the suffering.

Geragos defense 2.0. :rolleyes:
He has his work cut out for him and this will be entertaining if nothing else. JMHO .

Geragos has proven to be comedy gold in some cases and sickening in others, like the horrific Scott Peterson case.

He usually throws everything at the wall to see if even a teensy little piece will stick. o_O

IMHO, MG appears to be his own, single greatest fan, the biggest believer in his own self-importance, and preens for the camera.

After JS slinks off to rehab (or whatever), MG can write his tell-all book and appear on multiple tv shows once this frustrating case is swept away in the news-cycle.

I don't know if someone is bankrolling JS's defense or if MG took it pro-bono to boost his own flagging reputation?

Either way, JS's stunt is an EPIC FAIL, so once its over MG may want to join Gloria Allred's law firm or he can take out a large billboard in Las Vegas...(defending DUI'S):eek:

The smug is strong with MG, imo.

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There are a lot of gay and bi actors who need or want to stay on the down low. I can understand wanting to protect those people whether it be by deleting phone messages or not answering questions. Maybe straight folk won’t get this - but I do. When videos or pictures are taken at queer events we ask everyone if they’re okay being filmed. At least half are not okay with it, and I live in the Bay Area.

So for me there’s no red flag about that specific part.

I’m hoping a more experienced sleuther can tell me why - when there’s a Ton of evidence against them - why someone would continue with the lie. ?? A few days ago he could have put himself in a psych ward or rehab, or Anywhere that may have garnered some kind of sympathy. But that time has passed, and the window of potential sympathy has passed. The way he’s playing it he’ll lose Everything. It’s just so stupid.
My simple explanation: Because he’s a full fledged narcissist. Always the victim, always wronged, but never wrong.

He cannot deal with reality because it contradicts what he wants to be true. Inflated sense of self.
There are a lot of gay and bi actors who need or want to stay on the down low. I can understand wanting to protect those people whether it be by deleting phone messages or not answering questions. Maybe straight folk won’t get this - but I do. When videos or pictures are taken at queer events we ask everyone if they’re okay being filmed. At least half are not okay with it, and I live in the Bay Area.
So for me there’s no red flag about that specific part.

However those people didn't just receive a white powder terrorist death threat in the mail followed by a hate crime attempted lynching. His and his managers answers weren't really even about that as JS said something about disturbing the neighbors with the camera being on and with turning over his phone he and his manager were supposedly just too important to have their phone away from them for even a few hours. You really should see his specific answers as his actual answers seemed cringey.

I’m hoping a more experienced sleuther can tell me why - when there’s a Ton of evidence against them - why someone would continue with the lie. ?? A few days ago he could have put himself in a psych ward or rehab, or Anywhere that may have garnered some kind of sympathy. But that time has passed, and the window of potential sympathy has passed. The way he’s playing it he’ll lose Everything. It’s just so stupid.

Because he got caught past the point of no return. At the time of the terrorist mailing he looked very much in the clear and then the same thing with the beating as he was the international person of the hour up until recently. Now he can't just back out of this without facing serious consequences as checking into rehab isn't going to get you out of a federal terrorism charge.
Why continue with the lie?

Smollett is a criminal, not unlike many other criminals, who continue to stay with an impossible story. While Smollett is not a killer, he reminds me of Jeffrey McDonald, who continues to profess his innocence and victim role in prison. To the extent that if he had actually shown any contrition, he may have been eligible for parole.

Criminal thinking. Narcissism. Victim mode. Lack of concern about the effects of their behavior on others.
How to Spot a Sociopath
OK, this is annoying. They are talking about how he is going to defend himself and it makes sense to me. Somebody talk me down lol.

ETA that part starts about 13 minutes in
They do have a point. I hope the prosecution has some more in store than what has been released. So far, they only have he said, they said and circumstantial evidence.
They do have a point. I hope the prosecution has some more in store than what has been released. So far, they only have he said, they said and circumstantial evidence.

I agree, and posted awhile back about how he could slither out of this. But, he has burned a lot of bridges. And "Not Guilty" is definitely not the same as "Innocent of All Charges".

The court of public opinion sees the truth. Not unlike "Casey Anthony". Sure, a jury let her go..but everyone knows the truth.
"Advocate" editor: Can we really trust the pro-Trump Chicago PD on Jussie Smollett's guilt?

There are people who support Mr. Smollett. I don't like the insinuations that Chicago PD is corrupt. They worked hard to find the perpetrators of Mr. Smollett's attack, and they are still suspect?!

If the rumor is true - and I think it likely is - that CPD brought in JS to file a complaint against the brothers but JS refused because he said he knew them and he felt sorry for them a lot of people are going to end up with egg on their faces, not the least of which will be JS and his legal defense team. I just hope CPD has the whole thing on video with how the hate crime perps were fingered and arrested but he declined prosecution of them.
I am sure that other celebrities, such as Rosanne Barr, were not allotted ANY considerations that you mention.
I do think that the considerations you mention here, should apply across the board.
They seem reasonable to me.
No matter WHAT.

Something that I don't believe has been brought up today. There are many considerations that I'm sure were taken into consideration of whether to continue working with Jussie for the Studio, and I'm sure discussed with Disney as well. I'm sure it will all come out at some time in the future. Was he consistently on time for call and shoot obligation? How many takes did it take for him to get his scenes "right" before it was good for director and producers? Was he prompt and on time for PROMO shoots and engagements? With his reported drug use, was it apparent or did the behavior affect or spill onto the set in any way? It has proven to be that he was canoodling with one of the brothers who was also an "extra" on the show, not to mention supplying his drugs. What is it they say? Never mix business and pleasure. (the clean version)

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