IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime Jan 2019 #4 * ALL CHARGES DROPPED*

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Geragos can spin like a whirling dervish which is his customary SOP and he still cannot overcome that pesky interview his client gave with RR. :rolleyes:

I truly believe the overwhelming evidence and interview seals his fate. At this point the best option would be for defense to zip it. JMHO

I've never depended on TMZ as a reputable source for anything. :D
If this case goes to trial Smollett's lawyers can win during jury selection if they can get enough jurors who will vote not guilty because they feel that if there's any doubt at all it means they have to vote not guilty. JMO

Jury nullification. Do some smoke and mirrors >Modsnip<
Deflect away from the criminal in the case.
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Jussie Smollett may have gotten idea to stage hate-crime from his boss

The seeds for Jussie Smollett’s alleged hate-crime hoax may have been planted when an emotional “Empire” creator Lee Daniels spoke out about his cousin getting assaulted because he’s gay, according to a report.

The theory among some “Empire” cast members is that Smollett sought to play on Daniels’ emotions in the hopes of becoming “an LGBT hero” and curry favor with his boss, TMZ reported, citing anonymous sources
An open letter from a fan to Empire's Jussie Smollett | Reel Chicago - Midwest film, audio, production, TV, and advertising

Dear Jussie,

I understand that you sometimes read Reel Chicago. Thanks for that. It’s appreciated. So, if you do read this scrappy daily trade that I have been proud to be a part of for the last four years, I do hope you read this.

Jussie, you dumb *advertiser censored*!


Guess what? I’m not happy with what I get paid from Reel Chicago and Reel 360.

I hate driving a 2003 Saab.

I’m not happy that I have lived in LA for six years and still don’t have a manager.

I’m especially not thrilled that my wife kicks me when I snore.

My rent is too damn high!



I wish Tupac would come back from the grave and slap some sense into your privileged *advertiser censored*, while the ghost of Dr. King held your arms behind your back.


This part was awesome, lol

You really put a noose around your neck, brother? Do you have any idea how many Black men and women have had nooses forced upon them? MAGA supporters screamed at you? Bleach? LGBT and racial slurs? You really went for the “All You Can Hate Buffet,” didn’t you?
This part was awesome, lol

You really put a noose around your neck, brother? Do you have any idea how many Black men and women have had nooses forced upon them? MAGA supporters screamed at you? Bleach? LGBT and racial slurs? You really went for the “All You Can Hate Buffet,” didn’t you?
:D I‘ma tell ya, this is comedy gold! :p
Geragos can spin like a whirling dervish which is his customary SOP and he still cannot overcome that pesky interview his client gave with RR. :rolleyes:

I truly believe the overwhelming evidence and interview seals his fate. At this point the best option would be for defense to zip it. JMHO

I've never depended on TMZ as a reputable source for anything. :D
Geragos is so cliche'. And it's amusing to me that JS hired him. Too bad J. Cochran isn't around for this 3-ring, RIP. If anyone could get JS out of this, it was him. IMO
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An open letter from a fan to Empire's Jussie Smollett | Reel Chicago - Midwest film, audio, production, TV, and advertising

Dear Jussie,

I understand that you sometimes read Reel Chicago. Thanks for that. It’s appreciated. So, if you do read this scrappy daily trade that I have been proud to be a part of for the last four years, I do hope you read this.

Jussie, you dumb *advertiser censored*!


Guess what? I’m not happy with what I get paid from Reel Chicago and Reel 360.

I hate driving a 2003 Saab.

I’m not happy that I have lived in LA for six years and still don’t have a manager.

I’m especially not thrilled that my wife kicks me when I snore.

My rent is too damn high!



I wish Tupac would come back from the grave and slap some sense into your privileged *advertiser censored*, while the ghost of Dr. King held your arms behind your back.

That is some good writing...LOL !...moo
I find the irony in this case priceless.

Jussie did all of his hate mongering, blah,blah, blah, to get the full attention of the world focused on HIM.

Now he runs way not wanting any attention at all focused on HIM.. LOL!
The spin, the spin. Is there no shame? Terrance Howard checks in:
Terrence Howard Breaks Silence On 'Empire' Co-Star Jussie Smollett After Arrest

"He continued: “Stay in your lane and my lane is empathy and love and compassion for someone I’ve called my son for five years. It’s God’s job to judge and it’s ours to love and hope, especially for those that we claim to have loved.”

Maybe his job is to love and hope. I believe the rest of us should use our reasoning powers and call a hoax a hoax - a dangerous hoax to put it mildly

The spin, the spin. Is there no shame? Terrance Howard checks in:
Terrence Howard Breaks Silence On 'Empire' Co-Star Jussie Smollett After Arrest

"He continued: “Stay in your lane and my lane is empathy and love and compassion for someone I’ve called my son for five years. It’s God’s job to judge and it’s ours to love and hope, especially for those that we claim to have loved.”

Maybe his job is to love and hope. I believe the rest of us should use our reasoning powers and call a hoax a hoax - a dangerous hoax to put it mildly


I wonder where that "love" will be when JS is serving time in prison? Oh, of course, his conviction would just be part of the corruption. :rolleyes:
I wonder where that "love" will be when JS is serving time in prison? Oh, of course, his conviction would just be part of the corruption. :rolleyes:

I suspect JS won't have many visitors other than maybe his immediate family when he is finally convicted and begins his sentence. IMO, he will have both state and federal charges and trials, and be convicted at his first trial (or plead guilty) later this year. He's going to do hard time for this collection of appalling crimes-- he just hasn't figured that out or accepted that yet. He still thinks he's the victim in all this. He needs a few months of being fired, and having lots of court appearances and lawyer meetings to come to accept the reality of the future he's created for himself.

I think he'll end up serving most of his eventual sentence in protective custody/ special housing, because he will be targeted for severe and ongoing abuse in general pop.

The interesting thing, IMO, is "why" he has not yet been officially fired from his TV sitcom-- he will be, IMO, but it will take a bit more time for that to happen and be publicized. I'm sure the network is in deep discussions with attorneys on the finer points of his contract. But it is awfully interesting to compare how fast celebrities/ actors like Megyn Kelly and Roseanne Barr were swiftly fired from their TV shows for far less serious mere comments, that didn't even rise to the level of chargeable misdemeanors.

As another note, I'd personally like to see legislation introduced (both state and federal) that makes staging or reporting fake hate crimes a special circumstance for higher felony charges with mandatory prison time. I think that is legislation that the overwhelming majority of people would support.
I believe there is more to this ordeal than just Jussie wanting a raise. The bare minimum for a TV show to qualify for "syndication" is 88. It's ratings also are a huge factor. As of the last show in Season 5, Episode 9 the average US Household were 5.04 million.

Episode Number 75
Season 9 "Had It From My Father"
Directed By Sanaa Hamri Diane
Written By Ademu-John & Carlito Rodriguez
Aired Original Date December 5, 2018 US Households (Millions) 5.04[82]

Empire : U.S. viewers per episode (millions)

Syndication is like the "Retirement Plan" for those contractually included for a show. Residuals are lucrative and collectively in the Millions per year after the show closes. The show now sits at 75 thus far. Mash and Friends are two notable examples. The leads AND producers literally can retire on the residuals.

Bottom line is Empire is in a very critical situation right now. Both for ratings AND if the show is not picked up for another syndication deals. With both change in ownership to Disney and a 5.0 ratings average, it's critical that somethin' gives.

List of Empire episodes - Wikipedia

IMO, the reason JS staged these hoax hate crimes (the hoax letter-- not charged yet, and the staged fake assault) has exactly nothing at all to do with his salary desires or contract negotiation. Money is just a convenient place to lay blame when the real reason for his actions can't be accepted.

He did this, IMO, to simultaneously smear a large swath of the population, as well as to swaddle himself in the untouchable blanket of victimhood. He did this for purely selfish emotional gratification, IMO.

These are the actions of a narcissistic sociopath, IMO. Just like many others who stage and report fake hate crimes, which are on the rise nationwide over the past few years.
@mickey2942 referred to Wilfred Reilly in the last thread. Here is an opinion piece he did for USAToday couple days ago: Hate crime hoaxes, like Jussie Smollett's alleged attack, are more common than you think


That this case turned out to be a hoax shouldn't come as too big of a shock. A great many hate crime stories turn out to be hoaxes. Simply looking at what happened to the most widely reported hate crime stories over the past 4-5 years illustrates this: not only the Smollett case but also the Yasmin Seweid, Air Force Academy, Eastern Michigan, Wisconsin-Parkside, Kean College, Covington Catholic, and “Hopewell Baptist burning” racial scandals all turned out to be fakes. And, these cases are not isolated outliers.

Doing research for a book, Hate Crime Hoax, I was able to easily put together a data set of 409 confirmed hate hoaxes. An overlapping but substantially different list of 348 hoaxes exists at, and researcher Laird Wilcox put together another list of at least 300 in his still-contemporary book Crying Wolf. To put these numbers in context, a little over 7,000 hate crimes were reported by the FBI in 2017 and perhaps 8-10% of these are widely reported enough to catch the eye of a national researcher. Why do hoaxers hoax? In some cases, the motivations are tawdry and financial. Jussie Smollett allegedly wanted to make himself a sympathetic figure to boost his salary.

However, the motivations of many hoaxers are honorable if misguided. In college campus hate hoax cases (Kean College, U-Chicago), the individuals responsible almost invariably say that they staged incidents to call attention to real incidents of racist violence on campus. Certainly, the media giants that leap to publicize hate crime stories later revealed to be fakes, and the organizations that line up to defend their “victims” — the Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Lives Matter, CAIR — think that they are providing a public service by fighting bigotry.

However, hate crime hoaxers are “calling attention to a problem” that is a very small part of total crimes. There is very little brutally violent racism in the modern USA. There are less than 7,000 real hate crimes reported in a typical year. Inter-racial crime is quite rare; 84% of white murder victims and 93% of Black murder victims are killed by criminals of their own race, and the person most likely to kill you is your ex-wife or husband. When violent inter-racial crimes do occur, whites are at least as likely to be the targets as are minorities. Simply put, Klansmen armed with nooses are not lurking on Chicago street corners.

In this context, what hate hoaxers actually do is worsen generally good race relations, and distract attention from real problems. As Chicago’s disgusted top cop, Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, pointed out yesterday, skilled police officers spent four weeks tracking down Smollett’s imaginary attackers — in a city that has seen 28 murders as of Feb. 9th, according to The Chicago Tribune.
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Every time I see Smollett's friends referred to as Nigerian, I wonder how the Nigerians feel about it. Smollett's friends are not Nigerian. They're USA born and no more Nigerian than the rest of the people born in the USA.
I just think it bears repeating frequently because they’re about the last guys you’d picture screaming “This is MAGA country!”
The problem I see with this case, and probably the realistic goal of Mark Geragos, is that Geragos will string this out forever. With motions to suppress, all sorts of justifiable antics, just to run down the clock until this is old news.

Smollett will have a trial pending, that means he has not been proven guilty, simply "charged" with a crime. Geragos will argue with Fox/Disney that they cannot fire an actor "charged" with a crime, and Smollett has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. Then, at some point, 3 or 4 years down the road, Geragos will request a dismissal.

Geragos will probably also request that the federal charges against Smollett be pending until the state completes their case. And again, just run the clock down. Just watch. Unless this is fast tracked. It will be interesting to watch.
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