Found Deceased IL - Andrew Freund, 5, Crystal Lake, 17 April 2019 *Arrests* - #2

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I am not a bit surprised that AJ is deceased. I am so glad they recovered his body. That little boy was failed by so many. What a sad shame!! I am curious to learn his cause of death as well as when he died. I believe the parents should suffer very serious consequences for their actions. The only positives I can think of are that, unfortunately because of AJ's loss of life/murder, is that the new baby will never have to suffer, (I Pray), the lifestyle and abuse that AJ did and I am glad that the child currently in foster care for the moment will not be returning to these two abusive killers. I am not sure of the status of the oldest child but at least he will be released from his parents grasp.

I am so angry at how our society and social service institutions operate with regard to the goal of "always protecting or re-uniting the family". This case clearly demonstrates the level of abuse and neglect that can, is, and will be tolerated before a child is finally in protection or removed from a neglectful environment. It just is hard to understand and accept. Had stricter standards been applied it is, IMO, very likely that AJ would still be alive.

The mother of AJ is clearly, IMO, in the throes of addiction but that, imo, doesn't give he a pass or an excuse. As far as any of us know, Mom could just be, in general, a mean and abusive heartless person regardless of drug or substance abuse. I do not know nor understand the Dad's issues but he completely comes off as a creepy and sleazy man.

The goal is to protect child. We have a lot of lawyers that are good at proving the parents are reformed and use the LAW to their full advantage to get these kids back to their parents.

Look how her lawyer repeatedly stated she was innocent, she knew nothing, refused to let her talk to LE.
After the big daycare scandle in the 90s, where everyone lied and said kids were abused when they weren't, folks lobbied to change the laws, its hard to remove kids from their home, it takes a Judges protective order and you need proof. Proof is hard to get photos, medical records, etc.
State Statutes Search - Child Welfare Information Gateway

Illinois definition of child abuse... When reading remember they MUST HAVE PROOF. The grandparents were able to gain custody but specific examples, dates, the older son was able to testify and they had photographs.
You can't prove a case with just he said, she said by neighbors or LE.

Physical Abuse
Citation: Comp. Stat. Ch. 325, § 5/3
'Abused child' means a child whose parent, immediate family member, any person responsible for the child's welfare, any individual residing in the same home as the child, or a paramour of the child's parent:

  • Inflicts, causes or allows to be inflicted, or creates a substantial risk of physical injury by other than accidental means that causes death, disfigurement, impairment of physical or emotional health, or loss or impairment of any bodily function
  • Commits or allows to be committed an act or acts of torture upon the child
  • Inflicts excessive corporal punishment
  • Commits or allows to be committed the offense of female genital mutilation
  • Causes a controlled substance to be sold, transferred, distributed, or given to the child under age 18, in violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act or Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act
  • Commits or allows to be committed the offense of involuntary servitude, involuntary sexual servitude of a minor, or trafficking in persons, as defined in chapter 720, § 5/10-9, against the child
Citation: Comp. Stat. Ch. 325, § 5/3
'Neglected child' means any child who:

  • Is not receiving proper or necessary nourishment or medically indicated treatment, including food or care, that is not provided solely on the basis of the present or anticipated mental or physical impairment as determined by a physician, or otherwise is not receiving the proper or necessary support or medical or other remedial care as necessary for a child's well-being
  • Is not receiving other care necessary for his or her well-being, including adequate food, clothing, and shelter
  • Is subjected to an environment that is injurious insofar as:
    • The child's environment creates a likelihood of harm to the child's health, physical well-being, or welfare.
    • The likely harm to the child is the result of a blatant disregard of parent or caregiver responsibilities.
  • Has been provided with interim crisis intervention services under chapter 705, § 405/3-5 and whose parent, guardian, or custodian refuses to permit the child to return home and no other living arrangement agreeable to the parent, guardian, or custodian can be made, and the parent, guardian, or custodian has not made any other appropriate living arrangement for the child
  • Is a newborn infant whose blood, urine, or meconium contains any amount of a controlled substance or a metabolite thereof
Initial Screening Decisions. Here is where PROOF comes in...
Citation: Admin. Code Tit. 89, § 300.100

When a report of child abuse or neglect is received, the department shall make an initial investigation to validate whether there is reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect exists. When investigative staff make a determination that there is reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect exists, a formal investigation shall be made.

Investigative staff will use the following criteria to determine whether there is a good faith indication to believe that abuse or neglect exists:

  • The alleged victim must be younger than age 18.
  • The alleged victim must either have been harmed or be in substantial risk of harm.
  • There must be an abusive or neglectful incident or set of circumstances that caused the alleged harm or substantial risk of harm to the child.
  • For abuse, the alleged perpetrator must be the child's parent, foster parent, guardian, immediate family member, any individual who resides in the same house as the child, the paramour of the child's parent, or any person responsible for the child's welfare at the time of the alleged abuse.
  • For neglect, the alleged perpetrator must be the child's parent, guardian, foster parent, or any person responsible for the child's welfare at the time of the alleged neglect.
If any one of the above criteria is not present, a determination will be made that the report does not provide a good faith indication that child abuse or neglect exists, and the investigation will be terminated. If the above criteria are present, investigative staff will begin a formal investigation.
Well the above criteria,and then some was evident. All five years of his short sad life.
Odd they can't rely on the word of people who report abuse,but buy some BS story about Dog giving starving child bruises.
Andrew is Dead now.
Yes!! And most states are in dire need of Guardians Ad Litum. Qualifications vary by state. In NC you need to be over 21, have a clean federal background check, pass a drug test and have a sincere desire to help children. No education requirements! If you want to help, this is a great place to start.

YES!! YES!!! We need more boots on the ground in all communities!!! We need to lobby for stricter laws!!!
I can't remember in the last 10 years when one single child protect law was passed in my state. BUT, we recently made it a criminal offense to abuse your animal. Just saying....
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When my kids were in elementary school, my daughter tripped at home in her brother’s room and fell into a desk, cracking her two front teeth. We went right to the dentist who couldn’t do much at the time. We had to wait a while before he could bond the teeth. Someone called CPS (I was pretty sure it was a neighbor who I did not get along with) and CPS was at my house the next day. It took almost 3 months to get them out of my life. I hated the repeated intrusions and the questions. They spoke to both kids a few times, spoke to teachers and neighbors. Everyone in my area heard about it. It was very embarrassing but I understood it was necessary bc someone made allegations of harm or neglect.

When I hear about cases like AJ my blood boils! I felt I had practically the whole county intruding in my life and here’s poor AJ born addicted and returned to a drug addicts living in a filthy home. It makes no sense!!
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Hoping the parents decide to quickly surrender their rights to their other children and unborn baby so they can all begin to heal and know what real love is. AJ lost his life but hopefully saved his siblings.
Rest peacefully sweet AJ.
At this point it should not depend on them.
DCSF,and Judges better step up and do right by these children.
Hoping the parents decide to quickly surrender their rights to their other children and unborn baby so they can all begin to heal and know what real love is. AJ lost his life but hopefully saved his siblings.
Rest peacefully sweet AJ.

Unfortunately too many parents like this see dollar signs for every child. They don’t care about the child only whatever increase they get in food stamps and other assistance. They continue to have kids so they get more benefits and can do more drugs. It’s a sickening cycle and innocent children are caught in the middle.
Hmm.. JMO she looks like a hard, long term drug abuser whose liver is really tired of all the poison. I don't see a black eye, just dark circles, and she looks like she got high before she went in to LE.

An addict only wants to maintain and NOT go into withdrawl. It's not a matter of enjoying a high, it's a matter of surviving the withdrawl. It's a massive physical dependence. It is truly a horrible horrible illness. So yes, her only real interest would be in using to keep the withdrawl away. And once in that state, she might have been more cooperative as she realized she could maybe protect herself and her addiction by co-operating against the child's father.

He doesn't look nearly as debilitated as she does, IMHO. His demeanor seems more sober and put together. Yet, wasn't he also living in that filthy, neglected hovel?

Is he an addict, too? I'm not quite getting the same vibe from him.
I suspect he had been murdered well before AFsr's 911 call. I would not be surprised if they realized DCFS was coming out for a home visit soon and they needed an alibi for why AFjr was not at the home. That might have prompted AFsr's 911 call.

If DCFS wasn't involved at all you can rest assured they never would have even reported him missing.
Well the above criteria,and then some was evident. All five years of his short sad life.
Odd they can't rely on the word of people who report abuse,but buy some BS story about Dog giving starving child bruises.
Andrew is Dead now.

Yes, much was evident but LE never pulled out a camera and I'm sure when CPS showed up the house may have been clean. She stated they were not living in the home. Lies!! Lies!!! All lies but no proof.

When my daughter was 7 she broke her arm very badly. 2 bones in 2 places. When we went to ER the Dr said, how did you do this? She said, Andrew did it!! (Andrew is also 7)Eyes shot up. Dr. said, Andrew, how did he hurt you? She said, we were playing football and he tackled me.
Thank goodness, the ER folks knew me, my daughter and even Andrew.
When AJ said, the dog did it. I'm sure they ask many questions and maybe the dog did it or AJ knew to lie for his mom. Just saying...

I had a professor in college who would say (and it would make me so MAD) ... Two things you will learn and dogs will love you no matter how much you beat or abuse them. It makes me sick but he was right.
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I'm broken hearted for Andrew even though I didn't really expect any other result. I can't even begin to imagine what that poor little boy went through.I couldn't even finish reading the news report. I'm relieved his siblings will at least have some chance of a normal life in a proper loving home. :(
'' he has become a child of all of us '' Really love that quote.
Yes, indeed, a very fine quote and, sadly, it's true.
We have put our hearts out to embrace so many of these precious children. SMH. It just never stops. Heaven is too full of those young angels, just too full. But if they were in a scary, painful and cruel situation, they are now free of it, regardless of our feelings of what happens to them when they die. At least the fear and pain are gone.
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