Found Deceased IL - Andrew Freund, 5, Crystal Lake, 17 April 2019 *Arrests* - #3

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Not to mention, in a lot of cases, there’s much more than drug addiction. My mom, for example, has borderline personality disorder so even when drugs are/were removed, she still has a very manipulative/depressive/complex personality. It’s very hard with mental illness tbh. But, murdering your own child is just too far. My mom was very addicted and aggressive for about 10 years of my life but she NEVER touched me or my sister. Actually there was ONE time where I got super upset and was screaming at her that she hit me but literally only once in 10 years of severe drug abuse. My mom has been clean for years and now at 60, she has found peace. So people do recover but criminal behaviour like that is just... unexplainable. My mom never killed anyone or hurt anyone and she definitely would never hide a body of her own kid. Yes, her illness created emotional trauma on us but like I said, there’s a line. These two crossed the line of mental illness. I’m very empathetic towards mental illness/addiction because I know a lot of times the person does not want to be in that situation. My mom lost basically everything and she had to re-do her life. She wasn’t happy when she was in self destruct mode. People don’t choose to be born with a mental illness and have a lot of traumas that exacerbate it. My mom lost 3 children (1 stillborn at 9 months, twins that lived a few days) and her parents before she was 30). I’m not making excuses for her, but you have to try to understand what makes someone so troubled.

However, there’s a line and these crazies passed it. I haven’t heard from JC but the dad seemed totally sociopathetic on the 911 call, interviews, etc... he was fully conscious and was lying and just acting like a sociopath.

I think my judgment of mental illness normally is: if someone who had terminal cancer had done this to their kids, would I still want them in jail? The answer is hell yes. When I compare a mental illness such as addiction to a serious physical illness and I’d still judge the one with the physical illness as harshly, then for me it’s because the line has been crossed between mental illness and serious criminal behaviour.

I don’t like to generalize. Some parents do get clean after giving birth to kids with opioids or worse in their systems. And babies/kids are more resilient than we think if given the opportunity to leave the hospital and grow up in a stable environment. I mentioned Simone Biles, the Olympic gold medalist. Her mom was deeply, deeply addicted when pregnant with her. She was in jail 22 times while pregnant with Simone and Simone was born with drugs in her system. Unlike this case though, Child Services removed her and her little sister from the home very early on and placed them in foster care. They did give their mom a second chance but in a few months she relapsed and it was game over after 2 strikes. Perhaps because she’s black? The girls’ grandfather and his wife adopted them from the foster system when Simone was 5 and she is amazing. Best female athlete I’ve seen, ever. Plus just so positive and sweet and a great role model who is a spokesperson and helps other kids. So like I said, let’s not generalize. Kids born addicted to opioids/drugs CAN thrive if growing up in a loving and caring environment. The little ones are resilient. That’s what hurts the most. If the effing state had removed AJ from that home, he could have done great things in this world. I cannot get over that. He was 5. His life was not over. He could have a had chance to overcome all of this but he just never got one. :(
Thank you so much for sharing such a personal and informative experience that is very relevant not only to little AJ's case but to any brutal and horrendous act of violence. Some of the most useful posts that help us better understand and cope with such acts are those of experience and do not come with a *link*. If I could reform or completely obliterate one word from describing these murderous acts, it would be the word "sick". That word implies something acquired, having the possibility of recovery from. These monsters are not "sick" - their acts are sickening. Nope. These monsters are pure evil. They are evil - not sick. Evil has no 12 step program and no redemption. We face it perhaps to test our resolve to obliterate it and to remind ourselves we need to be more protective of the weaker and most vulnerable among us.
I am glad to see you post a positive outcome from your experience and that of your mother. Mental illness is a sickness from which there is a cure. Evil just exists. Let's not fear calling the entities that tortured AJ what they are! - They are not sick - they are evil!
Here is the problem though... jail isn’t working. We’ve been throwing drug users in jail since the inception of the war on drugs and it is simply not working. I certainly don’t have the answers but I guess getting to the root of the issue is part of it.

Once JC withdraws and gets the proper mental health meds, she will look back in shame and horror. She still killed that sweet child and deserves punishment but not all drug users are psychopathic murderers. I am not excusing her abhorrent actions at all.
I doubt she has a conscious. Rachelle Bond never felt Shame and horror when she cleaned up in jail. The drugs are just a crutch not an excuse. I’ve known drug addicts who didn’t beat the tar out of their kids. Trying to blame drugs for their actions is no responsibility.
Yes, different drug do have various impacts on the brain. As do alcohol and tobacco.

I do live it every day first hand. The family next door, has their drug addicted son, who is on disability living with them. He has 9 children by 6 baby mama's, 3 pregnant at the same time. He's just 20, on disability, pays no child support, nor does he watch these kids. Some are dropped off everyday to be watched while baby mama runs the street.

We've had 4 fires, kids left outside unattended at 5 am, we all have to watch these kids, keep them out of the street and from setting fires. We've had drive by shooting, drug deals going down all night long, when his parents are out of town. He lost his drivers license at 18, has had numerous accidents with no insurance, arrested for grand theft 4 times, 6 counts of drug distribution probation all tbe time. We can thank our great mental health system for going to bat to keep his 350 lbs out of jail.

I live in a very nice upscale community and I resent the fact, I can't live in peace. I pay my taxes, I get up everyday and do the right thing. I worked in healthcare and mental health, I know the deal. We don't have any mental hospitals left, the state closed them, no room in the jail and lots of lawyers pleading for someone to help them. Well, as my daddy use to say, you can't help people that won't help themselves! And YES, some do recover from addiction.

Yes, a lot of drugs are prescribed by physicians and finally the federal government is taking action. Just last week, 60 were charged with illegal prescription distribution. These were physicians, nurse practitioners, and pharmacies. Yes, lock them all up!!!

And this week they arrested a drug company officials. I hope they all burn in he!! for what they are doing to our country!! I've been lobbying for years for my state to go after drug companies. Virginia was one of the first state to file sue against drug companies. I just hope and pray some of the funds go for inpatient rehab. that seems to be the most successful treatment.

Your story is such a warning for All Americans. Drugs are not affecting the weak, the corrupt, the lower classes, people of a certain color or ethnicity, of a certain education. DRUGS ARE EVERYWHERE and they are degrading all of our lives.

Every day in my little town of 30,000 the Police Blotter has multiple arrests for meth use or meth/heroin or heroin/cocaine or alcohol/any of the above, or marijuana/any of the above. These users live in old motels that are now "residential motels" and they are just infested with the crimes. The druggies are in car accidents, in gang shoootouts, in home burglaries. So many of them are ex-felons with.... prior drug charges. And there was a serial killer who premeditatedly murdered 4 upstanding citizens so he could pawn their simple jewelry for money for meth

I don't know how to stop this, but I also agree with the poster who said incarceration is not a solution. It's only warehousing too many of these Walking Dead who will be released and set back on the streets to re-commit, because they can't get clean or don't know of any reason to get clean.
AJ Freund death: DCFS releases timeline; Community asked to wear blue to remember slain Crystal Lake boy

12/18/18: ER Physician examined Andrew and could not state how his injury was caused. The doctor reported injury could have been caused by a dog, belt or a football. The doctor was concerned because Andrew stated that "maybe someone hit me with a belt. Maybe mommy didn't mean to hurt me." DCFS investigator contacted the father to pick the children up from hospital until the home environment can be assessed. The father was asked to remain in the home as a safety precaution.

I am so angry I could spit. This child TOLD A DOCTOR and still he was returned to that monster. Why would he ever bother to speak up again? Asking Sr. to stay in the house to protect him. What a joke!
Thank you so much for sharing such a personal and informative experience that is very relevant not only to little AJ's case but to any brutal and horrendous act of violence. Some of the most useful posts that help us better understand and cope with such acts are those of experience and do not come with a *link*. If I could reform or completely obliterate one word from describing these murderous acts, it would be the word "sick". That word implies something acquired, having the possibility of recovery from. These monsters are not "sick" - their acts are sickening. Nope. These monsters are pure evil. They are evil - not sick. Evil has no 12 step program and no redemption. We face it perhaps to test our resolve to obliterate it and to remind ourselves we need to be more protective of the weaker and most vulnerable among us.
I am glad to see you post a positive outcome from your experience and that of your mother. Mental illness is a sickness from which there is a cure. Evil just exists. Let's not fear calling the entities that tortured AJ what they are! - They are not sick - they are evil!
My sons friend has schizoaffective disorder and bi-polar disease. Their is no cure it’s a progressive disease all you can do is take mood stabilizers and anti psychotic meds. They always have to be changed eventually when they stop working. It’s very sad. I wish their was a cure.
I think we need a change in the level of authority a CPS/DCFS worker has. They should be able to force entry with police if monsters like these two refuse entry.

I’m writing to all my state and US legislators to take a long hard look at laws meant to protect children. It’s beyond time to save these babies!!
Child welfare system often allows parents with drug problems to keep their kids. After AJ Freund, will that change?

But once a child is removed, he said, it can be difficult to reunify a family even if the parents appear to be doing well. Judges, who make the final call about whether children should be removed from their parents or brought back, often are reluctant to allow people with histories of drug abuse to reclaim their kids, he said.

He expects that reluctance to grow even stronger in the wake of AJ’s murder.

“It’d be hard for this case not to play a role in (a judge’s) decision-making,” he said. “We might see children stay in care longer. Whether that’s a good or bad thing, we’ll have to see.”
Not only having to be removed from his drug addicted parents, but returning at the tender age of 2 only to have a brother arrive within a year. It's so clear that the parents favored the younger child over AJ as if he was only a ward and not their child.

Once he was returned to that pair, AJ never had any chance.

It seems apparent they did favor the younger brother and likely disliked AJ. Then why regain custody of him? A possession? Vengeance against “the system”? How can you have contempt for your child? His life was hell. And he was coached (threatened), I’m sure, as to what to say to people who made inquiries. Why? I can’t grasp this.
Do we know who the father of the unborn baby is? (does she?)

It has been reported here by locals that the motel where the pool videos are shot is notorious for drug dealing and prostitution. Is this why she likes to take "breaks" to go stay in the hotel - she can prostitute herself for $$ or drugs?
It seems apparent they did favor the younger brother and likely disliked AJ. Then why regain custody of him? A possession? Vengeance against “the system”? How can you have contempt for your child? His life was hell. And he was coached (threatened), I’m sure, as to what to say to people who made inquiries. Why? I can’t grasp this.

He would likely be a source of funds as a dependent child, food stamps, other benefits in the social services system. He was just a paycheck.
But they waited days to report him missing, during which time no one suspected anything. They brought the attention onto themselves by reporting it. Anyone has to know the story made no sense, it took them 3 days to hatch that genius story that he just vanished into thin air? They could have left the state and gotten a month-long head start, no one would be looking for them. They would have been seen as running from the foreclosure at worst. They could have blended into any crack house, the typical American family of 60-year old disbarred coke-head attorney, 30-year younger pregnant junkie mom and a small child. No one would have suspected they had just murdered one child and dumped him in a shallow grave.

Maybe they wanted to keep getting the monthly payment from SS or child services for AJ and thought they could keep up the pretense because he would just be a "runaway".
I am so angry I could spit. This child TOLD A DOCTOR and still he was returned to that monster. Why would he ever bother to speak up again? Asking Sr. to stay in the house to protect him. What a joke!

That is very true. Children are afraid to tell about their abuse, and reluctant, as they were often told they were hit because they were "bad" and "deserved it".

Getting a confession from a child about abuse can take specialized skill.
But they waited days to report him missing, during which time no one suspected anything. They brought the attention onto themselves by reporting it. Anyone has to know the story made no sense, it took them 3 days to hatch that genius story that he just vanished into thin air? They could have left the state and gotten a month-long head start, no one would be looking for them. They would have been seen as running from the foreclosure at worst. They could have blended into any crack house, the typical American family of 60-year old disbarred coke-head attorney, 30-year younger pregnant junkie mom and a small child. No one would have suspected they had just murdered one child and dumped him in a shallow grave.

Typical drug addicts-the focus is on how to get more dope rather than what is a good story/alibi smdh
Yes, and on Halloween the other mom said his arms and hands were all bandaged up. She thought he was dressed up as a mummy.

But they still took him out to Trick or Treat. SMH. Why? The obvious abuse to him probably occurred just days before Halloween. Did they think no one would notice? Did they want the candy he was probably given for themselves?
I'm sure he wanted to go out to get treats, etc., but I guess they didn't notice his injuries were that obvious or they just didn't care. Grrrrrr.
The State of Illinois law returned him, legally after the mother completed her plan for unification. The state did not have the power to hold this child, when the parent shows they have recovered.
Heck, she went on to have more kids. We can't stop her, she could've had one a year. Can't legally sterizle anyone.

Why don't we pass laws to make being born to drug addiction a criminal act. Lock them up, not give them a plan to get the kids back. We can't because of constitutional rights.

It’s not a crime?????? I’m shocked. That makes me so GD mad!!!! Adding this to my letter to legislators.
So JC and AF were abusing and neglecting the oldest boy to the point that the grandmother was able to get custody. We all know how they treated poor AJ. I find it incredibly hard to believe that P is unscathed (as far as physical abuse). I think he's very lucky to make it out of this situation alive. From what we know, I do not think the monsters knew how to love anyone or anything but their habit. Sadly I think poor P is going to carry this with him his entire life.--All MOO
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