Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #4

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Respectfully. A comment was made on Beths missing FB group - if one wants to get the word out they gotta do it themselves. I respectfully disagree.

Has SB contacted any of the organizations available for assistance to the family of missing persons?

Project Jason

CUE Center for Missing Persons

I value and appreciate the help Beths friends want to offer, however they are unexperienced at missing persons cases and there are organizations available to assist and provide family support. Is SB utilizing any of these organizations?

WS has some additional listings in our Lighting the Way Home area of the forum.


I don't know for sure. Early on in this case there were several different organizations that were listed on the FB page.
I see on the FB missing page for Beth it has been mentioned Beth's case is listed at their forum. However Project Jason also provides assistance for families of the missing.

Here is link with the info on family assistance Project Jason provides.
We were discussing this case with some local friends, people who have grown up in the area, and this question was presented:
Is there a hog farm near the lake or rental she was last seen at? I did not know this, but apparently it was commonplace to dispose of deceased hogs using sawdust and burying them back in the day. If you wanted to get rid of evidence, regardless if it were a purse, phone, or more, if there is a hog farmer using old practices common in the area, there would be holes in the ground all over-a new spot may not be noticed.
We were discussing this case with some local friends, people who have grown up in the area, and this question was presented:
Is there a hog farm near the lake or rental she was last seen at? I did not know this, but apparently it was commonplace to dispose of deceased hogs using sawdust and burying them back in the day. If you wanted to get rid of evidence, regardless if it were a purse, phone, or more, if there is a hog farmer using old practices common in the area, there would be holes in the ground all over-a new spot may not be noticed.

I don't know that there this a hog FARM right there, but there are plenty of people that do raise cattle. I do see your point and have heard of this practice before. Would other people know this though?
You would not need a hog farm to dispose of anything in that area. There is plenty of other type areas. Woods, fields, lakes, wells, bluffs, slews, abandoned buildings, etc. This is pretty rugged terrain, although I have seen heavier terrain. It is a pretty thick area is some places.
I see on the FB missing page for Beth it has been mentioned Beth's case is listed at their forum. However Project Jason also provides assistance for families of the missing.

Here is link with the info on family assistance Project Jason provides.

I'm quoting this because if one reads the link there is SO MUCH available here. IF SB has not already made contact with Proejct Jason in addition to working with LE and the help he is getting from the FB page I strongly recommend someone here who is in direct contact with SB encourage him to do so.

The FB group is fantastic. The willingness to do whatever needs to be done is there, but respectfully, from an 'outsiders' view, that effort would be most productively utilized with the guidance and direction of 'experts' with experience in missing persons cases.

Kelly, the founder of Project Jason is a WS member and occasionally posts here. She is one amazing woman who knows her stuff.

Right now I think Beths case needs the direction and guidance which could be offered by working with an organization such as Project Jason.There is too little media attention, too much info which can't be sorted as fact or fiction, and this organization would be an excellent means of assisting Scott gain some direction and momentum with Beths case. ETA: In addition to providing himself and the children with additonal support they need during this difficult time.

Another thought.

Respectfully. Why is the reward for Beth so low?

Beth comes from a family and life style where money was no object.
IMO, IF foul play were involved 5000 is not enough to make anyone talk. 30 to 40 thousand is a far greater incentive for someone to spill what they know.

30,000 for Tionda and Diamond Bradley who went missing from a very rough area of the south side of Chicago and whose (I believe) family relied on state assistance. ( )

40,000 for missing man Ibrahim Nofal from Orland Park (,lockport-missing-man-reward-071810.article )

10,000 reward for John Spira's case. ( )

50,000 reward for missing Bradley Olsen from DeKalb/Maple Park ( )

30,000 for missing Rachel Mellon Skemp (Bolingbrook, IL ) ( )

I just don't understand it. Why if there was money for expensive tastes, friends, vacations, weekend getaways, partying etc. is there so little available for a reward for Beth?

JMO respectfully.

I have often wondered the same thing about the amount of the reward. I believe Crimestoppers kicked in $3000 and SB kicked in $2000 or vise versa. The only thing I can think of is maybe the family's finances were not that great, despite SB being an attorney, we don't know if Beth was possibly a credit card addict and charged charged charged everything. We often hear of celebreties too, who you'd think have so much money, that run into financial trouble. Usually from blowing too much $, too fast. JMO, because I do not know anything about the family's finances at all. Just speculating.
One could also ask, why all the interest in RR and NR, all of a sudden?

It would seem to me that people are defending RR, as some here seem to be almost positive of his involvement in a heinous crime that may or may not have even happened, in their opinion, of course.

So far, although nothing is impossible... I haven't seen anything to even suggest BB is no longer alive.

Another thing to consider... Dead things smell bad.

An 8 week old human body, in the heat of the summer, could be smelled for quite some distance... even in a shallow grave. This sounds like a fairly active, if rural, area.

I do not believe the interest in NR is "all of a sudden". There have been other conversations about NR & RR, this I believe is because they were all together the weekend that Beth disappeared. I do not believe that NR, RR or JW are positively involved in a crime, but I also don't think it's unusual that all parties with Beth the weekend of her disappearance would be looked at or questioned. I do not get any information directly from the LE, like the family does, but if I'm a betting woman, I would bet that all three of them have been questioned, and probably more than once. I just think that is routine in a case like this, talk to the ones last to see the missing person.
I do not get any information directly from the LE, like the family does, but if I'm a betting woman, I would bet that all three of them have been questioned, and probably more than once. I just think that is routine in a case like this, talk to the ones last to see the missing person.

Which leads directly to comments about the behavior of these people. Not much has been said about RR, or NR, however, it appears that JW has changed her story a few times and has been less than truthful.
I found it rather odd that after several reasonable questions posed to JW, she abruptly stops posting and requests these questions be asked via e-mail because her daughter is unwell. What's the differance whether you post when you have time after attending to your sick child, or having to read and respond to several e-mails? Not that this points to guilt, but the behavior makes no sense. JMO
It also looks as though a few are getting fed up with no movement on this case, and talks of searching have been revisited.
Which leads directly to comments about the behavior of these people. Not much has been said about RR, or NR, however, it appears that JW has changed her story a few times and has been less than truthful.
I found it rather odd that after several reasonable questions posed to JW, she abruptly stops posting and requests these questions be asked via e-mail because her daughter is unwell. What's the differance whether you post when you have time after attending to your sick child, or having to read and respond to several e-mails? Not that this points to guilt, but the behavior makes no sense. JMO
It also looks as though a few are getting fed up with no movement on this case, and talks of searching have been revisited.

Yep, absolutely agree. I'm sure if RR or NR had ONCE made any type of post on FB, they would be questioned a lot more. It was JW who went on FB and started commenting, and then her sister did, and then they were both gone for a quite a while, and then they come back to answer questions &/or make comments.

But I 100% agree, why would you state your daughter is sick and you want to answer all questions, but can't because you have to care for her, so please send me personal FB messages?????? This is why I constantly refer back to people's actions & statements, and how it will be interpreted by others.

If I were JW, and had nothing to do with Beth's disappearance, and had no knowledge of where she was, I would simply go on FB, or the news or whatever, and say something like "listen, although many of you would like to believe that I played a part in Beth's disappearance, let me assure you, I had nothing to do with it. She is my best friend and I love her. She asked to be dropped off, and that's what I did. I have no idea who was picking her up and I never heard from her again since. I am willing to do whatever it takes to first and foremost, find Beth, and on top of that, in order to clear my name so that all of you will believe me, I will take a polygraph and allow the LE to search all my phone records."

This has also been requested of her on FB, which we all know she reads. Not sure if she reads WS. One question....why hasn't she offered to do what I said above?

Something happened, no doubt, and my opinion is, JW knows a lot more than what she's telling, to me, that is the same as lying and that messes with the investigation. Sorry for those I offend, but that is the way I feel.

Just my opinions, and we are all entitled to have our own opinion.
I do not believe the interest in NR is "all of a sudden". There have been other conversations about NR & RR, this I believe is because they were all together the weekend that Beth disappeared. I do not believe that NR, RR or JW are positively involved in a crime, but I also don't think it's unusual that all parties with Beth the weekend of her disappearance would be looked at or questioned. I do not get any information directly from the LE, like the family does, but if I'm a betting woman, I would bet that all three of them have been questioned, and probably more than once. I just think that is routine in a case like this, talk to the ones last to see the missing person.

As you said Always.........Talk to the ones that she was last known to be with. They are the missing key, although they are not missing! They have to have more information than anyone else. They would have to know the name of the fourth person at The Frosty Mug that Friday night. If anyone else went on the boat that Saturday, they would know his name or how they met him. If she left that house in question, they would know where she went. IMO someone is just not telling the entire truth here. There is more to this story than what is being told. Does LE know the answers to these questions, well of course we don't know that answer. Yet! Maybe soon, before this gets any more complex than it is already. This is all JMO
Yep, absolutely agree. I'm sure if RR or NR had ONCE made any type of post on FB, they would be questioned a lot more. It was JW who went on FB and started commenting, and then her sister did, and then they were both gone for a quite a while, and then they come back to answer questions &/or make comments.

But I 100% agree, why would you state your daughter is sick and you want to answer all questions, but can't because you have to care for her, so please send me personal FB messages?????? This is why I constantly refer back to people's actions & statements, and how it will be interpreted by others.

100% agree.
The actions of JW are troubling to say the least.
The "train story" changed a few times. SB stated BB never mentioned coming home on a train. The story, (and times and drop off locations) changes to BB meeting a "mystery man" and JW lied to "protect" BB. Then the posts attacking BB's character start. This "mystery man" sounds tacked on and JW stating she didn't ask who BB was meeting is absolute nonsense. It sounds more like distancing herself from any responsibility. Her statements have bought precious time, and the more it passes, the colder this case gets.
Respectfully. A comment was made on Beths missing FB group - if one wants to get the word out they gotta do it themselves. I respectfully disagree.

Has SB contacted any of the organizations available for assistance to the family of missing persons?

Project Jason

CUE Center for Missing Persons

I value and appreciate the help Beths friends want to offer, however they are unexperienced at missing persons cases and there are organizations available to assist and provide family support. Is SB utilizing any of these organizations?

WS has some additional listings in our Lighting the Way Home area of the forum.


Yes they have, in fact when Beth first went missing I went to Jasonproject myself. I am pretty sure this is the place I downloaded a what to do when someone goes missing pdf which has been very helpful. But beyond that I don't think they have, I am pretty sure SB hasn't. AGM does a lot but beyond using the file I sent as a guide, and listing her I think that is all Cubby. They are using advice of retired LE. I think it is hard to keep the motion going you know what I mean. When they don't get the response they hoped for, maybe it is like kicking you when your already down.

I agree the group as a whole have been learning as we go, some mistakes have been made along the way, important ones, but a lot has been learned along the way too.
Honestly I think we are all so frustrated that it is hard to find the focus again..

In respect you the reward, you asked why not more? Remember Beth has spent a lot of money helping her friends, the move from Cali to Woodstock the car, place to live, also some medical treatment that was mentioned before. That is just one friend. SB had no idea of all of this as Justalawyer stated before. Beth I believe lived far beyond the means to provide it, and a husband that loved her dearly and wanted the hand her the world. Maybe because of those $1200 purses, Vera Bradley bags, designer cloths, maybe the funds are just not there to offer more of a reward..
There is an old saying some people live "robbing peter to pay paul" I had a stepfather that lived this way worry about today what you have to, tomorrow is another day.

Crimestoppers put up $2000 the family $3000 an honestly I think the money would be better spent at this point on a PI, but I don't have any research to back that up of how productive that expense is?? As much as I believe WPD is working the case, you just can't productively work it 300 miles away, and with the other LE all telling people she ran away that doesn't leave me with much faith in them helping :(

The fact they shut us down when we has a search party in the works.. I understand the lack of where to start. But you on the other hand just don't throw your hands up and say oh well either. You start by asking the community like I have tried to get done. I have even tried to find if a AM station had a farm report to go to. Without the LOCAL LE help here makes you want to scream. Beleive me I have talked to them plenty too not just WPD.
We are fastly approaching 2 months in that time a lot of areas could have already been searched. Not just a few LE walking around the lake either..
I feel like they are too busy collecting their ducks, when finding Beth would give them everything they need to really investigate the case.
They are putting the cart before the HORSE!

OK I am done venting lol I just needed to get that out.
and my opinion is, JW knows a lot more than what she's telling, to me, that is the same as lying and that messes with the investigation.[/B] Sorry for those I offend, but that is the way I feel.

Just my opinions, and we are all entitled to have our own opinion.

Don't be sorry, how you feel is important, and is based on the behavior (and statements) made by JW.
Like I stated earlier, messing up this investigation buys time. You have to ask yourself who benefits from time passing, which makes a forensic investigation that much harder?
As you said Always.........Talk to the ones that she was last known to be with. They are the missing key, although they are not missing! They have to have more information than anyone else. They would have to know the name of the fourth person at The Frosty Mug that Friday night. If anyone else went on the boat that Saturday, they would know his name or how they met him. If she left that house in question, they would know where she went. IMO someone is just not telling the entire truth here. There is more to this story than what is being told. Does LE know the answers to these questions, well of course we don't know that answer. Yet! Maybe soon, before this gets any more complex than it is already. This is all JMO

Always I totally agree with you, YES!
As I understand it, NR was the forth person at Frosty Mug, and your right this is not a sudden interest in RR & NR. I have asked about them all along. They have been very well protected for the most and focus is always changed when we do. Specially NR, none of them will even bring his name into this, why is that? When we did ask about him RaR went off on the thread on FB asking why we was asking about her brother, and some friend of his Mom got on there and said how she has been a second mother to him.
I would link this stuff but as soon as they said it I think they deleted their comments about NR. The one consistant thing they all say it seems when we hit on a touchy subject is that we sould just worry about finding BB. Or we don't know them.. or how it is hurting the family. Anything to change the subject.

I know somene will say that none of this means anything but it does, you have to look at the manner that things are being said, what is being said. When on the defencive you normally (if being truthful) back it up with fact, not turn it to seem your a victim. It all tells you the story when you look at the big picture. Psychologist have tons of studies to back up what I am saying and LE use this as well..
RR & NR have never made a comments on the FB page, why is everyone but them coming to back up JW in what she say?? They are the only other two that could say this is what happen. The rest of them I am sorry but none of them were there, and knowing the person doesn't make you anymore credible.
Very few people that kill, actually look like a killer (just making a point here)
Honestly I think the focus needs to be taken off BB and JW for that matter, and we need to take a much closer look at RR & NR. What do we know about them?

BTW someone spoke before about the pig farms, and sawdust. Lime is also a common use to cover up the smell and also helps speed up decomposing as well I believe.
Like I stated earlier, messing up this investigation buys time. You have to ask yourself who benefits from time passing, which makes a forensic investigation that much harder?

Who benefits from the passage of time?

The perpetrator, if there is one... who may or may not be JW, RR, NR, or an, as of yet, unknown party...

It benefits BB, if she left willingly, it would buy her time...

It benefits LE, if they are investigating something or someone, and would like that information kept private...

So ask yourself again... "who does it benefit?"

The answer is... we don't know.

your right this is not a sudden interest in RR & NR. I have asked about them all along. They have been very well protected for the most and focus is always changed when we do. Specially NR, none of them will even bring his name into this, why is that?

Well, I feel the same way about the discussion constantly being redirected to JW, whenever a theory not involving her is posited. Why is that?
Who benefits from the passage of time?

The perpetrator, if there is one... who may or may not be JW, RR, NR, or an, as of yet, unknown party...
** I agree except "unknown party"
It benefits BB, if she left willingly, it would buy her time...
** Respectfully disagree. The more time that passes, the more it looks like foul play.

It benefits LE, if they are investigating something or someone, and would like that information kept private...
** Respectfully disagree. The more time passes, the more they look apathetic in the very least, and at most, inept.

So ask yourself again... "who does it benefit?"
** The perpetrator.

The answer is... we don't know.
** we don't know who the perpetrator is ... agreed.
Who benefits from the passage of time?

Well, I feel the same way about the discussion constantly being redirected to JW, whenever a theory not involving her is posited. Why is that?

IMO, everyone is open to all theories, however it comes back to JW because of the behavior she has exibited, and her untruthful statements.
Those that know BB take no pleasure in their suspicions of JW. Quite the contrary. Those that know BB hold firm their belief that she didn't just "take off".
Always I totally agree with you, YES!
As I understand it, NR was the forth person at Frosty Mug, and your right this is not a sudden interest in RR & NR. I have asked about them all along. They have been very well protected for the most and focus is always changed when we do. Specially NR, none of them will even bring his name into this, why is that? When we did ask about him RaR went off on the thread on FB asking why we was asking about her brother, and some friend of his Mom got on there and said how she has been a second mother to him.
I would link this stuff but as soon as they said it I think they deleted their comments about NR. The one consistant thing they all say it seems when we hit on a touchy subject is that we sould just worry about finding BB. Or we don't know them.. or how it is hurting the family. Anything to change the subject.

I know somene will say that none of this means anything but it does, you have to look at the manner that things are being said, what is being said. When on the defencive you normally (if being truthful) back it up with fact, not turn it to seem your a victim. It all tells you the story when you look at the big picture. Psychologist have tons of studies to back up what I am saying and LE use this as well..
RR & NR have never made a comments on the FB page, why is everyone but them coming to back up JW in what she say?? They are the only other two that could say this is what happen. The rest of them I am sorry but none of them were there, and knowing the person doesn't make you anymore credible.
Very few people that kill, actually look like a killer (just making a point here)
Honestly I think the focus needs to be taken off BB and JW for that matter, and we need to take a much closer look at RR & NR. What do we know about them?

BTW someone spoke before about the pig farms, and sawdust. Lime is also a common use to cover up the smell and also helps speed up decomposing as well I believe.

Paschein..........You are so correct with this. RaR did get very upset when the two brothers were being talked about. She is a sister and that is understandable. The moms friend, I can see that.
And why are RR and NR not backing friend and lover JW? She did stick up for them, but they have nothing to say for her. Maybe she is afraid of them and she knows what she should or shouldn't say? Is that why the story keeps changing? Is that a possibility? Just wondering and this is JMO.
And why are RR and NR not backing friend and lover JW? She did stick up for them, but they have nothing to say for her. Maybe she is afraid of them and she knows what she should or shouldn't say? Is that why the story keeps changing? Is that a possibility? Just wondering and this is JMO.

What more can they say except their activities that weekend, and he/they saw JW leave with BB to go to the train station?

It was also mentioned on FB that after JW made statements that her child was seriously ill, she was seen in a Woodstock bar with RR.
IMO, not how a mother with a sick child spends her time. Not passing judgement, just stating an opinion.
IMO, everyone is open to all theories, however it comes back to JW because of the behavior she has exibited, and her untruthful statements.
Those that know BB take no pleasure in their suspicions of JW. Quite the contrary. Those that know BB hold firm their belief that she didn't just "take off".

Couldn't agree with you more. Thank you, great post!
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