Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #5

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excellent point! Imo, whether it be fb admin or "verified" ws members. Heresay is heresay. Not a fact. Not confirmed. Information passed on from one mouth to another. And we know how the story changes from mouth to mouth as each persons perception enters the story.

Its their perception of what was said to them and should be taken that way. Im sure no one intends to mislead. But i have been on the "verified" side and sometimes my perceptions were taken as fact just because of being "verified". When it was only my opinion like everyone else's here. Maybe their opinions are more credible because of who they know. But they are still opinions only based on what they have seen or heard.

i have info straight from the "horse's mouth" saved in messages & i am not a fb administrator. Btw, i have new ones for you cubby.
i have info straight from the "horse's mouth" saved in messages & i am not a fb administrator. Btw, i have new ones for you cubby.

PLEASE share... I'm so tired of being in the "dark" in this case. Anymore I don't know what or who to believe.

Maybe we should go back to the basics to find the truth .

What we know for sure

She goes to MV
She is at the Frosty Mug on Friday
She goes to rend lake on Saturday
She calls husband at 4:15 on Sunday
Reported missing on Monday

Where is she ??

All the things that JW said is saying is a distraction . Someone must of seen something , and we need to find that someone .

Please fill in where I have left things out .

Really sorry that Cubby backed off this thread..

I had never been on WS before BB case. I started following from the first thread and was amazed at all the positive energy and imput here. Thought what a great tool to work through points of this case. People are full of ideas and very knowledgeable at what they do.

Now we are on the 5 thread and the energy IMO has all changed here and rather than being positive and helping to find Beth, it seems to just be more and more negative energy, people posting about how everything has been handled wrong and snarky remarks. I'm sorry no disrespect intended at all. The thread seem way more focused on dragging all the FB issues and airing them here than focusing on finding Beth. Which for me is where my energy needs to be. The case itself is already a negative energy flow and the most productive way to combat negativity is with a positive enery. IMHO

No reflection on WS AT ALL, because I think that Tricia has built a wonderful website here and a very difficult task to do. What an amazing group of people you all are, incredible support involved with this site too. I have nothing but the utmost respect for her and what she has accomplished here with maintaining it's integrity, as well as all the WR'rs on this site that work hard to keep this site flowing smooth.

Many of the original posters on this thread have dwindled down and moved on to other threads I suppose. I think I will follow their lead and focus on other areas of this wonderful site that are of a more positive energy flow for what I hope to get from my experience on this site.
As well as put all of my focus on actually finding Beth, because I truely believe that once she is found many other questions will be answered. At least the optimist in me hopes this is the case, sadly we may never know, and that is a fact I have to accept as well.

I will keep my FAITH knowing Beth will be found, and hope all of you will too!!


“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
~ Winston Churchill
Really? What logic do you have that there would have been no fb page. No disrespect intended here, but this is "air." Would someone have come forward and done these things. OF COURSE. Would Beth be forgotten, How?
How would that happen, SB is beside himself and you think no one would step up.

There also would be a space for the older son that he might have filled because kids these days are very proficient at fb....

Sorry for being so very ticked off.

Deep breath, let it out, Deep breath, let it out ..... I'm ok.

I'm sorry you got worked up, but IMHO most missing persons dont have 7000 plus member facebook pages, 2000 people (correct me if I'm wrong) go missing each week, the sweet kids, the pretty thin blonds, the exotic ones get all the media attension, not the housewife, or the plumber... that's just the way it is!

Who is running a yahoo group??? Who is hosting a website??? NOBODY yet. Myspace been taken care of yet...nope! Lots of air to be filled, nobody is steppin' up to the plate yet.... except AGM.
Who is hosting a website??? NOBODY yet. Myspace been taken care of yet...nope! Lots of air to be filled, nobody is steppin' up to the plate yet.... except AGM.

This is incorrect. MW put this website up about the time it happened:

She was also, if I remember correctly, an FB admin on BB's page for about the first day or so...

and then she kind of fell of the face of the earth, as far as I can tell.

I've always wondered what the story was with that... but given the situation (a missing person), it didn't seem polite to ask.
This is incorrect. MW put this website up about the time it happened:

She was also, if I remember correctly, an FB admin on BB's page for about the first day or so...

and then she kind of fell of the face of the earth, as far as I can tell.

I've always wondered what the story was with that... but given the situation (a missing person), it didn't seem polite to ask.

Yep, they all seem to come and go... that site has not been updated for weeks now, just dead air space on the web... AGM should take it over!
It gets frustrating when there isnt any news and people tend to get a lil snarky. But, if you dont tredge on and find something, anything to sleuth then Beths thread will fall to the back pages and be lost too... so those of you that think leaving is your best option should reconsider and keep posting. This thread needs to stay on page ONE at the very least. I promised myself I would not leave somers thread until her murder was solved. Hes not convicted yet, but IMO its solved... I cant do that with this thread., my whole life stopped then. But those of you that love Beth should try to hang in there. Patience. It will come.
Not sure why I am here exactly. I had visited here very rarely in the past. Tricia, Thank you for this wonderful site and Cubby thank you for your awesome mod skills.
What keeps coming to my mind is ... so many things that happen in this area, I live where BB lives- I swear it seems things NEVER go "normal" I have said this before here.
I do not understand. It seems other places if there is nothing to report, then LE says that- "there is no news, nothing new to report, we are still searching, still investigating" BUT, I can also say I KNOW there is so much more crime here that never ever makes it into media here.
I am so sad today sitting here thinking oh dear, has BB slipped into our Twilite Zone here? It feels that way. and it makes me scared and sad. I want to feel safe, and I want my daughters to feel safe. I want to know what happened to BB.
Thank you to those of you who are sticking with it.
People are very frustrated with this case , because there is just no new info . The wheels of justice seem to grind very slowly , especially when you are looking for you missing loved one . New ideas are good , and they keep people thinking . IMO that is what we need fresh ideas , and maybe this case can have some sort of ending . Not knowing is the hardest .
I plan on sticking with the thread until Beth is found. Unfortunately, I believe that some people have a hard time understanding what a difference of opinion is. We are discussing a missing persons case, where very few facts are known. We cannot expect everybody on a particular discussion to agree on everything. That goes for FB too. By asking questions, by discussing theories, by comparing what we do know and what we don't know, our hope is to figure out what could have happened to Beth. Even Cubby has said a time or two, I agree to disagree. It's really as simple as that. As for others who view the posts as negativity, well, I guess it's all in the way you choose to interpret it. It looks like we have a good bunch on here who are willing to always LISTEN to what another has to say, without taking it personally, or feeling like they are being attacked. After all, this is not about who is right and who is wrong, it's about our collective effort to find Beth. And that will happen, hopefully, sooner rather than later.
A lot of the frequent posters here have given up on this thread much like ones on the FB page. It's sad because this case is about to get very cold!
I'm sorry you got worked up, but IMHO most missing persons dont have 7000 plus member facebook pages, 2000 people (correct me if I'm wrong) go missing each week, the sweet kids, the pretty thin blonds, the exotic ones get all the media attension, not the housewife, or the plumber... that's just the way it is!

Who is running a yahoo group??? Who is hosting a website??? NOBODY yet. Myspace been taken care of yet...nope! Lots of air to be filled, nobody is steppin' up to the plate yet.... except AGM.

Actually there is a new group forming right now. I didn't explain my post well. I meant to say that it is possible a lot of people were turned off by the way it went. I felt that the choice of administrators was poor, and there should have been a looking for beth page, and alternatively a prayers and meeting needs page.

Personally, I don't think it went very well. Regardless of number of "friends"
Terrific post! I have been thinking for days about some of the theories you posted, trying to put it all together. I would love to dissect those theories with you.

Too tired tonight though.

Just wanted to say thanks for putting some pieces together.

Joe, your post did put a whole new theory out there. If any of what JW has told you is could mean Beth could be anywhere between Mt. Vernon and Chicago if foul play did occur. If the man that BB was suppose to meet has an alibi does anyone know what it was. I hope it wasn't just the wife and she could be protecting him not wanting to believe he could be involved, or trusting what he has told her where he was. But what I keep coming back to when I try to get the pieces to why JW keeps changing her story. If she is innocent then just tell the truth and she will never have to remember what story she told to who. I don't think for a minute that she wanted to protect anyone but herself, or she wouldn't have told all the damaging stuff she has. I truely feel sorry for SB and her children. They are left with not knowing what happened to her and then to get blind sided with all of the stuff JW is saying about her. I agree we should agree to disagree, each person has good ideas and maybe by putting different ideas to work we can as a group put the puzzle together. We DO need the people in this group that know BB and other people associated with her as they help us with needed info. I pray she is found soon! These are my own opinions, and I value everyone's input here!
Thank you everyone.
I'm still reading and will be checking in to see if there is any new news on Beths case.

Beths family and friends are still close to my heart and I am praying for a safe return and answers to this case. Whatever they may be.....

My decision should not in any way influence anyone working Beths case.
If I'm able to uncover any new relevent information I will certainly share it.

... But again, I STILL continue to question WHY JW felt the need to tell those details. ... WHY IS SHE BADMOUTHING BETH SO BADLY? ... I just can't come up with one valid reason that JW HAD to expose every dirty secret about Beth.

This case might have died halfway through the first thread (now there are five!), if JW had said none of those things about Beth.

Is it possible the focus is in the wrong area? Little attention has been paid to the Wisconsin angle. Where did the sick (dying?) grandmother live? Madison? Green Bay? Has any principal gone to northern Wisconsin since Beth disappeared? If so, why?

Doesn't a person's history provide possible clues to finding her?

The computers in the law office haven't been mentioned very much. To what extent were they studied? A computer expert could have determined websites visited, emails sent and received, files created and deleted (and when). Did Beth and JW ever sync their phones with an office computer to avoid loss of data?

The rental car seems to have dropped off everyone's radar. How many miles had it been driven, when it was returned? Did the total mileage seem "right" for the drive to/from Mt. Vernon? Or were there many "extra" miles on the odometer?
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