Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #5

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IF Beth ran off willingly. I don't believe this to be true, but let's explore this possibility for a bit.

Beths oldest sons are close to being legal adults. I think one already is. Hence there would be two children which custody would have to be determined. The teenager is of an age where a family court judge would take into consider the childs wishes IF there were any disagreement between parents.

IS it possible that Beth left willingly. Needed some time to figure out how she was going to address a seperation and possible divorce while not trying to hurt SB or her kids. IMO this is possible based on what others have shared with us about Beths insecurity. Is is possible she left and would have not fought SB for primary physical custody knowing he could provide for the children much better than she could?

Another thought, IF Beth is pregnant, according to law, (I will find the link if necessary- it is somewhere within the Isabella Miller-Jenkins thread here in the missing located discussion forum) SB would be the legal father of this child whether it was biologically his or not. According to law, a child born into a marriage is a product of the marriage. Is it possible Beth ran away because she knew this - that SB would be the legal father- to any child she bore while married to him, and knew he would know it couldn't possibly he his because he has had a vasectomy?

I'm just thinking outloud here.

JW said in one of my many messages from her that Beth and SB had not had sex in over a year.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it would not have been his child.
I agree and understand, however IMO allowing the perception that Beth was a party girl that stayed out all night and caroused with a "bad element" is, IMO, leading some people and perhaps LE to not investigate as vigilantly as they should. This woman has been missing for over 10 months, and if she was indeed involved with known criminals IMO LE already knows about it and have probably investigated some of them. She could have slipped and fallen and heaven forbid broken her neck and just not been found yet for all we know.

I see the "10 months" "slipped" into convo again.
I have removed some posts and edited quotes which were a response to a post of mine which I had erroneously posted inaccurate information regarding a minor.

My mistake. The info was inaccurate. My mistake as we are not to sleuth minors at WS. My apologies.
This is my first gentle please....I have been following Beths case since the beginning. I have become so disillusioned with the FB group, I try not to even look at it..
I have for some time been almost convinced Beth voluntarily disappeared. For the following reasons:
-The rental car. I believe the story given was that BB was having car problems. I don't buy it. BB was carrying designer handbags, had hair extensions, nails, the whole nine yards. Expensive stuff to maintain, but she can't afford to maintain the vehicle? IMO, if you want to disappear the rental car is the way to go. No messing with finding new plates, abandoning it, having it painted, etc. She had the plan all along for JW to bring it back.
- As an employee for SB, BB would have access to all kinds of personal info. I believe SB does bankruptcies, which would mean lots of working with systems like Lexis/Nexis which would allow BB access to a database of personal info, SS#, etc. Access the average person would not have, and that would allow BB to more easily assume another identity.
-From all reports BB is a smart cookie. She would know better than to use her personal bank acct, cell, etc.
-The FB page....why are the majority of admin who are active on that page relative strangers to BB, i.e...KB, SG. Makes me wonder?
- The apparent resistance to bring in an experienced group to guide them in helping to find BB. Why the resistance? If you were SURE a loved one was involuntarily missing wouldn't you seek out this experience?
-The alleged affairs...certainly not the behavior of someone who is content with their life.
Having said all of this, the new info about SS is disturbing, to say the least. Not sure what I think anymore....
Really hoping BB is safe and simply needed a break.
Welcome to WS Drake10!

Thank you for your interest in Beths case.

Welcome drake10!!!!

Great first post! I felt the same way, but now, I just dont know....

Where is Beth???
This is my first gentle please....I have been following Beths case since the beginning. I have become so disillusioned with the FB group, I try not to even look at it..
I have for some time been almost convinced Beth voluntarily disappeared. For the following reasons:
-The rental car. I believe the story given was that BB was having car problems. I don't buy it. BB was carrying designer handbags, had hair extensions, nails, the whole nine yards. Expensive stuff to maintain, but she can't afford to maintain the vehicle? IMO, if you want to disappear the rental car is the way to go. No messing with finding new plates, abandoning it, having it painted, etc. She had the plan all along for JW to bring it back.
- As an employee for SB, BB would have access to all kinds of personal info. I believe SB does bankruptcies, which would mean lots of working with systems like Lexis/Nexis which would allow BB access to a database of personal info, SS#, etc. Access the average person would not have, and that would allow BB to more easily assume another identity.
-From all reports BB is a smart cookie. She would know better than to use her personal bank acct, cell, etc.
-The FB page....why are the majority of admin who are active on that page relative strangers to BB, i.e...KB, SG. Makes me wonder?
- The apparent resistance to bring in an experienced group to guide them in helping to find BB. Why the resistance? If you were SURE a loved one was involuntarily missing wouldn't you seek out this experience?
-The alleged affairs...certainly not the behavior of someone who is content with their life.
Having said all of this, the new info about SS is disturbing, to say the least. Not sure what I think anymore....
Really hoping BB is safe and simply needed a break.

Welcome Drake, and you make very good points!

On the resistance to bring in experienced help, do you think this is the family's resistance, or law enforcement resistance?

If you are local to the area, are you aware of any history and dynamics of the local LE as pertains to allegations of drug trade involvement?
I can't wrap my mind around Beth leaving her children. She goes to her sons baseball game KNOWING it will be the last time she sees him? Blows off a High School graduation?
Does Beth have it in her to be that cruel, and selfish? I am not buying the left willingly theory. I'm not naive. I see and read about the cruelty humans inflict on one another just about every day. Yes, mothers murder their children too, Casey Anthony is an example. If they're not suffering from some mental disorders, then it's out of pure selfishness (Susan Smith, Diane Downs, both wanted freedom from kids for a man)
Ok, Beth may have been lonley. She may have acted out (affairs), or been going through a mid life crisis. She may have been many things, but IMO, selfishness wasn't one of them. I hope I'm dead wrong. I hope her kids will see her again, and forgive her for what she's put them through.
As I stated this morning ...another day of silence from LE and BB's family. What will tomorrow bring?

I think they are trying to run people off the fb page rules.. NO Posers. Posts of posers ("fake" profiles) will be deleted. Wonder if that means KB's posts will be deleted?

ETA>> my question was answered and no.. some appear to be "established" profiles.

Why would they delete peoples profiles when the point is to get the word out about Beth? :waitasec:

You know, the perp could have a 'poser' profile and that might help LE catch whomever it is........
It's possible LE is watching the page looking for just that and now they are going to start deleting members?

At a loss for words.
I can't wrap my mind around Beth leaving her children. She goes to her sons baseball game KNOWING it will be the last time she sees him? Blows off a High School graduation?
Does Beth have it in her to be that cruel, and selfish? I am not buying the left willingly theory. I'm not naive. I see and read about the cruelty humans inflict on one another just about every day. Yes, mothers murder their children too, Casey Anthony is an example. If they're not suffering from some mental disorders, then it's out of pure selfishness (Susan Smith, Diane Downs, both wanted freedom from kids for a man)
Ok, Beth may have been lonley. She may have acted out (affairs), or been going through a mid life crisis. She may have been many things, but IMO, selfishness wasn't one of them. I hope I'm dead wrong. I hope her kids will see her again, and forgive her for what she's put them through.
As I stated this morning ...another day of silence from LE and BB's family. What will tomorrow bring?

I don't see it as a likely possibility either but since LE has not officially ruled out the possiblity Beth left of her own accord it is something we need to explore. As small as the possibility may be.

Why would they delete peoples profiles when the point is to get the word out about Beth? :waitasec:

You know, the perp could have a 'poser' profile and that might help LE catch whomever it is........ It's possible LE is watching the page looking for just that and now they are going to start deleting members?

At a loss for words.

EXACTLY!!!!! I think the some of the admin on FB have lost complete sight about this whole situation! It is all about control now... IMHO! Seems to me ( from an outsiders point of view) unless you are posting postive commets about sending $$$ or hanging flyers or sending prayers etc you are deleted! Ask the tough questions and you are GONE! Makes no sense! WHERE is the family??!! It is way past time to take control before more PR damage is done and it becomes way too late to undo what is being done over there!!! AGAIN... just MOO!!! Poor GP still can't get his question answered about WHO is in charge of searching in the MV area! WHAT is up with that??!! Simple question..... WHO should we contact if we want to put feet on the ground? Apparently NOBODY! :banghead:
I agree about the PR damage. I'm so at a loss to understand any of this.

IMO, allowing 'poser' profiles is no different than allowing users such as we have at WS to choose a screen name or user id. Not everyone wishes to reveal their true identity. Why limit those who are able to support and get the word out to only those wishing to reveal their name?

It is possible a POI or someone who knows something about the case with a 'poser' name may be watching the page... or ready to spill information which may help break this case wide open.

IMO it makes more sense to report any unusual members to LE to investigate rather than just deleting those FB members.

ETA: I wonder what LE thinks of all this.......
I agree about the PR damage. I'm so at a loss to understand any of this.

ETA: I wonder what LE thinks of all this.......

I keep asking myself WHY this theory of her just "running away" is still floating around out there when in my mind, logic still tells me that there is foul play involved here? WHAT do we not know? Just because she has been having an affair and texted said person all weekend, I don't see that as a reason to run! Are there more FWB ( friends with benefits) that we don't know about that are also "missing"? Are they building a criminal case and banking on that the POI gets comfortable with that theory and messes up? I'm just not getting this whole thing!!!

ETA.... if she just needed a "time out" I truly believe she would have contacted SOMEONE by now. I too don't believe a mom so involved with her kids would let them go 10 weeks not knowing what happened and surely she would know that SB had found out about all the "secrets" by now. Again, JMO!
Why would they delete peoples profiles when the point is to get the word out about Beth? :waitasec:

You know, the perp could have a 'poser' profile and that might help LE catch whomever it is........
It's possible LE is watching the page looking for just that and now they are going to start deleting members?

At a loss for words.

To clarify they didnt actually say they were deleting profiles, just the posts from those profiles.
To clarify they didnt actually say they were deleting profiles, just the posts from those profiles.

TY. Still doesn't make sense. Why not report any suspicious posts to LE and let them decide? :banghead:
I'm sure part of the investigation LE is watching both WS and the FB page.

Makes zero sense to me to remove anything that may assist LE with the investigation. Unless of course it is a flagrant violation of the rules..... like spam, or ...

I dunno, nothing makes sense about this case.

I agree cub. The more that comes out, the more confused I am. <Seems to> to add to the confusion instead of solving what happened to Beth.

I am just stating my feelings based on nothing but my feelings and not intended to offend any of the new members, I am glad to see you here, and welcome any clarification you have to offer my confused mind.
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