GUILTY IL - Carrie Olson, 29, Rock Island, 28 Dec 2013

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Very strange considering the time between being reported missing and found. Especially since they seemed to immediately give a very thorough description of the body which was not skeletal remains and matches everything they said about her in the missing info. She must have been held captive IMO. RIP Carrie :(
:( I keep checking on Carrie. Hate to read this.
Wow so LE is listing her date of death as April 5th, the day the body was found. So where had be been up until now? Is it possible her body was kept frozen before left in the field (therefore preserving it?) so strange, RIP Carrie
Very strange! I hpoe they are able to get answers.
Rest in peace Carrie...
Wow so LE is listing her date of death as April 5th, the day the body was found. So where had be been up until now? Is it possible her body was kept frozen before left in the field (therefore preserving it?) so strange, RIP Carrie

Winters are pretty cold in Minnesota. According to Weather Underground, temps were below freezing in the Minneapolis area (Hastings is only 30 miles away) for most of January and February, with many days below zero. March was only slightly warmer, often still below freezing. Under those conditions, it seems reasonable that a body left outdoors for just over three months could still be fairly intact.

I believe MEs/coroners will generally use the date remains are discovered as a tentative date of death until more a precise date can be determined, or at least estimated.
I hope her ex <modsnip> boyfriend AND his new gf are arrested ASAP!
This saddens me tremendously. And I don't think it's a coincidence her body was found near the same place her ex drove to to fly to Vegas.

Rest in peace, Carrie. :rose:
Hastings is the next town over to where I live. Bad winters are typical however, this one was horrible. Praying for Carrie's family and friends :please:
I have feared that she may not even be at thar park where her phone last pinged. Her phone may be there but I'm scared that he may have had hee in the trunk alive when getting gas and killed and placed her on his way to Minneapolis. If that is so, she can be anywhere. :(

Sound like you were sadly correct about the trunk. I never would have thought he would take her there.
Now, why less then 36hrs? Where was Carrie prior? New girlfriend hiding her?

So shocked, so so sad :(:mad:
Sound like you were sadly correct about the trunk. I never would have thought he would take her there.
Now, why less then 36hrs? Where was Carrie prior? New girlfriend hiding her?

So shocked, so so sad :(:mad:

One of the times that I wish that I wasn't. :(

My heart is broken and I am sure her family is devistated. I am surprised that they are listing the date of death so soon. Don't they usually TBD that until an autopsy? I just can't believe that she could be held so long without anyone finding out. A part of me wants her to have gone quickly soon after she was taken and the winter months perserved her. I hope they pinpoint the location soon. I would like to look at a timeline and a route.

This was so not what I hoped for, but I am glad they have found her and now her family can bring her home. Hopefully people may start talking.
May there be swift justice for Carrie.

Rest In Peace Carrie. :candle:
Beats me. I'm still working my way through the FB missing page; not picking up a whole lot of additional details.

ETA: Since she disappeared, Carrie's dad has spoken to TM, the guy in Vegas, who has apparently not kept his story straight. He's is an ex-boyfriend of Carrie's, and the family doesn't know how they came in contact that day. He claims he dropped her off at her home, and that he left her car at one airport but her car wasn't found there, and then he changed his story to a different airport; the second one he directed them to is in Minneapolis. This is all per the admin on Find Carrie Olson:

Carrie's FB page:

On the photo of tm and co from the missing fb link, there is a very interesting post from march 1st. Quite scary....

Rip Carrie.
On the photo of tm and co from the missing fb link, there is a very interesting post from march 1st. Quite scary....

Rip Carrie.
I'm missing it. :( The last comment I see under his pic is from January??
I'm missing it. :( The last comment I see under his pic is from January??

I am sorry. The quote I am talking about is under the next photo in the album. It is a photo of co and tm.
Sorry :( I should have made myself more clear.
I'd be interested to know if the 36 hours comes from decomp (or lack of) or if the owner of the property had been there recently and there had been no body there.

Strange (to me) how they gave such a definitive time for how long the body had been there. I know Minnesota winters are cold (and if this year's was anything like our winter here in PA, it was abnormally cold) , but just one or two days above freezing would have started the decomp process to some degree even if incoming cold temps slowed it back down.

I think it's unlikely that she's been alive during this time and only recently killed. Too big a coincidence that the ex drove to Minnesota when she first went missing and now that's where she showed up. Unless, God forbid, he knew someone who would hold onto her there and then dispose of the body later.

Rest in peace Carrie. Sometimes I hate living in this weird world.
Someone requested maps?

I have no way of knowing which route Carrie's killer drove because there are several possible routes between RockIsland/Davenport and Hastings/Minneapolis. This is the route that passes nearest to the location where Carrie was found:


And if this is indeed the route Carrie's killer drove, he didn't detour very far to dispose of her body:


So many questions. Where did Carrie die? Was she already dead as her killer drove to that location? Was she still alive and he wondered what to do with her as he drove, finally coming to a decision as he neared Minneapolis?

Still wondering about the woman who flew to Vegas with the ex-BF. Did she know anything about Carrie? If she knew nothing, did she notice anything off about his demeanor? Where does she live? Is it near the spot where Carrie was found? Did he pick her up at her home or did she meet him at the airport?

No excuse for no arrest(s) now, IMO. Hope to hear some good news very soon.

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