IL - Five killed, 21 injured in shooting at NIU campus, DeKalb, 14 Feb 2008

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From the Chicago Tribune:"Police think the graduate student who shot and killed five students last week at Northern Illinois University took steps to thwart investigators trying to figure out why he did it.

In addition to removing the hard drive from his laptop computer, Steven Kazmierczak also removed the SIM card—a key computer chip—from his cell phone, a police source said.

Police also said his former girlfriend gave a different account to police than she did in an interview with CNN about Kazmierczak's final weeks."
So, do they do an autopsy to see exactly what was (or not) in his system? It said in the article he will be cremated with no funeral service.
I am wondering why my links are being ignored, when others are thanked for theirs?
I live in the Chicago area, and in fact have a child at the school ( UIUC) where the killer was living with his girlfriend.
I also know many parents who have kids at NIU. This case is being closely followed here, and I would think that my links....and opinions should have some merit!
I am wondering why my links are being ignored, when others are thanked for theirs?
I live in the Chicago area, and in fact have a child at the school ( UIUC) where the killer was living with his girlfriend.
I also know many parents who have kids at NIU. This case is being closely followed here, and I would think that my links....and opinions should have some merit!

Please forgive me. I just read your link and it gave so much info .... especially about the conflicting statements made by his girlfriend. What is that all about? Steven really had it "together" to throw his hard drive away. It seemed so calculating. I hope the police can give us more info in the next two weeks. It's so much personal for you that you know NIU parents and their kids. Tnx for the link NativeNewYorker and please keep posting. :)
With the recent "revelations" about Baty's alleged lies along with the "mysterious woman," I was going to comment that this is beginning to sound like a grade "B" psychodrama (brought to you by an over-active imagination), but then BA reminded me of the case of Zammora and Graham:

Diane Zamora and David Graham meet each other for the first time at Fort Worth, Texas while they are both enrolled in weekly search and rescue training classes in the Civil Air Patrol, an Air Force auxiliary organization.

Zamora and Graham start dating.

Professing their true love for one another, Graham and Zamora announce their engagement to their families. They intend to marry on August 13, 2000, soon after their planned graduations from their military academies. Graham and Zamora envision themselves walking under crossed swords held by other cadets at the end of the ceremony.

Graham has sex with track teammate Adrianne Jones, a Mansfield High School sophomore, while returning from a track meet held in Lubbock, Texas. The two have their encounter after Graham parked his car behind an elementary school while driving Jones home. Ridden with guilt over his infidelity, Graham confesses his affair to Zamora around Dec. 1. An enraged Zamora allegedly demands that Graham atone for his trangression by killing Jones.
Full article: click here

Recall, the "godfather" stated that Kazmierczak & Baty had "broken up" and that "he claimed he was dating someone at NIU."

“He said all of a sudden she decided she wanted somebody else,” his godfather, Richard Grafer, told the Chicago Sun-Times. “She told him it was enough. She’d had it. She walked out on him.”

Still, Grafer said, Kazmierczak didn’t seem all that upset about the breakup when they spoke last month. In fact, Kazmierczak, who had transferred from NIU to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, said he had a new girlfriend — at NIU.
Full article: click here

I also recall that in early reports, some witnesses stated that he seemed to be targeting a specific area of the auditorium. And, that Baty said she and Kazmierczak first met in Cole Hall (though, now I cannot find the link). It just stuck with me when I heard it. Now I am wondering if this wasn't some sort of bizarre "show me how much you love me" pact. What's that old saying? Hell hath no fury... I know, out there. Then again, shooting up an auditorium full of people is... well... out there...
I'm anxiously hoping you can capture it shadow!
Okay, I finally got the site to load. It's def not his. It's a mirror of the LJ that was by a different Steve Kazmierczak.
I am wondering why my links are being ignored, when others are thanked for theirs?
I live in the Chicago area, and in fact have a child at the school ( UIUC) where the killer was living with his girlfriend.
I also know many parents who have kids at NIU. This case is being closely followed here, and I would think that my links....and opinions should have some merit!
Not being ignored at all. At least, not by me. I find your links to be extremely interesting and thought provoking.
With the recent "revelations" about Baty's alleged lies along with the "mysterious woman," I was going to comment that this is beginning to sound like a grade "B" psychodrama (brought to you by an over-active imagination), but then BA reminded me of the case of Zammora and Graham:

Full article: click here

Recall, the "godfather" stated that Kazmierczak & Baty had "broken up" and that "he claimed he was dating someone at NIU."

Full article: click here

I also recall that in early reports, some witnesses stated that he seemed to be targeting a specific area of the auditorium. And, that Baty said she and Kazmierczak first met in Cole Hall (though, now I cannot find the link). It just stuck with me when I heard it. Now I am wondering if this wasn't some sort of bizarre "show me how much you love me" pact. What's that old saying? Hell hath no fury... I know, out there. Then again, shooting up an auditorium full of people is... well... out there...

The part about Steven meeting his girlfriend in Cole Hall is weird especially. I hope the police are interviewing her right now. Were Steven and Baty still boyfiend/girlfriend?
The part about Steven meeting his girlfriend in Cole Hall is weird especially. I hope the police are interviewing her right now. Were Steven and Baty still boyfiend/girlfriend?
It depends upon who is asked. The godfather claimed they were broken up, yet, in the CNN interview, Baty said they were still together. I'm still looking for the clip where she stated they first met at Cole Hall.
They were living together in Champaign IL. She has given conflicting reports " I still love him" vs. telling friends that he had changed, was hiding his computer screen from her, acting erratic...
This case is very upsetting...I have a feeling that someone may have been "acting out their drama" in a very public arena, and in a very deadly way...
Thanks to everyone....tired at night = overly sensitive!
From the Chicago Sun Times,CST-NWS-face20.article

"The Northern Illinois University gunman's girlfriend has shied away from most media, but there's one medium Jessica Baty has welcomed:
Baty has made regular contributions in recent days to an evolving memorial about Steve Kazmierczak on Facebook, a social networking Web site.

In a posting Monday, Baty wrote: "I seriously will never be able to express how grateful I am for all of your support. I can't say enough good things about Steven. He was just the cutest thing ever. . . . He was the bestest."
In the same discussion, Baty urges people to avoid talking to the media about Kazmierczak. "If you absolutely have to . . . say good things about him."
Dunno why...but this song reminds me of this situation, and today's society in general.

Fear of A Blank Planet by Porcupine Tree

Sunlight coming through the haze
No gaps in the blinds
To let it inside
The bed is unmade, some music still plays

TV, yeah it's always on
A flicker of the screen
A movie actress screams
I'm basking in the *advertiser censored* flowing out of it

I'm stoned in the mall again
Terminally bored
Shuffling around the stores
And shoplifting is getting so last year's thing

Xbox is a god to me
My finger on the switch
My mother is a
My father gave up ever trying to talk to me

Don't try engaging me
The vaguest of shrugs
The prescription drugs
You'll never find a person inside

My face is mogadon
He's given up on me
I'm tuning out desires
The pills are on the rise

How can I be sure I'm here?
The pills that I've been taking confuse me
I need to know that someone sees that
There's nothing left, I simply am not here

I'm through with *advertiser censored*
The acting is lame
The action is tame
Explicitly dull
arousal annulled

Your mouth should be boarded up
Talking all day with nothing to say
Your shallow proclamations
All misinformation

My friend says he wants to die
He's in a band, they sound like Pearl Jam
Their clothes are all black
The music is crap

In school I don't concentrate
And sex is kinda fun, but just another one
Of all the empty ways of using up the day

How can I be sure I'm here?
The pills that I've been taking confuse me
I need to know that someone sees that
There's nothing left, I simply am not here

Bipolar disorder
Can't deal with the boredom
Bipolar disorder
Can't deal with the boredom

Don't try to be liked
You don't mind
You feel no sun
You steal a gun
To kill time
You're somewhere
You're no where
You don't care
You catch the breeze
You still the leaves
So now where?
I have two teenagers/young people in my family, Paladin, and must confess I have never heard that song ( Whew!) Very heavy, as we used to say, back in the day....
Chiperoni, thanks for the case comparison,, it would be so awful if the motive for this crime was two idiots acting out their own meaningless drama...
I have two teenagers/young people in my family, Paladin, and must confess I have never heard that song ( Whew!) Very heavy, as we used to say, back in the day....
Chiperoni, thanks for the case comparison,, it would be so awful if the motive for this crime was two idiots acting out their own meaningless drama...

Well, that entire album is basically an observation of how messed up today's society can be. They don't advocate this...but the album is sung from the perspective of a youth from today's society who is most likely prescribed some drug that he probably doesn't need.

I think today's kids are overstimulated, prescription drugged-up, and desensitized to things they shouldn't be. We have a real mess on our hands.
From the Chicago Sun Times,CST-NWS-face20.article

"The Northern Illinois University gunman's girlfriend has shied away from most media, but there's one medium Jessica Baty has welcomed:
Baty has made regular contributions in recent days to an evolving memorial about Steve Kazmierczak on Facebook, a social networking Web site.

In a posting Monday, Baty wrote: "I seriously will never be able to express how grateful I am for all of your support. I can't say enough good things about Steven. He was just the cutest thing ever. . . . He was the bestest."
In the same discussion, Baty urges people to avoid talking to the media about Kazmierczak. "If you absolutely have to . . . say good things about him."

Do you have a link to the facebook? That's very interesting that she is urging others to only say nice things. I agree with the rest of you - something isn't quite adding up with this girl's wonderful Steven stories.
Do you have a link to the facebook? That's very interesting that she is urging others to only say nice things. I agree with the rest of you - something isn't quite adding up with this girl's wonderful Steven stories.

You have to have an account to access the aforementioned. Here are her posts.

Jessica Baty (UIllinois) wrote
at 5:29pm on February 17th, 2008
Steven was my heart. We loved each other so much. I'm so sorry that I couldn't help him. I don't know why he did this. I tried so hard to do whatever I could for him. I loved him and I miss him. I said nothing but good things about him on my one and only interview on CNN (watch it, I read his goodbye note) at 10 p.m. He was the greatest person that I have ever known. He was so intelligent and friendly and caring and nice. He was the best person that I know and he made me a better person. Loving him was the greatest thing I have ever done. I just need to know why. He's been sending my packages and I'm still waiting for his letter explaining to me why he did this and what he was feeling. We were planning our future together. I didn't know he was planning this. I'm so sorry.
Jessica Baty (UIllinois) wrote
at 5:31pm on February 17th, 2008
Please please please, if you absolutely have to talk to the media (and I hope that no one does), say good things about him.
Jessica Baty (UIllinois) wrote
at 10:11am on February 18th, 2008

I seriously will never be able to express how grateful I am for all of your support. I can't say enough good things about Steven. He was just the cutest thing ever. I miss him and I love him so much. He was the bestest. Thanks for all your thoughts and support. If I can do anything for anyone, please let me know.
I do not have a Facebook account...refuse to hack in on my kids.( though I did several years ago)....but I find those entries sad...
how must the families of the murdered students feel, in hearing such comment? "He was the bestest" ?
NOT! This was a well-planned operation of execution of innocent kids. This was not a case of a disturbed person suddenly snapping. And, she lived with him. If he was "turning his computer away from her, so she could not see what he was doing" ( an earlier report by the GF), then she should have snooped when he was away...
This strikes me as a Columbine type of case, with PLENTY of warning signs....
Did I miss something? Did anyone else find it odd that the "goodbye" note that Jessica read on CNN was not handwritten? Did he actually send that note? He also included his last name- would you need to include that when you dated that person for 2 years???

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