GUILTY IL - Jacob Wheeler, 22, & Jessica Evans, 17, White County, 25 Aug 2012 - #1

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Wednesday brought an end to an emotionally difficult week for the Wheeler family. Jacob Wheeler, a US Army veteran of the Iraq War, was allegedly murdered along with his girlfriend 17 year old Jessica Evans.

Also, from the article,

"With the haunting sounds of Taps and a 21 Gun Salute, Jacob's burial came with full military honors after he spent three years serving in Iraq.

The services also provided the ultimate display of respect."

March on, Jacob; you are my hero!!

I can't stop crying for Jacob and Jessica....and their families and friends
Also, from the article,

"With the haunting sounds of Taps and a 21 Gun Salute, Jacob's burial came with full military honors after he spent three years serving in Iraq.

The services also provided the ultimate display of respect."

March on, Jacob; you are my hero!!

I can't stop crying for Jacob and Jessica....and their families and friends

From Disclosure- There Are Times When This Job Breaks Your Heart

Apparently they had unknowingly posted a photo of her on their website a couple of years ago. Could she look any more cute and wholesome? I can't believe her life ended this way. :(
Wow, that is a lot of officers to transport one prisoner. Makes me think they might have been worried about retaliation.

Appointed attorney is Jerry Crisel from Albion (Edwards County). He is the public defender on retainer for several counties in the area.

I was surprised the didn't have a bulletproof vest on him.
88, we are lucky to have you on WS!!!
First and foremost, Jack and Angela Howser, publishers of DISCLOSURE, have been around the journalistic block a time or two themselves, with several decades combined experience at “regular” newspapers. Nowadays as independents they “dig” the way we’d all be much better off if standard MSM pried up things to look under rocks and shine light into crooks, crannies, and crevices.

As a “careful reader” for 40 years (I had to be on a professional level) they did NOT post that Mr. Wheeler had been found and shot, before, indeed, he had. I believe that untrue tidbit may’ve come from a sole poster from another online source, and was quickly nipped in the bud as untrue by the Howzers.

Having been an aficionado of true crime, reading heavily there for over four decades, I followed this sad event as have so many others, from the beginning hours. And by pure happenstances stumbled across this Websleuths site for further reading and input of ideas and opinions from others who clearly share my mental mindset re. crime when search-engining. Arm chair detectives, like many of us are, do think outside the box – and most LEOs who become Detective grade are rather good at that themselves. Doing a lot of compare/contrast/critical thinking, and applying logic…even to some rather illogical situations.

From the git-go I never thought Mr. Wheeler was guilty of shooting his gf. It just didn’t add up, IMO. He’d have hidden the body and used his truck to put miles between them, not set about hoofin’ it, especially in Little Wabash “bottom” type ground, remote, away from civilization when time would be a serious element, and the followup of no reports of stolen (or borrowed) vehicle in which to begin a getaway. Plus, in Southern IL as many people as were aware of this situation, and his recent picture ‘most everywhere, he’d have been recognize on the street f-a-s-t. In the rural hinterlands of Southern Illinois one may not know a person by name, but over the years gets facial recognition, from seeing them at fellow shoppers in Wal-Mart (the ‘big’ stores in the area) or at eateries, and this phenomenon crosses several adjacent counties and quite a few miles.

My ongoing hope was they’d find him and not have him tucked away in a cave, or a hollow-out water force washed away beneath an overhanging creek bank, often protected by deadfall trees, where turtles, etc would destroy the evidence and carry parts off. There could’ve been some super-tough hiding places Mr. Coston could’ve selected, that’s for sure.

Added to that, from all my years’ worth of reading (beginning as a teenager when the True Crime Magazines came out month after month, just as did the True Confession pulp magazines and really filled the magazine racks) the Lion’s Share of the in the chronicles of true-crime when a dating couple met a murderous end, the girl was found at the site and the guy was eventually found quite a distance away. And often an incapacited boyfriend was forced to helplessly endure the girlfriend’s attack.

Bless Wheeler’s family and friends for their belief and their continuing search when authority-type manpower moved on to other aspects of the investigation. With the discovery of the car part – IMO his family “cracked” the case.

DISCLOSURE gets some bad remarks, and untrue allegations about their intent, because they have a long history of that they DO touch stuff that MSM will not. (Case in point, they recently pushed things and spared a Texan from going to prison for the rest of his life as The System worked to railroad a very decent, talented, hardworking expert in his field visiting the area.)

I personally know of small town papers here in So IL that for decades have had a blanket policy of NOT covering rapes. (I worked for one….) The City Fathers don’t want that “out” as they try to attract business to come set up factories in the hinterlands. Therefore, blissfully unaware women may not have believed it could and would happen in their fair town, but ER nurses privately told the stories of almost nightly rapes in our ‘burg and WARNED women friends how bad it actually was, so females were on guard when leaving a mall or walking at night.

After a few years of reading DISCLOSURE regularly, purchasing copies, reading online, then subscribing, I knew how bad little Carmi was – and when I had to go there a few months ago in broad daylight – I paid attention to my surroundings. So, I find my own mindset evolving to a more Defensive Living Attitude. There are a lot of creeps and miscreants out there, who, like Ted Bundy, CAN present themselves as The Nicest Guy in the world.

I have a lot more thoughts and observations, having been familiar with The Little Wabash River for over 40 years, indeed, have property in a nearby county where the Little Wabash goes through that acreage. That awareness has given me a lot of unanswered questions and thoughts about the part The Little Wabash played in this – knowing how some landowners feel about their river-bank property as opposed to others – and IMO the camping aspect needs gone-over, as does just how Coston knew they were there. I wonder if he and his driven-home friend grabbed a sandwich and heard people in the fast food establishment, talking, as small town people do, about Jessie and Jake camping and night-fishing. With leaves fallen off in autumn/winter he could’ve seen the glow of a campfire. But with the foliage thick, even in a serious drought-year we’ve had, a fire would have been almost impossible to see from a nearby road. So IMO he somehow knew.

BTW, I spent 35 years in professional publishing, doing everything from working as a reporter for the daily newspaper, writing a lot of books, writing “how-to-write” technical books to train would-be authors, and several times did several years’ worth of college accredited teaching writing courses for colleges and universities, so I had many students, so read a kazillion pages, in addition to proofing and editing my own output, but as a result of reading, critiquing, and editing what they wrote, became a very, very careful reader in various venues that stays with me today. When reading I find my mind processing it almost like an algebra equation to see if it adds up.

But as I told students, whether they were writing novels (fiction/made up stories) or true-experience non-fiction reporting, “Motivation IS the Name of the Game”. NO one does anything just-because, there always IS a motivation – even if that motivation is pure whackadooism to the more sane among us. They had their reasons, sometimes as sick as sick can BE.

My belief is that when the true dank and dark motivations come out…it’s gonna strip a lot of peoples’ gears.

I almost coughed up a hairball m’self when I realized 2-3 years ago I had inter-reacted with Danny Coston at a large hobby show site in Wayne County. He seemed as nice a chap as everyone said he was in those few minutes of enthusiastist chatting back and forth. Pleasant young fellow, cleancut in jeans/teeshirt/baseball cap, spoke when spoken too, nice eyes, quick almost shy smile, there with a buddy.

But I’ve been around the block enough times to know what human beings can do to other human beings, motivated by even obsessive compulsive urges and desires, so one sure can’t judge by outward appearances. I’ve seen toothless Southern Illinoians driving old beaters, no teeth in their heads, dressed in raggedy bib overalls, and few would dream they were among the wealthiest in the area, possessed of enough money to “burn a wet mule” from looking at them.

FWIW, part of my professional life in the latter years I spent down at Chester, IL visiting a subject on Death Row, interviewing a triple-murderer enroute to considering doing a true-crime book, before the “Condemned Unit” (politically correct – compared to calling it Death Row) was closed down and everyone was moved to general population and the condemned unit fell into disuse and up on the hill overlooking the Mississippi River soon looked the part of an abandoned fortress to protect citizens…from them.
The Little Wabash River meanders for a lot of miles from Central to Deep Southern IL where it empties into The Big Wabash River, and from there into The Ohio River. The Little Wabash (except this year in the 2012 drought) floods very easily. For several decades we’ve said, “A frog pees in town…and the Lil’ Wabash is flooding the countryside.” Few bother with row-crops in The Bottoms anymore.

It’s way more polluted than some decades ago. Landowners, who tend to be farmers, and own acreage on the banks of the Little Wabash run the gamut. Some “run off” people who take a notion to access their stretch of river without permission to hunt/fish/camp there. Often it's not possible to access that easily, either, for one would have to drive right by the farm residence on the upland to hit the bottoms down steep and rutted hillside roads.

There are probably others who don’t care – and likely those who don’t care – and have good enough liability ins. so if someone trespasses on their property and gets hurt and they decide to sue the landowner, they’re covered. I’d wager that those private (but seemingly open to all) sites become well-known among area residents who desire a place to fish and camp.

So far I haven’t seen anything mentioned about the landowner, except it was “private”, no word if the young couple had permission, etc. which came to my mind right away.

It’s not unusual to see snakes near The Little Wabash, and in daytime hours, often someone had a rifle to shoot watersnakes. Even guys who don’t generally mind rank and file snakes and are even protective of the rights of the reptiles seem to have a hatred for ‘water snakes’ and prefer to kill such snakes every chance they get. In the farther Southern reaches of the river there are Cottonmouths and Copperheads, some Rattlers, all poisonous. So someone having a firearm present isn’t that unusual.

There are local guys, no doubt the same down in White County, who gleefully call themselves “River Rats” who work the river with nets and haul in a lot of fish and have since they were toddlers beside their daddies. Some good Channel cats as well as carp (the latter often fed to a herd of swine, hogs really like to chow down on fresh carp.) As bad as pollution is locals think twice nowadays about eating too heavily from fish caught in The Little Wabash.

When I was younger, we used to “hog” for fish, entering the water, swimming, wading, a large group of us wearing seriously protective footwear, and catching (by hands in the gill area) catfish and carp hiding out beneath the deadfall logs common along the river. I don’t know of anyone who “hogs” fish now due to the polluted water conditions. You'd need hazmat treatment when you crawled out and up the snot-slick riverbank to dry ground.

Even so, The Little Wabash at sites can be nice and very peaceful for “drowning worms” even if one doesn’t intend on eating much of what is hooked. In my experience with people who also own creek and river property, most will “run off” those present without express permission. IL has serious laws about river property. A landowner can’t do a lot of things that might effect the course of the river, for instance. And, while a farmer may actually own property on both sides of a stream or river, cutting through property, the river/stream itself – the water – has a form of public access rights. The farmer does not own the river/water per se.

So someone coming downriver ON the river needn’t get landowner permission to be on that stretch of water. However, The Little Wabash isn’t what anyone in their right mind would consider “navigable”.

In small towns like these kids came from, if they went to town to get a sandwich late at night, and people knew they were camping, word could’ve easily spread and fast. After the relentless run of days we had of 108 degree heat for weeks on end, with sometimes only a sweaty and humid "low" of 80 degrees at night, when Jake and Jessi went fishing, there could’ve been people who innocently said, “Jake and Jessi are camping at the river. Well, at least they are lucky, as it’s getting down in the upper sixties at night now, so it’s gotta be pleasant. We ought to think about doing that, too. Sounds like fun!” There could have even been kids talking, as happens in small towns, about getting together and "sneaking up" on the couple, but didn't. Someone else overheard and bootlegged their idea. (SPECULATION, please note!) Such small-town banter (and it sure goes on like that in rural backwaters) could’ve been almost the talk of the small town late that night.

Having lived as rural as the Wheeler and Coston families did, I found myself doubting that it appeared only the father knew Danny Coston. We have neighbors, I don’t know their first names, but wave when we drive by, as do they. May not know them face to face and personally but know OF them and on sight, sometimes the cars and faces of visitors who also wave back. And in these parts, neighbors know neighbors, and one neighbor who knows other neighbors may tell you the darndest stuff about other neighbors you “wouldn’t know from Adam”. It’s true: everybody knows everyone else AND THEIR BUSINESS.

I would assume the local LEOs aren’t sitting around swilling coffee and eating donuts, but are competent and savvy people, mulling this over, thinking along the same lines as many of us redneck types familiar with the region and the mores of The Little Wabash River, small town ways, and they are quietly digging and digging. Some of it they must keep close to the vest so there's something left to bring to light before Da Judge.

And one day, folks, in courtroom coverage, it may well come together like shoving matching pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together and the reason/that motivation many desire to know, will be revealed. Probably like opening up a can of (fishing) worms.

President Roosevelt said nothing happens by accident. And IMO, he was right.
Another local. Welcome, BeenAroundTheBlock. Do you still live in Southern Illinois?

As a “careful reader” for 40 years (I had to be on a professional level) they did NOT post that Mr. Wheeler had been found and shot, before, indeed, he had. I believe that untrue tidbit may’ve come from a sole poster from another online source, and was quickly nipped in the bud as untrue by the Howzers.

Actually, Disclosure did post that on their website. You can still see it here:

But I agree with you- overall, their coverage has been exemplary. They corrected that error quickly. And it is possible that someone in law enforcement told them that Jacob had been found. Reliable sources can make mistakes, too. I don't always agree with the way the Howsers present things, but I never doubt their intent.

So far I haven’t seen anything mentioned about the landowner, except it was “private”, no word if the young couple had permission, etc. which came to my mind right away.

They would almost have to have permission, wouldn't they? People out in the country seem to be very protective of their land. As a teen, I noticed when I stayed the night with my friends who lived in the country, they would always look out the window when someone drove by to see who it was. Especially at night.

We were all trying to figure out how Coston ended up at the campsite, when his home was farther to the north and west (or was it south? Whatever...the campsite wasn't between his home and New Haven, where he was earlier in the night). I'm wondering if he drove by the campsite when he took his friend home.
Beenaroundtheblock I just want to comment on how well you write....obviously you have had a lot of experience at it. I just type whatever is in my head, so have to start reading it back and editing. Be careful Websleuths becomes addictive!
Yeah, still live in Southern Illinois. About 2-1/2 counties north of where I figure you are, but familiar w/all of Southern Illinois. Plan to die here. Taproots sunk deep, lol.

Guess I missed that squib about the premature announcement you linked. Their site was horrendous to access up 'til recent days.

And yes, even reliable and credible sources can error, mis-speak (as politicians call it) and Disclosure is usually so ontop of things you can "read it there first" so it stands to reason they may sometimes jump the gun. They get quite a bit of catcalling due to allowing readers to sign in and make "opinions" and in that format a media can get away with a lot more due to it being others' "opinions" (which aren't always fact but many people don't distinguish that factoid in the Rules of the Media Game.

You'd think that campers there would've needed permission. Rural types do pay attention, with good reason, as meth-heads cruise around looking for anhydrous and remote areas in which to cook a batch. In our county they've sneaked into acreage that was literally landlocked to make a batch, it was so deep in the backwoods and along a small creek, so they had to walk in.

Some years back I was told by good authority that Chicago transported some of their officers down to deep Southern IL for the hillbilly LEOs to educate them about meth and give the big city boys a head's up. A few years I ran into the local Sheriff at a truckstop and we were talking and he told me that it was possible for people to be addicted to Meth from one using. He said a meth head had described using meth to him as on the calibre of an unbelievably powerful orgasm.

I know Mr. C was an electrician, but one reason meth is such a problem in Central and Deep So IL is due to the oil patches, and the brutal and strenuous labor of Rough Necks they use Meth for the kick to see it through the day. We have a young millwright friend who also does electrical work in the oil patch - there's an amazing amount of equipment to maintain power to - he sure meets all kinds.

Looking at the Google map someone uploaded, it wasn't like D-C would normally take that route home. Nothing much said about the fellow he gave a lift home. Could be wrong, but IMO, that fellow's being shielded because he could end up being a star witness in this. (Speculation!)

I figure, too, as heavily as this has been covered, unless he opts to plead guilty and go for sentencing and skip a trial heard by a jury of his peers, they'll be almost guaranteed to have to ask for a change of venue.

The culture of Southern IL is quite similar to The Hatfills vs. McCoy legends. Some years ago when I took the family on a weekend vacation to scour through Little Egypt and The Land Between The Rivers I returned home and said, "There are a few requirements for about any small town in Southern Illinois: couple of taverns, several churches, two body shops, one hairdresser, a C-store AND A PRISON." That was about it.

The Howsers seem to protect their sources, and as journalists, I think they would face jail before giving up a source who wanted anonymity. I've figured out that people DO dare to talk to them.

And reading the Disclosure, and being aware of the goings-on in Southern IL there is a lotta sexual obsessions among the general populace. I didn't buy it for a minute when they first reported no sexual molestation, either, but was sickened to learn later on that their had been.

Nice to meet you 88keys. Have enjoyed your informative posts discovered here. Could be wrong, figured you're affiliated w/pianos.
It may seem like a lull in this unfolding Southern Illinois crime.

But for those familiar with the hard-nosed journalism upon which Disclosure has laid the foundation of its very successful alternative media, prior, long-term and ongoing publishing patterns merely alert those who are aware, it’s merely the lull between the storms.

Frankly, we’ve already been given notice by the Howsers in what many may think were just little meaningless “throwaway” remarks, to which readers didn’t assign much worth nor meaning. Wrong!

Jack, who tends to respond to people on their Facebook site as well as the official Disclosure Site, last week in mentioning the vast amounts of news and information that they were sorting through, had to decide what was put online and what was reserved for the print edition. That ticked off one person who sniffed disgustedly that she guessed they intended to make people pay for the news. Well they aren’t running a charity and public service spot announcements (although they generously do quite a lot of that). But it was explained they were solidifying corroboration for information they’d received, etcetera, so no doubt have been talking to a vast number of people in this unfolding case.

Another seeming “throwaway” phrase Jack offered recently was that the information scheduled to come out in the next print edition was guaranteed to “P**s off people”. That was a real warning that it’s going to be some volatile information and it’ll very likely spread totally across the board of involvement. IMO, not surprising, for I believe we all, decent sorts or not, have our “little guilty secrets”; it’s part of the Human Condition.

I do know in the past that they have mentioned being privy to something but have actually dropped it in the lap of their attorney who specializes in publishing law before doing so. They are not a couple of bumbling hayseed hillbillies.

Over the years many angry people have promised/threatened to sue them. So far it simply has not happened. And the angry and offended never face-off with them in Court, because they’ve dotted their i’s and crossed their t’s. By huffing and puffing and screeching about suing it’s basically grandstanding behavior to try to convince family and friends of their innocent. Yet…none have been so innocent they’ve retained an attorney and filed suit – over anything.

Angela Howser in a recent podcast also presented such a “warning” in stating that what they have unearthed, in terms of what would be considered depraved behavior, would shock people to the extent of “making jaws drop”.

I’ve not been familiar with Disclosure since its inception, but have read for a few years, enough for it to “trip my trigger” (that “careful reader” shtick) to make me realize I don’t recall ever having seen “this” before. That they are issuing warnings that people are going to be angered and disturbed by what is reported – a form of “caveat emptor” – don’t even buy the upcoming copy of Disclosure if you can’t handle it!

They met some years ago, both working for the same MSM newspaper, and they recently celebrated their 12th anniversary. They are quite a pair, lol. I have come to conclude that as a publishing team goes, they have slid into the “good cop/bad cop” type journalistic routine – because it works – and very well.

I’ve long thought that at many of the MSM newspapers in the area, some flunky on staff has the assignment of clicking into the Disclosure site regularly to see what breaking news is, so if the situation warrants it, they send out their own reporter(s). In Southern Illinois there is A Great Divide. People either like/respect Disclosure or they despise it and their owners. But among the faithful are many who listen to the scanner, drive past odd scenes, and immediately they alert Disclosure. MSM doesn’t have such a loyal legion of news-feeds – for free.

I think we’re probably about two weeks’ out from the next print edition of Disclosure, which I look forward to it arriving in my mailbox. I read all their output on the internet, which is amazing coverage, but they retain a tremendous amount that goes into the print edition. Oddly enough, I’ve never seen any serious “crossover” where someone posts online something that was only in the print edition.

One thing they stand upon is the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). Those kids must be quite constantly filling out forms to get the paperwork. I chuckled to myself, because I figured in some counties, where the authorities do toe the letter of the law, when duplicating police reports, autopsy reports, and the myriad kinds of documentation which can often be accessed under the FOIA, the Top Dawg probably tells the person running the copy machine, “You may’s well set it for another copy while you’re doing it. You know the Howsers will be presenting an FOIA application to get this. May’s well have it waiting for them.”

One county at least ignores their FOIA requests…and they’ve taken it to the Attorney General. Trying to throw up roadblocks and stymie that pair is definitely a very poor and wrong attitude, for it clearly causes them to suspect there’s a lot there to hide. They have almost single-handedly brought down various crooked regimes. I find myself amazed they aren’t surrounded by bodyguards, although Jack is a former Green Beret.

They clearly seem to make better friends than enemies – your choice in how you treat them – but being friend or family cuts no muster if caught in wrongdoing. Jack wrote about his son from a first marriage charged with abusing a small child, and about a year and a half ago, Angela’s daughter, addicted to meth and hanging around with a terrible crowd, was getting her fair share of coverage in Disclosure. (There is a Podcast over on the right-hand side of their Disclosure Site where Jack interviews Jade, who has turned her life around in a beautiful 180 degree shift, and she tells her story. She’s now a prized part of Disclosure and gives testament to Jack’s view “Tough love WORKS!” (It’s worth listening to – esp. if you want to get a feel for the Howsers, who I hope someday to actually meet.

So it would seem this unfolding story has fallen from their pages, but the really nitty-gritty details will soon appear on Page One. And if their coverage of the Brandon Jenkins case is any indication (also well covered online) it’s going to run on for numerous tabloid sized pages.
Would love to hear what they publish. I know now a days alot of what is being printed is sugar coated so not to step on toes and tick off the advertisers. Money is needed to keep papers going. I appalled them for not being afraid to dig where its dirty and print it.
Added thoughts:

I thought it was uber-tacky when Danny Coston's mother showed up in his first court appearance waving a manila envelope with NOT GUILTY! printed upon it.

On various sites that allow input, we've read the natterings of people, with some pointing out "That's what mother's DO!" Well, I agree. As a farm type, raising livestock to help feed people in this world, we've had a few almost monstrosities born over the years, little babies with physical deformities often linked with blindness. Well, whether it is a cow or a sheep (hogs are oblivious, generally) the New Mama wants patted and told she did a good job, ain't her baby sweet?, and made over as if she's got the top bundle in a hospital nursery. They love their malformed babies. Human mothers ARE the same.

I got to thinking, too, that "confession is good for the soul" and that Danny C may have been naive. I'm sure he was read the Miranda Rights. But it may have felt kinda "good" to get some of that off his chest...and he wasn't thinking too far into the future...with the aspects of self-incrimination. He hadn't as yet been assigned a defense attorney to assist him. He was probably offered access to an attorney, but in an unsophisticated manner, didn't realize he needed one - if only for a Counselor to tell him: SHADDUP, ya fool, you're digging your own grave with a shovel, pick-axe 'n pitchfork."

Contact with friends/family at that point I'd gather would be limited. So, Mama could not face-off with her probably mentally malformed offspring and say, "Zip your lip, Bucketmouth! Ya trying to hang yourself, son?!"

So I felt, personally, that the "NOT GUILTY!" sign wasn't so much to offend the Evans and Wheeler families but was a desperate (and probably mother in denial) trying to send her son a message. Shut UP! AND PLEAD NOT GUILTY!

Desperate people do desperate things, as we all know.

As for the Sheriff touching or patting Danny C on the shoulder. I've known more than a few Sheriff's in my time, and the unvarnished fact IS, that they tend (some of them) to be darned good lawmen. But with the SHERIFF per se, NEVER forget they ALSO are A Politician. They are voted in and out of office.


So I first thought, Hmmmm...kind of a crummy act, patting the convict on the shoulder. But I processed it via my career-long "What was the movite?" (which never leaves even if one ceases writing professionally) and it hit me: not offending the Coston's and friends and extended family, and a touch on the shoulder could convey kindness and compassion and the kinds of things that could cause them to vote for him regardless of what happens to their loved one in court.

Would love to hear what they publish. I know now a days alot of what is being printed is sugar coated so not to step on toes and tick off the advertisers. Money is needed to keep papers going. I appalled them for not being afraid to dig where its dirty and print it.

Ma'am, I will try to synopsis it. I had already thought of that. I know they have their online edition of Disclosure, paid,etc. which I haven't signed up for since I get the print version. I have been to some sites where their admin is sharp enough to prevent anyone from doing a copy and paste from paid sites, so I would suspect their tech-guy will go that route.

But I had already made a mental note to, as I read it, jot notes and give a synopsis and encapsulate it for y'all.
Ma'am, I will try to synopsis it. I had already thought of that. I know they have their online edition of Disclosure, paid,etc. which I haven't signed up for since I get the print version. I have been to some sites where their admin is sharp enough to prevent anyone from doing a copy and paste from paid sites, so I would suspect their tech-guy will go that route.

But I had already made a mental note to, as I read it, jot notes and give a synopsis and encapsulate it for y'all.

Would appreciate it. Id subscribe but the news there wouldnt mean alot to me since its not my area except for the Jake Jessica story.
Thank you for posting the tribute videos. The deaths of such promising, young people is so heart breaking. I just cannot fathom being out in the woods doing my thing and meet that end. What is even more shocking is the fact that the killer went on about his business, even though I wouldn't know how to expect someone to act after the murders.

Maybe that is what scares me so much and is so heart breaking, is that fact. "Carry on as if things are normal" attitudes these types of people have!!!
BTW...I should write myself a cheat-sheet of notes as I post.

I fully expect Danny Coston WILL end up pleading NOT GUILTY.

Right now he is incarcerated in the White County Pokey. Small time jails are often rather kind places to temporarily reside. I haven't heard anything about them feeling Coston needed putt in p-c (protective custody) to keep him safe from others locked up in Sheriff Maier's jail, so he may be free to roam with inmates in the general population. No doubt at any time in a county jail of any time there are repeat offenders, who've been sent up either to the State Pen system, or off to the lesser campuses for incarceration and rehabilitation (some of them about as nice as a Hilton Hotel.)

Unless he's absolutely brain dead, and with nothing to do but think, I'd believe he is starting to expand his mullings and realize he IS in deep trouble and could do some hard and serious time if he pleads guilty or goes to trial and is convicted. My gut instincts are that he'd be asking some of them who are familiar with the system...what is it like?

In the course of research, I've been within the bowels of the lock-ups, as a visitor. As I said about Death Row down in Chester when it existed, "It's an interesting place, but ya don't wanna live there!" So...with a bit of input from those who've been sent up to do serious time elsewhere, now back as repeat offenders, Coston could be collecting intel that is going to make him realize he does NOT want to take that tack if he can help it.

Therefore, although I could be wrong, I don't expect him to face the Judge and say, "Guilty, Your Honor." Not if he can stave it off with a jury trial - especially one that's almost guaranteed to have a change of venue where emotions don't run so high and hot. Plus, one can never 100% count on jury members. We've all seen some oddball stuff over tne years. Sometimes juries are frustrated (I sure was once) when the Judge had to give instructions, pure whackadooism, and many juries don't even know you can "vacate" a law as a jury in agreement of it being nutso.

From what I saw on Death Row, and it was "tame" compared to the violence in General Population in the other area of the prison, even someone guilty as sin if they come to their self-interest sense is going to try to avoid that or at least forestall it for as long as possible.
Maybe someone helped him after he killed the kids. That was some work to push the truck over the embankment, walk back to his truck, load Jakes body and drag it in off in a field.And he was drunk. Id hate to think what DC could have accomplished sober.
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