Found Deceased IL - Jake Cefolia, 49, jogging, car found, SVP of United Airlines, Chicago, 6 Aug 2020

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Just saw this article and came here to post - you all beat me to it! Wow
Per the article it looks like a possible suicide by hanging, I didn’t see the part referencing condition of the remains (skeletal vs decomposing) but Mr. Cefolia has been missing awhile now :(
Wouldn’t he be completely skeletonized by now? Article says “is starting to decompose”.
With outdoor exposure, especially if it's been dry and warm (which summer in Chicago was for SOME areas) remains are more likely to pass through a long period of dehydration of outer tissues, mummification, and reduction of desiccated tissue. Under such conditions exposure of large portions of the skeleton usually doesn't occur until four to six months after death in such cases but after a year, even factoring in environmental factors I would think the remains found would be more recent. However, we are going by something said by likely someone that discovered the remains and not a forensic professional so I'd take it with a "grain of salt" as they say, for now.
Remains Discovered at Lemont Forest Preserve Where Missing United Executive's SUV Found in 2020

The contractors were removing invasive species in the area when they came across "human remains hanging from a low hanging tree," said Chief David Pederson with the Forest Preserve District Police.

"The human remains were located in a very thick covered brush area, extremely, so you can be 10 feet away and not see it," Pederson told NBC 5. "Obviously the foliage is starting to drop this time of year, these contractors were working in a very thick area..."

Pederson said the remains are starting to decompose "to the point that you can't tell who the individual is," adding it's uncertain when the body will be identified.
I wonder if they looked up while searching.

Perhaps not...but it brings to mind Leanne Bearden.

Of course, the body has yet to be identified, but since I've been in the "self-harm, in the preserve, just not found" camp since day 1, I would be very surprised if it was NOT him.

I've read and learned so much from our fellow Websleuthers about how dogs are not infallible, and bloodhounds are usually not cadaver dogs. I've read about how quickly humans and human-made things like clothing fades, gets grown over, and basically camouflaged quickly by nature. How bodies have been missed by experienced searchers, only to be found by coincidence feet away months later by hunters or workers. Even in urban environments bodies are missed.

Although it's a nice fantasy to think of Jake enjoying a margarita on some secluded beach, I hope it is him so his family can start moving towards some semblance of closure.
Will wait for confirmation but if it is Jake, that would explain the hiking boots, as was seen in the gas station video. He had to walk through rough terrain so no running shoes.
It does not explain however, why family never seemed too concerned or involved in search efforts .Then United suddenly clammed up. Perhaps he left a note or some definite indication of suicide.

Remains Discovered at Lemont Forest Preserve Where Missing United Executive's SUV Found in 2020

The contractors were removing invasive species in the area when they came across "human remains hanging from a low hanging tree," said Chief David Pederson with the Forest Preserve District Police.

"The human remains were located in a very thick covered brush area, extremely, so you can be 10 feet away and not see it," Pederson told NBC 5. "Obviously the foliage is starting to drop this time of year, these contractors were working in a very thick area..."

Pederson said the remains are starting to decompose "to the point that you can't tell who the individual is," adding it's uncertain when the body will be identified.

They said it was found near a nature camp for youths. Wouldn't the searchers have gone there to look? If it's him, I'm kind of surprised they didn't find him, given how close it is to where he parked.
If this is Jake I will be forever thrown off by him getting gas.

I think if the family knew the investigation it might explain their distance, that and maybe the two girlfriends that didn’t know of each other.

I had to look up hanging as a percentage because I was surprised, personally. It appears 28% by suffocation in males. Means of Suicide | Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Perhaps not...but it brings to mind Leanne Bearden.

Of course, the body has yet to be identified, but since I've been in the "self-harm, in the preserve, just not found" camp since day 1, I would be very surprised if it was NOT him.

I've read and learned so much from our fellow Websleuthers about how dogs are not infallible, and bloodhounds are usually not cadaver dogs. I've read about how quickly humans and human-made things like clothing fades, gets grown over, and basically camouflaged quickly by nature. How bodies have been missed by experienced searchers, only to be found by coincidence feet away months later by hunters or workers. Even in urban environments bodies are missed.

Although it's a nice fantasy to think of Jake enjoying a margarita on some secluded beach, I hope it is him so his family can start moving towards some semblance of closure.

I followed Leanne's story. I was heartbroken. There are some people (cases) that just really hurt your heart. Maybe I was just so hopeful that she would be found alive. I think traveling fended off her depression. Traveling quieted her mind. Unfortunately, that can't go on forever. Maybe the shock of being "home" (she was at her fiance's parent home, right?) but home meaning back in the states and not traveling. Maybe that depression just came back full force and then some because she was bottling it up for so long while traveling. It exploded. I had no idea how prevalent suicide is and suicide by hanging. I've followed quite a few here.

I'm hoping there is some news soon. I feel sorry for his family and son.
If this is Jake I will be forever thrown off by him getting gas.

I think if the family knew the investigation it might explain their distance, that and maybe the two girlfriends that didn’t know of each other.

I had to look up hanging as a percentage because I was surprised, personally. It appears 28% by suffocation in males. Means of Suicide | Suicide Prevention Resource Center

It is curious what people are thinking and doing just before suicide. I think of Leanne who packed her backpack with protein bars and Jennifer Huston who went to rite aid and bought gatorade, snack mix and sleeping pills. Jennifer took the sleeping pills and put the rope on and waited to sleep. Both of these women's stories hurt. It is just so sad to think that life is that overwhelming and difficult and no light at the end of the tunnel. Breaks my heart.
I strongly believed this would be suicide from the first day I saw the thread. It's SO hard to start a new life in this day and age, especially during a global pandemic when many borders are closed. Further, Jake was experiencing extreme stress in multiple facets of his life. I wish suicide wasn't so stigmatized. It's tragic, but it's often the most logical explanation in missing persons cases.
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Skeletal Remains Found Hanging From Tree at Nature Preserve Where Missing Airline Exec Jake Cefolia’s Car Was Abandoned

This article said it was electrical workers who found the remains; Other article said it was workers getting rid of invasive plants. Whatever the reason, it is not lost on me that the discovery of Brian Laundries’ remains has spurred on other missing investigations, possibly this one as well.

The big mystery is what was the criminal investigation about? If the remains are his, it seemed serious enough to take his life. Tragic.

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