IL IL - Jesse Ross, 20, Chicago, 21 Nov 2006

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What happened to Jesse?

It's the second time i'm watching his case on "vanished."

Welcome to Websleuths, misst!


I agree . . . Jesse needs to be brought home to his loved ones. :anguish:
I first heard about this case shortly after it happened from a cousin of Jesse. I've only been through twice now, but to this day I can't go through Chicago without thinking of the Jesse and the other young men who have been disappearing in the area. Best wishes for the family.
Still can't believe he is still missing. I remember living in Kansas City when all this happened and hearing him on the Vibe radio station. Very confusing that no one saw or heard anything the night that he disappeared. If he fell in the water then there would have been a splash or him hollering out.
Forgive me if these have already been posted.

Jesse's Charley Project page:

Jesse's NamUs profile:

Does anyone know if Jesse had access to a car when he went missing? I think if he fell into the Chicago River or Lake Michigan he would have surfaced a long time ago, unless he entered the water while in a vehicle.

Because he never surfaced, I always keep an eye out for anyone who might resemble Jesse.

I did see one guy, who I thought resembled Jesse working at a well known (I forget the name) investment company in the western suburbs. I had a second opportunity at a good close look and the guy I saw was way too old to be Jesse. I'd say this guy was no younger than his 40's.

Will keeping looking though.

Do we know what interests Jesse had, what he might have chosen career wise if he did walk away?
Last week, can't remember which night, I watched a local cold case crime show I'd not seen before, and this case was being featured. Both parents were on the show, and my heart breaks for these people. While watching, I vaguely remembered hearing this case on the news back then. If I can find that show again, I'll post the name.
Doing a quick google search:
The show is "Crime Stoppers Case Files - Chicago."

They are on Saturday nights at 11:00 pm according to the fb page I found on WPWR-TV channel MY 50. I don't know how I hadn't come across this show before! I thought I'd remember when it came on again, but I forgot. Anyway, I'll def. be watching this when I can.

There is another possibility to explain his disappearance. Could he have been a witness to a crime? Could he have been placed on a witness protection programme? The fact that he wasn't seen makes me think that whoever is responsible for his disappearance had either done it before and studied where the camera's were or law enforcement personnel have scurried him away and put him on a witness protection programme. I wonder what sort of cases he was dealing with before he disappeared. He seemed to have a rather meteoric career rise. Was that because he had input in an important story? It would be good for his family to consider possibilities like these.
Mock U.N. Session Becomes Real-Life Crisis as Teen Vanishes
By Dave Seminara
Uploaded on July 30, 2013

Snipped from long article from earlier this year:

"The police told us he probably fell in the river," said Don Ross, who worked for the Bell Telephone Company before retiring. "But we'll never accept that. If he fell in the river, we want to know why. Did he fall? Was he pushed? Or did something else happen? We just don't know."

Jesse Ross had a lot to live for. He was a communications major who joined the Model U.N. because he had a keen interest in international affairs. Jesse was also passionate about music. He was a D.J. who liked to make his own mixes and he managed a rock band called A Dead Giveaway. At least one of the AMUN attendees said that he talked about going to a rave while in Chicago, though no one is certain if he followed through on the plan.

"He was a fun-loving kind of guy," said Bryce Veazey, a friend who was also in the band. "I don't think Jesse was depressed at all. He wasn't shy — you were aware of his presence when he entered the room."

His parents say that he was planning a trip to Costa Rica and had just been promoted from unpaid intern to paid morning host on the Kansas City radio station 95.7 FM "The Vibe" for a show called "Shorty and the Boyz." A redhead with a pale complexion and freckles, he was nicknamed "Opie Cunningham," inspired by the character Opie Taylor from "The Andy Griffith Show" and Richie Cunningham from "Happy Days," both played by Ron Howard.
Three of the pictures from the above article:


Jesse Ross — seen here in a promotional photo for the Kansas City radio station where he hosted a show called "Shorty and the Boyz" — went missing on Nov. 21, 2006, after stepping out of an American Model United Nations meeting in Chicago.


Jesse is seen below in surveillance footage as he walked out of the ballroom in the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers — the last time the 19-year-old teen has been seen.


"He could be alive and living anywhere in the world, or he could be dead in a ditch somewhere. We just don't know," says Donna Ross of her son Jesse.
Where are you, Jesse???
I can't remember when I first heard about Jesse's case, but it haunts me.

I can't believe there's only 3 pages of comments on here about him!!!

Thank you, Moderators, for posting links and Jesse' dad's book- I'm buying it ASAP.

Can we get some help, guys??? All you smart Sleuthers I read all the time...where are you? What are your thoughts on such an odd case?

From reading the other posts, I'm confused about 2 main, important details:
1) Someone said that they "heard" Jesse may have been slightly drunk. That pushes me to think he may have fallen into the water. I am not familiar with Chicago and I've never been near that hotel. Would you truly have heard if he fell in? I am going to look up the river there to see how many drownings have occurred.

Was he truly drunk? Would this super smart guy at a Model UN meeting get drunk at 2 AM? I've been involved in these events- you don't get drunk and show up. I think people may have assumed that because he was a college student. Maybe he had a few beers or something, but I'm not buying that he was wasted. I want to hear more from people at that meeting- hundreds of students. Why are there so few details????

Also, someone said their friend walked around the Sheraton and it's impossible to not be seen by cameras. That also seems hard to believe. How does that friend know? Did she see the surveillance room? Aliens didn't take him. He clearly left a way that cameras didn't see, or the Sheraton pretends to have better camera capacity than they do.

I'd like to reach out to Jesse's parents-- Has anyone ever spoken with them and seen if they'd be interested in chatting with us?

Praying for Jesse, hoping he is at peace, wherever he may be, and hoping that his parents can feel a moment of peace during what must be such a nightmare.:please:
Probably already posted, so bumping with this article Updated: 03/27/2014 9:59

"The father of missing University of Missouri student Jesse "Opie" Ross has chronicled more than five years of searching for answers in a newly released book, "Where's Opie?: Vanished in Chicago."

Ross' father, Donald Ross, described the book as part "personal therapy," and told The Huffington Post he hopes the book will help others who are in a similar situation.

"[This is] not a work of fiction, but the true story of one family's awakening into the world of the missing," he said. "Personally for me, this is a chance to bring some order to chaos and, if you will, a little personal therapy. Also, to share some insight that may be helpful to others in our position."
Sorry, me again!
I am truly hoping someone, somewhere knows what happened to Jesse Ross.
Could his red hair have singled him out for some body with a fetish/ hatred, for red hair?
Did security guys not allow him to re- enter the hotel and things went wrong, security tape erased?
Did he have competition for his radio station job, or did he have an opinion at the conference that angered someone?
Did a sk follow these types of conventions filled with college students and target whomever ventured out on their own?
Did someone owe him money or felt that he owed them a favour of some sort?
Did he inadvertently insult a hotel staff member, perhaps a temporary worker, or perhaps flirt with someone's partner?
Did Jesse have a g. or b. friend ? His hotel roommate described J's bed as very messy, was that typical of him, or had someone been rummaging through his stuff in the room?
Were all the students at the conference from N.A.?

"Missing College-Aged Men
Men missing presumed drowned, some suspicious, some not".

Possible Victims: Illinois - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Lengthy detailed article that gave some food for thought imo..

By Dave Seminara
Uploaded on July 30, 2013

" Security Council session that was to last through the night. It was a "historical" session from the year 1990 and the delegates were debating how to respond to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

Attendees later testified that Jesse, who was part of a delegation representing the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire)"


". He was a D.J. who liked to make his own mixes and he managed a rock band called A Dead Giveaway. At least one of the AMUN attendees said that he talked about going to a rave while in Chicago, though no one is certain if he followed through on the plan.

"He was a fun-loving kind of guy," said Bryce Veazey, a friend who was also in the band. "I don't think Jesse was depressed at all. He wasn't shy — you were aware of his presence when he entered the room."


""He was kind of square. He went to Catholic schools and was probably what you'd call a social drinker," recalled Chantal Savage, whose on-air nickname was "Shorty" when she worked at the same radio station with Jesse. "Was he a little gullible? Maybe. He was a little naïve and maybe a little sheltered. I do think he might go off with a stranger if they invited him somewhere. He was looking for excitement but maybe wasn't worldly enough to go off and do something different on his own.
What are the chances that a "Ginger" who plays "missing' pranks at a radio station, also attends a "disaster" convention, then goes missing ?

"Last February, Alex Kosuth–Phillips was subjected to a vicious and unprovoked attack outside a pizza shop in Birmingham, where he had been out celebrating his 23rd birthday. His jaw was broken in two places and he had two metal plates inserted into his face. For three months he was drinking with a straw. The culprits apparently took exception to his ginger hair. The story is in the news now because earlier this week, police released CCTV footage of the incident in an attempt to catch the assailants, who remain at large.

Also in February last year, two men were convicted at Southampton Crown Court of a "frenzied and sustained" assault on a red-haired man in New Milton, Hampshire. The attack, which was again quite unprovoked, began with "gingerist" insults hurled at the victim, James Prior, from a car. In another case ten years ago, a young man was stabbed in a West Yorkshire wine bar "after an argument over his ginger hair." Redheads have also been the target of sustained harassment. In 2007, for example, the Chapman family of Newcastle hit the headlines after suffering "years of taunts, smashed windowswindows and violence" and being forced to flee several homes.

Such attacks would meet most natural definitions of a hate crime. Redheads are a minority, indeed a very visible minority, who are in no way responsible for the fact that some other people display an irrational aversion to their (our) hair colour. Like members other groups, such as ethnic or religious minorities, gingers make a convenient target for the innate human desire to single out and ridicule people who are "different". In this particular case, the prejudice is both widespread and, apparently, deep seated".


""Generally, things that deviate much from the norm tend to be viewed with disfavor," says Michael Pertschuk, an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.

"Red hair, particularly if it's real, real red, is different from most people's hair."

Then there are all the myths associated with red hair.

"Redheaded people were often described as witches," says Waters, "because it was so rare and thought to be so seductive."

It's that rarity that causes people "to ascribe certain characteristics to redheads that are patently ridiculous," Waters says-for example, the notion that redheads have fiery tempers.

Waters suggests that one reason some people may be uncomfortable with redheads relates to your basic egotism.

"There's such a tendency for people to look and stare at redheads," she says, "that some people may not be able to stand the competition."

Whatever their reasons, many people find red hair, especially the bright orange-red variety, off-putting.
Sorry folks, Jesse is on my mind.
This fairly recent news of a young college student who was found deceased in the woods, made me wonder if JS found himself in a similar situation..jmo.

"The body of Pravin M. Varughese, 19, was found about 9:45 a.m. in a wooded area near the 1400 block of East Main Street, Carbondale Police said in a release.

Varughese native had last been seen about 11 p.m. Wednesday at a party in the 600 block of West College Street in Carbondale, police and the man’s family said previously.

Investigators have learned Varughese accepted a ride from a recent acquaintance on West College Street just before midnight that night, the release said. But Varughese got out of the vehicle following a dispute and fled into a wooded area.

While his exact cause of death is still being investigated, police believe the difficult terrain and low temperatures made it difficult for him to find his way out of the wooded area"

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