Found Alive IL - KD, 13, & CD, 2 weeks, Madison County, 18 Sept 2016 *Arrest*

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DNA Solves
Sorry if I missed it but does the stepfather have a known criminal past? You know in which direction I'm thinking I guess...
I have a general question. If this is a public Amber Alert, why can't we write out the kids' names? They are named on every other thread for missing kids.

There is a huge assumption the 13 yr old is the victim of sexual abuse and victims of abuse get protected here, even if they do not at other sites or media outlets. It is so this child and her child can live a life free of being stigmatized by what has happened and that following them forever. It's a little too late as the names are already public but I'm very happy WS does this ' courtesy' for the victims. :)
Everything about this story is just sad. My daughter is 12 and she has yet to kiss a boy and freaks out by the word sex. The only time my daughter is even around a boy is at school. I keep her close and don't even allow a movie with friends without an adult. UGH So saddened by all this.
Prayers these 2 babies are found and be put into a safe home.
All of us care about these babies being returned safely, and so I think we should focus our efforts on trying to locate them instead of speculating about how KD became pregnant or making judgments about her family or stepfather when so little is known at this time. I know it is all with the very best intentions and genuine, caring concern, but it is not helpful in finding her and possibly even disrespectful and distasteful depending on what the facts turn out to be.

For example, many are speculating that KD was impregnated at 12 yo. According to mom's FB page, KD's DOB is October 1992, she had her baby last month, and was due in August. We have no idea what happened, and quite frankly that is the police's job, not ours. What information has been released to us is in an effort to find these two as quickly as possible and provide them with the medical care they need. Speculating about the rest is, IMO, self-serving and not helpful at this time.

Our hearts are all in the right place here. Not calling anyone out. Just please be thoughtful and kind!
I was trying to delete my post and it wouldn't allow me.

Thanks for the help.
There is really very little I can say here that is within TOS . :please: be found safe little ones.
I know exactly what you mean... :gaah::whine::hanging:
They were staying with a guardian. I have seen no posts on the mothers page about the children missing. The mother of this baby is a twin, which I didn't realize.
Not to be facetious, but seriously, which baby? The 13 year old or the newborn? I am so disgusted by this entire situation, from the apathetic adults who posted "Congratulations", on the mutually shared facebook page to the obviously neglectful parentage...
This article seems to have the most updated background information regarding circumstances leading up to the abduction:

The above article mentions the Guardian(s) for KD and DC were not present when the abduction took place. I wonder if that means they left KD and CD. In Illinois the minimum age to leave a child alone is 14. Clearly the guardian(s), according to Illinois law can be charged with child neglect. Seems these two have been failed by everyone.
Not to be facetious, but seriously, which baby? The 13 year old or the newborn? I am so disgusted by this entire situation, from the apathetic adults who posted "Congratulations", on the mutually shared facebook page to the obviously neglectful parentage...

KD (the 13 yo) is a twin. The newborn is not.

Could be apathy, could be people trying to support a family going through difficulties. All we know at this point is that two children with medical needs are missing and need to be found. I don't disagree with your assumptions, but I hesitate to speculate (especially negatively) based on FB posts without knowing these people personally.
The above article mentions the Guardian(s) for KD and DC were not present when the abduction took place. I wonder if that means they left KD and CD. In Illinois the minimum age to leave a child alone is 14. Clearly the guardian(s), according to Illinois law can be charged with child neglect. Seems these two have been failed by everyone.

That's how I interpreted it. There were a few tidbits in that article, like that one, which I don't remember seeing posted before.
be glad you didn't read the rest because mom allowed a whole lot worse than rape to happen to that poor girl.

FIND THESE BABIES!! This entire situation makes me so angry. I need to pray for calmness, and for most importantly, the two are located safely!!!! What in the name of hades are some of these adult parents thinking???

Not related to this case, but saw on FB the other day a case that I couldn't even read the article. The headline said the Mom was finding men off some dating website to have sex with her young child! They child died!! People killing their own babies. People abusing their babies. People disposing of babies like they're just trash. I don't know about this world. I just don't know.

KEEP OUR BABIES AS THE PRECIOUS GIFTS THEY ARE!! If you don't want to adore them, and care for them, then TELL SOMEONE THAT! I'd MUCH rather you bring the baby to a safe house, to a safe relative, than to read on here that the child is 'missing' or 'killed'... I realize our country is seriously lacking in mental health care, but some of this isn't a mental health issue, it's pure EVIL! No man should ever look at a child and see a sex object. NO MAN!

Oh please, just get these two babies safe, and kill that SOB, then you can deal with the rest that knew and did nothing or even encouraged all this. I mean.....the child KNEW she was going out of state! Posted it on her Mom's FB that she was using while in the hospital after having the baby!! Sooo many KNEW it! SO many SAW that was done???? Someone had to have known about the protection order, and about the post....what was done????? Let me stop.......before I end up in time out....
im willing to bet is was step dad's idea. I think he was controlling, as in controlling who she was in contact w so he could keep his little "harem" to himself. speculation!

I wonder why she posts on her moms fb and why a shared fb with sister. Seems odd to me.

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the kids were in DCF custody since april. maybe that was following a court hearing idk.

The mom was aware... Check out the facebook post from June 2016, right when her daughter would have started showing... She is begging and pleading for "prayers"then when people queried, "She did not want to get into it...."
In the midst of all this. do you guys realize that there is actually a pastor that "co signed " this union, and was seemingly involved in their life?

Can anyone provide more details about this without violating TOS?
the kids were in DCF custody since april. maybe that was following a court hearing idk.
The aunt, who has the same name as JD, confirmed what we are all thinking on a post I saw on FB. Some think KD went willingly, but she could have been brainwashed or anything. He could be promising a great life. KD could be scared if DCS was gonna take her baby away. This is so frightening on all fronts. Hope they can find them safely
I'm just speculating, but my guess is CPS had a court order for a DNA test on the baby and now the baby and mother are gone.
This gets sadder by the hour. God, I hope someone finds them before it's too late. I will continue to keep my eyes peeled for that vehicle in my travels.
It's really really hard to say what I'd like to say, because most of what I know comes from SM so technically it's all considered rumor as per this forum. That said I have zero doubt whatsoever that this is going to be one of those cases where all the wretched, awful, disgusting rumors turn out to be 100% true.

There was already an ongoing investigation into "family matters" that LE cannot or will not go into detail about which resulted in both sisters being removed from the home and there being a no-contact order against the step-dad. That alone tells me the authorities already suspected he was some sort of danger to this girl.

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