PolkSaladAnnie said:Calimom: Your post re: "The mothers of the two slain girls met for the first time at a memorial..."
That's a very valid oberservation; something that 'flew' right over my head and got lost in the clutter of information that we're hearing!
Exactly. Laura and Krystal were "best friends" and their mothers had never met. Wow. While it's true that both little girls have been referred to as 'popular and well-recognized' in the vicinity, it's pretty amazing their moms had never met. Even 40 odd years ago, when I was that age, my mom never met ALL my best (and or school) friends and their parents ... but she certainly knew the families, addresses and/or the moms of my regular buddies.
I think the article read that this was the first time they had met SINCE the murder. I thought I had also read that the girls regularly spent the night at each other's house. I think the mothers knew each other. I will go back and find where I read that.