IL IL - Lane Bryant Murders, Tinley Park, 2 Feb 2008

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This case really bothers me. You got 1 gunman and 5 victims? Come on ladies!!! 5 people could of ambushed this guy! We are female we know how to go psycho crazy! I have no doubt they were petrified out of their minds but they could of taken him down. I feel strongly about that. What were 4 of them doing while 1 was being tied/taped up?
This case really bothers me. You got 1 gunman and 5 victims? Come on ladies!!! 5 people could of ambushed this guy! We are female we know how to go psycho crazy! I have no doubt they were petrified out of their minds but they could of taken him down. I feel strongly about that. What were 4 of them doing while 1 was being tied/taped up?

When I try to envision what happened logically I just don't "get it" something just doesn't seem right to me...And for LE to be dragging their feet on the sketch makes no sense to me either...u'd think they'd want that guys "picture" plastered everywhere ASAP?
Maybe LE knows more than they are saying? They might be waiting for the right time to let the cat out of the bag? I really don't does seem a little confusing huh? What a shame though that you can not even go to the freakin lane bryant now without being hunted down.. It's sad and it's a shame and it makes me ANGRY! :furious:

When I try to envision what happened logically I just don't "get it" something just doesn't seem right to me...And for LE to be dragging their feet on the sketch makes no sense to me either...u'd think they'd want that guys "picture" plastered everywhere ASAP?
Maybe LE knows more than they are saying?

This is exactly what I think.

I think LE actually knows the exact guy they are looking for and are trying to find him without releasing the sketch. Releasing the sketch would give the guy a good idea of exactly what LE knows.

LE doesn't want to traumatize her. But they have her looking at suspect photos that could seriously hinder her recollection? She's together enough to issue a statement yesterday. IMO, LE is stalling on that sketch. From the below link:,CST-NWS-invest07.article

Mindful of the pain it may cause, investigators are working with the sole survivor of the Tinley Park shootings to flesh out a sketch of the gunman "as soon as possible," police said Wednesday.
"Obviously, we have to be sensitive to her condition and her needs," Tinley Park police Cmdr. Rick Bruno told reporters. "She has been able to go into some generalities about [the gunman's] physical appearance, but in order to get into details, we have to be very careful as to how we proceed and how much she can tolerate."
I know this is a very unlikely scenerio, but could the woman who survived actually be the gunman? She would have needed an accomplice to remove the weapon and bank deposit, but I'll bet a relative was allowed to pick up her vehicle from the parking lot after she would have been transported by ambulance.

I'll bet that no one thought to test her hands and arms for gunshot residue, but they could still test her clothing. Depending upon her original account of where she was in relation to where the other victims were when they were shot, they could look at blood spatter and other residue to corroborate or disprove her story.

The only reason that makes sense to me for the delay in relesing a sketch is if the cops doubt it's veracity.

On Wednesday, in rural western Kentucky, relatives of the survivor spoke about her life in protective custody and how their family is uniting in prayer for the families of the women slain in the store.
I found the below comment marked in bold interesting. I think it's supposed to say several days not weeks. But why the caution for the parents?

Relatives said the survivor's parents, acting on the advice of police, left their home for several weeks, leaving their dogs Barney and Wolf in the care of the survivor's uncle. Relatives in Kentucky said they have been barraged with calls from the media but also from people they do not know offering their concern.
"We're scared for [the survivor]," a cousin said. "We're scared for our family members up there."
The survivor's uncle said the family in Kentucky and Illinois are in constant contact about the situation.
Before he began killing, the gunman covered some of the victims' faces, sources have told the Sun-Times.

I wonder which victim's faces were covered and which were not. I suspect that one might want to cover the face of someone they knew before executing them, but not the face of a total stranger. The police won't have to rely on the survivor to tell them this, there should be evidence on the bodies to show which ones were covered up.

Also, the "fondling" story seems hinky to me. Why fondle only one? and why no other evidence of a sexually motivated crime?

I think this was a straight-up robbery/murder, not a sex crime at all. I am sorry to say, I think it is probable that the survivor is not telling the whole story, and maybe even made up some of it. I think the victims were killed because one or more of them knew the shooter.

TGI, I keep thinking the survivor's description keeps changing or something.

Here is another unlikely scenario I'll throw out. I'm very curious as to the verbal exchange between a vic and the gunman. Remember it's been indicated someone knew the gunman. But which vic? It could be that conversation was revealing. As in the survivor heard something that indicated a hit and LE is trying to gather info as to who was behind this whole incident. I don't know why a hit would be be done at Lane Bryant and shoot five other people not involved. But it is common for a hit to be instructed to look like a robbery. And hitmen have gone overboard before.
I wonder if the police might be protecting the survivor's family from possible retribution from the other victims' families or friends.

Another reminder here. IMO, at least two of the vics were beaten. This is all overkill (pardon the pun) for just a walk in robbery. LE says it was probably a drug addict. Drug addicts act quick and just want the money and head off for their next fix.
But it is common for a hit to be instructed to look like a robbery. And hitmen have gone overboard before.

I agree SuziQ.

Also, if the killer really was someone dressed the way the survivor describes, he probably did not plan to leave witnesses. If it had been just a robbery and the murders weren't planned, it seems to me he would have dressed in more generic clothing... something he could throw away afterward.

First of all My condolences to the families on this terrible tragedy.:mad: I am not sure who this one women that was saved by pretending she was dead this is what I have found out. My cousin and her DD were in the store only 2 days before the shooting, the mgr was in the store alongwith another employee who was white and my cousin's DD is the Mgr of a store not far from this tragedy and she heard not sure on the source Hearsay only~~ second hand info that the reason the perp killed all the women is because one of them had a bluetooth in her ear and she called 911 and he heard her talking and that is why he killed them??JMO . I wonder why No sketch they are sure taking their time getting one I read on cbs2news website today that the sketch will be by the end of week????? I have a hinky feeling like many of you there is MORE TO THE STORY!! I did hear on the news last nite that they are checking every beauty salon in the area about the dreadlocks and very distinctive design. I don't know I think he is long gone and not in this area at all I still think IMO that someone knew him or WAS IT RANDOM?? Not many stores have their collection's in the mornin like this one had, most do their collection at nite. So he preplanned it?? IMO
LE is keeping a good poker face and not revealing their hand in this one. If they have the victim's family members locally and in Kentucky all under protective custody, i would think that the killer knew her family.

"Already, the survivor has given police some unusually distinctive details, including the way the gunman's hair was styled in three to five puffy cornrows, running from the back to the front of his scalp.",CST-NWS-invest07.article

As for the description, it is inconsistent; and i don't see how someone who has cornrows is going to be able to have a loose braid fall on his right cheek. If she is saying he had a loose braid fall with green beads on the end onto his cheek, having cornrows as described "back to front" of scalp would contradict that. Also no one is walking around with just 3 big cornrows, that would look weird, especially with a receding hairline.
And if he was wearing a knit cap. How would she know he has a receding hairline?
IMHO there is a fine line commenting on the surviving victim because until we know any further she is just that a victim and this being a pro victim site…..

Any way, I think it is wonderful that LE is reportedly protecting the family. IF identifying information was stolen and the perp is on the loose who knows how desperate they are. There could have been financial information or keys to a family members home that could be utilized by a killer on the run

Crazy speculation >>>
Could the perp be a butch woman?! I assume clean-shaven indicates there was some evidence of shaving. But saw a pair of jeans similar to those described in the chunky women’s section of Ross’s.

A true receding hairline wouldn’t indicate women but sometimes if hair is slicked back for braiding and the forehead is high?

I am thinking the knit cap may be the sort of knit cap with a bill some of the Rasta hair types wear sometimes. The hairline is often visible because it sits further back on the head -especially if it contains a load of hair up in it.
At first i thought they meant a Rasta type hat, yet he didn't have locks, he has cornrows according to the description so that would rule that out if we are going by what the witness says.
I thought the below quote was interesting:

Van Zandt said detectives must first work to rule out any link between the victims and the killer, which would normally take about a week.

But the apparently strange choice of a women's clothing store as a target for a robbery suggests that the killer did know somebody involved, he said.

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